GOP Senator Celebrates His Vote Against Gay Marriage By Attending Son's Gay Marriage

It won in California so that makes you think. Oklahoma or Kansas or Arkansas or New Hampshire or Idaho would balk ?
How many years ago was that? Are you so out of touch with reality that you do no know that there has been a sea change in public opinion since then?

In any case, you seem to be rooting for the demise of gay marriage. Why is that?
How many years ago was that? Are you so out of touch with reality that you do no know that there has been a sea change in public opinion since then?

In any case, you seem to be rooting for the demise of gay marriage. Why is that?
Yep , like the sea change in accepting of Pedo / NAMBLA ( Minor Attracted) activities as “ Just another alternative Lifestyle “ ?
Bullshit ! You said that gays people already had equal rights because that could marry some one of the opposite sex. To say that they already had equality IS NOT a fact. It is a way to dance around your bigotry with out admitting your bigotry.
38 states define/defined marriage as the union of 1 man and 1 woman. So in those 38 states that statement is true. I dont know why you are mad at me. I didnt write those laws (State Constitutional Amendments in some of them), I just pointed out their existence. I dont even live in 37 of those states so how am I to blame for the laws passed in them. (I didnt live in the state where I currently reside which has a 1 man 1 woman amendment when they passed their version either so I cant be held accountable for that I dont think) You're calling me a bigot because I wont "say the magic words".

You callously dismissed the idea that gay people should be able to marry the person who they are attracted to. Then say something to the effect that no one has that right under law, that the law is not concerned about "feelings" while knowing full well that straight people always had that right
Quote where I said gay people should not be allowed to get married. You keep saying I said that and I keep asking for the quote. I haven't even implied it. You just keep inferring it.

And the law isn't concerned about any feelings you may or may not have toward the person you are getting married to. Again please post a link to the state marriage statute that talks about romance and love, or physical attraction.

The laws that define marriage as being betwen a man and a woman have been invalidated and are uninforceable. You say that you did not write the laws but you have not condemned them. In addition you refuse to say that you support same sex marriage . Tell me again how you are not a bigot, and a coward.

And the point I made in my original post about this was that because the court was acting outside the bounds of what the federal government is granted purview over I would understand if they overturned Obergfell but would agree with it only if they at the same time stated that Article IV Sec 1 applies to marriage contracts.

I havent said I support opposite sex marriage either. Does that make me a double bigot? You're grasping a straws.
How many years ago was that? Are you so out of touch with reality that you do no know that there has been a sea change in public opinion since then?

In any case, you seem to be rooting for the demise of gay marriage. Why is that?
Which is the primary argument for the court to stay out of issues like this.
38 states define/defined marriage as the union of 1 man and 1 woman. So in those 38 states that statement is true.
Wait!! WHAT!!? How in the name of hell does the fact that in those 38 states was specified as being a man and a woman make your rediculous statement, the gays already had eqyality because they could mary someone of the opposite sex true??? You'll have to draw ne a map

Face it, That statement was bigoted when you first posted it, it is bigoted now and it will always be bigoted no matter how hard you try to squirm out of it
. I dont know why you are mad at me. I didnt write those laws (State Constitutional Amendments in some of them), I just pointed out their existence. I dont even live in 37 of those states so how am I to blame for the laws passed in them. (I didnt live in the state where I currently reside which has a 1 man 1 woman amendment when they passed their version either so I cant be held accountable for that I dont think) You're calling me a bigot because I wont "say the magic words".
I am not mad at you, I am however amazed at the brazen way you deny being a bigot ,No you did not write the laws but you are not speaking out against them. But I am not calling you a bigot for what you won't say. I am calling you a bigot for what you did say
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And the point I made in my original post about this was that because the court was acting outside the bounds of what the federal government is granted purview over I would understand if they overturned Obergfell but would agree with it only if they at the same time stated that Article IV Sec 1 applies to marriage contracts.
Your opinion that the court acted outside the bounds of what the federal government is granted purview does not make it fact. The reliance on the 14th amendment is sound. AS far as your reliance on Full Faith and Credit goes , I don;t see that as real generous, or something that obsloves you of you bigotry. Gay people, unlike others, would be forced to go out of state to be married.Thst is still discrimination.
I havent said I support opposite sex marriage either. Does that make me a double bigot? You're grasping a straws.
No it does not make you a double bigot. It actually makes you a bit more rational. The bigotry that you have displayed does not stem from your opposition to marriage, if in fact that is the case. It stems from your support for the unequal treatment of gays vs. others
Wait!! WHAT!!? How in the name of hell does the fact that in those 38 states was specified as being a man and a woman make your rediculous statement, the gays already had eqyality because they could mary someone of the opposite sex true??? You'll have to draw ne a map

Face it, That statement was bigoted when you first posted it, it is bigoted now and it will always be bigoted no matter how hard you try to squirm out of it

For the love of Pete. The law had defined marriage as the union of 1 man and 1 woman in those states. Per the law in those states a union between 2 men or 2 women wouldn't have been defined as a marriage. It might be something else, I dont know what individual states were doing regarding that. Im not sure why this is so difficult for you to wrap your little head around. And in those states the law treated everyone the same regarding marriage as defined by THEIR definition. I get it you don't like their definition of marriage but it was THEIR definition. Whether their definition of marriage is correct or not is a separate issue. I am not operating in the little fantasy land of what PP wants the definition of marriage to be Im operating in the real world of what the voters in those states wanted the definition of marriage to be. The statement that I made was just a factual one. In those states people were treated the same regarding marriage as defined by their state legislature not by PP.

Had Obergfell banned SSM I would have the same opinion of the decision, that the Federal Government shouldn't be involved in this issue. The SCOTUS is the worst place to resolve these cultural issues.
Your opinion that the court acted outside the bounds of what the federal government is granted purview does not make it fact. The reliance on the 14th amendment is sound. AS far as your reliance on Full Faith and Credit goes , I don;t see that as real generous, or something that obsloves you of you bigotry. Gay people, unlike others, would be forced to go out of state to be married.Thst is still discrimination.
I never said it did. Hence it being my opinion. And your opinion relying on the 14th amendment being sound is just that an opinion. One I dont personally agree with.

The furtherest anyone would have to travel is the local library to get married.

For the internet connection.
No it does not make you a double bigot. It actually makes you a bit more rational. The bigotry that you have displayed does not stem from your opposition to marriage, if in fact that is the case. It stems from your support for the unequal treatment of gays vs. others
Right I wont say the magic words so Im a bigot. Fuck off.

"A Pennsylvania lawmaker is facing criticism for attending his gay son's wedding last week, just days after opposing a bill in the U.S. house that would enshrine protections for same-sex marriage into federal law. Representative Glenn Thompson's office said in a statement that he and his wife were thrilled to attend the nuptials and are very happy to welcome a new son-in-law into the family. His office did not respond to a follow-up question about why he decided to vote against the measure."

So I guess the key to opposing same sex marriage is to just oppose it for everyone else but not your own family? Cool...Kinda makes for an awkward wedding knowing your Dad would have gladly voted to stop you from being married "legally" if Republicans ever had their wish....I am sure the weasel excuse given is:

"I am totally for gay marriage bro, I just don't want them to be federally protected...that's all"

I assume this is a case of a politician just doing what he thinks he has to do to get elected -- and for some reason, there are a lot of Republicans believing that the easiest way to remain in power is to oppose gay rights in any form it pops up...which is odd, because I keep hearing from the so-called Conservatives on this message board that "Bro, nobody is trying to take away rights from gays bro..." -- Seems once again, Conservatives are lying about their own positions....
Moonbat he voted the way his constituents told him to vote on the issue.
The furtherest anyone would have to travel is the local library to get married.
WHAT!!?? Sounds like a load of bullshit to me And would the marriage be reccognized in a state that does not have gay marriage?

Two Michigan State University professors think there's a better way. They say states that offer same-sex marriage should allow couples anywhere in the country to obtain a marriage license online. But skeptics of this plan abound.

Still, the concept fails to change the reality that the vast majority of states refuse to recognize same-sex marriage. And online marriage could pose an economic threat to states where it is legal.
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38 states define/defined marriage as the union of 1 man and 1 woman. So in those 38 states that statement is true. I dont know why you are mad at me. I didnt write those laws (State Constitutional Amendments in some of them), I just pointed out their existence. I dont even live in 37 of those states so how am I to blame for the laws passed in them. (I didnt live in the state where I currently reside which has a 1 man 1 woman amendment when they passed their version either so I cant be held accountable for that I dont think) You're calling me a bigot because I wont "say the magic words".

Quote where I said gay people should not be allowed to get married. You keep saying I said that and I keep asking for the quote. I haven't even implied it. You just keep inferring it.

And the law isn't concerned about any feelings you may or may not have toward the person you are getting married to. Again please post a link to the state marriage statute that talks about romance and love, or physical attraction.

And the point I made in my original post about this was that because the court was acting outside the bounds of what the federal government is granted purview over I would understand if they overturned Obergfell but would agree with it only if they at the same time stated that Article IV Sec 1 applies to marriage contracts.

I havent said I support opposite sex marriage either. Does that make me a double bigot? You're grasping a straws.
In Obergefell that court was ruling on state law issues…not a federal law. State laws can’t violated the US Constitution

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