GOP Strategist's Daughter Makes Files Public That Republicans Want Sealed

More than a year after his death, a cache of computer files saved on the hard drives of Thomas Hofeller, a prominent Republican redistricting strategist, is becoming public. Republican state lawmakers in North Carolina fought in court to keep copies of these maps, spreadsheets and other documents from entering the public record. But some files have already come to light in recent months through court filings and news reports.

They have been cited as evidence of gerrymandering that got political maps thrown out in North Carolina, and they have raised questions about Hofeller's role in the Trump administration's failed push for a census citizenship question. Now more of the files are available online through a website called The Hofeller Files, where Hofeller's daughter, Stephanie Hofeller, published a link to her copy of the files on Sunday after first announcing her plans in a tweet last month.

Deceased GOP Strategist's Daughter Makes Files Public That Republicans Wanted Sealed

It's unraveling.

I heard this story earlier on NPR about the GOP strategists responsible for Gerrymandering schemes in multiple states. I think it is funny as heck.
Funny? It undermines the fabric of democracy

You do not live in a democracy if you live in the US..

It is a Representative republic

It is why the far left does not understand much!

Common definitions of the terms democracy and republic often feature overlapping concerns, suggesting that all democracies function as republics, and many republics operate on democratic principles, as shown by these definitions from the Oxford English Dictionary:

  • Republic: "A state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives..."[1]
  • Democracy: "A system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives."[2]
Eugene Volokh of the UCLA School of Law notes that the United States exemplifies the varied nature of a constitutional republic—a country where some decisions (often local) are made by direct democratic processes, while others (often federal) are made by democratically elected representatives.[3] As with many large systems, US governance is incompletely described by any single term. It also employs the concept, for instance, of a constitutional democracy in which a court system is involved in matters of jurisprudence.[3]

As with other democracies, not all persons in a democratic republic are necessarily citizens, and not all citizens are necessarily entitled to vote.[4] Suffrage is commonly restricted by criteria such as voting age.[5]

Yes I know the far left does not understand that the US is a representative republic, thanks for proving it once again!

Ya know, Kosh, your really not educating anyone. Of course we live in a representative republic. These people you "representative republic crusaders" harangue vote for their state and federal representatives, probably as often as you do. They also understand the fundamentals of democracy. They democratically elect their councilmen, mayors, governors and as mentioned their representatives. They know they don't go to Washington and democratically vote on all the bills put fourth, as their US Representatives and US Senators do or the (hopefully representative, although not required to represent them) members of the electoral college. Your not educating, your just looking down your nose, looking for someone to feel superior to because it makes you feel good or better about yourself. You probably think "well I told that ignorant asshole" or some such nonsense. You "Representative Republic Nazis" are as bad and the "Spelling Nazis", the "Grammar Nazis" and oh yeah, lets not leave out the "Clip Nazis" of the gun owner/expert crowd on here.

Gerrymandering isn't always the divine right of the last ruling party. That is why it sometimes results in lawsuits, sometime won by plaintiffs if the court determines gerrymandering was illegally disenfranchising segments of the electorate. I understand your disgust for what you see as "the dirty, whining undeserving other side", but the story is about bringing illegalities to light, possibly resulting in adjudication of legitimate grievances. If it works out, through the courts, (even these new courts) it will be for the best. Don't bother letting the subject upset you until it is decided, unless you want to donate your fine legal services and experience and winning ways pro bono in the courts to effect your desired outcome. Have a nice day. :)
The California Democratic Party fought the anti-gerrymandering reform initiative in California- fought it in the ballots- and they were wrong- for the same reason that Republicans who love gerrymandering are wrong.

California's politician-free redistricting taking hold in other states

From the far left cult trolls link:

"More to the point, Democrats suggested quietly, having a nonpartisan commission drawing the lines could make it tougher to squeeze out Republicans."

Yep- see, I have no problem condemning Democrat attempts at gerrymandering- that was wrong- but you cannot condemn gerrymandering- except when done by Democrats.

Yet you have not condemned them!
Except I have.

The California Democratic Party fought the anti-gerrymandering reform initiative in California- fought it in the ballots- and they were wrong- for the same reason that Republicans who love gerrymandering are wrong.

California's politician-free redistricting taking hold in other states

See I can condemn gerrymandering and you can't.

So we have one 'leftie' who can and does condemn gerrymandering and you- a 'rightie' who despite repeated opportunities- refuses to condemn gerrymandering.

Is there any Republican who opposes gerrymandering?
I did a poll awhile back here at USMB and most Republicans were cool with Gerrymandering since it fits in the Republican strategy of doing anything to ensure continuous Republican rule.

My opinion is that Gerrymandering is bad regardless of which party does it.

How about you?

I did a poll awhile back here at USMB and most Republicans were cool with Gerrymandering

Why should Democrats have all the fun?

So you like gerrymandering if it benefits your side?

See I happen to think it is bad for America regardless of which party does it.

I guess I put personal morality before party.

So you like gerrymandering if it benefits your side?

Just like Democrats like it when it benefits their side.
I am a Democrat and I am opposed to gerrymandering regardless.

Can you name any Republican who is against gerrymandering where it helps the Republican? I can't think of any.

I am a Democrat and I am opposed to gerrymandering regardless.

Wow. You're so brave. You may be nominated for a Peace Prize.

Nothing brave about condemning something wrong as gerrymandering.

I just wonder why no conservative here at USMB seems brave enough- or moral enough- to condemn this corrupt practise regardless of which party it benefits.
The California Democratic Party fought the anti-gerrymandering reform initiative in California- fought it in the ballots- and they were wrong- for the same reason that Republicans who love gerrymandering are wrong.

California's politician-free redistricting taking hold in other states

From the far left cult trolls link:

"More to the point, Democrats suggested quietly, having a nonpartisan commission drawing the lines could make it tougher to squeeze out Republicans."

Yep- see, I have no problem condemning Democrat attempts at gerrymandering- that was wrong- but you cannot condemn gerrymandering- except when done by Democrats.

Yet you have not condemned them!
Except I have.

The California Democratic Party fought the anti-gerrymandering reform initiative in California- fought it in the ballots- and they were wrong- for the same reason that Republicans who love gerrymandering are wrong.

California's politician-free redistricting taking hold in other states

See I can condemn gerrymandering and you can't.

So we have one 'leftie' who can and does condemn gerrymandering and you- a 'rightie' who despite repeated opportunities- refuses to condemn gerrymandering.

Is there any Republican who opposes gerrymandering?

No you have not, but you keep thinking you have!

And of course anyone that is not far left is automatically on the right!

Another baseless assumption, but you keep think that as well!

Get the far left out of politics around the world and the world will be a much better place.

The far left is never the answer and the far left is always wrong!

Neither party cares about the people they rule over!
I did a poll awhile back here at USMB and most Republicans were cool with Gerrymandering

Why should Democrats have all the fun?

So you like gerrymandering if it benefits your side?

See I happen to think it is bad for America regardless of which party does it.

I guess I put personal morality before party.

So you like gerrymandering if it benefits your side?

Just like Democrats like it when it benefits their side.
I am a Democrat and I am opposed to gerrymandering regardless.

Can you name any Republican who is against gerrymandering where it helps the Republican? I can't think of any.

I am a Democrat and I am opposed to gerrymandering regardless.

Wow. You're so brave. You may be nominated for a Peace Prize.

Nothing brave about condemning something wrong as gerrymandering.

I just wonder why no conservative here at USMB seems brave enough- or moral enough- to condemn this corrupt practise regardless of which party it benefits.

Because as part of the far left cult trolling section, you assume anyone that is not far left to be a conservative or on the right!

But you are a conservative in many ways, so be careful with your labels!
I did a poll awhile back here at USMB and most Republicans were cool with Gerrymandering

Why should Democrats have all the fun?

So you like gerrymandering if it benefits your side?

See I happen to think it is bad for America regardless of which party does it.

I guess I put personal morality before party.

So you like gerrymandering if it benefits your side?

Just like Democrats like it when it benefits their side.
I am a Democrat and I am opposed to gerrymandering regardless.

Can you name any Republican who is against gerrymandering where it helps the Republican? I can't think of any.

I am a Democrat and I am opposed to gerrymandering regardless.

Wow. You're so brave. You may be nominated for a Peace Prize.

Nothing brave about condemning something wrong as gerrymandering.

I just wonder why no conservative here at USMB seems brave enough- or moral enough- to condemn this corrupt practise regardless of which party it benefits.

Corrupt? Why?
More than a year after his death, a cache of computer files saved on the hard drives of Thomas Hofeller, a prominent Republican redistricting strategist, is becoming public. Republican state lawmakers in North Carolina fought in court to keep copies of these maps, spreadsheets and other documents from entering the public record. But some files have already come to light in recent months through court filings and news reports.

They have been cited as evidence of gerrymandering that got political maps thrown out in North Carolina, and they have raised questions about Hofeller's role in the Trump administration's failed push for a census citizenship question. Now more of the files are available online through a website called The Hofeller Files, where Hofeller's daughter, Stephanie Hofeller, published a link to her copy of the files on Sunday after first announcing her plans in a tweet last month.

Deceased GOP Strategist's Daughter Makes Files Public That Republicans Wanted Sealed

It's unraveling.

I heard this story earlier on NPR about the GOP strategists responsible for Gerrymandering schemes in multiple states. I think it is funny as heck.

We know that democrats invented and patented Gerrymandering!

remember, they are what they say we are.
I heard this story earlier on NPR about the GOP strategists responsible for Gerrymandering schemes in multiple states. I think it is funny as heck.
Funny? It undermines the fabric of democracy

You do not live in a democracy if you live in the US..

It is a Representative republic

It is why the far left does not understand much!

Common definitions of the terms democracy and republic often feature overlapping concerns, suggesting that all democracies function as republics, and many republics operate on democratic principles, as shown by these definitions from the Oxford English Dictionary:

  • Republic: "A state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives..."[1]
  • Democracy: "A system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives."[2]
Eugene Volokh of the UCLA School of Law notes that the United States exemplifies the varied nature of a constitutional republic—a country where some decisions (often local) are made by direct democratic processes, while others (often federal) are made by democratically elected representatives.[3] As with many large systems, US governance is incompletely described by any single term. It also employs the concept, for instance, of a constitutional democracy in which a court system is involved in matters of jurisprudence.[3]

As with other democracies, not all persons in a democratic republic are necessarily citizens, and not all citizens are necessarily entitled to vote.[4] Suffrage is commonly restricted by criteria such as voting age.[5]

Yes I know the far left does not understand that the US is a representative republic, thanks for proving it once again!

Ya know, Kosh, your really not educating anyone. Of course we live in a representative republic. These people you "representative republic crusaders" harangue vote for their state and federal representatives, probably as often as you do. They also understand the fundamentals of democracy. They democratically elect their councilmen, mayors, governors and as mentioned their representatives. They know they don't go to Washington and democratically vote on all the bills put fourth, as their US Representatives and US Senators do or the (hopefully representative, although not required to represent them) members of the electoral college. Your not educating, your just looking down your nose, looking for someone to feel superior to because it makes you feel good or better about yourself. You probably think "well I told that ignorant asshole" or some such nonsense. You "Representative Republic Nazis" are as bad and the "Spelling Nazis", the "Grammar Nazis" and oh yeah, lets not leave out the "Clip Nazis" of the gun owner/expert crowd on here.

Gerrymandering isn't always the divine right of the last ruling party. That is why it sometimes results in lawsuits, sometime won by plaintiffs if the court determines gerrymandering was illegally disenfranchising segments of the electorate. I understand your disgust for what you see as "the dirty, whining undeserving other side", but the story is about bringing illegalities to light, possibly resulting in adjudication of legitimate grievances. If it works out, through the courts, (even these new courts) it will be for the best. Don't bother letting the subject upset you until it is decided, unless you want to donate your fine legal services and experience and winning ways pro bono in the courts to effect your desired outcome. Have a nice day. :)

You project much on that?

It seems you are the one looking down your nose at others! But the US is s Representative Republic, no matter how anyone wants to spin it.

Yes both parties sue each other all the time over things, it is the partisan way.

Gerrymandering started long ago and neither party wants to fix it! Just like neither party cares about the budget!

The real danger is the far left and soon as people see that the better off we will all be.

And the courts do not always work as they can be just as partisan as the politicians!
More than a year after his death, a cache of computer files saved on the hard drives of Thomas Hofeller, a prominent Republican redistricting strategist, is becoming public. Republican state lawmakers in North Carolina fought in court to keep copies of these maps, spreadsheets and other documents from entering the public record. But some files have already come to light in recent months through court filings and news reports.

They have been cited as evidence of gerrymandering that got political maps thrown out in North Carolina, and they have raised questions about Hofeller's role in the Trump administration's failed push for a census citizenship question. Now more of the files are available online through a website called The Hofeller Files, where Hofeller's daughter, Stephanie Hofeller, published a link to her copy of the files on Sunday after first announcing her plans in a tweet last month.

Deceased GOP Strategist's Daughter Makes Files Public That Republicans Wanted Sealed

It's unraveling.

I heard this story earlier on NPR about the GOP strategists responsible for Gerrymandering schemes in multiple states. I think it is funny as heck.

We know that democrats invented and patented Gerrymandering!

remember, they are what they say we are.
Of course. Two pots calling each other black. Dems have been caught also. It is just the Republicans getting caught lately. Nothing new here.
Funny? It undermines the fabric of democracy

You do not live in a democracy if you live in the US..

It is a Representative republic

It is why the far left does not understand much!

Common definitions of the terms democracy and republic often feature overlapping concerns, suggesting that all democracies function as republics, and many republics operate on democratic principles, as shown by these definitions from the Oxford English Dictionary:

  • Republic: "A state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives..."[1]
  • Democracy: "A system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives."[2]
Eugene Volokh of the UCLA School of Law notes that the United States exemplifies the varied nature of a constitutional republic—a country where some decisions (often local) are made by direct democratic processes, while others (often federal) are made by democratically elected representatives.[3] As with many large systems, US governance is incompletely described by any single term. It also employs the concept, for instance, of a constitutional democracy in which a court system is involved in matters of jurisprudence.[3]

As with other democracies, not all persons in a democratic republic are necessarily citizens, and not all citizens are necessarily entitled to vote.[4] Suffrage is commonly restricted by criteria such as voting age.[5]

Yes I know the far left does not understand that the US is a representative republic, thanks for proving it once again!

Ya know, Kosh, your really not educating anyone. Of course we live in a representative republic. These people you "representative republic crusaders" harangue vote for their state and federal representatives, probably as often as you do. They also understand the fundamentals of democracy. They democratically elect their councilmen, mayors, governors and as mentioned their representatives. They know they don't go to Washington and democratically vote on all the bills put fourth, as their US Representatives and US Senators do or the (hopefully representative, although not required to represent them) members of the electoral college. Your not educating, your just looking down your nose, looking for someone to feel superior to because it makes you feel good or better about yourself. You probably think "well I told that ignorant asshole" or some such nonsense. You "Representative Republic Nazis" are as bad and the "Spelling Nazis", the "Grammar Nazis" and oh yeah, lets not leave out the "Clip Nazis" of the gun owner/expert crowd on here.

Gerrymandering isn't always the divine right of the last ruling party. That is why it sometimes results in lawsuits, sometime won by plaintiffs if the court determines gerrymandering was illegally disenfranchising segments of the electorate. I understand your disgust for what you see as "the dirty, whining undeserving other side", but the story is about bringing illegalities to light, possibly resulting in adjudication of legitimate grievances. If it works out, through the courts, (even these new courts) it will be for the best. Don't bother letting the subject upset you until it is decided, unless you want to donate your fine legal services and experience and winning ways pro bono in the courts to effect your desired outcome. Have a nice day. :)

You project much on that?

It seems you are the one looking down your nose at others! But the US is s Representative Republic, no matter how anyone wants to spin it.

Yes both parties sue each other all the time over things, it is the partisan way.

Gerrymandering started long ago and neither party wants to fix it! Just like neither party cares about the budget!

The real danger is the far left and soon as people see that the better off we will all be.

And the courts do not always work as they can be just as partisan as the politicians!

Spare me. Kosh. You born in the 21st century? The threat is both parties with love of power and nearsighted viewpoint, and who do you blame the courts on? The other party. Who do they blame the courts on? Your party. Good luck. Enjoy the ongoing civics lesson, and don't lose your head over the petty give and take.
More than a year after his death, a cache of computer files saved on the hard drives of Thomas Hofeller, a prominent Republican redistricting strategist, is becoming public. Republican state lawmakers in North Carolina fought in court to keep copies of these maps, spreadsheets and other documents from entering the public record. But some files have already come to light in recent months through court filings and news reports.

They have been cited as evidence of gerrymandering that got political maps thrown out in North Carolina, and they have raised questions about Hofeller's role in the Trump administration's failed push for a census citizenship question. Now more of the files are available online through a website called The Hofeller Files, where Hofeller's daughter, Stephanie Hofeller, published a link to her copy of the files on Sunday after first announcing her plans in a tweet last month.

Deceased GOP Strategist's Daughter Makes Files Public That Republicans Wanted Sealed

It's unraveling.

I heard this story earlier on NPR about the GOP strategists responsible for Gerrymandering schemes in multiple states. I think it is funny as heck.

We know that democrats invented and patented Gerrymandering!

remember, they are what they say we are.
Of course. Two pots calling each other black. Dems have been caught also. It is just the Republicans getting caught lately. Nothing new here.
Yep, and Trump disrupted all of that. too fking funny!
You do not live in a democracy if you live in the US..

It is a Representative republic

It is why the far left does not understand much!

Common definitions of the terms democracy and republic often feature overlapping concerns, suggesting that all democracies function as republics, and many republics operate on democratic principles, as shown by these definitions from the Oxford English Dictionary:

  • Republic: "A state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives..."[1]
  • Democracy: "A system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives."[2]
Eugene Volokh of the UCLA School of Law notes that the United States exemplifies the varied nature of a constitutional republic—a country where some decisions (often local) are made by direct democratic processes, while others (often federal) are made by democratically elected representatives.[3] As with many large systems, US governance is incompletely described by any single term. It also employs the concept, for instance, of a constitutional democracy in which a court system is involved in matters of jurisprudence.[3]

As with other democracies, not all persons in a democratic republic are necessarily citizens, and not all citizens are necessarily entitled to vote.[4] Suffrage is commonly restricted by criteria such as voting age.[5]

Yes I know the far left does not understand that the US is a representative republic, thanks for proving it once again!

Ya know, Kosh, your really not educating anyone. Of course we live in a representative republic. These people you "representative republic crusaders" harangue vote for their state and federal representatives, probably as often as you do. They also understand the fundamentals of democracy. They democratically elect their councilmen, mayors, governors and as mentioned their representatives. They know they don't go to Washington and democratically vote on all the bills put fourth, as their US Representatives and US Senators do or the (hopefully representative, although not required to represent them) members of the electoral college. Your not educating, your just looking down your nose, looking for someone to feel superior to because it makes you feel good or better about yourself. You probably think "well I told that ignorant asshole" or some such nonsense. You "Representative Republic Nazis" are as bad and the "Spelling Nazis", the "Grammar Nazis" and oh yeah, lets not leave out the "Clip Nazis" of the gun owner/expert crowd on here.

Gerrymandering isn't always the divine right of the last ruling party. That is why it sometimes results in lawsuits, sometime won by plaintiffs if the court determines gerrymandering was illegally disenfranchising segments of the electorate. I understand your disgust for what you see as "the dirty, whining undeserving other side", but the story is about bringing illegalities to light, possibly resulting in adjudication of legitimate grievances. If it works out, through the courts, (even these new courts) it will be for the best. Don't bother letting the subject upset you until it is decided, unless you want to donate your fine legal services and experience and winning ways pro bono in the courts to effect your desired outcome. Have a nice day. :)

You project much on that?

It seems you are the one looking down your nose at others! But the US is s Representative Republic, no matter how anyone wants to spin it.

Yes both parties sue each other all the time over things, it is the partisan way.

Gerrymandering started long ago and neither party wants to fix it! Just like neither party cares about the budget!

The real danger is the far left and soon as people see that the better off we will all be.

And the courts do not always work as they can be just as partisan as the politicians!

Spare me. Kosh. You born in the 21st century? The threat is both parties with love of power and nearsighted viewpoint, and who do you blame the courts on? The other party. Who do they blame the courts on? Your party. Good luck. Enjoy the ongoing civics lesson, and don't lose your head over the petty give and take.

Nope the real danger is the far left! Facts are facts!

The far left is not a party it is a cult!
Common definitions of the terms democracy and republic often feature overlapping concerns, suggesting that all democracies function as republics, and many republics operate on democratic principles, as shown by these definitions from the Oxford English Dictionary:

  • Republic: "A state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives..."[1]
  • Democracy: "A system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives."[2]
Eugene Volokh of the UCLA School of Law notes that the United States exemplifies the varied nature of a constitutional republic—a country where some decisions (often local) are made by direct democratic processes, while others (often federal) are made by democratically elected representatives.[3] As with many large systems, US governance is incompletely described by any single term. It also employs the concept, for instance, of a constitutional democracy in which a court system is involved in matters of jurisprudence.[3]

As with other democracies, not all persons in a democratic republic are necessarily citizens, and not all citizens are necessarily entitled to vote.[4] Suffrage is commonly restricted by criteria such as voting age.[5]

Yes I know the far left does not understand that the US is a representative republic, thanks for proving it once again!

Ya know, Kosh, your really not educating anyone. Of course we live in a representative republic. These people you "representative republic crusaders" harangue vote for their state and federal representatives, probably as often as you do. They also understand the fundamentals of democracy. They democratically elect their councilmen, mayors, governors and as mentioned their representatives. They know they don't go to Washington and democratically vote on all the bills put fourth, as their US Representatives and US Senators do or the (hopefully representative, although not required to represent them) members of the electoral college. Your not educating, your just looking down your nose, looking for someone to feel superior to because it makes you feel good or better about yourself. You probably think "well I told that ignorant asshole" or some such nonsense. You "Representative Republic Nazis" are as bad and the "Spelling Nazis", the "Grammar Nazis" and oh yeah, lets not leave out the "Clip Nazis" of the gun owner/expert crowd on here.

Gerrymandering isn't always the divine right of the last ruling party. That is why it sometimes results in lawsuits, sometime won by plaintiffs if the court determines gerrymandering was illegally disenfranchising segments of the electorate. I understand your disgust for what you see as "the dirty, whining undeserving other side", but the story is about bringing illegalities to light, possibly resulting in adjudication of legitimate grievances. If it works out, through the courts, (even these new courts) it will be for the best. Don't bother letting the subject upset you until it is decided, unless you want to donate your fine legal services and experience and winning ways pro bono in the courts to effect your desired outcome. Have a nice day. :)

You project much on that?

It seems you are the one looking down your nose at others! But the US is s Representative Republic, no matter how anyone wants to spin it.

Yes both parties sue each other all the time over things, it is the partisan way.

Gerrymandering started long ago and neither party wants to fix it! Just like neither party cares about the budget!

The real danger is the far left and soon as people see that the better off we will all be.

And the courts do not always work as they can be just as partisan as the politicians!

Spare me. Kosh. You born in the 21st century? The threat is both parties with love of power and nearsighted viewpoint, and who do you blame the courts on? The other party. Who do they blame the courts on? Your party. Good luck. Enjoy the ongoing civics lesson, and don't lose your head over the petty give and take.

Nope the real danger is the far left! Facts are facts!

The far left is not a party it is a cult!
they have to have talking points. I saw that Schumer was reading from a paper when he talked over the weekend. he couldn't even articulate a response himself. too fking funny.

I believe they have to take an oath to the demofk party before they take the oath of office, when they get elected!!!!
More than a year after his death, a cache of computer files saved on the hard drives of Thomas Hofeller, a prominent Republican redistricting strategist, is becoming public. Republican state lawmakers in North Carolina fought in court to keep copies of these maps, spreadsheets and other documents from entering the public record. But some files have already come to light in recent months through court filings and news reports.

They have been cited as evidence of gerrymandering that got political maps thrown out in North Carolina, and they have raised questions about Hofeller's role in the Trump administration's failed push for a census citizenship question. Now more of the files are available online through a website called The Hofeller Files, where Hofeller's daughter, Stephanie Hofeller, published a link to her copy of the files on Sunday after first announcing her plans in a tweet last month.

Deceased GOP Strategist's Daughter Makes Files Public That Republicans Wanted Sealed

It's unraveling.

I heard this story earlier on NPR about the GOP strategists responsible for Gerrymandering schemes in multiple states. I think it is funny as heck.

We know that democrats invented and patented Gerrymandering!

remember, they are what they say we are.
Of course. Two pots calling each other black. Dems have been caught also. It is just the Republicans getting caught lately. Nothing new here.
Yep, and Trump disrupted all of that. too fking funny!

Yeah. I started losing my sense of humor after about 7 months in. It is looking kinda pathetic on both sides. I still think it will work out, but not in the near term. There is just enough bullsh#t and truth on both sides to keep everybody pissed off, so nobody talks anymore.
I heard this story earlier on NPR about the GOP strategists responsible for Gerrymandering schemes in multiple states. I think it is funny as heck.

We know that democrats invented and patented Gerrymandering!

remember, they are what they say we are.
Of course. Two pots calling each other black. Dems have been caught also. It is just the Republicans getting caught lately. Nothing new here.
Yep, and Trump disrupted all of that. too fking funny!

Yeah. I started losing my sense of humor after about 7 months in. It is looking kinda pathetic on both sides. I still think it will work out, but not in the near term. There is just enough bullsh#t and truth on both sides to keep everybody pissed off, so nobody talks anymore.
well they agree on orangemanbad. LOL, while he kicks their asses.
Common definitions of the terms democracy and republic often feature overlapping concerns, suggesting that all democracies function as republics, and many republics operate on democratic principles, as shown by these definitions from the Oxford English Dictionary:

  • Republic: "A state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives..."[1]
  • Democracy: "A system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives."[2]
Eugene Volokh of the UCLA School of Law notes that the United States exemplifies the varied nature of a constitutional republic—a country where some decisions (often local) are made by direct democratic processes, while others (often federal) are made by democratically elected representatives.[3] As with many large systems, US governance is incompletely described by any single term. It also employs the concept, for instance, of a constitutional democracy in which a court system is involved in matters of jurisprudence.[3]

As with other democracies, not all persons in a democratic republic are necessarily citizens, and not all citizens are necessarily entitled to vote.[4] Suffrage is commonly restricted by criteria such as voting age.[5]

Yes I know the far left does not understand that the US is a representative republic, thanks for proving it once again!

Ya know, Kosh, your really not educating anyone. Of course we live in a representative republic. These people you "representative republic crusaders" harangue vote for their state and federal representatives, probably as often as you do. They also understand the fundamentals of democracy. They democratically elect their councilmen, mayors, governors and as mentioned their representatives. They know they don't go to Washington and democratically vote on all the bills put fourth, as their US Representatives and US Senators do or the (hopefully representative, although not required to represent them) members of the electoral college. Your not educating, your just looking down your nose, looking for someone to feel superior to because it makes you feel good or better about yourself. You probably think "well I told that ignorant asshole" or some such nonsense. You "Representative Republic Nazis" are as bad and the "Spelling Nazis", the "Grammar Nazis" and oh yeah, lets not leave out the "Clip Nazis" of the gun owner/expert crowd on here.

Gerrymandering isn't always the divine right of the last ruling party. That is why it sometimes results in lawsuits, sometime won by plaintiffs if the court determines gerrymandering was illegally disenfranchising segments of the electorate. I understand your disgust for what you see as "the dirty, whining undeserving other side", but the story is about bringing illegalities to light, possibly resulting in adjudication of legitimate grievances. If it works out, through the courts, (even these new courts) it will be for the best. Don't bother letting the subject upset you until it is decided, unless you want to donate your fine legal services and experience and winning ways pro bono in the courts to effect your desired outcome. Have a nice day. :)

You project much on that?

It seems you are the one looking down your nose at others! But the US is s Representative Republic, no matter how anyone wants to spin it.

Yes both parties sue each other all the time over things, it is the partisan way.

Gerrymandering started long ago and neither party wants to fix it! Just like neither party cares about the budget!

The real danger is the far left and soon as people see that the better off we will all be.

And the courts do not always work as they can be just as partisan as the politicians!

Spare me. Kosh. You born in the 21st century? The threat is both parties with love of power and nearsighted viewpoint, and who do you blame the courts on? The other party. Who do they blame the courts on? Your party. Good luck. Enjoy the ongoing civics lesson, and don't lose your head over the petty give and take.

Nope the real danger is the far left! Facts are facts!

The far left is not a party it is a cult!

Grow up. That is what they say about your side. Your both wrong mostly. Unfortunately your both minorly correct. That why the assholes aren't talking to each other. You can look at a few and project on the sum, but it is not statistically accurate, just bluster.
Yes I know the far left does not understand that the US is a representative republic, thanks for proving it once again!

Ya know, Kosh, your really not educating anyone. Of course we live in a representative republic. These people you "representative republic crusaders" harangue vote for their state and federal representatives, probably as often as you do. They also understand the fundamentals of democracy. They democratically elect their councilmen, mayors, governors and as mentioned their representatives. They know they don't go to Washington and democratically vote on all the bills put fourth, as their US Representatives and US Senators do or the (hopefully representative, although not required to represent them) members of the electoral college. Your not educating, your just looking down your nose, looking for someone to feel superior to because it makes you feel good or better about yourself. You probably think "well I told that ignorant asshole" or some such nonsense. You "Representative Republic Nazis" are as bad and the "Spelling Nazis", the "Grammar Nazis" and oh yeah, lets not leave out the "Clip Nazis" of the gun owner/expert crowd on here.

Gerrymandering isn't always the divine right of the last ruling party. That is why it sometimes results in lawsuits, sometime won by plaintiffs if the court determines gerrymandering was illegally disenfranchising segments of the electorate. I understand your disgust for what you see as "the dirty, whining undeserving other side", but the story is about bringing illegalities to light, possibly resulting in adjudication of legitimate grievances. If it works out, through the courts, (even these new courts) it will be for the best. Don't bother letting the subject upset you until it is decided, unless you want to donate your fine legal services and experience and winning ways pro bono in the courts to effect your desired outcome. Have a nice day. :)

You project much on that?

It seems you are the one looking down your nose at others! But the US is s Representative Republic, no matter how anyone wants to spin it.

Yes both parties sue each other all the time over things, it is the partisan way.

Gerrymandering started long ago and neither party wants to fix it! Just like neither party cares about the budget!

The real danger is the far left and soon as people see that the better off we will all be.

And the courts do not always work as they can be just as partisan as the politicians!

Spare me. Kosh. You born in the 21st century? The threat is both parties with love of power and nearsighted viewpoint, and who do you blame the courts on? The other party. Who do they blame the courts on? Your party. Good luck. Enjoy the ongoing civics lesson, and don't lose your head over the petty give and take.

Nope the real danger is the far left! Facts are facts!

The far left is not a party it is a cult!
they have to have talking points. I saw that Schumer was reading from a paper when he talked over the weekend. he couldn't even articulate a response himself. too fking funny.

I believe they have to take an oath to the demofk party before they take the oath of office, when they get elected!!!!

Calm down. Pass the popcorn.
Since everyone posting in this thread appears to be just fine with gerrymandering as long as they think it benefits their 'side'- I have started a new thread just on the issue, and will leave you guys to your echo chamber.
Yes I know the far left does not understand that the US is a representative republic, thanks for proving it once again!

Ya know, Kosh, your really not educating anyone. Of course we live in a representative republic. These people you "representative republic crusaders" harangue vote for their state and federal representatives, probably as often as you do. They also understand the fundamentals of democracy. They democratically elect their councilmen, mayors, governors and as mentioned their representatives. They know they don't go to Washington and democratically vote on all the bills put fourth, as their US Representatives and US Senators do or the (hopefully representative, although not required to represent them) members of the electoral college. Your not educating, your just looking down your nose, looking for someone to feel superior to because it makes you feel good or better about yourself. You probably think "well I told that ignorant asshole" or some such nonsense. You "Representative Republic Nazis" are as bad and the "Spelling Nazis", the "Grammar Nazis" and oh yeah, lets not leave out the "Clip Nazis" of the gun owner/expert crowd on here.

Gerrymandering isn't always the divine right of the last ruling party. That is why it sometimes results in lawsuits, sometime won by plaintiffs if the court determines gerrymandering was illegally disenfranchising segments of the electorate. I understand your disgust for what you see as "the dirty, whining undeserving other side", but the story is about bringing illegalities to light, possibly resulting in adjudication of legitimate grievances. If it works out, through the courts, (even these new courts) it will be for the best. Don't bother letting the subject upset you until it is decided, unless you want to donate your fine legal services and experience and winning ways pro bono in the courts to effect your desired outcome. Have a nice day. :)

You project much on that?

It seems you are the one looking down your nose at others! But the US is s Representative Republic, no matter how anyone wants to spin it.

Yes both parties sue each other all the time over things, it is the partisan way.

Gerrymandering started long ago and neither party wants to fix it! Just like neither party cares about the budget!

The real danger is the far left and soon as people see that the better off we will all be.

And the courts do not always work as they can be just as partisan as the politicians!

Spare me. Kosh. You born in the 21st century? The threat is both parties with love of power and nearsighted viewpoint, and who do you blame the courts on? The other party. Who do they blame the courts on? Your party. Good luck. Enjoy the ongoing civics lesson, and don't lose your head over the petty give and take.

Nope the real danger is the far left! Facts are facts!

The far left is not a party it is a cult!

Grow up. That is what they say about your side. Your both wrong mostly. Unfortunately your both minorly correct. That why the assholes aren't talking to each other. You can look at a few and project on the sum, but it is not statistically accurate, just bluster.

Yes the far left will have to grow up, it is not just here in the US it is all over the world!
Ya know, Kosh, your really not educating anyone. Of course we live in a representative republic. These people you "representative republic crusaders" harangue vote for their state and federal representatives, probably as often as you do. They also understand the fundamentals of democracy. They democratically elect their councilmen, mayors, governors and as mentioned their representatives. They know they don't go to Washington and democratically vote on all the bills put fourth, as their US Representatives and US Senators do or the (hopefully representative, although not required to represent them) members of the electoral college. Your not educating, your just looking down your nose, looking for someone to feel superior to because it makes you feel good or better about yourself. You probably think "well I told that ignorant asshole" or some such nonsense. You "Representative Republic Nazis" are as bad and the "Spelling Nazis", the "Grammar Nazis" and oh yeah, lets not leave out the "Clip Nazis" of the gun owner/expert crowd on here.

Gerrymandering isn't always the divine right of the last ruling party. That is why it sometimes results in lawsuits, sometime won by plaintiffs if the court determines gerrymandering was illegally disenfranchising segments of the electorate. I understand your disgust for what you see as "the dirty, whining undeserving other side", but the story is about bringing illegalities to light, possibly resulting in adjudication of legitimate grievances. If it works out, through the courts, (even these new courts) it will be for the best. Don't bother letting the subject upset you until it is decided, unless you want to donate your fine legal services and experience and winning ways pro bono in the courts to effect your desired outcome. Have a nice day. :)

You project much on that?

It seems you are the one looking down your nose at others! But the US is s Representative Republic, no matter how anyone wants to spin it.

Yes both parties sue each other all the time over things, it is the partisan way.

Gerrymandering started long ago and neither party wants to fix it! Just like neither party cares about the budget!

The real danger is the far left and soon as people see that the better off we will all be.

And the courts do not always work as they can be just as partisan as the politicians!

Spare me. Kosh. You born in the 21st century? The threat is both parties with love of power and nearsighted viewpoint, and who do you blame the courts on? The other party. Who do they blame the courts on? Your party. Good luck. Enjoy the ongoing civics lesson, and don't lose your head over the petty give and take.

Nope the real danger is the far left! Facts are facts!

The far left is not a party it is a cult!
they have to have talking points. I saw that Schumer was reading from a paper when he talked over the weekend. he couldn't even articulate a response himself. too fking funny.

I believe they have to take an oath to the demofk party before they take the oath of office, when they get elected!!!!

Calm down. Pass the popcorn.
I know right? the truth always seems to cause you all to go all weird and shit.

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