GOP Network "OAN" Forced to Admit: No Widespread Fraud in 2020! It's Over!

That isn't what OAN said in their statement.

I already posted it, they said correctly that the state of GA had cleared them.
No, I just did a thorough analysis of the media. Rather than go to court, they settled, and, as part of the settlement, they made a statement on air.

As Oddball pointed out;
The Al Capone argument....They can't convict me because I keep bullying witnesses and jurors, so I'm innocent!

Seriously weak sauce, Jake.

What of it? :dunno: "they said correctly that the state of GA had cleared them." Correctly based on what? According to whom? This is a self-reflective type of truth. This is like arguing with religious zealots. . . i.e. "my god is real because my holy book tells me so." Sorry, no, that doesn't pass the smell test.

Let us see what evidence the state bases it all on?

. . . otherwise? Because the poll workers say they are not corrupt, is not evidence of no corruption. I'm glad it is "fair and reasonable," for OAN, but I have never really respected them as a news organization. . . if they were legit, they would tell us the story, but they aren't doing that, are they?

You can't be serious with that shit??!!! Only someone that watches TEE VEE and sucks up propaganda, nor has any ability for critical thinking, would believe such an argument.

You got proof right now that massive voter fraud had happened that no Republican is going to have to investigate any further to prove in court?
If you can watch 2000 mules and walk away unimpressed what it really says is that you are unwilling to be convinced regardless. The word widespread hardly touches it when you consider that the documentary would have taken in an even larger area had they decided to do the work.
So you can't prove it if you had to swear on the Bible. 😂 😂 That's funny.
That's not required for the needed results. On November 3rd no one's going to give a crap about Bibles, hands or swearing. The only thing that will matter is what mattered at the end of the last (stolen) election.....

If you can watch 2000 mules and walk away unimpressed what it really says is that you are unwilling to be convinced regardless. The word widespread hardly touches it when you consider that the documentary would have taken in an even larger area had they decided to do the work.
You're kidding!
If you can watch 2000 mules and walk away unimpressed what it really says is that you are unwilling to be convinced regardless. The word widespread hardly touches it when you consider that the documentary would have taken in an even larger area had they decided to do the work.
I don't watch propaganda films.
All OAN admitted, was that the STATE of Georgia officials ruled, that supposed after hours ballot counting was not fraudulent.

Not sure what else you are on about. . . I posted the video.

These idiots celebrate over the most meaningless things.
All OAN admitted, was that the STATE of Georgia officials ruled, that supposed after hours ballot counting was not fraudulent.

Not sure what else you are on about. . . I posted the video.

That isn't the quote being attributed to them.

OAN Finally Admits ‘No Widespread Voter Fraud’ After Settling Defamation Suit​

Or what has been repeated all over.

I posted it too after actually watching the video and encouraged others to do the same since it sounded fishy which it was.
Nah.... The evidence for fraud and misappropriated voting process is not only widespread but now becoming abundant. It doesn't matter if it meets a courtroom's standards anymore. There was never any way to fix this except to wait for the next election cycle and that is coming rapidly.

You have got to love white wing logic.

Wide spread election fraud is happening. The courts can't do anything about it. The only thing that will is winning the next election...

Makes perfect sense... 😄

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