I love how it's now the republicans responsibility to fix the broken, disastrous bullshit enacted exclusively by democrats!

That's how you know you're dealing with democrats. They make messes and then blame someone else for them.

Liars and hypocrites!

It's the right's responsibility to come up with their own plan to provide access to affordable health care for all Americans because conservatives reject the ACA.

Nope. Because it's not the job of government to provide 'access' to goods and services. Period.

And I thought Republicans had played all their repeal Obamacare cards

But equating it to slavery is just getting ridiculous

Only because you can't beat the argument.

There is no "argument" to "beat."

The premise is comprehensively ignorant; it's like arguing the government can't ban guns because it violates the 22nd Amendment.
And this was stupid...where the fuck do you people come from? want slavery. Come to me and I'll treat you like a fucking slave so you never make the comparison again.
You stupid fucks.

The definition of slavery has been provided for you already, Dullard. Insulting your intellectually superior peers doesn't change what is what.

Why are liberals constantly changing the definition of words to suit their warped perspective?

Look...we all know the definition of slavery. Sure, it has a "dictionary" definition....but when we discuss slavery in the United States, we are referring to the illegal imprisonment of an individual and forcing that individual to work for you for free.

This is a lost battle for it is capitalizing on a dark part of our past; and compromising the integrity of why we have laws.

Semantics. Nothing more. Politicians use them well.

When President Obama said "no act of terror"...he knows dam well that that was capitalizing on a words definition but not necessarily applying it to the commonly used way.

He did not say terrorist attack. But he made it seemed like he did if he had to fall back on he ultimately did.
forcing that individual to work for you for free.

When you mandate that people buy something in order to give it to someone else for free, you're doing the exact same thing. You've simply put the force end of it on the noncompliance side instead of front and center. It changes nothing of what it really is.
I love how it's now the republicans responsibility to fix the broken, disastrous bullshit enacted exclusively by democrats!

That's how you know you're dealing with democrats. They make messes and then blame someone else for them.

Liars and hypocrites!

It's the right's responsibility to come up with their own plan to provide access to affordable health care for all Americans because conservatives reject the ACA.

Nope. Because it's not the job of government to provide 'access' to goods and services. Period.

Exactly. Why is it these liberals, er modern "liberals" can not grasp this concept?
The definition of slavery has been provided for you already, Dullard. Insulting your intellectually superior peers doesn't change what is what.

Why are liberals constantly changing the definition of words to suit their warped perspective?

Slavery is what is happening in pakistan. Where you work to pay off your debts and you get so far behind your kids end up working as well. You have zero legal power to fight it.

The Aca is not slavery you moron. Taxes are not slavery.
You are an insult to shit. Shit has more overall value than you.

We're not talking about taxes. We're talking about being ordered to give money to government sponsored corporations. Here's a towel. Clean yourself up and join the conversation.

not slavery.

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