GOP Network "OAN" Forced to Admit: No Widespread Fraud in 2020! It's Over!


You have got to love white wing logic.

Wide spread election fraud is happening. The courts can't do anything about it. The only thing that will is winning the next election...

Makes perfect sense... 😄
Yeah you gotta vote in the system that is rigged to where we never won. 😂 😂 It makes perfect sense.
Run out and vote in a system that is rigged and we can't win anyways. Makes perfect sense.

Sounds like voting would be a waste of time if that is the facts.
There was no massive voter fraud. It's been proven over and over again. It's a lie by the right wing
This is all textbook behavior by group pathologies, by cults:
  1. What we say and believe is "the truth"
  2. If you disagree with our "truth", you are evil
  3. When we lose, it was due to fraud and/or evil
  4. When we can't prove fraud, that is also fraudulent
  5. Those who turn on our Leader are fraudulent and evil
  6. The excuses our Leader provides are always true
  7. Our Leader is always misunderstood and victimized
  8. Our Leader always speaks the "truth" and must be defended
  9. We are always victimized because we speak the "truth"
  10. Our victimization confirms our "truth"
The world has seen this many times. But I don't know if we've ever seen it on this scale before.
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Really? So what law did they break?

What law prevents majority throwing out filibuster and expansion of the supreme court?? No law.
None. What law prevents the majority from not confirming an appointment?

Supposedly when Republicans play hardball and refuse to give Obama's dully nominated Supreme Court judge even a hearing for a whole fucking year, while lying about reasons - that's all fine and dandy and not evidence of Republicans trying to controll everything.
It may not be fine and dandy, but it's not illegal
But if Democrats "follow the laws on the books" to do what is in their power? Oh no! That's God damn evil itself.

Zero consistency on anything.

Yes it is. Everything Dims do is evil. Biden and hillary proved that.
As I've been asserting for the last two decades, it's all about absolute power with the Left, and scum like Hellbilly support it because they know their "ideas" are so good they have to be implemented at gunpoint.
Karma bitch. What you just described is what you Whites have been doing for centuries. Go cry somewhere else.
Really? So what law did they break?

None. What law prevents the majority from not confirming an appointment?

It may not be fine and dandy, but it's not illegal

Yes it is. Everything Dims do is evil. Biden and hillary proved that.

You've basically confirmed everything I said.

Thanks chump.
Russians have been interfering in our elections since shortly after the cold war began so that shouldn't be news to anyone.

The US also routinely inserts itself in foreign elections all over the world so we have no right to bitch.

You are conflating LEGAL interference and illicit electioneering.

Russia run and unprecedented campaign in 2016 by financing multi-million dollar digital and on-the-ground electioneering campaigns inside US (which is illegal) and hacking political organizations and operatives (also illegal).
If you can watch 2000 mules and walk away unimpressed what it really says is that you are unwilling to be convinced regardless. The word widespread hardly touches it when you consider that the documentary would have taken in an even larger area had they decided to do the work.

I have a friend who is a firm believer in the idea that Aliens have been influencing life on earth for millions of years. He says that the evidence is everywhere. Pyramids separated by oceans as one example. Ancient hieroglyphs that seem to show flying machines.

I have simple reasons for doubting this. I consider them to be logical and common sense. He just thinks I am a doubter and one day we will all see when the Aliens are revealed.

I point out that judging from mankind’s evolution. The Aliens would have already shown up and announced that we are their slaves and will do what we are told under penalty of agony and death.

In the case of the election. I examined the evidence. The claims of fraud. The specifics. And none of them panned out. None. Election officials were not shredding ballots in Fulton County. The dead were not voting in record numbers.

So looking at the claims. I am astonished that I am expected to believe them in aggregate when they don’t add up individually. I’m expected to believe that all the disproven claims somehow add up to proof of a vast conspiracy. A conspiracy that takes place in among other locations, Texas, a hard Right state.

Sorry. I don’t believe Aliens created our civilization. And I don’t believe the election was stolen.
You are conflating LEGAL interference and illicit electioneering.

Russia run and unprecedented campaign in 2016 by financing multi-million dollar digital and on-the-ground electioneering campaigns inside US (which is illegal) and hacking political organizations and operatives (also illegal).
In the case of the election. I examined the evidence. The claims of fraud. The specifics. And none of them panned out. None. Election officials were not shredding ballots in Fulton County. The dead were not voting in record numbers.
No you didn't....You looked for sources that aligned with your confirmation bias and called it a day.
I prefer the term "industrial scale". was a brilliant, well funded and effectively managed operation. Smells like CIA in fact that's how good it was. The playbook is probably decades old having been used by them all over the world a hundred times....probably Ukraine too.
I have a friend who is a firm believer in the idea that Aliens have been influencing life on earth for millions of years. He says that the evidence is everywhere. Pyramids separated by oceans as one example. Ancient hieroglyphs that seem to show flying machines.

I have simple reasons for doubting this. I consider them to be logical and common sense. He just thinks I am a doubter and one day we will all see when the Aliens are revealed.

I point out that judging from mankind’s evolution. The Aliens would have already shown up and announced that we are their slaves and will do what we are told under penalty of agony and death.

In the case of the election. I examined the evidence. The claims of fraud. The specifics. And none of them panned out. None. Election officials were not shredding ballots in Fulton County. The dead were not voting in record numbers.

So looking at the claims. I am astonished that I am expected to believe them in aggregate when they don’t add up individually. I’m expected to believe that all the disproven claims somehow add up to proof of a vast conspiracy. A conspiracy that takes place in among other locations, Texas, a hard Right state.

Sorry. I don’t believe Aliens created our civilization. And I don’t believe the election was stolen.
But then again you're a democrat.
Therefore confirmation Bias.
One who DOES BELIEVE that 2016 was stolen....despite Aliens. Nuff said.

The right-wing cable network One America News Network on Monday ran a pre-recorded 30-second segment acknowledging that there was “no widespread voter fraud” by Georgia election workers in the 2020 presidential election. The segment appears to be part of a recent settlement relating to a defamation lawsuit brought against the network by two such workers.

The segment notes that an investigation by state officials into unsubstantiated claims of widespread voter fraud made by ex-President Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani turned up nothing. “The results of this investigation indicate that Ruby Freeman and Wandrea ‘Shaye’ Moss did not engage in ballot fraud or criminal misconduct,” a narrator states.

I am so happy to see the right-wing news networks finally coming out and publically saying "This did not happen, it is time to move on". Especially right before the midterms. About time this was said, now we as a country can move on. Thoughts?
..."in Goergia".
Building a case against Organized crime begins with demonstrable activity.
Scientific indicators of ELECTION FRAUD are off the charts. Of the 7 indicators government experts use to monitor election fraud in other countries, only 3 of which would strongly indicate election fraud, all 7 were found in the 2020 presidential election. Statistical impossibilities and historical deviations only surfaced in the key districts Dems needed to cheat to steal the election, where in like districts things looked normal relative to previous elections.

We know Dems cheated, under the cover of Covid, blatantly ignoring state election laws.

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