GOP Senator says single mothers cause of child abuse and crime.

How many of the criminal thugs in Detroit, for example, do leftists think were bred without a father in the home? My money is on 90% plus. So if not having a stable home life is not a contributing factor, I guess it all boils down to genetics.

Because, even though they have money, they still breed criminal thugs simply because the parent is single?

So the answer is to keep them from contraception and abortion?

I don't get the GOP's "circular logic".
How many of the criminal thugs in Detroit, for example, do leftists think were bred without a father in the home? My money is on 90% plus. So if not having a stable home life is not a contributing factor, I guess it all boils down to genetics.

Because, even though they have money, they still breed criminal thugs simply because the parent is single?

So the answer is to keep them from contraception and abortion?

I don't get the GOP's "circular logic".

Abortion and contraception are not illegal. I understand the lefty is the real racist in the world. Blacks (or as you call them in secret, *******) are just too darned inept to survive without the help of Captain Whitey.
This is not news what the OP brings us. This is an almost 2-year-old story.

What is useful about it is that it shows that Republicans are hypocrites in that they say they want to get government out of your life, but then try to pass Big Brother laws that actually require a whole set of people to say specific words to other people in an attempt to co-relate single-parent families with the scourge of crime out there.

It's a stupid bill, plain and simple, because 1) it is not based in reality and 2) it does nothing for the people. It is of no benefit to anyone that such a bill exists other than to make one moron's view of the world into law.

In the last three decades, crime has gone down while divorce and single-parenthood have gone up. Those are the facts. They are indisputable and they prove that this one state senator's bill makes no sense whatsoever.

You have to be careful with raw data. Statistics are often misleading, and I will give you one very relevant example. There is no doubt – based upon official data – that Blacks as a group commit disproportionately more crimes than Whites as a group. Based upon this information many people would conclude would that Blacks were more prone to criminal activity than Whites; however, they would be wrong.

When one analyzes the data and compares it to factors other than race, it becomes apparent that the real cause of the epidemic in crime among Blacks has nothing to do with genetics; instead the phenomenon can be traced to a marked decline in the Black family structure. Most Blacks who commit crimes were raised by unwed mothers. When Blacks are compared to Whites with similar family structures, the racial element disappears. I's about family structure, not race. No surprise there.

The situation with Blacks is a fairly recent development. In the early and mid 1900s, about 80% of Black children lived in 2-parent households compared to about only 30% today. It should be obvious that something happened since then, something that has nothing to do with race, that caused this change. Many experts believe that the Black family was destroyed by two wars: the war on poverty and the war on drugs. Here is a link which explains it fairly well.

The Collapse of the Family Unit as the Building Block of Society

I humbly suggest that the above analysis is not negated by the fact that divorces have been increasing as crime is falling. Assuming that the crime statistics are accurate, the fact that more people are divorcing is statistically insignificant because it does not establish how far into the marriages the divorces occurred. It is possible, even likely, that many of these divorces occurred after the children spent much if not all of their growing years in a 2-parent family. Further, even after divorce a father usually maintains contact with his children providing support and comfort. Even when divorce occurs, the woman often remarries and the child still has a responsible male role model in his/her daily life.

Conclusion: Children who are reared in a 2-parent household (whether by a mother and father or a mother and step-father) are statistically much less likely to become involved in crime than those who are reared by a single mother and an absent (and far to often unknown) father.

But that is only my own humble opinion (OK, I lied about the humble part). Joking !!
“There’s no doubt that there’s some folks who just really dislike me because they don’t like the idea of a black president.”

-President Obama

And you think only Republicans say stupid shit? That be a clown question, dean.

You must not live in the south, where the Civil War is still raging in many people's mind. He is so very right. I know lots of southern staunch democrats that just completely switched when Obama was nominated.....even before they knew his platform or policies.

No you don't.
If men would step up and take care of their children and the women they make mothers, there would be alot less abuse and crime.

I've worked in the juvenile system before. These are the minor leagues our criminal system. And most of these kids end up there because they only have 1 or less adults looking out for them and teaching them. It's just a fact. Heck, I've seen adults accuse their own children of crimes to get them out of their home and into the system.

Having parents is very important. We need to be putting the family back together. Not encouraging it to come apart even more.
People like that are bigots. The guys on the $10 and $20 bills were raised by single mothers. They need to get over their moralizing already :p

Jackson's father was killed before he was born, so he was raised by a widow. That's not the same thing as a "single mother," which means a woman who was never married to her child's father.
Senator Glenn Grothman single mothers

An Act requiring the Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Board to emphasize nonmarital parenthood as a contributing factor to child abuse and neglect.

While this bill may be a couple of years old, has anything changed? In fact, it's gotten worse. Republicans want to make it harder for women to get contraception. They want to ban abortions.

They want more criminals? Is that their message?

Both the Pro-Life and the Two Parent family ideas have merit and are not mutually exclusive.

The people of America have proven their ability to embrace both ideals. And America was better off because of it.
must be an election year. Repubs invariably make comments like this w/ a campaign right around the corner ;)

And it always seems to get them into trouble. But they do it because it's what their racist base wants to hear.

It's no wonder they feel good cutting daycare, school lunches and food stamps. They are teaching those women a "lesson".

Does every talking point, for every one of America's ills, in your screwy book of political debate have a corresponding comment that blames everything on supposed Conservative racism?

Or is that just your own personal fetish?

Do all of your wet dreams feature the big lipped, big assed, Black Amazonian style women popularized by the late alternative cartoonist, R. Crumb?
What an ignorant disgusting absolute asinine statement.

There is a strong correlation between the break down of families and young people committing more crime. Look it up. Some single moms have their shit together, but too many others don't. Having lots of children when you have no high school diploma or job isn't wise and those women who do it that way generally aren't in the running for parent of the year. Too many parents these days don't serve as a good example for their kids. Statistics show that many juvenile delinquents who turned to more serious crimes as an adult grew up with no father figure and a mother who didn't have a handle on things.

There are many reasons some are single parents and a lot of them do just fine. There are also some who have kids because it means public assistance and they usually suck at parenting.
What an ignorant disgusting absolute asinine statement.

There is a strong correlation between the break down of families and young people committing more crime. Look it up. Some single moms have their shit together, but too many others don't. Having lots of children when you have no high school diploma or job isn't wise and those women who do it that way generally aren't in the running for parent of the year. Too many parents these days don't serve as a good example for their kids. Statistics show that many juvenile delinquents who turned to more serious crimes as an adult grew up with no father figure and a mother who didn't have a handle on things.

There are many reasons some are single parents and a lot of them do just fine. There are also some who have kids because it means public assistance and they usually suck at parenting.

Proof? Because what she writes is simply factually true. Kids in single parent homes do tend to experienc worse outcomes.

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