GOP no longer a qualified party in Washington state?


The Magnificent!
Jun 24, 2011
Ballot Access News » Blog Archive » Washington State Libertarian Party Files Lawsuit, Arguing Republican Party No Longer Meets the Definition of a Qualified Party

The establishment RNC boys are feeling the heat. Between the "inside pressure" from the fiscal conservatives & Liberty caucuses, plus the outside pressure from our Libertarian party the RNC seems to have it's hands full trying to keep Romney, indeed the entire image of the GOP... as a viable party.

The sheer desperation the RNC has shown in it's attempts to deny ballot access to qualified 3rd parties in states like Oklahoma, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Michigan & Ohio...

The Republican Party's war against democracy - Charlotte Libertarian |

Gary Johnson Has Another Ballot Access Issue - Hit & Run :

The Two Gary Johnsons - Hit & Run :

The DNC may have been able to slap around the Green party a few years ago but the RNC is having a LOT more problems doing this with the growing Liberty movement.

I talked to a younger(mid 20's) political activist a short while ago that was stumping for the Green party. We had a lively but short debate on various political ideologies. When it got around to discussing the Repub & Dem parties he said something that stuck in my mind...

..."Both the Democrat & Republican parties are YESTERCENTURIES parties, they don't fit in with modern America."

I had to chuckle on that one!
Ballot Access News » Blog Archive » Washington State Libertarian Party Files Lawsuit, Arguing Republican Party No Longer Meets the Definition of a Qualified Party

The establishment RNC boys are feeling the heat. Between the "inside pressure" from the fiscal conservatives & Liberty caucuses, plus the outside pressure from our Libertarian party the RNC seems to have it's hands full trying to keep Romney, indeed the entire image of the GOP... as a viable party.

The sheer desperation the RNC has shown in it's attempts to deny ballot access to qualified 3rd parties in states like Oklahoma, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Michigan & Ohio...

The Republican Party's war against democracy - Charlotte Libertarian |

Gary Johnson Has Another Ballot Access Issue - Hit & Run :

The Two Gary Johnsons - Hit & Run :

The DNC may have been able to slap around the Green party a few years ago but the RNC is having a LOT more problems doing this with the growing Liberty movement.

I talked to a younger(mid 20's) political activist a short while ago that was stumping for the Green party. We had a lively but short debate on various political ideologies. When it got around to discussing the Repub & Dem parties he said something that stuck in my mind...

..."Both the Democrat & Republican parties are YESTERCENTURIES parties, they don't fit in with modern America."

I had to chuckle on that one!

So Obama may be successful in uniting at least some of us after all...
I don't think president Obama alone can take credit for uniting us. I think what unites us is the sheer corruption within the DNC/RNC political organization. Behind the RNC/DNC is the scent of the fed reserve & uncle Benanke. The entire 20th century of DNC/RNC politics has caught up with themselves. The DNC/RNC has no one to blame but themselves for their dwindling support.

Ballot Access News » Blog Archive » Washington State Libertarian Party Files Lawsuit, Arguing Republican Party No Longer Meets the Definition of a Qualified Party

The establishment RNC boys are feeling the heat. Between the "inside pressure" from the fiscal conservatives & Liberty caucuses, plus the outside pressure from our Libertarian party the RNC seems to have it's hands full trying to keep Romney, indeed the entire image of the GOP... as a viable party.

The sheer desperation the RNC has shown in it's attempts to deny ballot access to qualified 3rd parties in states like Oklahoma, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Michigan & Ohio...

The Republican Party's war against democracy - Charlotte Libertarian |

Gary Johnson Has Another Ballot Access Issue - Hit & Run :

The Two Gary Johnsons - Hit & Run :

The DNC may have been able to slap around the Green party a few years ago but the RNC is having a LOT more problems doing this with the growing Liberty movement.

I talked to a younger(mid 20's) political activist a short while ago that was stumping for the Green party. We had a lively but short debate on various political ideologies. When it got around to discussing the Repub & Dem parties he said something that stuck in my mind...

..."Both the Democrat & Republican parties are YESTERCENTURIES parties, they don't fit in with modern America."

I had to chuckle on that one!

So Obama may be successful in uniting at least some of us after all...
Just one more proof that Libertarians are propellerheads.

The GOP had one candidate, and only one candidate, on the Washington ballot for 2010. Dino Rossi, who received 47.64 percent of the vote.

Unless my math skills fail me, which they don't, 47.64 percent is more than 5 percent.

So you are saying that a party who had a candidate with 48% of the vote, did not get the 5% of the vote necessary to be a qualified party? You realize this lawsuit will be thrown out the second someone with power actually reads the petition right?
So the answer is not to beat them or to convert them. Instead, the answer is to shut them down through the judicial system so they have no voice.

Yes, very libertarian…..
Ballot Access News » Blog Archive » Washington State Libertarian Party Files Lawsuit, Arguing Republican Party No Longer Meets the Definition of a Qualified Party

The establishment RNC boys are feeling the heat. Between the "inside pressure" from the fiscal conservatives & Liberty caucuses, plus the outside pressure from our Libertarian party the RNC seems to have it's hands full trying to keep Romney, indeed the entire image of the GOP... as a viable party.

The sheer desperation the RNC has shown in it's attempts to deny ballot access to qualified 3rd parties in states like Oklahoma, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Michigan & Ohio...

The Republican Party's war against democracy - Charlotte Libertarian |

Gary Johnson Has Another Ballot Access Issue - Hit & Run :

The Two Gary Johnsons - Hit & Run :

The DNC may have been able to slap around the Green party a few years ago but the RNC is having a LOT more problems doing this with the growing Liberty movement.

I talked to a younger(mid 20's) political activist a short while ago that was stumping for the Green party. We had a lively but short debate on various political ideologies. When it got around to discussing the Repub & Dem parties he said something that stuck in my mind...

..."Both the Democrat & Republican parties are YESTERCENTURIES parties, they don't fit in with modern America."

I had to chuckle on that one!

Reminds me of 2008 when Bob Barr tried to keep Obama and McCain off the Texas ballot since they failed to file for ballot access before the deadline. It didn't work then either.

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