GOP turning "American helping American" into Socialism - Is that a national scandal?

Just ask them what Socialism, vs. Communism, vs. Welfare state all mean.

They don't know so they let Fox news lump them all into one lump sum for them. After all, why would you need main stream media if you have the only correct source of news in America. Cultists were never wrong. Mainstreaming is for mainstreamers.
They thinks its everyones DUTY to help the poor and if you don't agree your a heartless asshole.

Personally I could give fuck one about the poor.

If you don't want to be poor, get off your ass and make it happen. Stop depending on others to bankroll your life for you. Take charge of your life. People do it all the time.

Hell. I've had times in my life where I didn't have two nickles to rub together yet I've never taken a dime of taxpayer money. I've worked two and three jobs to make ends meet. I never expected help from the govt nor did I want it.

These poor people and all the dogooders can kiss my ass.
You would have to bring your ass over to them since it would involve some effort otherwise.

LOL Believe me. I wouldn't waste my time.

Its not my duty to take care of the poor and it sure as shit ain't the duty of the taxpayers of America either.

If all those do gooders want to take care of em then let em whip out THIER wallets and THIER checkbooks and have at it.
The GOP leadership has worked tirelessly to make their base believe American helping American is "socialism" and should be stopped. The very people helped by Social Security and Medicare believe getting government help is the road to disaster for this country. The GOP's misinformation techniques have worked so well, their base doesn't even understand that Medicare and Social Security are government programs and getting rid of government programs means disaster for them.

Republicans say we should look at Blue States to understand how all the welfare has hurt those states. Only the dollar drain from Blue States is going to Red States. The amount of money difference Red States receive from Blue States pales in comparison to what those in Blue States who are on welfare receive and is staggering.

If Red States were so self sufficient, they wouldn't be working overtime trying to lure Blue State workers to their states. They would train their own people. Only that would be (gasp) "socialism".

People don't want charity. Republicans insist they are better people because they imagine they give more to charity. Remember that story Paul Ryan plagiarized? About the little boy who did't want to be given school lunch? Well that's the thing. A little charity does nothing. Without the drain of money from Blue States to Red States, Blue States would have balanced budgets and would still be helping Blue State Citizens. It's because of that aid Blue States are able to give to their citizens that Red States are able to bleed money from those Blue States who earned it.

Perhaps we need some tough love and stop funding Red States. The only problem with that is the GOP leadership would simply let their middle class and poor die. We know that from the millions left off Medicare Expansion. That will probably cost 10,000 deaths a year in Red States.


It use to be "United We Stand!"

Today, it's a movement to paint the poor as "sloth".

The Right Today doesn't know the difference between Sloth and the people out of work because of outsourcing.

Well people like you paint them all as "victims."

Loads of people are out of work because they don't want to work. They make a better living letting the taxpayers bankroll their lives for em.

Right now you have between 47 and 49% of folks who pay no Fed income taxes. What do you think happens when that number reaches 50, 51,52% and beyond??

You will have more takers than producers. Greece anyone??
]They thinks its everyones DUTY to help the poor and if you don't agree your a heartless asshole. [/B]

Personally I could give fuck one about the poor.

If you don't want to be poor, get off your ass and make it happen. Stop depending on others to bankroll your life for you. Take charge of your life. People do it all the time.

Hell. I've had times in my life where I didn't have two nickles to rub together yet I've never taken a dime of taxpayer money. I've worked two and three jobs to make ends meet. I never expected help from the govt nor did I want it.

These poor people and all the dogooders can kiss my ass.

I completely agree that it's everyone's duty to help the poor if they can. I don't think outsourcing that responsibility is fulfilling it.

Best way to help the poor is to teach people to be honest, work hard, and take care of themselves.

Just what was it that you were agreeing to Avatar? I don't think that Claudette and you are really in agreement about helping the poor. Just curious.
I have no problem helping when its my CHOICE to help.

I resent being FORCED to bankroll someones life with my hard earned taxdollars.
47% receive some form of government(taxpayers) assistance..You're saying all them are without jobs? Obama has been worse than we thought

a couple more percent and you can kiss United States of America "land of free", goodbye

we'll be a land of where people vote for a party who offers to continue to GIVE them STUFF...

and progressives like Obama and the progressive/Democrat party are working hard on pushing us over 51% .they know once they do they can be in power over you and your freedoms without fear and you think they are crushing you and your freedoms now?

so this thread is the type of hate they push about you...saying you don't want to help the poor, disabled, etc (American helping you need to vote Democrat)

what they don't tell you is their way of American helping American is through the force of government, with YOUR monies while they keep theirs in the banks

seven out of top ten richest members in congress

keep falling for this type of hate and division at your own peril
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I have no problem helping when its my CHOICE to help.

I resent being FORCED to bankroll someones life with my hard earned taxdollars.

Yea, I know what you mean. I ABSOLUTELY HATED that my tax dollars were going to pay for an invasion of Iraq.

I hate it when my tax dollars have to cover the countries debts so that ultra wealthy people can have a bigger tax break.

There is a lot of my wasted tax dollars that I hate to see spent. But feeding some poor kid or family is not very high on my list to get all incensed about.

But I can tell it really pisses you off. Why is that? You would rather bomb people in Afghanistan or Iraq than feed kids in the good ole USA?

Would you rather give the ultra wealthy another big tax break than feed families in the USA?

Or do you think the government is gonna give you back more of your tax dollars if they would only cut SNAP to nothing? Ain't gonna happen.
Oh brother. Another dogooder who wants to bankroll everyones life for em.

The topic is the poor. Not the war in Iraq, your perceived notion of the 1% and the rest of your drivel.

If you think taking care of the poor is worthwhile then whip out your wallet and checkbook and take of em. That will be your choice and your money.

Most of these social programs are utter failures costing millions and its not my duty to feed anyone not that anyone is starving. Far from it most of those on Welfare are fat as fat can be. Obese.

Oh and show me in the constitution where one group of people is obligated to take care of another?

Dont' bother. You won't find it. There is no charity in the constitution.
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]They thinks its everyones DUTY to help the poor and if you don't agree your a heartless asshole. [/B]

Personally I could give fuck one about the poor.

If you don't want to be poor, get off your ass and make it happen. Stop depending on others to bankroll your life for you. Take charge of your life. People do it all the time.

Hell. I've had times in my life where I didn't have two nickles to rub together yet I've never taken a dime of taxpayer money. I've worked two and three jobs to make ends meet. I never expected help from the govt nor did I want it.

These poor people and all the dogooders can kiss my ass.

I completely agree that it's everyone's duty to help the poor if they can. I don't think outsourcing that responsibility is fulfilling it.

Best way to help the poor is to teach people to be honest, work hard, and take care of themselves.

Just what was it that you were agreeing to Avatar? I don't think that Claudette and you are really in agreement about helping the poor. Just curious.

I never said it was Claudette that I agreed with. I didn't think Claudette or anyone else would have any problems understanding who I was agreeing with. So I apologize for not dumbing it down more.
I have no problem helping when its my CHOICE to help.

I resent being FORCED to bankroll someones life with my hard earned taxdollars.

I completely agree that no one should force us to bankroll someone else's life. All charity needs to be voluntary or it ceases to be charity. Not all our duties can or should be enforced by law.
I have no problem helping when its my CHOICE to help.

I resent being FORCED to bankroll someones life with my hard earned taxdollars.

Yea, I know what you mean. I ABSOLUTELY HATED that my tax dollars were going to pay for an invasion of Iraq.

I hate it when my tax dollars have to cover the countries debts so that ultra wealthy people can have a bigger tax break.

There is a lot of my wasted tax dollars that I hate to see spent. But feeding some poor kid or family is not very high on my list to get all incensed about.

But I can tell it really pisses you off. Why is that? You would rather bomb people in Afghanistan or Iraq than feed kids in the good ole USA?

Would you rather give the ultra wealthy another big tax break than feed families in the USA?

Or do you think the government is gonna give you back more of your tax dollars if they would only cut SNAP to nothing? Ain't gonna happen.

You do realize that national security is not the same as giving hand outs to people, right?
I completely agree that it's everyone's duty to help the poor if they can. I don't think outsourcing that responsibility is fulfilling it.

Best way to help the poor is to teach people to be honest, work hard, and take care of themselves.

Just what was it that you were agreeing to Avatar? I don't think that Claudette and you are really in agreement about helping the poor. Just curious.

I never said it was Claudette that I agreed with. I didn't think Claudette or anyone else would have any problems understanding who I was agreeing with. So I apologize for not dumbing it down more.

So who were you agreeing with? You responded to Claudette. If you weren't agreeing with her, who were you agreeing with?

Please dumb it down more for me.
Oh brother. Another dogooder who wants to bankroll everyones life for em.

The topic is the poor. Not the war in Iraq, your perceived notion of the 1% and the rest of your drivel.

If you think taking care of the poor is worthwhile then whip out your wallet and checkbook and take of em. That will be your choice and your money.

Most of these social programs are utter failures costing millions and its not my duty to feed anyone not that anyone is starving. Far from it most of those on Welfare are fat as fat can be. Obese.

Oh and show me in the constitution where one group of people is obligated to take care of another?

Dont' bother. You won't find it. There is no charity in the constitution.

The true face of "compassionate conservatism". :eusa_clap:
damn, that's even scarier to know he was a teen in the 60's...

could explain for the ridiculous insanity he post over and over and over and over and over

Insanity is when you post without links or data to back up your claims and positions. Clearly that's not me. You on the other hand are, well, "nave".

ill tell you what Dean....when i catch you miss-spelling a word ill be sure to point it out to will let you know you are not as smart as you think you are....and it will happen....
They thinks its everyones DUTY to help the poor and if you don't agree your a heartless asshole.

Personally I could give fuck one about the poor.

If you don't want to be poor, get off your ass and make it happen. Stop depending on others to bankroll your life for you. Take charge of your life. People do it all the time.

Hell. I've had times in my life where I didn't have two nickles to rub together yet I've never taken a dime of taxpayer money. I've worked two and three jobs to make ends meet. I never expected help from the govt nor did I want it.

These poor people and all the dogooders can kiss my ass.
You would have to bring your ass over to them since it would involve some effort otherwise.

LOL Believe me. I wouldn't waste my time.

Its not my duty to take care of the poor and it sure as shit ain't the duty of the taxpayers of America either.

If all those do gooders want to take care of em then let em whip out THIER wallets and THIER checkbooks and have at it.

there is nothing wrong with having a program for those who get laid off or hurt on the job it can happen to anyone...the question becomes.... how long do you help them?....with Unemployment anyway there has to be a cutoff point.....2 years is a long time....injuries or illness is something else....
Oh brother. Another dogooder who wants to bankroll everyones life for em.

The topic is the poor. Not the war in Iraq, your perceived notion of the 1% and the rest of your drivel.

If you think taking care of the poor is worthwhile then whip out your wallet and checkbook and take of em. That will be your choice and your money.

Most of these social programs are utter failures costing millions and its not my duty to feed anyone not that anyone is starving. Far from it most of those on Welfare are fat as fat can be. Obese.

Oh and show me in the constitution where one group of people is obligated to take care of another?

Dont' bother. You won't find it. There is no charity in the constitution.

The true face of "compassionate conservatism". :eusa_clap:

No. The true face of someone who doesn't want to bankroll someone elses life for em. The true face of someone who picks the charities she gives to. The true face of someone who wonders what morons decided that those that produce should take care of those that don't.

If thats your cup of tea than whip our your wallet and your checkbook and have at it.

I'm sure You'll feel good about all that compassion as your money takes a hike.

Oh and don't wait for that thank you because it won't come.
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You would have to bring your ass over to them since it would involve some effort otherwise.

LOL Believe me. I wouldn't waste my time.

Its not my duty to take care of the poor and it sure as shit ain't the duty of the taxpayers of America either.

If all those do gooders want to take care of em then let em whip out THIER wallets and THIER checkbooks and have at it.

there is nothing wrong with having a program for those who get laid off or hurt on the job it can happen to anyone...the question becomes.... how long do you help them?....with Unemployment anyway there has to be a cutoff point.....2 years is a long time....injuries or illness is something else....

Yeah but who says we taxpayers should be footing the bill??

Who says the taxpayers should be responsible for providing the money??
LOL Believe me. I wouldn't waste my time.

Its not my duty to take care of the poor and it sure as shit ain't the duty of the taxpayers of America either.

If all those do gooders want to take care of em then let em whip out THIER wallets and THIER checkbooks and have at it.

there is nothing wrong with having a program for those who get laid off or hurt on the job it can happen to anyone...the question becomes.... how long do you help them?....with Unemployment anyway there has to be a cutoff point.....2 years is a long time....injuries or illness is something else....

Yeah but who says we taxpayers should be footing the bill??

Who says the taxpayers should be responsible for providing the money??

these things can happen to anyone Claudette....i would rather see my tax dollars helping out Americans than having them go to some third world shithole who are going to spit in our faces no matter what....
Do you want a "safety net" or do you want a "hammock"? The fact is...if you make entitlements too easy to get and too easy to stay on...people become used to NOT working...something that isn't good for them or the country no matter who pays for it or how much the cost brings us closer to bankruptcy.
Just what was it that you were agreeing to Avatar? I don't think that Claudette and you are really in agreement about helping the poor. Just curious.

I never said it was Claudette that I agreed with. I didn't think Claudette or anyone else would have any problems understanding who I was agreeing with. So I apologize for not dumbing it down more.

So who were you agreeing with? You responded to Claudette. If you weren't agreeing with her, who were you agreeing with?

Please dumb it down more for me.

Those who believe it is our duty to help the poor. I didn't really think it was that difficult to understand. Were you seriously unable to figure that out?

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