GOP Representative supports 12 year olds getting married but opposes gender affirming treatments.

Just in: DemWit leader believes in sniffing & kissing 6-year-olds (sex of child not important):

Ah, now you are going to tell us these are sexless marriages? :heehee:

It just gets deeper and deeper for you, doesn't it?

In Hinduism some kids are married off at 5 and don't actually meet each other until they are old enough, sometimes before 18, sometimes after.
Just in: DemWit leader believes in sniffing & kissing 6-year-olds (sex of child not important):

You have to understand, they do not care, and will defend the pedophile at all costs, because it means they keep the power to inflict great pain, and suffering on this country through their SJW agenda. Some of these videos where he touches those girls, and they are clearly uncomfortable, is totally out of line, and should be criminal. The fathers should be beaten for not standing up for their children, he literally grab the breast area.
You have to understand, they do not care, and will defend the pedophile at all costs, because it means they keep the power to inflict great pain, and suffering on this country through their SJW agenda. Some of these videos where he touches those girls, and they are clearly uncomfortable, is totally out of line, and should be criminal. The fathers should be beaten for not standing up for their children, he literally grab the breast area.
Well then, report him to the Authorities with your "evidence".
Seems a 12 year old is old enough to agree to get married but not old enough to agree to gender treatments

When pressed by state Rep. Peter Meredith (D) about a different bill Moon voted against in the past, which would make it illegal for adults to marry children, the GOP lawmaker doubled down on his support for underage marriage.
“Do you know any kids who have been married at age 12? I do. And guess what? They’re still married,” Moon responded
I doubt you could find two more examples of Republicans who think 12-year-olds getting married is a good idea. You could find millions of Democrats who don't object to 12-year-olds having "gender-affirming care."

The harm done to a 12-year-old who gets married, is far less than the harm done to a 12-year-old who has healthy body parts removed and/or altered and is injected with hormones in order to resemble the opposite sex in a way that pleases pedophiles.
Why so they can say oh that's just Joe being Joe and covering it up, how can you be ok with the old perv after watching those videos?
No more of a problem then the old fat Florida con-man having his underaged daughter grind on his lap, call her a "piece of ass" and introducing her to Jeffery Epstein.

In fact, less of a problem.
No more of a problem then the old fat Florida con-man having his underaged daughter grind on his lap, call her a "piece of ass" and introducing her to Jeffery Epstein.

In fact, less of a problem.
Ok let's take all of those lies out of the equation!
How can you be ok with the old perv after watching those videos, the videos are right there in your face, and you have some pictures, that you think are equivalent
Because the information is provided in confidence during counseling

And there you go folks, the Communist attitude in our country. The government owns your kids, not you. You have no right to be aware of what goes on between big brother and your own children. That's for big brother to decide so stay out of it.
And there you go folks, the Communist attitude in our country. The government owns your kids, not you. You have no right to be aware of what goes on between big brother and your own children. That's for big brother to decide so stay out of it.
This counselor prescribed and dispensed a chest binder for a 13-year-old girl that she was coaching to be transgender. That's not counseling, that's medical treatment without a license.

Ownership is exactly what the left wants of our children. That's always been a key part of the Socialist doctrine, the parents are hopeless, focus on the kids.

So let me get this straight, a girl bouncing on her Dads knee, while he pays no attention, and an old photo of his daughter and Epstein in the same frame is the same as what you see in the videos?

Ivanka is giving Daddy a lap dance
Just like he taught her

Trump is obviously aroused
You have to understand, they do not care, and will defend the pedophile at all costs, because it means they keep the power to inflict great pain, and suffering on this country through their SJW agenda. Some of these videos where he touches those girls, and they are clearly uncomfortable, is totally out of line, and should be criminal. The fathers should be beaten for not standing up for their children, he literally grab the breast area.
True. And the fact that Epstein's client list is still in some FBI vault and under their protection (if it still exists) is proof of just how deep the Swamp goes. They simply CAN'T release those names because nobody would be left in the D.C. dictatorship (that is ... if justice actually prevailed).

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