GOP Superstar Herschel Walker Gives Brilliant Answer On Gun Control - Libs Totally Triggered LOL

Yea, but I hope you see my point....

All Conservatives really do is nominate a performer.....if they have some fame, that is even better....

And all that person has to do is play a character and put on a show for the base....

Everyone knows all of the policy decisions will be made by other folks.....

But like I said, this is more of a Republican thing....Democrat voters kinda want to know what your healthcare policy would be, or what your position on Medicare/Social Security is....because we'd rather go to real concerts to see performers, not rallies...

Really? After Obama and Biden you talk about “performers?”
Virtually every problem is now approached from a purely tribal political angle now.

That's why we can no longer fix big problems.
"GunControl" will not fix this problem and only make our stupid government more authoritarian.

I too am now a single-issue voter.

I will only vote for those willing to repeal ALL federal gun laws and disband the ATF.

"Georgia’s Republican Senate nominee Herschel Walker evaded a question about the Uvalde school shooting Tuesday evening after his big victory. Walker ran away with the primary, carrying nearly 70% of the vote as of 12:30 a.m. Wednesday morning. He managed to do so while avoiding debates against his opponents and amid questions about his fitness as a candidate. CNN’s Manu Raju asked Walker asked about the elementary school shooting in Texas that left 19 children dead. Raju posted a video of the very brief encounter. “Do you support any new gun laws in the wake of this Texas shooting?” Raju asked him. “What I’d like to do, what I’d like to do is see it and everything and stuff,” Walker said. “I’d Like to see it.”

The moment offered little in the way of confidence Georgia’s voters can expect hearty debates between Walker and Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-GA), -- Walker’s reluctance to talk about the issues frustrated his GOP primary opponents. One of them referred to his political blueprint as “Biden basement strategy.”

Yea, but to be fair, at least Biden went to debates and even came up with more coherent answers to policy questions than what Walker has done...but what Walker is doing is still brilliant....just totally avoid debates, just totally avoid addressing any issues with any hint of being knowledgeable about it.....just try to keep it to a few simple slogans like just say "we need more freedoms" or "cut regulations" -- no matter what the question was -- just give those answers and you will be fine...and if you do give an answer that really makes no real sense -- that's cool too...because you can simply claim you were being obtuse on purpose as some sort of 4D-chess move and then just claim you triggered the libs.....

The added bonus is, no matter how clear it is that you are scared shitless to be exposed as someone who knows nothing about policy or legislating -- in fact, you don't even have to have any policies at all.....there will already be some think tank or lobbying group like ALEC or Club For Growth that will tell you what your policies will be..... so all you really have to do is just campaign on whining about stuff.....just complain about useless random stuff like how TV commercials have too many biracial kids in them, or just say "trans kids in schools" 3 times real fast -- and suddenly you will have an army of sycophants making excuses for you ...Now this strategy only works with Conservatives, but its still a good strategy tho.

yeah, he'd like to see the new gun laws that are being proposed. What's wrong with that?

"Georgia’s Republican Senate nominee Herschel Walker evaded a question about the Uvalde school shooting Tuesday evening after his big victory. Walker ran away with the primary, carrying nearly 70% of the vote as of 12:30 a.m. Wednesday morning. He managed to do so while avoiding debates against his opponents and amid questions about his fitness as a candidate. CNN’s Manu Raju asked Walker asked about the elementary school shooting in Texas that left 19 children dead. Raju posted a video of the very brief encounter. “Do you support any new gun laws in the wake of this Texas shooting?” Raju asked him. “What I’d like to do, what I’d like to do is see it and everything and stuff,” Walker said. “I’d Like to see it.”

The moment offered little in the way of confidence Georgia’s voters can expect hearty debates between Walker and Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-GA), -- Walker’s reluctance to talk about the issues frustrated his GOP primary opponents. One of them referred to his political blueprint as “Biden basement strategy.”

Yea, but to be fair, at least Biden went to debates and even came up with more coherent answers to policy questions than what Walker has done...but what Walker is doing is still brilliant....just totally avoid debates, just totally avoid addressing any issues with any hint of being knowledgeable about it.....just try to keep it to a few simple slogans like just say "we need more freedoms" or "cut regulations" -- no matter what the question was -- just give those answers and you will be fine...and if you do give an answer that really makes no real sense -- that's cool too...because you can simply claim you were being obtuse on purpose as some sort of 4D-chess move and then just claim you triggered the libs.....

The added bonus is, no matter how clear it is that you are scared shitless to be exposed as someone who knows nothing about policy or legislating -- in fact, you don't even have to have any policies at all.....there will already be some think tank or lobbying group like ALEC or Club For Growth that will tell you what your policies will be..... so all you really have to do is just campaign on whining about stuff.....just complain about useless random stuff like how TV commercials have too many biracial kids in them, or just say "trans kids in schools" 3 times real fast -- and suddenly you will have an army of sycophants making excuses for you ...Now this strategy only works with Conservatives, but its still a good strategy tho.

I will take pockets of right wing ignorance over 10+ years of blatant democrat lies, crimes and malevolence. Our choices are limited. (Compare Herschel to Biden and Harris, and tell me who is dumbest of them all.)
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have you been asleep for the past 8 years?

No, I have not been asleep. I have been bitching and railling against party politics that serves no purpose except the election (or reelection) of people who will do nothing.

And that goes for BOTH parties.

If either side had put as much effort into solving problems as they have in beating the other side, we might have gotten somewhere.
You are the queen of not funny, so don't even...

Walker sounded dumb.

What he should have said it that the left groomed this tranny shooter and white supremacist, Salvador Ramos, and that the solution is to never give the left the bullshit they want.

And we need machine guns.

I would start talking about MANDATORY carry for all adults.
So in other words, he should have lied and demonized trans people...thanks for admitting you are full of shit and support Republicans running campaigns on being full of shit...

Despite the fact that the shooter wasn't a "tranny" -- it still doesn't stop you lying dic suckers from claiming it anyway...

How pathetic do you have to be to feel that someone murdering 19 children isn't reason to be outraged, you morons have to pretend the shooter was a tranny to be outraged..shut yo bitch azz up

"Georgia’s Republican Senate nominee Herschel Walker evaded a question about the Uvalde school shooting Tuesday evening after his big victory. Walker ran away with the primary, carrying nearly 70% of the vote as of 12:30 a.m. Wednesday morning. He managed to do so while avoiding debates against his opponents and amid questions about his fitness as a candidate. CNN’s Manu Raju asked Walker asked about the elementary school shooting in Texas that left 19 children dead. Raju posted a video of the very brief encounter. “Do you support any new gun laws in the wake of this Texas shooting?” Raju asked him. “What I’d like to do, what I’d like to do is see it and everything and stuff,” Walker said. “I’d Like to see it.”

The moment offered little in the way of confidence Georgia’s voters can expect hearty debates between Walker and Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-GA), -- Walker’s reluctance to talk about the issues frustrated his GOP primary opponents. One of them referred to his political blueprint as “Biden basement strategy.”

Yea, but to be fair, at least Biden went to debates and even came up with more coherent answers to policy questions than what Walker has done...but what Walker is doing is still brilliant....just totally avoid debates, just totally avoid addressing any issues with any hint of being knowledgeable about it.....just try to keep it to a few simple slogans like just say "we need more freedoms" or "cut regulations" -- no matter what the question was -- just give those answers and you will be fine...and if you do give an answer that really makes no real sense -- that's cool too...because you can simply claim you were being obtuse on purpose as some sort of 4D-chess move and then just claim you triggered the libs.....

The added bonus is, no matter how clear it is that you are scared shitless to be exposed as someone who knows nothing about policy or legislating -- in fact, you don't even have to have any policies at all.....there will already be some think tank or lobbying group like ALEC or Club For Growth that will tell you what your policies will be..... so all you really have to do is just campaign on whining about stuff.....just complain about useless random stuff like how TV commercials have too many biracial kids in them, or just say "trans kids in schools" 3 times real fast -- and suddenly you will have an army of sycophants making excuses for you ...Now this strategy only works with Conservatives, but its still a good strategy tho.

when-seconds-count-the-police-are-only-minutes-away-n.jpg gunfree.jpg DeathTollCommunism.jpg

What do all these have in common? Progressives who are in charge. They dont give a rats ass about people, just look at the last picture.

"Georgia’s Republican Senate nominee Herschel Walker evaded a question about the Uvalde school shooting Tuesday evening after his big victory. Walker ran away with the primary, carrying nearly 70% of the vote as of 12:30 a.m. Wednesday morning. He managed to do so while avoiding debates against his opponents and amid questions about his fitness as a candidate. CNN’s Manu Raju asked Walker asked about the elementary school shooting in Texas that left 19 children dead. Raju posted a video of the very brief encounter. “Do you support any new gun laws in the wake of this Texas shooting?” Raju asked him. “What I’d like to do, what I’d like to do is see it and everything and stuff,” Walker said. “I’d Like to see it.”

The moment offered little in the way of confidence Georgia’s voters can expect hearty debates between Walker and Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-GA), -- Walker’s reluctance to talk about the issues frustrated his GOP primary opponents. One of them referred to his political blueprint as “Biden basement strategy.”

Yea, but to be fair, at least Biden went to debates and even came up with more coherent answers to policy questions than what Walker has done...but what Walker is doing is still brilliant....just totally avoid debates, just totally avoid addressing any issues with any hint of being knowledgeable about it.....just try to keep it to a few simple slogans like just say "we need more freedoms" or "cut regulations" -- no matter what the question was -- just give those answers and you will be fine...and if you do give an answer that really makes no real sense -- that's cool too...because you can simply claim you were being obtuse on purpose as some sort of 4D-chess move and then just claim you triggered the libs.....

The added bonus is, no matter how clear it is that you are scared shitless to be exposed as someone who knows nothing about policy or legislating -- in fact, you don't even have to have any policies at all.....there will already be some think tank or lobbying group like ALEC or Club For Growth that will tell you what your policies will be..... so all you really have to do is just campaign on whining about stuff.....just complain about useless random stuff like how TV commercials have too many biracial kids in them, or just say "trans kids in schools" 3 times real fast -- and suddenly you will have an army of sycophants making excuses for you ...Now this strategy only works with Conservatives, but its still a good strategy tho.

What do you expect?

He spent the first 30 years of his life getting hit in the head daily
^ Deflection noted ^

What does "I'd like to see it and everything and stuff" means when it comes to gun control bills??
Hey Biffy, did you ever serve in the military? Some of us have, so we know how to handle a weapon and defend not only our country but other people. The solution to gun crime is allow some of us to shoot the bad guys instead of putting them in jail, where they will be released back into society.
/------/ Your slogan THE FORWARD PARTY real meaning:
The slogan "Forward!" reflected the conviction of European Marxists and radicals that their movements reflected the march of history, which would move forward past capitalism and into socialism and communism. ...

"Georgia’s Republican Senate nominee Herschel Walker evaded a question about the Uvalde school shooting Tuesday evening after his big victory. Walker ran away with the primary, carrying nearly 70% of the vote as of 12:30 a.m. Wednesday morning. He managed to do so while avoiding debates against his opponents and amid questions about his fitness as a candidate. CNN’s Manu Raju asked Walker asked about the elementary school shooting in Texas that left 19 children dead. Raju posted a video of the very brief encounter. “Do you support any new gun laws in the wake of this Texas shooting?” Raju asked him. “What I’d like to do, what I’d like to do is see it and everything and stuff,” Walker said. “I’d Like to see it.”

The moment offered little in the way of confidence Georgia’s voters can expect hearty debates between Walker and Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-GA), -- Walker’s reluctance to talk about the issues frustrated his GOP primary opponents. One of them referred to his political blueprint as “Biden basement strategy.”

Yea, but to be fair, at least Biden went to debates and even came up with more coherent answers to policy questions than what Walker has done...but what Walker is doing is still brilliant....just totally avoid debates, just totally avoid addressing any issues with any hint of being knowledgeable about it.....just try to keep it to a few simple slogans like just say "we need more freedoms" or "cut regulations" -- no matter what the question was -- just give those answers and you will be fine...and if you do give an answer that really makes no real sense -- that's cool too...because you can simply claim you were being obtuse on purpose as some sort of 4D-chess move and then just claim you triggered the libs.....

The added bonus is, no matter how clear it is that you are scared shitless to be exposed as someone who knows nothing about policy or legislating -- in fact, you don't even have to have any policies at all.....there will already be some think tank or lobbying group like ALEC or Club For Growth that will tell you what your policies will be..... so all you really have to do is just campaign on whining about stuff.....just complain about useless random stuff like how TV commercials have too many biracial kids in them, or just say "trans kids in schools" 3 times real fast -- and suddenly you will have an army of sycophants making excuses for you ...Now this strategy only works with Conservatives, but its still a good strategy tho.

Policies are such a drag as they commit politicians to a course of action that their backers may not wish them to take.
Far better to keep your options open and make your mind up after being told what you believe.
Yeah, let's go with this fucking neanderthal that ran over its wife.... Dominion has some tough decisions this cycle....


"Georgia’s Republican Senate nominee Herschel Walker evaded a question about the Uvalde school shooting Tuesday evening after his big victory. Walker ran away with the primary, carrying nearly 70% of the vote as of 12:30 a.m. Wednesday morning. He managed to do so while avoiding debates against his opponents and amid questions about his fitness as a candidate. CNN’s Manu Raju asked Walker asked about the elementary school shooting in Texas that left 19 children dead. Raju posted a video of the very brief encounter. “Do you support any new gun laws in the wake of this Texas shooting?” Raju asked him. “What I’d like to do, what I’d like to do is see it and everything and stuff,” Walker said. “I’d Like to see it.”

The moment offered little in the way of confidence Georgia’s voters can expect hearty debates between Walker and Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-GA), -- Walker’s reluctance to talk about the issues frustrated his GOP primary opponents. One of them referred to his political blueprint as “Biden basement strategy.”

Yea, but to be fair, at least Biden went to debates and even came up with more coherent answers to policy questions than what Walker has done...but what Walker is doing is still brilliant....just totally avoid debates, just totally avoid addressing any issues with any hint of being knowledgeable about it.....just try to keep it to a few simple slogans like just say "we need more freedoms" or "cut regulations" -- no matter what the question was -- just give those answers and you will be fine...and if you do give an answer that really makes no real sense -- that's cool too...because you can simply claim you were being obtuse on purpose as some sort of 4D-chess move and then just claim you triggered the libs.....

The added bonus is, no matter how clear it is that you are scared shitless to be exposed as someone who knows nothing about policy or legislating -- in fact, you don't even have to have any policies at all.....there will already be some think tank or lobbying group like ALEC or Club For Growth that will tell you what your policies will be..... so all you really have to do is just campaign on whining about stuff.....just complain about useless random stuff like how TV commercials have too many biracial kids in them, or just say "trans kids in schools" 3 times real fast -- and suddenly you will have an army of sycophants making excuses for you ...Now this strategy only works with Conservatives, but its still a good strategy tho.

The men with MLK that ended up a politicians stayed for a long time in politics. They were not good politicians. And they sold out. MLK would bristle at what the Prog push today. And they helped to push it. Anyway many politicians as novices know nothing. No saying this about Walker. but we know you are destroying him because he has an "R" next to his name. Fire with fire was fought in this Senate race.

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