GOP turning "American helping American" into Socialism - Is that a national scandal?

there is nothing wrong with having a program for those who get laid off or hurt on the job it can happen to anyone...the question becomes.... how long do you help them?....with Unemployment anyway there has to be a cutoff point.....2 years is a long time....injuries or illness is something else....

Yeah but who says we taxpayers should be footing the bill??

Who says the taxpayers should be responsible for providing the money??

these things can happen to anyone Claudette....i would rather see my tax dollars helping out Americans than having them go to some third world shithole who are going to spit in our faces no matter what....

libs are a comical bunch. who spits in our faces more than out own self-hating Left-wing?
this us or them is just another typical liberal false choice. we dont live in a vacuum; it's a big world out there
I was a teen in California in the 60's.

And you haven't matured a bit since...


I never saw anyone ever OD on "pot".

But you were pretty high at the time, so who really knows?



Indeed they do, Deanie....
there is nothing wrong with having a program for those who get laid off or hurt on the job it can happen to anyone...the question becomes.... how long do you help them?....with Unemployment anyway there has to be a cutoff point.....2 years is a long time....injuries or illness is something else....

Yeah but who says we taxpayers should be footing the bill??

Who says the taxpayers should be responsible for providing the money??

these things can happen to anyone Claudette....i would rather see my tax dollars helping out Americans than having them go to some third world shithole who are going to spit in our faces no matter what....

I for one don't feel its my duty help anyone.. I have no problem with giving to charities though and letting those charities dispense said money. Why? Because it was my choice to give to that charity.

As for those third world shitholes? As far as I'm concerned our money doesn't need to go to any other country. If they can't survive on their own then tough shit.
Oh brother. Another dogooder who wants to bankroll everyones life for em.

The topic is the poor. Not the war in Iraq, your perceived notion of the 1% and the rest of your drivel.

If you think taking care of the poor is worthwhile then whip out your wallet and checkbook and take of em. That will be your choice and your money.

Most of these social programs are utter failures costing millions and its not my duty to feed anyone not that anyone is starving. Far from it most of those on Welfare are fat as fat can be. Obese.

Oh and show me in the constitution where one group of people is obligated to take care of another?

Dont' bother. You won't find it. There is no charity in the constitution.

The true face of "compassionate conservatism". :eusa_clap:

No. The true face of someone who doesn't want to bankroll someone elses life for em. The true face of someone who picks the charities she gives to. The true face of someone who wonders what morons decided that those that produce should take care of those that don't.

If thats your cup of tea than whip our your wallet and your checkbook and have at it.

I'm sure You'll feel good about all that compassion as your money takes a hike.

Oh and don't wait for that thank you because it won't come.

Its called Progressive Taxation and its been around since the Roman period. If you have a better plan go for it but right now you are crying about reality
Its called stupidity and a road to an easy way of life for all the freeloaders in America.

There is an easy way. Do away with Welfare and all that other social bullshit brought to you by the Democratic party of America.

You'd be surprised how quickly someone can take care of themselves when the free ride comes to a screeching halt. You'd be surprised how quickly they can take care of themselves when they have to.
Democrats/liberals/progressives don't want people to make it on their own...that's why they drill into people they're helpless and they will ride in and take care of you.... just vote Democrat

then they couldn't use people (blacks, women, homosexuals, etc) to beat you over the head with thread's like this or how you want to TAKE away from people, blah blah blah

it's a horrible tactic of divide and conquer all for politics
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I hate that there is a need for welfare. Hate that people work the "welfare system" like they do. Hate that my tax dollar goes to lots of things I hate.

But I hate to tell you Claudette, welfare isn't going to be done away with. Unless your kind is taking over.
Which i doubt.
I can't even read a thread this long, not on this topic, so someone may have already raised this point, but I'd argue that the people advocating for the welfare state are the most responsible for equating "american helping american" with socialism. They give the genuine desire to help the poor a bad name by insisting that it can only happen via coercive government mandate.
here's the Democrats/progressives in action with their motto of Americans helping Americans


Chicago Public School system pushing food stamps

4:34 PM 04/22/2014

Chicago Public School parents received robocalls last week encouraging them to sign their children up for food stamps and free or low-cost health insurance.

“Currently there are 68,000 children in the Chicago Public Schools that are not enrolled in free or low-cost health insurance and SNAP also knows as food stamps,” the recording, obtained by The Daily Caller, says. “Your child may be one of them. To find out more about your eligibility call the Children and Family Benefits Unit at 773-553-KIDS.”

“Or visit your child’s school and ask the clerk for a Children and Family Benefits Unit flier,” the message added.

The Chicago Public School website explains the Children and Family Benefits Unit (CFBU) “works to ensure that CPS families receive those benefits to which they are entitled.”

Part of ensuring these families receive benefits to which they are entitled includes outreach.

Sergio Obregon, a CFBU spokesman, told TheDC that the unit primarily works to enroll CPS students in Medicaid and SNAP. He confirmed that the robocalls to parents last week came from CFBU

“It’s been very effective for us,” he said, explaining that last Tuesday the CFBU hotline received 175 calls “from families looking for assistance with respect to enrolling in Medicaid or SNAP.”

he said. ”

ALL of it here with comments
Read more: Chicago Public School system pushing food stamps | The Daily Caller
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here's the Democrats/progressives in action with their motto of Americans helping Americans


Chicago Public School system pushing food stamps

4:34 PM 04/22/2014

Chicago Public School parents received robocalls last week encouraging them to sign their children up for food stamps and free or low-cost health insurance.

“Currently there are 68,000 children in the Chicago Public Schools that are not enrolled in free or low-cost health insurance and SNAP also knows as food stamps,” the recording, obtained by The Daily Caller, says. “Your child may be one of them. To find out more about your eligibility call the Children and Family Benefits Unit at 773-553-KIDS.”

“Or visit your child’s school and ask the clerk for a Children and Family Benefits Unit flier,” the message added.

The Chicago Public School website explains the Children and Family Benefits Unit (CFBU) “works to ensure that CPS families receive those benefits to which they are entitled.”

Part of ensuring these families receive benefits to which they are entitled includes outreach.

Sergio Obregon, a CFBU spokesman, told TheDC that the unit primarily works to enroll CPS students in Medicaid and SNAP. He confirmed that the robocalls to parents last week came from CFBU

“It’s been very effective for us,” he said, explaining that last Tuesday the CFBU hotline received 175 calls “from families looking for assistance with respect to enrolling in Medicaid or SNAP.”

he said. ”

ALL of it here with comments
Read more: Chicago Public School system pushing food stamps | The Daily Caller

good post; the Left plans to fail the very people they claim to support
I hate that there is a need for welfare. Hate that people work the "welfare system" like they do. Hate that my tax dollar goes to lots of things I hate.

But I hate to tell you Claudette, welfare isn't going to be done away with. Unless your kind is taking over.
Which i doubt.

who is saying we should eliminate welfare?

No one of any value.

Another lie by a poster who was caught red handed lying. And no, Zeke...I will not let it go...for you to make believe you are something you are not so you can "validate" your sentiments low as one can get.
I can't even read a thread this long, not on this topic, so someone may have already raised this point, but I'd argue that the people advocating for the welfare state are the most responsible for equating "american helping american" with socialism. They give the genuine desire to help the poor a bad name by insisting that it can only happen via coercive government mandate.

good point; the idiotic Left argues that almost every public organization; the police, fire, schools, libraries...etc is an example of Socialism; argues for MORE of that; then whines that others dont know what the meaning of Socialism is, or what a Socialist is; when those people point out the Left wants more of what THEY CALL Socialism.

libs are losers who lie to themselves
I hate that there is a need for welfare. Hate that people work the "welfare system" like they do. Hate that my tax dollar goes to lots of things I hate.

But I hate to tell you Claudette, welfare isn't going to be done away with. Unless your kind is taking over.
Which i doubt.

who is saying we should eliminate welfare?

No one of any value.

Another lie by a poster who was caught red handed lying. And no, Zeke...I will not let it go...for you to make believe you are something you are not so you can "validate" your sentiments low as one can get.

exactly; the Left are lying morons who create a false premise that misrepresents the other side's position; then insists on building a narrative off their own lies.
Do you want a "safety net" or do you want a "hammock"? The fact is...if you make entitlements too easy to get and too easy to stay on...people become used to NOT working...something that isn't good for them or the country no matter who pays for it or how much the cost brings us closer to bankruptcy.

Do you want a "safety net" or do you want a "hammock"?

a safety net.....

.if you make entitlements too easy to get and too easy to stay on...people become used to NOT working...

then make them harder to get and a time limit for how long you are on.....
Yeah but who says we taxpayers should be footing the bill??

Who says the taxpayers should be responsible for providing the money??

these things can happen to anyone Claudette....i would rather see my tax dollars helping out Americans than having them go to some third world shithole who are going to spit in our faces no matter what....

I for one don't feel its my duty help anyone.. I have no problem with giving to charities though and letting those charities dispense said money. Why? Because it was my choice to give to that charity.

As for those third world shitholes? As far as I'm concerned our money doesn't need to go to any other country. If they can't survive on their own then tough shit.

It's also your choice to live in this country. And unfortunately for you, this country is built upon supporting our fellow Americans when they need it the most.

Just because you're a selfish old bag who thinks everyone who needs help is a welfare queen looking to steal your money, doesn't change the fact that you are in the minority in your opinion but there are plenty of 3rd world countries that I'm sure you could move to and not have to give a shit about anyone but yourself.
Its called stupidity and a road to an easy way of life for all the freeloaders in America.

There is an easy way. Do away with Welfare and all that other social bullshit brought to you by the Democratic party of America.

You'd be surprised how quickly someone can take care of themselves when the free ride comes to a screeching halt. You'd be surprised how quickly they can take care of themselves when they have to.

Why don't you share some examples of other places that have no welfare or "social bullshit" that has resulted in their poor people discovering prosperity.

I'm sure your list of examples will be riveting.

When you ignore this request or reply with a lame excuse why you refuse to share even one example, then we'll have proven just how far out of whack your warped view really is.
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I never said it was Claudette that I agreed with. I didn't think Claudette or anyone else would have any problems understanding who I was agreeing with. So I apologize for not dumbing it down more.

So who were you agreeing with? You responded to Claudette. If you weren't agreeing with her, who were you agreeing with?

Please dumb it down more for me.

Those who believe it is our duty to help the poor. I didn't really think it was that difficult to understand. Were you seriously unable to figure that out?
i dont necessarily think its our "duty" to help but i do think for those who actually need help something should be there for them.....but they have to understand its not going to last forever,there has to be a time limit....
I hate that there is a need for welfare. Hate that people work the "welfare system" like they do. Hate that my tax dollar goes to lots of things I hate.

But I hate to tell you Claudette, welfare isn't going to be done away with. Unless your kind is taking over.
Which i doubt.

who is saying we should eliminate welfare?

No one of any value.

Another lie by a poster who was caught red handed lying. And no, Zeke...I will not let it go...for you to make believe you are something you are not so you can "validate" your sentiments low as one can get.

Claudette is.

But I'm glad to see you think she doesn't have any value. I agree.
these things can happen to anyone Claudette....i would rather see my tax dollars helping out Americans than having them go to some third world shithole who are going to spit in our faces no matter what....

I for one don't feel its my duty help anyone.. I have no problem with giving to charities though and letting those charities dispense said money. Why? Because it was my choice to give to that charity.

As for those third world shitholes? As far as I'm concerned our money doesn't need to go to any other country. If they can't survive on their own then tough shit.

It's also your choice to live in this country. And unfortunately for you, this country is built upon supporting our fellow Americans when they need it the most.

Just because you're a selfish old bag who thinks everyone who needs help is a welfare queen looking to steal your money, doesn't change the fact that you are in the minority in your opinion but there are plenty of 3rd world countries that I'm sure you could move to and not have to give a shit about anyone but yourself.

Did you not read her post?

She has no problem GIVING to charities of her choice.

She has an issue with someone else giving her money to the charity of THIER choice.

I understand her sentiment. One does not need to agree that it is the best way to deal with the poor.....but to knock her sentiment? I don't see how.
Its called stupidity and a road to an easy way of life for all the freeloaders in America.

There is an easy way. Do away with Welfare and all that other social bullshit brought to you by the Democratic party of America.

You'd be surprised how quickly someone can take care of themselves when the free ride comes to a screeching halt. You'd be surprised how quickly they can take care of themselves when they have to.

Why don't you share some examples of other places that have no welfare or "social bullshit" that has resulted in their poor people discovering prosperity.

I'm sure your list of examples will be riveting.

When you ignore this request or reply with a lame excuse why you refuse to share even one example, then we'll know have proven just how far out of whack your warped view really is.


seriously; are you saying nobody from a country that doesnt have welfare ever found prosperity? that only help from the Nanny State can lead to prosperity?

and conversely you seem to be saying then that there are no tragic stories of the devastating effects of the pandering welfare state?

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