GOP say Obama hate isn't about race. Obviously it is personal. So what is it?



If it isn't race, then what is it?

You look at the Republican Party. 90% white and mostly based in the south. The southern conservatives give it a very strong "confederate background". But the right wingers say this intense hatred of this man isn't about race.

And make no mistake about it. This is very intense and deeply personal hatred from the gut. There is no mild dislike or disagreement. This is deep hated. The kind where you want the object of your hate to suffer. The hate is so great, they are willing to see terrible damage done to the country.


A quote from Paul Whitefield:

On the foreign-policy front, the administration has had a string of successes: Osama bin Laden killed; major Al Qaeda operatives in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Yemen killed; and this week, of course, Moammar Kadafi killed.
And on Friday, the president announced that all U.S. troops will be out of Iraq by year’s end.
An unpopular war will be officially over for us soon. Terrorists and terrorist groups that threaten us are dead or on the run. Libya’s longtime strongman has been overthrown, thanks in part to Obama’s policy that had the U.S. and NATO working together.


You see, without Republican obstructionism, Obama is pretty successful.

The vast majority of American want the jobs bill, they want taxes increased on billionaires, they want investment in American infrastructure, they want teachers and police and firefighters. They even want Americans to have health care.

But when Obama suggests any of these things, the right is against them. Look at Libya. First they screamed that he should be involved. Then when he was, they screamed he shouldn't be.

The hatred is so great, the right is on auto pilot. They go against anything Obama.

They can't even give him credit for taking out Bin Laden. Nothing.

The stories about him are incredible. The hate is so great, they make up anything they can think up. Even things like, "He's the anti Christ". Something at least a quarter of Republicans believe. Even now, you will have right wingers endlessly repeating debunked stories. They just have to believe he's this wicked. Otherwise, the hatred seems based on race.

So what is it? Why do Republicans hate this man so much? They will say, "It's because he's done so much bad". Bush did so much worse and no one hates him they way the right hates Obama. And they can't even name the bad. It's all weird nebulous things like, "He's a communist" or "He lies" or "He's bad for the country". Just sound bytes. Little talking points. Even when he made an agreement for BP to pay 20 billion to clean up their mess, the right's hatred is so great, they were on the side of BP. 11 men died. The gulf was flooded with oil. But it was Obama's fault. Their hatred doesn't even make sense.

And when you point that out, they scream you are a partisan hack for defending the president. Why all this hate? Deep and personal?
The part that gets us is that the successes Obama claims were setup by the previous GOP admins. Obama and Clinton didn't really do anything to support the military (Clinton "loathed" it) and BO preferred wheeling& dealing Fannie & Freddie when he was in the Senate.

So lay claim for using the best military in the world while you can...
If it isn't race, then what is it?

I'm sure Herman Cain hates Obama for being black. Or, I dunno, it could be the fact that Obama is a Democrat, and the GOP want the power for themselves. And a there just might be a few people who legitimately disagree with Obama on the issues. Call me crazy....
If it isn't race, then what is it?

I'm sure Herman Cain hates Obama for being black. Or, I dunno, it could be the fact that Obama is a Democrat, and the GOP want the power for themselves. And a there just might be a few people who legitimately disagree with Obama on the issues. Call me crazy....

That is the craziest thing I ever heard!
The left has been claiming since 2008 that racism is to blame for republicans, moderates and independents disagreeing with Obama policies and actions. It hasn't worked yet but MAYBE this time it will.
If it isn't race, then what is it?

You look at the Republican Party. 90% white and mostly based in the south. The southern conservatives give it a very strong "confederate background". But the right wingers say this intense hatred of this man isn't about race.

And make no mistake about it. This is very intense and deeply personal hatred from the gut. There is no mild dislike or disagreement. This is deep hated. The kind where you want the object of your hate to suffer. The hate is so great, they are willing to see terrible damage done to the country.


A quote from Paul Whitefield:

On the foreign-policy front, the administration has had a string of successes: Osama bin Laden killed; major Al Qaeda operatives in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Yemen killed; and this week, of course, Moammar Kadafi killed.
And on Friday, the president announced that all U.S. troops will be out of Iraq by year’s end.
An unpopular war will be officially over for us soon. Terrorists and terrorist groups that threaten us are dead or on the run. Libya’s longtime strongman has been overthrown, thanks in part to Obama’s policy that had the U.S. and NATO working together.


You see, without Republican obstructionism, Obama is pretty successful.

The vast majority of American want the jobs bill, they want taxes increased on billionaires, they want investment in American infrastructure, they want teachers and police and firefighters. They even want Americans to have health care.

But when Obama suggests any of these things, the right is against them. Look at Libya. First they screamed that he should be involved. Then when he was, they screamed he shouldn't be.

The hatred is so great, the right is on auto pilot. They go against anything Obama.

They can't even give him credit for taking out Bin Laden. Nothing.

The stories about him are incredible. The hate is so great, they make up anything they can think up. Even things like, "He's the anti Christ". Something at least a quarter of Republicans believe. Even now, you will have right wingers endlessly repeating debunked stories. They just have to believe he's this wicked. Otherwise, the hatred seems based on race.

So what is it? Why do Republicans hate this man so much? They will say, "It's because he's done so much bad". Bush did so much worse and no one hates him they way the right hates Obama. And they can't even name the bad. It's all weird nebulous things like, "He's a communist" or "He lies" or "He's bad for the country". Just sound bytes. Little talking points. Even when he made an agreement for BP to pay 20 billion to clean up their mess, the right's hatred is so great, they were on the side of BP. 11 men died. The gulf was flooded with oil. But it was Obama's fault. Their hatred doesn't even make sense.

And when you point that out, they scream you are a partisan hack for defending the president. Why all this hate? Deep and personal?

Whine Whine whine and mo whine!
The part that gets us is that the successes Obama claims were setup by the previous GOP admins. Obama and Clinton didn't really do anything to support the military (Clinton "loathed" it) and BO preferred wheeling& dealing Fannie & Freddie when he was in the Senate.

So lay claim for using the best military in the world while you can...

How convenient for you to believe that.
I want some cheese to go with the whine! :cuckoo:

If it isn't race, then what is it?

You look at the Republican Party. 90% white and mostly based in the south. The southern conservatives give it a very strong "confederate background". But the right wingers say this intense hatred of this man isn't about race.

And make no mistake about it. This is very intense and deeply personal hatred from the gut. There is no mild dislike or disagreement. This is deep hated. The kind where you want the object of your hate to suffer. The hate is so great, they are willing to see terrible damage done to the country.


A quote from Paul Whitefield:

On the foreign-policy front, the administration has had a string of successes: Osama bin Laden killed; major Al Qaeda operatives in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Yemen killed; and this week, of course, Moammar Kadafi killed.
And on Friday, the president announced that all U.S. troops will be out of Iraq by year’s end.
An unpopular war will be officially over for us soon. Terrorists and terrorist groups that threaten us are dead or on the run. Libya’s longtime strongman has been overthrown, thanks in part to Obama’s policy that had the U.S. and NATO working together.


You see, without Republican obstructionism, Obama is pretty successful.

The vast majority of American want the jobs bill, they want taxes increased on billionaires, they want investment in American infrastructure, they want teachers and police and firefighters. They even want Americans to have health care.

But when Obama suggests any of these things, the right is against them. Look at Libya. First they screamed that he should be involved. Then when he was, they screamed he shouldn't be.

The hatred is so great, the right is on auto pilot. They go against anything Obama.

They can't even give him credit for taking out Bin Laden. Nothing.

The stories about him are incredible. The hate is so great, they make up anything they can think up. Even things like, "He's the anti Christ". Something at least a quarter of Republicans believe. Even now, you will have right wingers endlessly repeating debunked stories. They just have to believe he's this wicked. Otherwise, the hatred seems based on race.

So what is it? Why do Republicans hate this man so much? They will say, "It's because he's done so much bad". Bush did so much worse and no one hates him they way the right hates Obama. And they can't even name the bad. It's all weird nebulous things like, "He's a communist" or "He lies" or "He's bad for the country". Just sound bytes. Little talking points. Even when he made an agreement for BP to pay 20 billion to clean up their mess, the right's hatred is so great, they were on the side of BP. 11 men died. The gulf was flooded with oil. But it was Obama's fault. Their hatred doesn't even make sense.

And when you point that out, they scream you are a partisan hack for defending the president. Why all this hate? Deep and personal?

Whine Whine whine and mo whine!
If it isn't race, then what is it?

You look at the Republican Party. 90% white and mostly based in the south. The southern conservatives give it a very strong "confederate background". But the right wingers say this intense hatred of this man isn't about race.

And make no mistake about it. This is very intense and deeply personal hatred from the gut. There is no mild dislike or disagreement. This is deep hated. The kind where you want the object of your hate to suffer. The hate is so great, they are willing to see terrible damage done to the country.


A quote from Paul Whitefield:

On the foreign-policy front, the administration has had a string of successes: Osama bin Laden killed; major Al Qaeda operatives in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Yemen killed; and this week, of course, Moammar Kadafi killed.
And on Friday, the president announced that all U.S. troops will be out of Iraq by year’s end.
An unpopular war will be officially over for us soon. Terrorists and terrorist groups that threaten us are dead or on the run. Libya’s longtime strongman has been overthrown, thanks in part to Obama’s policy that had the U.S. and NATO working together.


You see, without Republican obstructionism, Obama is pretty successful.

The vast majority of American want the jobs bill, they want taxes increased on billionaires, they want investment in American infrastructure, they want teachers and police and firefighters. They even want Americans to have health care.

But when Obama suggests any of these things, the right is against them. Look at Libya. First they screamed that he should be involved. Then when he was, they screamed he shouldn't be.

The hatred is so great, the right is on auto pilot. They go against anything Obama.

They can't even give him credit for taking out Bin Laden. Nothing.

The stories about him are incredible. The hate is so great, they make up anything they can think up. Even things like, "He's the anti Christ". Something at least a quarter of Republicans believe. Even now, you will have right wingers endlessly repeating debunked stories. They just have to believe he's this wicked. Otherwise, the hatred seems based on race.

So what is it? Why do Republicans hate this man so much? They will say, "It's because he's done so much bad". Bush did so much worse and no one hates him they way the right hates Obama. And they can't even name the bad. It's all weird nebulous things like, "He's a communist" or "He lies" or "He's bad for the country". Just sound bytes. Little talking points. Even when he made an agreement for BP to pay 20 billion to clean up their mess, the right's hatred is so great, they were on the side of BP. 11 men died. The gulf was flooded with oil. But it was Obama's fault. Their hatred doesn't even make sense.

And when you point that out, they scream you are a partisan hack for defending the president. Why all this hate? Deep and personal?

I also heard people in hell WANT ice water..
If it isn't race, then what is it?

You look at the Republican Party. 90% white and mostly based in the south. The southern conservatives give it a very strong "confederate background". But the right wingers say this intense hatred of this man isn't about race.

And make no mistake about it. This is very intense and deeply personal hatred from the gut. There is no mild dislike or disagreement. This is deep hated. The kind where you want the object of your hate to suffer. The hate is so great, they are willing to see terrible damage done to the country.


A quote from Paul Whitefield:

On the foreign-policy front, the administration has had a string of successes: Osama bin Laden killed; major Al Qaeda operatives in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Yemen killed; and this week, of course, Moammar Kadafi killed.
And on Friday, the president announced that all U.S. troops will be out of Iraq by year’s end.
An unpopular war will be officially over for us soon. Terrorists and terrorist groups that threaten us are dead or on the run. Libya’s longtime strongman has been overthrown, thanks in part to Obama’s policy that had the U.S. and NATO working together.


You see, without Republican obstructionism, Obama is pretty successful.

The vast majority of American want the jobs bill, they want taxes increased on billionaires, they want investment in American infrastructure, they want teachers and police and firefighters. They even want Americans to have health care.

But when Obama suggests any of these things, the right is against them. Look at Libya. First they screamed that he should be involved. Then when he was, they screamed he shouldn't be.

The hatred is so great, the right is on auto pilot. They go against anything Obama.

They can't even give him credit for taking out Bin Laden. Nothing.

The stories about him are incredible. The hate is so great, they make up anything they can think up. Even things like, "He's the anti Christ". Something at least a quarter of Republicans believe. Even now, you will have right wingers endlessly repeating debunked stories. They just have to believe he's this wicked. Otherwise, the hatred seems based on race.

So what is it? Why do Republicans hate this man so much? They will say, "It's because he's done so much bad". Bush did so much worse and no one hates him they way the right hates Obama. And they can't even name the bad. It's all weird nebulous things like, "He's a communist" or "He lies" or "He's bad for the country". Just sound bytes. Little talking points. Even when he made an agreement for BP to pay 20 billion to clean up their mess, the right's hatred is so great, they were on the side of BP. 11 men died. The gulf was flooded with oil. But it was Obama's fault. Their hatred doesn't even make sense.

And when you point that out, they scream you are a partisan hack for defending the president. Why all this hate? Deep and personal?

No, it doesn't make sense! I've never seen anything like this intense hatred for Obama by wingnuts. Their hatred supercedes country and patriotism. Under the circumstances, Obama had done a remarkable job so far.
The odd thing about race for me is that people of color seem far more concerned about it than me and because I'm white they are chock full of preconceived notions. Many seem programed to expect racism and to search for it where it doesn't exist.

OP's like this only aggravate the transition to understanding between the races..I suppose that is the ultimate and ulterior intention though..
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So what is it? Why do Republicans hate this man so much? They will say, "It's because he's done so much bad". Bush did so much worse and no one hates him they way the right hates Obama. And they can't even name the bad. It's all weird nebulous things like, "He's a communist" or "He lies" or "He's bad for the country". Just sound bytes. Little talking points. Even when he made an agreement for BP to pay 20 billion to clean up their mess, the right's hatred is so great, they were on the side of BP. 11 men died. The gulf was flooded with oil. But it was Obama's fault. Their hatred doesn't even make sense.

And when you point that out, they scream you are a partisan hack for defending the president. Why all this hate? Deep and personal?

are you fucking serious?......:lol:.....Geezus Dean you must be Laughing so hard when you type this shit your actually crying.....
If it isn't race, then what is it?

You look at the Republican Party. 90% white and mostly based in the south. The southern conservatives give it a very strong "confederate background". But the right wingers say this intense hatred of this man isn't about race.

And make no mistake about it. This is very intense and deeply personal hatred from the gut. There is no mild dislike or disagreement. This is deep hated. The kind where you want the object of your hate to suffer. The hate is so great, they are willing to see terrible damage done to the country.


A quote from Paul Whitefield:

On the foreign-policy front, the administration has had a string of successes: Osama bin Laden killed; major Al Qaeda operatives in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Yemen killed; and this week, of course, Moammar Kadafi killed.
And on Friday, the president announced that all U.S. troops will be out of Iraq by year’s end.
An unpopular war will be officially over for us soon. Terrorists and terrorist groups that threaten us are dead or on the run. Libya’s longtime strongman has been overthrown, thanks in part to Obama’s policy that had the U.S. and NATO working together.


You see, without Republican obstructionism, Obama is pretty successful.

The vast majority of American want the jobs bill, they want taxes increased on billionaires, they want investment in American infrastructure, they want teachers and police and firefighters. They even want Americans to have health care.

But when Obama suggests any of these things, the right is against them. Look at Libya. First they screamed that he should be involved. Then when he was, they screamed he shouldn't be.

The hatred is so great, the right is on auto pilot. They go against anything Obama.

They can't even give him credit for taking out Bin Laden. Nothing.

The stories about him are incredible. The hate is so great, they make up anything they can think up. Even things like, "He's the anti Christ". Something at least a quarter of Republicans believe. Even now, you will have right wingers endlessly repeating debunked stories. They just have to believe he's this wicked. Otherwise, the hatred seems based on race.

So what is it? Why do Republicans hate this man so much? They will say, "It's because he's done so much bad". Bush did so much worse and no one hates him they way the right hates Obama. And they can't even name the bad. It's all weird nebulous things like, "He's a communist" or "He lies" or "He's bad for the country". Just sound bytes. Little talking points. Even when he made an agreement for BP to pay 20 billion to clean up their mess, the right's hatred is so great, they were on the side of BP. 11 men died. The gulf was flooded with oil. But it was Obama's fault. Their hatred doesn't even make sense.

And when you point that out, they scream you are a partisan hack for defending the president. Why all this hate? Deep and personal?

No, it doesn't make sense! I've never seen anything like this intense hatred for Obama by wingnuts. Their hatred supercedes country and patriotism. Under the circumstances, Obama had done a remarkable job so far.

Well hell yeah, I guess it's those MAJORITY of idiots in his 41% approval ratings who just don't see it.
No, it doesn't make sense! I've never seen anything like this intense hatred for Obama by wingnuts. Their hatred supercedes country and patriotism. Under the circumstances, Obama had done a remarkable job so far.
i would comment on this.....but i dont want to hurt your feelings....i know what a pussy you ill pass....
I've never seen anything like this intense hatred for Obama by wingnuts.

I guess you missed the GOP under Clinton. Or the Democrats under Bush.

Nope, I didn't miss it.

Clinton: You're right about that. Republicans were rabid in their quest to burn the Clintons at the stake. I had a senior moment...

Bush: Left rage against Bush for lying us into an illegal and needless war in Iraq is and was understandable - but Democrats basically remained the loyal opposition. Nancy Pelosi prevented impeachment proceedings against Bush.
No, it doesn't make sense! I've never seen anything like this intense hatred for Obama by wingnuts. Their hatred supercedes country and patriotism. Under the circumstances, Obama had done a remarkable job so far.
i would comment on this.....but i dont want to hurt your feelings....i know what a pussy you ill pass....

I won't neg you if you don't make it personal...but you already did...
I've never seen anything like this intense hatred for Obama by wingnuts.

I guess you missed the GOP under Clinton. Or the Democrats under Bush.

Nope, I didn't miss it.

Clinton: You're right about that. Republicans were rabid in their quest to burn the Clintons at the stake. I had a senior moment...

Bush: Left rage against Bush for lying us into an illegal and needless war in Iraq is and was understandable - but Democrats basically remained the loyal opposition. Nancy Pelosi prevented impeachment proceedings against Bush.

WOW, I wished I could visit THAT twilight zone
PELOSI prevented IMPEACHMENT proceedings agaisnt Bush....hahahahaha
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No, it doesn't make sense! I've never seen anything like this intense hatred for Obama by wingnuts. Their hatred supersedes country and patriotism. Under the circumstances, Obama had done a remarkable job so far.

The list is long how things are messed up, but a few to ponder are:
1. Obamacare (hopefully the USSC will end it, if not the States will)
2. $1b Boeing Plant in SC that is costing Boeing contracts and profits
3. Holding-up drilling for oil here in the US

The good things that might yet happen:
1. Manage Wall Street, end derivatives, tax every transaction, bring back Glass-Stegal
2. Make a "Grace Commission" type of study to slim down the Fed government via attrition
3. Keep the economy chugging up that hill....
4. Bring the troops home and follow-thru on the Super Committee's Budget cuts.
5. Make Japanese style limits on Corporate compensation
6. Go after off-shore tax cheats

If BO comes thru as the protector of the middle class entitlements, and the GOP keeps their "not one more tax dollar ever" pledge, BO could win.

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