GOP Representative supports 12 year olds getting married but opposes gender affirming treatments.

Yes I read the OP. Maybe I should highlight it for you: ONE Republican said he was okay with marriages to minors. ONE. Not the entire party. If you have no 12 year olds in the house to explain this to you, respond back and I'll try it again.

Read the thread and count the number of Conservatives defending Child Brides
Seems a 12 year old is old enough to agree to get married but not old enough to agree to gender treatments
When pressed by state Rep. Peter Meredith (D) about a different bill Moon voted against in the past, which would make it illegal for adults to marry children, the GOP lawmaker doubled down on his support for underage marriage.
“Do you know any kids who have been married at age 12? I do. And guess what? They’re still married,” Moon responded

I have no idea what the rationale is behind protecting the “right” of underage marriage, nor what it would take to convince me that those who support that are correct in doing so.

However, there is absolutely no rational case to be made that supporting this is in any way nearly as fucked up as supporting “gender affirming care”, especially for minors.

In any event, support for underage marriage is certainly not a mainstream position from conservatives./republicans; while support fucking children up for life via “gender affirming care” certainly is, or at least is becoming, a mainstream Democrapic position.

This OP amounts to a very, very poor attempt at a tu quoque, in the form of defending an seriously fucked-up position that is widely taken by one side, because a few freaks and outliers on the other side support a position that. while also wrong, is not nearly as much so as the fucked-up position being so defended.

Of course, the source being cited here is the HuffPost so it is more than likely that the entire story is complete bullshit to begin with.
However, there is absolutely no rational case to be made that supporting this is in any way nearly as fucked up as supporting “gender affirming care”, especially for minors.
Gender affirming care is offered to those young people who have demonstrated an affiliation to the sex opposite to that they were born with.

It is a decision that is not made frivolously and is best made by the child, his parents and medical professionals.

Who didn’t make that list are Republican Legislators who do not care about the welfare of that child and only want to use him as a political pawn to score points with their base

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