GOP Representative supports 12 year olds getting married but opposes gender affirming treatments.

You people have always loved your minstrel shows, where white people put on blackface and performed for your amusement. Now watching men prance around in womanface is your new form of entertainment.
Where are these minstrel shows playing in modern America?

And it's amusing how bringing up minstrel shows is being used to deflect (excuse) legalized pedo-marriages to 12 year olds.
Men dressing as women has been done for centuries

Maybe, but in the past they kept it to themselves whether it was a joke or they really thought they were a woman. Now there's a push of acceptance from the left and they are invading normal people's spaces.
Maybe, but in the past they kept it to themselves whether it was a joke or they really thought they were a woman. Now there's a push of acceptance from the left and they are invading normal people's spaces.

And that is what enrages Conservatives

The fact that homosexuals and trannies no longer hide in the shadows. Don’t they know Conservatives find them yucky?
Where are these minstrel shows playing in modern America?
Surprisingly recent examples:

Blackface depictions are not always limited to the United States and Canada.

In China, a skit on state television featured an actress with her face and arms colored brown to look like an African.

In Italy, airline Alitalia was under fire after releasing an ad featuring an actor in blackface as former President Barack Obama.

We will continue to update this list because, unfortunately, this will very likely keep happening.
Well it’s pretty telling you haven’t condemned the republican who said this…
“Condemn” as in demand that he be tarred and feathered or banished from society?

No thanks

I would merely vote against his idea
Every time you people praise a "trans" person, usually a mentally ill man wearing womanface, while compounding their mental illness by actually claiming they ARE women. You do that.
Tyrus used that same phraae on Gutfeld's show. The left screeches about blackface, but a mental case putting on "woman face" (making it and it's supporters sexists) is perfectly fine. Showing just how far the left has fallen. Muslims marry off children that young too. I have yet to see any leftist in this thread condemn them for that act. Telling...
And that is what enrages Conservatives

The fact that homosexuals and trannies no longer hide in the shadows. Don’t they know Conservatives find them yucky?

Even that's fine if they leave our children alone, go to the bathrooms of their real genders, not compete against real girls in school athletics stealing their trophies and possible college scholarships away, and when they join the military, wear the uniform of their gender.

But they're shoving their lifestyle down our throats and that's what us normal people on the right are against.

You're a leftist so you're not normal. That's why you can't understand all this.
Whether you approve of 12 year olds marrying or not, there are so many cultures allowed to come here that do believe in child marriage that their concept will engulf our own. We allow adult men from the middle east to immigrate here with child brides. What do you propose? Forced divorce? Foster care? With or without the child's own children? Officially, the government keeps these families together. Yes, they call them families.

A two tiered justice system. It is inevitable.
Gender affirming care is offered to those young people who have demonstrated an affiliation to the sex opposite to that they were born with.

It is a decision that is not made frivolously and is best made by the child, his parents and medical professionals.

Who didn’t make that list are Republican Legislators who do not care about the welfare of that child and only want to use him as a political pawn to score points with their base
Then why are they trying to keep parents out of the loop with kids, if they present this mental instability at school.

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