GOP Network "OAN" Forced to Admit: No Widespread Fraud in 2020! It's Over!

Hey Ace, if OAN said that, not only are they badly mistaken but then why is it being reported on Yahoo and not the OAN feed itself?
Too bad for you and all you fraud-deniers, but:
  1. The 2000 Mules movie clearly PROVES fraud that would have swung AT LEAST three states to Trump winning him the election, and almost certainly more. You can see that proof right here on USMB too if you just watch the movie (for free even).
  2. The fraud has already been admitted to by both Zuckerberg and Time Magazine per Molly Ball 2/4/21, who even detailed how they did it.
  3. There is circumstantially no chance that the boob Biden who ran no campaign and hid in his basement got 10 million more votes than America's first black president Obama, nor could've beaten Trump who himself gained millions in popularity, got more votes than any other sitting president in history, and gave us one of the safest, best economies in the history of the USA.
  4. If there were any actual PROOF that the fraud claims were both baseless and had been debunked as the Left has claimed 10,000 times which would make a liar and a fool out of Trump instantly, they would have presented it long ago yet cannot produce it even when BEGGED to do so.


Stand up and raise your hand and take credit for your accomplishment.

I'll tell every Republican I know not to vote now. So you are not going to vote in the next election.
Not so far in Georgia. Perdue who is campaigning almost exclusively on it is polling slightly better than a dead Republican Horse. Kemp who is blamed by Trump and the fanboys for losing Georgia looks to win the nomination and the General. If we can get the fanboys to wake up.
Local races are strangely unique. They follow their own set of rules. Look at Manchin in WV. He's more popular than Trump even with the GOP voters.
Big Bend Texas

In 2016 Trump claimed 3-5 million illegals voted, but he couldn't prove it or do anything about it.
Unless trump is digging into local district rolls and records he couldn't prove it.

We know when you do look it can be found.

We have states that not only won't look they make it as hard as possible to detect.
It's just another Trump lie.
Nah.... The evidence for fraud and misappropriated voting process is not only widespread but now becoming abundant. It doesn't matter if it meets a courtroom's standards anymore. There was never any way to fix this except to wait for the next election cycle and that is coming rapidly.
No, it really hasn't.
Yes it has. It's been two year and nothing new
Unless trump is digging into local district rolls and records he couldn't prove it.

We know when you do look it can be found.

We have states that not only won't look they make it as hard as possible to detect.
Fox news lies. Their wasn't massive voter fraud. There wasn't election machines hacked. It's all a smoke and mirrors operation. It's all been proven to be false.
Yes it has. It's been two year and nothing new

Fox news lies. Their wasn't massive voter fraud. There wasn't election machines hacked. It's all a smoke and mirrors operation. It's all been proven to be false. time goes on the evidence has become to abundant to deny.
So you guys are saying it will be proven that their was massive voter fraud.

You guys want to go on the record with this.
I'm saying the people can see with with their own two eyes exactly what happened regardless if you can prove it in a courtroom. Call it an OJ Simpson moment. There was never any way to fix this in a courtroom but there is a way to fix it in November.
I'm saying the people can see with with their own two eyes exactly what happened regardless if you can prove it in a courtroom. Call it an OJ Simpson moment. There was never any way to fix this in a courtroom but there is a way to fix it in November.
So you can't prove it if you had to swear on the Bible. 😂 😂 That's funny.

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