
And I thought Republicans had played all their repeal Obamacare cards

But equating it to slavery is just getting ridiculous

Yet still not as sublimely corrupt as Congress forcing everyone to buy overpriced crap from their pals in the insurance industry.


The ACA doesn’t ‘force’ anyone to buy health insurance.

It’s remarkable that republicans would actually believe the lies they’ve contrived about the ACA, continue to propagate those lies even after the Act was ruled Constitutional by the Supreme Court, as opposed to read and understand the facts concerning the actual provisions of the law.

And I thought Republicans had played all their repeal Obamacare cards

But equating it to slavery is just getting ridiculous

Yet still not as sublimely corrupt as Congress forcing everyone to buy overpriced crap from their pals in the insurance industry.


The ACA doesn’t ‘force’ anyone to buy health insurance.

If you believe that, you're an idiot. If you're just hoping people reading it will believe it, a dishonest idiot.
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And I thought Republicans had played all their repeal Obamacare cards

But equating it to slavery is just getting ridiculous

Yet still not as sublimely corrupt as Congress forcing everyone to buy overpriced crap from their pals in the insurance industry.

Let's examine the difference from slavery

Slaves did not get to vote. They did not elect representatives who would defend their position. They were property not people

Obamacare was approved by the representatives of voters. They were constitutionally elected. Like it or was the will of the people
Republicans are other way to explain it

Well, many Republicans are idiots, granted. But if you're making this argument with a straight face, you're right in there with them. The real 'will of the people' includes all of the people, not just the majority. And respecting the 'will of the people' demands government that protects all of them, equally, from coercive bullying, regardless of who the bullying benefits.
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The people elected the president and the congress, which passed and signed the legislation.

SCOTUS opined the law is illegal.

My party's resolution is wrong and will hurt it in the elections.
Yet still not as sublimely corrupt as Congress forcing everyone to buy overpriced crap from their pals in the insurance industry.

Let's examine the difference from slavery

Slaves did not get to vote. They did not elect representatives who would defend their position. They were property not people

Obamacare was approved by the representatives of voters. They were constitutionally elected. Like it or was the will of the people
Republicans are other way to explain it

Well, many Republicans are idiots, granted. But if you're making this argument with a straight face, you're right in there with them. The real 'will of the people' includes all of the people, not just the majority. And respecting the 'will of the people' demands government that protects all of them, equally, from coercive bullying, regardless of who the bullying benefits.

All of the people are represented in Congress. Slaves were not
Let's examine the difference from slavery

Slaves did not get to vote. They did not elect representatives who would defend their position. They were property not people

Obamacare was approved by the representatives of voters. They were constitutionally elected. Like it or was the will of the people
Republicans are other way to explain it

Well, many Republicans are idiots, granted. But if you're making this argument with a straight face, you're right in there with them. The real 'will of the people' includes all of the people, not just the majority. And respecting the 'will of the people' demands government that protects all of them, equally, from coercive bullying, regardless of who the bullying benefits.

All of the people are represented in Congress. Slaves were not

Let's examine the difference from slavery

Slaves did not get to vote. They did not elect representatives who would defend their position. They were property not people

Obamacare was approved by the representatives of voters. They were constitutionally elected. Like it or was the will of the people
Republicans are other way to explain it

Well, many Republicans are idiots, granted. But if you're making this argument with a straight face, you're right in there with them. The real 'will of the people' includes all of the people, not just the majority. And respecting the 'will of the people' demands government that protects all of them, equally, from coercive bullying, regardless of who the bullying benefits.

All of the people are represented in Congress. Slaves were not

And all the people have the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances in the Federal courts, slaves are not; where those opposed to the ACA were given ample due process and a fair hearing, and again, slaves would not.
Well, many Republicans are idiots, granted. But if you're making this argument with a straight face, you're right in there with them. The real 'will of the people' includes all of the people, not just the majority. And respecting the 'will of the people' demands government that protects all of them, equally, from coercive bullying, regardless of who the bullying benefits.

All of the people are represented in Congress. Slaves were not

And all the people have the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances in the Federal courts, slaves are not; where those opposed to the ACA were given ample due process and a fair hearing, and again, slaves would not.

Yep. There are some differences. Thanks for pointing them out.
The far left are expects on beating a dead horse.

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And I thought Republicans had played all their repeal Obamacare cards

But equating it to slavery is just getting ridiculous

Only because you can't beat the argument.

Your argument is laughably ludicrous. The fact that something requires labor equates to "slavery"????

Sorry but this is the silliest argument I've heard on any topic all day. Even here. By this logic:
- I'm required to carry insurance on my cars. Therefore I'm "enslaved" to the extent I have to work to pay for that insurance. Oh wait, the insurance company is also "enslaved" in that they have to work to process my premium.

- I'm required by the State to stop at the red light. That wastes gas. Therefore I'm "enslaved" to the extent I have to work to pay for that gas.

I have to pay rent on my house or place of business. Therefore I'm "enslaved" to the extent I have to work to pay for that rent.

Gummint mandating that everybody buy something is bullshit, but this here is the most fucked up logic EVER. Not to mention it mocks the intent of the 13th Amendment as regards actual slavery.

Be proud of that. :rolleyes:
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Well, many Republicans are idiots, granted. But if you're making this argument with a straight face, you're right in there with them. The real 'will of the people' includes all of the people, not just the majority. And respecting the 'will of the people' demands government that protects all of them, equally, from coercive bullying, regardless of who the bullying benefits.

All of the people are represented in Congress. Slaves were not


So the comparison to slavery is ludicrous
The government DEMANDS that their currency be used exclusively for the theft. People didn't choose the FRN as a base for the storage of wealth or transaction. It was forced upon the people. Another form of slavery - economic slavery.

Defined when - a condition that a person finds themselves in when the totality of their wages only allows them to pay the interest payments on their accumulated debt.

Think about that. Your government,l who forced you to use the currency created by a legislated banking cartel, has run up a 17 trillion and counting debt. A debt that has saddled each individual, at birth, with a burden they never voted for, never participated in at all, and are expected to pitch in on. That's slavery.

This, the Federal Reserve Note is not even Constitutional, as the United States can only COIN (not print, the debates around this were also very clear) Money, and Money is defined as either GOLD or SILVER in the Constitution.

So the 16th Amendment only gives the Government the ability to tax us in Gold/Silver Eagles. That's it. Period.
No wonder the tea party wants to rewrite the constitution, none of it quite agrees with their politics.
When will u prevaricating right wing idiots come to terms that the ACA is NOT any kind of "free" handout or imposed servitude by the government?
It is a law the ensures that all American citizens have access to health coverage THRU PRIVATE INSURANCE without being denied due to pre-existing conditions such as cancer , diabetes or mental illness...or be dropped from coverage when they get sick...regardless of how many years they paid into it.
It's PROTECTION; not any form of oppression...despite all the money the Koch bros and their ilk have pumped into ads and greedy pols to convince u otherwise.
THINK; don't just be sheeple...
Ur AMERICANS dammit..

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