GOP Network "OAN" Forced to Admit: No Widespread Fraud in 2020! It's Over!

You are conflating LEGAL interference and illicit electioneering.

Russia run and unprecedented campaign in 2016 by financing multi-million dollar digital and on-the-ground electioneering campaigns inside US (which is illegal) and hacking political organizations and operatives (also illegal).
Pure bullshit. there was nothing "unprecedented" about it at all.
Pure bullshit. there was nothing "unprecedented" about it at all.
in 2019, the republican senate says it was unprecented

Has it ever occured to you that if Democrats really wanted to do all that and were not constrained by electoral system...THEY WOULD HAVE ALREADY DONE IT?

And it's amazing how you gloss over Republicans stealing the Supreme court seat that was Constitutionally clearly intended for Obama to fill. A 6-3 conservative majority that has now resulted in throwing out of Roe vs Wade precedent - but nope, Republicans are playing it fair and don't want to control everything. :rolleyes-41:

Eliminating the filibuster to take total control is what the Democrats want to do, but for Manchin and Sinema standing in their way. Republicans could have eliminated the filibuster when Trump first won but they didn't when they could have.

Obama could have filled the Supreme Court vacancy if he had wanted to. Scalia was a far right judge. If Obama had nominated a far right judge to replace a far right judge, Republicans would have confirmed him. Also, if you lefties really believe that Merrick Garland was cheated out of his rightful place on the Supreme Court, then why didn't Biden and the democrats nominate and confirm him to the court instead of Jackson? Guess you don't believe he was cheated after all.
I am against eliminating the filibuster no matter which party is in power.
No you didn't....You looked for sources that aligned with your confirmation bias and called it a day.

I was directed to a database of proof by another true believer. I spent more than 12 hours going through the evidence listed. Every single bit of the claimed proof that I checked had been disproven.

I didn’t just look and say wow. That’s a lot. I’m right. I know I am. I looked at the details. I actually looked at the details and found it was all bullshit.

But there is more. Riverside County investigated a thousand claims of fraud. From double voting to dead voters.

One actual case. One.

And that has been consistently the case. Either nothing or at most a handful out of claimed tens of thousands of fraudulent votes.

I looked at it. Why haven’t you?
Eliminating the filibuster to take total control is what the Democrats want to do, but for Manchin and Sinema standing in their way.
You mean Democrats Manchin and Sinema, don't you?

That is to say Democrats are standing in the way of Democrats.

Kinda defeats your thesis doesn't it?
Obama could have filled the Supreme Court vacancy if he had wanted to. Scalia was a far right judge. If Obama had nominated a far right judge to replace a far right judge, Republicans would have confirmed him

You cannot be serious.

Like I said, any power grab by Republicans is perfectly fine by you, you aplaud it, no matter how much lying and conniving is involved and you will excuse it with ridiculous nonsense like above till you turn blue.

It's only when Democrats play hardball do you start ranting about someone in politics gawd forbid playing hardball to gain power.
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You mean Democrats Manchin and Sinema, don't you?

That is to say Democrats are standing in the way of Democrats.

Kinda defeats your thesis doesn't it?
I applaud both Manchin and Sinema and I hope the filibuster is never eliminated, ever. In fact, I would like to see the House changed so that they can't just do anything the hell they want with a vote of 218-217.
You cannot be serious.

Like I said, any power grab by Republicans is perfectly fine by you, you aplaud it, no matter how much lying and conniving is involved and you will excuse it with ridiculous nonsense like above till you turn blue.

It's only when Democrats play hardball do you start ranting about someone in politics gawd forbid playing hardball to gain power.
I am against a power grab by any party but the democrats are pulling the wool over everyone's eyes by claiming it is only Republicans trying to subvert democracy when democrats do it any chance they get. I would love to the seats on the Supreme Court filled in some other manor. It's ridiculous to have Conservative Judges and Liberal judges. They should just be judges who have proven they judge in a non-political manner.
NO you were kinda mistaken you were actually seeing yourself. Hate does that too people who hate Trump.
WEaring the mask took down the OXGYEN levels in most of you leftist dumb asses so we understand a little brain damage has set in making it harder to judge reality from fiction.
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LOL We are not the ones whining little cry-babies because we are asked to wear a mask due to a pandemic.

We are also not the ones whining because we lost an election. An election where your orange douche-bag was beaten like a rented mule so badly that he is still whining about it a year and a half later!!!

Nah. You are the ones who are scared little whining pussies. Here, back at ya, retard...

The dems have been trying to take Trump, Green, and others out so that they can't run because they want to bypass the will of the voters and suppress these votes. As for what OAN or anyone else says, it doesn't matter. This is the US and everyone has a right to their opinion. Biden sits in the White House and has been there for over a year. So what any of the wingnuts say doesn't matter. But, why do YOU refuse to accept the election results? Biden won. Get over it.
Sure, everyone can have an opinion, twinkle-toes. But none of it matters if you cannot prove it in court.

Let me repeat that one more time... If you cannot prove it in court, your shitty opinions are just that...shit. Get it now?

So, knock yourselves out with the pillow guy or the movie 2000 Morons....nothing matters if it is not proven in court. Good luck. :itsok:
LOL We are not the ones whining little cry-babies because we are asked to wear a mask due to a pandemic.

We are also not the ones whining because we lost an election. An election where your orange douche-bag was beaten like a rented mule so badly that he is still whining about it a year and a half later!!!

Nah. You are the ones who are scared little whining pussies. Here, back at ya, retard...

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