GOP turning "American helping American" into Socialism - Is that a national scandal?

what was he when he was picked dumbass?.....was he some guy working in Chicago doing community organizing or was he a Congressmen? much money was behind him during the election?....a billion dollars?....thats pretty good for a "normal" guy....and im sure your buddy Obama had a few nights where he passed out from drinking and doing drugs too......see how that worked out?.....your problem Dean? wont question anything that the Democrats do.....why?.....because you are a dumbass....Duh.....

Only "pretty sure"? For such a charge you must have evidence. When I say Mitt Romney abused his dog so bad it shit all over his car, we know that to be true because he told us. When I say John McCain graduated 5th from the bottom out of a class of 899, we know that because he told us. When I say George Bush denied having a criminal past when running for president, he, OK, he didn't tell it. He was confronted with evidence and he got really mad. The operatives here are "testimony" and "evidence".

Dean you are either stupid.....or you were never around any kind of drugs.....or you just wont say anything about Obama.....or its all 3.....the guy admits doing drugs back yea im pretty sure he had a few times where he got pretty fucked up.....just like when Clinton said he never inhaled.....yea right,im pretty sure he inhaled more than once.....take your fucking head out of your ass once in a while..

I was a teen in California in the 60's. I never saw anyone ever OD on "pot".
How do you stand being preached to by someone who has a crush on a man (a human just like the rest of us, not some g-d, messiah, saint sent from the heavens above)...If he was some saint, he would DONATE all his millions he has made off the people he is now serving back to them..
yeah I know I made a funny

How do you take someone like that serious...when they push care for OTHERS and it means with other peoples monies and not their own

the Democrat party has a lot of people duped...unfortunately they vote

it amazes me how nave Dean is.....i thought the guy had a little more savvy then this.....Obama who admits he did drugs back when never got fucked up....i guess Dean thinks he just took a hit and that was it....he just snorted one line....and that was sure he believes Clintons "story" about never inhaling too....

What's "nave"?
I was a teen in California in the 60's.

And you haven't matured a bit since...


I never saw anyone ever OD on "pot".

But you were pretty high at the time, so who really knows?
So this is where the major disconnect happens. I'd love for you to explain how you and your heros claim that "47% of the country are moochers" and how the "poor don't pay any taxes" and yet at the same time claim that "they are being taxed in to poverty".

Like I said, you're an Olympic quality back peddler and circus grade contortionist to be able to hold absolutely contradictory viewpoints that you so easily spew.

...and of course you never returned to answer this.

Which really pisses me off. I got up this morning wanting to find out how that moocher class that pays no tax to the Federal government is now being taxed to the point of poverty.

Come on avatar. Curious minds would like to know how this works. Pay no taxes and be taxed to poverty levels.

How can it be both?

The funny part is he is obviously reading this thread and commenting on other posts.
damn, that's even scarier to know he was a teen in the 60's...

could explain for the ridiculous insanity he post over and over and over and over and over
When you get a base of followers who quite frankly aren't very intelligent and you compound that with the fact that they are gullible and anything but open minded, you get the modern day republican base. This is why you hear words like socialism, communism and comparisons made to Hitler on a regular basis. These terms have no relation whatsoever to modern day democats/liberals but these people have been convinced, rather easily, that liberals are actually their enemy and are somehow related to these boogeyman terms they throw around and clearly don't understand.
So let me ask you a question, if you are so concerned, why not let the Liberal Democrats, to innclude you, subsidize and support all of those they pretend they wish to help? Yep, right you're so full of yourself you've decieved your own self. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yep, you want to feel so good about yourself that you need to use others money to do it because heaven forbid you use yours. Hah!!!
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The GOP leadership has worked tirelessly to make their base believe American helping American is "socialism" and should be stopped. The very people helped by Social Security and Medicare believe getting government help is the road to disaster for this country. The GOP's misinformation techniques have worked so well, their base doesn't even understand that Medicare and Social Security are government programs and getting rid of government programs means disaster for them.

Republicans say we should look at Blue States to understand how all the welfare has hurt those states. Only the dollar drain from Blue States is going to Red States. The amount of money difference Red States receive from Blue States pales in comparison to what those in Blue States who are on welfare receive and is staggering.

If Red States were so self sufficient, they wouldn't be working overtime trying to lure Blue State workers to their states. They would train their own people. Only that would be (gasp) "socialism".

People don't want charity. Republicans insist they are better people because they imagine they give more to charity. Remember that story Paul Ryan plagiarized? About the little boy who did't want to be given school lunch? Well that's the thing. A little charity does nothing. Without the drain of money from Blue States to Red States, Blue States would have balanced budgets and would still be helping Blue State Citizens. It's because of that aid Blue States are able to give to their citizens that Red States are able to bleed money from those Blue States who earned it.

Perhaps we need some tough love and stop funding Red States. The only problem with that is the GOP leadership would simply let their middle class and poor die. We know that from the millions left off Medicare Expansion. That will probably cost 10,000 deaths a year in Red States.
I don't understand why you need the GOP? Why not use all of the Dems and your money to help those that you wish to. Stand large support what you believe in and let us alone!
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They thinks its everyones DUTY to help the poor and if you don't agree your a heartless asshole.

Personally I could give fuck one about the poor.

If you don't want to be poor, get off your ass and make it happen. Stop depending on others to bankroll your life for you. Take charge of your life. People do it all the time.

Hell. I've had times in my life where I didn't have two nickles to rub together yet I've never taken a dime of taxpayer money. I've worked two and three jobs to make ends meet. I never expected help from the govt nor did I want it.

These poor people and all the dogooders can kiss my ass.
They thinks its everyones DUTY to help the poor and if you don't agree your a heartless asshole.

Personally I could give fuck one about the poor.

If you don't want to be poor, get off your ass and make it happen. Stop depending on others to bankroll your life for you. Take charge of your life. People do it all the time.

Hell. I've had times in my life where I didn't have two nickles to rub together yet I've never taken a dime of taxpayer money. I've worked two and three jobs to make ends meet. I never expected help from the govt nor did I want it.

These poor people and all the dogooders can kiss my ass.
You would have to bring your ass over to them since it would involve some effort otherwise.
When you get a base of followers who quite frankly aren't very intelligent and you compound that with the fact that they are gullible and anything but open minded, you get the modern day republican base. This is why you hear words like socialism, communism and comparisons made to Hitler on a regular basis. These terms have no relation whatsoever to modern day democats/liberals but these people have been convinced, rather easily, that liberals are actually their enemy and are somehow related to these boogeyman terms they throw around and clearly don't understand.
So let me ask you a question, if you are so concerned, why not let the Liberal Democrats, to innclude you, subsidize and support all of those they pretend they wish to help? Yep, right you're so full of yourself you've decieved your own self. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yep, you want to feel so good about yourself that you need to use others money to do it because heaven forbid you use yours. Hah!!!

Ok deal. On the flip side, you can pay for the military budget you refuse to cut.
When you get a base of followers who quite frankly aren't very intelligent and you compound that with the fact that they are gullible and anything but open minded, you get the modern day republican base. This is why you hear words like socialism, communism and comparisons made to Hitler on a regular basis. These terms have no relation whatsoever to modern day democats/liberals but these people have been convinced, rather easily, that liberals are actually their enemy and are somehow related to these boogeyman terms they throw around and clearly don't understand.
So let me ask you a question, if you are so concerned, why not let the Liberal Democrats, to innclude you, subsidize and support all of those they pretend they wish to help? Yep, right you're so full of yourself you've decieved your own self. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yep, you want to feel so good about yourself that you need to use others money to do it because heaven forbid you use yours. Hah!!!

Ok deal. On the flip side, you can pay for the military budget you refuse to cut.

No, no, no you're too concerned for the poor. You pay for them. It doesn't seem like to much for you to accommodate into your lifestyle. You see the Liberal Democrats actually have more money than the GOP. I bet you didn't know that either. You see I'm not complaining about your spending habits. You have issues with mine.
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They thinks its everyones DUTY to help the poor and if you don't agree your a heartless asshole.

Personally I could give fuck one about the poor.

If you don't want to be poor, get off your ass and make it happen. Stop depending on others to bankroll your life for you. Take charge of your life. People do it all the time.

Hell. I've had times in my life where I didn't have two nickles to rub together yet I've never taken a dime of taxpayer money. I've worked two and three jobs to make ends meet. I never expected help from the govt nor did I want it.

These poor people and all the dogooders can kiss my ass.

they don't care about the poor, they just drag them out to use when needed..same with black people...the house them in literal war zones , give them a check and then it's out site out of mind until they need to use their skin color..and can crow how much more the Democrats's sad this day and age people still fall for this cheap crap they sling
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Only "pretty sure"? For such a charge you must have evidence. When I say Mitt Romney abused his dog so bad it shit all over his car, we know that to be true because he told us. When I say John McCain graduated 5th from the bottom out of a class of 899, we know that because he told us. When I say George Bush denied having a criminal past when running for president, he, OK, he didn't tell it. He was confronted with evidence and he got really mad. The operatives here are "testimony" and "evidence".

Dean you are either stupid.....or you were never around any kind of drugs.....or you just wont say anything about Obama.....or its all 3.....the guy admits doing drugs back yea im pretty sure he had a few times where he got pretty fucked up.....just like when Clinton said he never inhaled.....yea right,im pretty sure he inhaled more than once.....take your fucking head out of your ass once in a while..

I was a teen in California in the 60's. I never saw anyone ever OD on "pot".

you used the term OD...not me....OD can mean you are dead or in the Hospital....thats why i said Pass out....but one of your lefty buddies posted a link in a thread in here about Obamas drug use to show that the guy is being honest about what he did compared to many of the others in Govt....Obama in the article that was posted.....claimed he did some Pot, Some Coke, and a little drinking every now and then like everyone else....and said sometimes it may have been a little excessive...meaning he probably passed out or was vegetating on the doesnt mean he was unconscious...its just a general term used meaning you are fucked up....
So let me ask you a question, if you are so concerned, why not let the Liberal Democrats, to innclude you, subsidize and support all of those they pretend they wish to help? Yep, right you're so full of yourself you've decieved your own self. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yep, you want to feel so good about yourself that you need to use others money to do it because heaven forbid you use yours. Hah!!!

Ok deal. On the flip side, you can pay for the military budget you refuse to cut.

No, no, no you're too concerned for the poor. You pay for them. It doesn't seem like to much for you to accommodate into your lifestyle. You see the Liberal Democrats actually have more money than the GOP. I bet you didn't know that either. You see I'm not complaining about your spending habits. You have issues with mine.

And you're too concerned with spending ridiculous amounts of money on the military. So while I spend money to care for people here, you can spend your money on bombing people in other countries.
damn, that's even scarier to know he was a teen in the 60's...

could explain for the ridiculous insanity he post over and over and over and over and over

Insanity is when you post without links or data to back up your claims and positions. Clearly that's not me. You on the other hand are, well, "nave".
They thinks its everyones DUTY to help the poor and if you don't agree your a heartless asshole.

Personally I could give fuck one about the poor.

If you don't want to be poor, get off your ass and make it happen. Stop depending on others to bankroll your life for you. Take charge of your life. People do it all the time.

Hell. I've had times in my life where I didn't have two nickles to rub together yet I've never taken a dime of taxpayer money. I've worked two and three jobs to make ends meet. I never expected help from the govt nor did I want it.

These poor people and all the dogooders can kiss my ass.

I completely agree that it's everyone's duty to help the poor if they can. I don't think outsourcing that responsibility is fulfilling it.

Best way to help the poor is to teach people to be honest, work hard, and take care of themselves.
The GOP leadership has worked tirelessly to make their base believe American helping American is "socialism" and should be stopped. The very people helped by Social Security and Medicare believe getting government help is the road to disaster for this country. The GOP's misinformation techniques have worked so well, their base doesn't even understand that Medicare and Social Security are government programs and getting rid of government programs means disaster for them.

Republicans say we should look at Blue States to understand how all the welfare has hurt those states. Only the dollar drain from Blue States is going to Red States. The amount of money difference Red States receive from Blue States pales in comparison to what those in Blue States who are on welfare receive and is staggering.

If Red States were so self sufficient, they wouldn't be working overtime trying to lure Blue State workers to their states. They would train their own people. Only that would be (gasp) "socialism".

People don't want charity. Republicans insist they are better people because they imagine they give more to charity. Remember that story Paul Ryan plagiarized? About the little boy who did't want to be given school lunch? Well that's the thing. A little charity does nothing. Without the drain of money from Blue States to Red States, Blue States would have balanced budgets and would still be helping Blue State Citizens. It's because of that aid Blue States are able to give to their citizens that Red States are able to bleed money from those Blue States who earned it.

Perhaps we need some tough love and stop funding Red States. The only problem with that is the GOP leadership would simply let their middle class and poor die. We know that from the millions left off Medicare Expansion. That will probably cost 10,000 deaths a year in Red States.


It use to be "United We Stand!"

Today, it's a movement to paint the poor as "sloth".

The Right Today doesn't know the difference between Sloth and the people out of work because of outsourcing.

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