GOP Representative supports 12 year olds getting married but opposes gender affirming treatments.

It's underage marriage, because pedophiles don't try to marry their victims.

Although the way the left is denigrating, I wouldn't be surprised of it being your next cause 20 years from now.
"because pedophiles don't try to marry their victims"? :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg:

Tell that to Nathan Lee Chasing His Horse.

And you are an example of the liberal mind: take what was said and redefine it to try and make your adversary look bad.

Nobody said get married and divorce. They said marriages can be reversed with no harm done if you found you made a mistake. But as a typical leftist, if you couldn't lie, you'd have nothing to say at all.
It is NOT the liberal mind defending legalized pedo-marriage here.
"because pedophiles don't try to marry their victims"? :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg:

Tell that to Nathan Lee Chasing His Horse.

Not pedophilia, he wasn't sexually abusing them at the age they were at, he was grooming them to be his wives when they were older.

Good lord is it criminal, but again you are using the word wrong.

And he was part of some lefty cult, so bringing him up might not be the smartest idea.
If two people under 18 have consensual sex, have a kid, and there is nothing forced about them wanting to marry, why should the State prevent them from doing so.

Parents and the government can give it for them, as long as they agree to it.

Notice you didn't apologize for lying about my view on this. Fucktard.
Who said this MIssouri pedo-marriage law is limited to two 12 year olds?

Let me ask....what is it that Righties find alluring about 12 year old girls?
Is that how you can excuse underaged girls being sexually abused by hetero males.....because heterosexuality is their default condition?

How is that even remotely something you can get from my statement?

And you got plenty of same sex shit of the same scope happening as well.., and it usually involves not kids under puberty but kids in high school.

Humans are by default heterosexual. Its simple biology.
Who said this MIssouri pedo-marriage law is limited to two 12 year olds?

Let me ask....what is it that Righties find alluring about 12 year old girls?

What do lefties find alluring about mutilating and drugging 10 year olds?

The guy can propose all he wants, until it passes you don't have anything but pathetic equivalency attempts.
Homo sapiens are heterosexual by nature. That's science.
It could not be any other way.

You're the ones who continually preach to us to follow the science. Hypocritical stooge.
They want you to follow their science, the one they make up to suit themselves as they go along. Like made-up climate science saying we need to make restrictions on gas cars so stringent, it is impossible to meet them so that we are all forced to buy EVs no matter how expensive, ineffective or impractical, or condemning Trump for not following mask science and 200,000 dying under his watch only to have Biden follow their science and lose 700,000 more.

But 700,000 was OK because Biden looked the part.
Plus our societies in the west have developed to the point where maturation has had biology replaced by education and mental development, but biology has not changed to match that.

If people can have children at a given age, marriage has to be an option at that age. A highly regulated and controlled option, but an option none the less.
Lol you are all so full of shit. If a democrat made the exact same suggestion instead you would not shut the fuck up about it. It’s impossible to take you people seriously as adults. You literally defend anything the GOP says or does.
Is it enough to simply disagree with Moon on this, or do conservatives like myself have to give up all our beliefs and support lib grooming of children?
Well it’s pretty telling you haven’t condemned the republican who said this…

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