GOP Representative supports 12 year olds getting married but opposes gender affirming treatments.

Not at all.

Just that its less offensive than sexually mutilating children.
"less offensive" think it's less offensive to the poor 12 year old?

A question....what churches are willing to sign off on such marriages?
It is a decision that is not made frivolously and is best made by the child, his parents and medical professionals.

That's not the case in reality. I was watching a youtube on soft white underbelly when this dame was given hormone treatments on her first day to the transgender clinic.

They want to get these young people on the sex change protocol ASAP
Gender affirming care is offered to those young people who have demonstrated an affiliation to the sex opposite to that they were born with.

A boy is not a girl, and a girl is not a boy. That's a hard, undeniable, immutable, scientific fact.

There is no legitimate reason for chemically or surgically mutilating a child, in a futile effort to turn that child into a mockery of the opposite of that child's actual sex.

Anyone who would have any willing part in that shit ought to be permanently removed from free society, preferably put to death.

Your side has taken the physical and sexual abuse of children to a fucked-up extreme that could not have been imagined by most people, even as recently as a decade ago.
Sure, its less offensive. When I was 12, I would have preferred getting married to being castrated.

Really, that's what this whole thread gets down to.

The OP, and other filth from the left wrong are defending an extreme form of child sexual abuse, that fucks the victim up irreversibly for life, depriving the victim of any hope of a normal, happy life, and try to excuse it by pointing to some extreme outlier on our side that supports a much lesser form of abuse that only a few extreme outliers on our side would even think of defending.
I boy is not a girl, and a girl is not a boy. That's a hard, undeniable, immutable, scientific fact.

There is no legitimate reason for chemically or surgically mutilating a child, in a futile effort to turn that child into a mockery of the opposite of that child's actual sex.

Anyone who would have any willing part in that shit ought to be permanently removed from free society, preferably put to death.

Your side has taken the physical and sexual abuse of children to a fucked-up extreme that could not have been imagined by most people, even as recently as a decade ago.

Biologically you are correct

However, a persons sexuality does not always align with their biological sex.
That has been evident for thousands of years of mankind.

Gender affirming therapy allows that situation to be addressed and a person is not forced to live their biological sex
Biologically you are correct

However, a persons sexuality does not always align with their biological sex.
That has been evident for thousands of years of mankind.

Gender affirming therapy allows that situation to be addressed and a person is not forced to live their biological sex

You people have always loved your minstrel shows, where white people put on blackface and performed for your amusement. Now watching men prance around in womanface is your new form of entertainment.

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