GOP official says God chooses to bless raped women with pregnancy

Here's a clue for you.
Ok... I actually agree with most of what you are saying. However there are flaws in your argument that I wish to address.

I don't give a good goddamn if its alive. Know what else is alive? Viruses, bacteria and disease. They're all alive, and yes, I am absolutely comparing a zygote and embryo pre-22 weeks to those other ailments. Why? Because none of them have a functioning human brain as well. I'm sorry that the inconvenience of scientific fact makes you out to be a complete fucking Luddite, but that's not exactly my problem either, is it?
I agree. For me personally I like to state the thing that separates us from the animals is our brain. Until the Rapid Brain Development stage there really is no real difference between cancer and and a fetus. However I don't mind the 22 week guideline myself. I don't mind 16 week. *shrugs*

Putting emotional stock in something that ABORTS ITSELF up to 30% of the time in the same period that abortion is legal is stupid, and absolutely the work of zealots.
The process aborts. The fetus doesn't abort itself. Either something went wrong in the process of the connection to the mother, or the host body rejected it for whatever reason. Saying it aborts itself is a horrible argument from a scientific PoV and hurts your overall stance.

You can ascribe all the emotional hand-wringing you want to it, but it does not and will not ever change the fact that if you were to take that "living" being out of the mother, or if the mother were to die before 22 weeks, that "living" being will die anyway. It's not a baby. It's not a human life that is worth as much as that of the mother.
I agree.

Maybe other progressives won't say that. I will. I'm a father of two small children and I'll still say it. Why? We had a miscarriage before my first child was born. Were we bummed? Sure. But since it was about six or eight weeks in and looked like a bloody clump of tissue, we didn't exactly box it up and bury it in the backyard, did we?
I'm not sure what progressives have anything to do with it. but ok.

Regardless of all of that, you have still not shown me one fucking shred of evidence as to why it's a GOOD thing to force victims of rape to carry their baby to full term. Unless you're into further dehumanizing people. If so, you're right, you're not a Republican or a Democrat, you're just a cocksucking piece of shit asshole.
Colorful. How about an "aids infested cum bubble from a rats queef?"

Oh wait. The GOP just put that in their official platform. So I guess Republicans ARE cocksucking piece of shit assholes. My mistake.
I know I am pro-choice anyway.
Are babies not blessings now? I am not really seeing how a child is a curse or a punishment. Of course, Im not the President.

"When rape is used as a weapon of war in places like Congo or Bosnia, thousands of women and girls can become pregnant, but a piece of 39-year-old U.S. legislation means that few if any aid groups are allowed to provide or even discuss abortion services with them.

There's a 38 year-old Congolese woman named Josephine who has probably never heard of U.S. Representative and Senatorial candidate Todd Akin. But, if she had, Josephine would know all too well how wrong Akin was when he said that a woman's body can "shut the whole thing down" and prevent a pregnancy if she experiences a "legitimate rape." When Josephine was 29, she, like many of the estimated 1.8 million other women and girls who were raped during the Congo's series of conflicts, became pregnant. Akin's comments will never affect Josephine, so she has little reason to care. But she cares very much about the U.S. legislative efforts to restrict abortion access, because that decades-long campaign, of which Akin is only an example, has changed her life permanently."

Keepin' The Third World Bare-Footed & Pregnant....Just Like God Had Intended
I'm not. And I'm shocked, seriously honestly dumbfounded to know there are people out there who wouldnt make the same choice.

You are still lying. Anyone with an ounce of intellectual honesty would admit they would chose their own child over that of a stranger every single time.

I would choose my kids over someone else's any day of the week. However I would never, and hope no one else would either, choose my fertilized eggs over someone else's child.

That, is sick.

We aren't talking about fertilized eggs, we are talking about the baby you have been trying to have for 10 years and that you have been lugging around in your womb for months.
You are still lying. Anyone with an ounce of intellectual honesty would admit they would chose their own child over that of a stranger every single time.

I would choose my kids over someone else's any day of the week. However I would never, and hope no one else would either, choose my fertilized eggs over someone else's child.

That, is sick.

We aren't talking about fertilized eggs, we are talking about the baby you have been trying to have for 10 years and that you have been lugging around in your womb for months.

The analogy I started this with was 1 live child vs 6 fertilized eggs.
I would choose my kids over someone else's any day of the week. However I would never, and hope no one else would either, choose my fertilized eggs over someone else's child.

That, is sick.

We aren't talking about fertilized eggs, we are talking about the baby you have been trying to have for 10 years and that you have been lugging around in your womb for months.

The analogy I started this with was 1 live child vs 6 fertilized eggs.

Even if that was true, which it categorically is not, my question was about choosing between a child you do not know on the other side of the world and a child you have been trying to have unsuccessfully for 10 years. Here is my original post on this question, along with the specific post that prompted me to ask it.

Of course no one would risk killing a newborn baby. But if you had the choice between killing a toddler and killing an 8 week old fetus, the decision would be easier - for most.

Would it?

Suppose the toddler was a child you have never seen, and will never see, on the other side of the world, and the fetus is a child you have been trying to have unsuccessfully for over 10 years. The answer would be just as simple, but exactly the opposite of the one you thought. Admit it, you really aren't qualified to parse situational ethics, you don't think about all the possibilities.
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We aren't talking about fertilized eggs, we are talking about the baby you have been trying to have for 10 years and that you have been lugging around in your womb for months.

The analogy I started this with was 1 live child vs 6 fertilized eggs.

Even if that was true, which it categorically is not, my question was about choosing between a child you do not know on the other side of the world and a child you have been trying to have unsuccessfully for 10 years. Here is my original post on this question, along with the specific post that prompted me to ask it.

Of course no one would risk killing a newborn baby. But if you had the choice between killing a toddler and killing an 8 week old fetus, the decision would be easier - for most.

Would it?

Suppose the toddler was a child you have never seen, and will never see, on the other side of the world, and the fetus is a child you have been trying to have unsuccessfully for over 10 years. The answer would be just as simple, but exactly the opposite of the one you thought. Admit it, you really aren't qualified to parse situational ethics, you don't think about all the possibilities.

Ah, my mistake.

Between someone toddler and my 8 week old fetus. I would still choose the strangers toddler.

I guess the issue is, I do not see an 8 week old fetus, be it biologically mine or not, as being worth the life of someone's child.
Why is this issue about Abortion? A woman after a rape should take a morning after pill and be done with it.

Doesn't it take some time for the baby to form to take it apart?

Pssst, the morning after pill is considered a form of abortion.

The baby isn't developed within the usefulness of the pill. Abortion is tarring a baby apart with a nervous system. Right?
Again, conservatives are entitled to believe whatever crazy nonsense they wish, provided they keep it to themselves.

So you'll be filing charges against her, comrade?

When is the execution planned for? You'll be televising it on MSNBC, right?

This is in essence the problem: the continued effort by many on the right to foist their personal or religious views on the Nation as a whole by legislative means, in violation of the Constitution.

You'll soon silence them. Camps and death for those who utter ideas that you and the party oppose.
A zygot is a human? then having sex with a pregnant woman is sexual child abuse.

A woman can be jailed for drinking or smoking while pregnant for endangering the child?

A lawyer can use on the zygots behalf.
Why is this issue about Abortion? A woman after a rape should take a morning after pill and be done with it.

Doesn't it take some time for the baby to form to take it apart?

Pssst, the morning after pill is considered a form of abortion.

The baby isn't developed within the usefulness of the pill. Abortion is tarring a baby apart with a nervous system. Right?
I fail to see how a nervous system means anything. A frog has a nervous system. If I had a choice between killing a two day old fetus with no nervous system and a frog that has one... I'll kill the frog and not think twice about it.

Edit: Unless of course it's an unwanted two day old fetus... Then I don't see any point in killing the frog.
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A zygot is a human?

Dunno, maybe we should perform a DNA test.

Think it will come back as a dolphin?

then having sex with a pregnant woman is sexual child abuse.

It wouldn't surprise me if the fascist left started putting men in prison for that.

A woman can be jailed for drinking or smoking while pregnant for endangering the child?

A lawyer can use on the zygots behalf.

So, smoking while pregnant - not allowed - ripping the arms and legs off, totally cool.

Have I got that right?
Why is this issue about Abortion? A woman after a rape should take a morning after pill and be done with it.

Doesn't it take some time for the baby to form to take it apart?

Pssst, the morning after pill is considered a form of abortion.

The baby isn't developed within the usefulness of the pill. Abortion is tarring a baby apart with a nervous system. Right?

The pill is considered by many to be a form of abortion, I personally dont see it that way.

Any woman seeking an abortion before the 7th week has the option to have a chemical abortion, so no cutting necessary. weird guy saying something...ok. He's just a kook. But intelligence has been described as sophisticated PATTERN RECOGNITION.

GOP official says God chooses to bless raped women with pregnancy - Detroit liberal |

Wow, the president of the second district congressional women's club! She must surely speak for all Republicans.

Wow, what a fucking tool and a half you are.

Glad to see you again too, Rabbi. I was hoping you'd show up.

First, there's no need to insult anyone. Being insulting doesn't advance your argument one bit.

Second, I never said she spoke for the entire party. I'm saying here's another Republican saying something similar to the previous comment.

Let me shock're right! These two don't represent the entire Republican party. I'm simply recognizing and recording a pattern.

Each of us can take from that pattern something different.

And that pattern is what? That people say stupid shit every day? Thank you, Cap't Obvious. You prove it daily with every post.
GOP official says God chooses to bless raped women with pregnancy

Really, and this is the God you worship? sounds like the old Testament God, the one with the anger management issues.
Too late.

Again, conservatives are entitled to believe whatever crazy nonsense they wish, provided they keep it to themselves.

This is in essence the problem: the continued effort by many on the right to foist their personal or religious views on the Nation as a whole by legislative means, in violation of the Constitution.

Would you then agree that the religious who fought against slavery were likewise wrong to end the practice through legislation?

While the end result was good, if they did it just because their religion told them to, and not because it was right thing to do, then they did it for the wrong reason.
What a strange thing to say.
Why is this issue about Abortion? A woman after a rape should take a morning after pill and be done with it.

Doesn't it take some time for the baby to form to take it apart?

Pssst, the morning after pill is considered a form of abortion.
Only to.....

GOP official says God chooses to bless raped women with pregnancy

Really, and this is the God you worship? sounds like the old Testament God, the one with the anger management issues.

So you think God shouldnt take bad and evil things and create something beautiful with them? What is more beautiful than an innocent child?

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