GOP turning "American helping American" into Socialism - Is that a national scandal?

90% of companies in California are leaving the state? 90%? Don't you think that's a tad excessive?

ok you got me.... it should have read the reason 90% of the Companies WHO HAVE LEFT the State give is....and it has nothing to do with Rick Perry recruiting anyone since they were doing it long before he came here...ok?....

Who cares what the reason is that some companies have left the state.

The bottom line is that Red States are attempting to poach liberals and their businesses because the pool of home "groan" talent is so, well, "groan". If conservatives believed in their own people, they would invest in said people. How is that not obvious?

who cares what the reason is? other words they are not leaving for the reason you gave so who cares.... right?.....a lot of California Companies moved to Colorado.....thats not a Red State....
ok you got me.... it should have read the reason 90% of the Companies WHO HAVE LEFT the State give is....and it has nothing to do with Rick Perry recruiting anyone since they were doing it long before he came here...ok?....

Who cares what the reason is that some companies have left the state.

The bottom line is that Red States are attempting to poach liberals and their businesses because the pool of home "groan" talent is so, well, "groan". If conservatives believed in their own people, they would invest in said people. How is that not obvious?

who cares what the reason is? other words they are not leaving for the reason you gave so who cares.... right?.....a lot of California Companies moved to Colorado.....thats not a Red State....
Just a better business climate...
ok you got me.... it should have read the reason 90% of the Companies WHO HAVE LEFT the State give is....and it has nothing to do with Rick Perry recruiting anyone since they were doing it long before he came here...ok?....

Who cares what the reason is that some companies have left the state.

The bottom line is that Red States are attempting to poach liberals and their businesses because the pool of home "groan" talent is so, well, "groan". If conservatives believed in their own people, they would invest in said people. How is that not obvious?

who cares what the reason is? other words they are not leaving for the reason you gave so who cares.... right?.....a lot of California Companies moved to Colorado.....thats not a Red State....

Colorado used to be a red state, but it filled up with the people fleeing the liberal states, and brought with them the same idiotic thought processes that screwed up the states they fled. Ample proof that liberals can see the horrible results of their ideas, but are too damn dumb to recognize that they were actually the results of their ideas.
1969? When conservative in the Democratic Party were called "Dixie crats"? It's OK. They all left and joined the GOP.

Son, I sincerely hope that you actually research the 69 DNC. Seriously, you are a fool.

AllPolitics - Democratic National Convention

People rioted over Vietnam. How is this like Republican delegates throwing peanuts at a black woman and saying "This is how we feed the animals"?

First - you haven't proven that ANY republican did this. It was nothing more than Nazi hearsay.

Two- Yeah, I suppose that they WERE protesting an ongoing war by democrats in Vietnam by wearing Pig Masks and running through the hall naked.

Son, I sincerely hope that you actually research the 69 DNC. Seriously, you are a fool.

AllPolitics - Democratic National Convention

People rioted over Vietnam. How is this like Republican delegates throwing peanuts at a black woman and saying "This is how we feed the animals"?

First - you haven't proven that ANY republican did this. It was nothing more than Nazi hearsay.

Two- Yeah, I suppose that they WERE protesting an ongoing war by democrats in Vietnam by wearing Pig Masks and running through the hall naked.


And those same hippie FREAKS are in charge NOW.
ok you got me.... it should have read the reason 90% of the Companies WHO HAVE LEFT the State give is....and it has nothing to do with Rick Perry recruiting anyone since they were doing it long before he came here...ok?....

Who cares what the reason is that some companies have left the state.

The bottom line is that Red States are attempting to poach liberals and their businesses because the pool of home "groan" talent is so, well, "groan". If conservatives believed in their own people, they would invest in said people. How is that not obvious?

who cares what the reason is? other words they are not leaving for the reason you gave so who cares.... right?.....a lot of California Companies moved to Colorado.....thats not a Red State....

Again, you are dead wrong. Colorado swings like a pendulum. I promise you this: Colorado WILL throw the hippies to the curb this next cycle. Coloradans have had enough of this shit. Marijuana will soon be illegal again. Hickenlooper is history. The Statehouse will be taken over by the republicans.

I would bet $100 on that.
Not to be too facile, but if these Americans could delay gratification and make rational instead of impulsive choices, they wouldn't be poor.
You're absolutely correct but the fact is the poor don't make rational choices for a variety of reasons. The problems that arise from those bad choices effect, spouses, kids, employers, friends, and all of society. However, I'm not concerned about the drug addict, the alcoholic, the criminal, the gang banger, or the uneducated; they've missed the boat. I'm concerned about their kids that grow up in a dysfunction family and follow in their parent footsteps into a life of crime, abuse, illiteracy, and poverty. This is a problem that has a huge economic and social impact on the nation.
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Who cares what the reason is that some companies have left the state.

The bottom line is that Red States are attempting to poach liberals and their businesses because the pool of home "groan" talent is so, well, "groan". If conservatives believed in their own people, they would invest in said people. How is that not obvious?

who cares what the reason is? other words they are not leaving for the reason you gave so who cares.... right?.....a lot of California Companies moved to Colorado.....thats not a Red State....

Again, you are dead wrong. Colorado swings like a pendulum. I promise you this: Colorado WILL throw the hippies to the curb this next cycle. Coloradans have had enough of this shit. Marijuana will soon be illegal again. Hickenlooper is history. The Statehouse will be taken over by the republicans.

I would bet $100 on that.

how am i wrong?....if they are a blue state right now,then i am right.....what they are next week doesnt matter.....right now they are considered statement stands....
Depends on how you define help. Just giving them something isn't help. Look at how much Blue States give to Red States. And still, even a state like Kentucky, 90% white, is still a disaster. They may have an occasional Democratic governor, but they are a true conservative state.

I agree that just giving something to others doesn't help them. I am just not sure you actually believe that. Because if you did, you wouldn't blindly argue for more and more funding for programs that don't necessary help. You wouldn't be complaining every time a sane person recommends that we cut funding to certain programs because we don't have the money. You wouldn't treat those people like they were pure evil.

But you do. So it seems you do think giving something is helps others. Sometimes the help a person needs is to let go of the ledge and fall so they learn how to fly

You think people falling off a ledge can "fly"? I don't think it works that way.

That's the problem. You aren't thinking people can accomplish amazing things. You don't believe in people. I am not even sure you believe in yourself. if you did, you wouldn't devote yourself to the propaganda you are spewing.

You can be alot greater than you think. All men can be. We just need to let go of fear and jump out in faith.
1969? When conservative in the Democratic Party were called "Dixie crats"? It's OK. They all left and joined the GOP.

Son, I sincerely hope that you actually research the 69 DNC. Seriously, you are a fool.

AllPolitics - Democratic National Convention

People rioted over Vietnam. How is this like Republican delegates throwing peanuts at a black woman and saying "This is how we feed the animals"?

It's nothing like a fantasy you've created in your head.
I agree, but Red State conservative politicians addicted to the "gravy train" would never let it happen.

Maybe not, but why not call their bluff? What if Democrats made a meaningful push to end programs that redistribute wealth from 'maker' states to 'taker' states? Do you really think the Republicans making a fuss a bout the welfare state would vote against it? And if they did, wouldn't it neuter any conservative street cred they hope to maintain in the next election cycle?

But let's not be coy, Democrats won't do that because they wallow in the power that redistributing wealth between states gives them. It's the core source of Congressional power. If they acted to ensure that states got back what they paid in - or better yet just didn't take it from them in the first place - they'd lose all that power. Democrats aren't going to do that any more than Republicans are. You're cheering for crooks and whores rdean.

Redistribution of wealth is ongoing. When you have someone, like Mitt Romney making 22 million and paying 13% to zero in taxes, that's redistribution of wealth. When you have the flow of cash moving from Blue States to Red States, that's redistribution of wealth. It's never stopped.

Creating wealth isn't redistribution. Redistribution is zero sum. Wealth creation isn't.
Who cares what the reason is that some companies have left the state.

The bottom line is that Red States are attempting to poach liberals and their businesses because the pool of home "groan" talent is so, well, "groan". If conservatives believed in their own people, they would invest in said people. How is that not obvious?

who cares what the reason is? other words they are not leaving for the reason you gave so who cares.... right?.....a lot of California Companies moved to Colorado.....thats not a Red State....

Colorado used to be a red state, but it filled up with the people fleeing the liberal states, and brought with them the same idiotic thought processes that screwed up the states they fled. Ample proof that liberals can see the horrible results of their ideas, but are too damn dumb to recognize that they were actually the results of their ideas.

Absolutely. There's a book called "The myth of the rational voter", and they discuss this at length.

People often flee countries where they instituted bad policies that ruin the country, and then amazingly promote the exact same bad policies in the country they flee too.

An Economist Peter Henry wrote a book about Barbados and Jamaica, where his parents grew up in Jamaica, and promoted the protectionist policies in the 1970s. Work dried up, companies moved out, the economy failed. His parents moved to America, and promoted the same protectionist policies here in America, that ruined their jobs in Jamaica.

He wrote an article about it "Institutions vs. Policies: A Tale of Two Islands," in the American Economic Review, 99(2), 2009.

This is a well known trend. I keep going back to the truism, A man convinced against his will, is of the same opinion still.

Until people actually want to know the truth, it doesn't matte what happens, they will simply never accept their opinion is wrong.

This is exactly why people can look at the US banking system, the most highly regulated system on this whole planet, and when something fails, automatically conclude that "it just wasn't regulated enough".
I agree, but Red State conservative politicians addicted to the "gravy train" would never let it happen.

Maybe not, but why not call their bluff? What if Democrats made a meaningful push to end programs that redistribute wealth from 'maker' states to 'taker' states? Do you really think the Republicans making a fuss a bout the welfare state would vote against it? And if they did, wouldn't it neuter any conservative street cred they hope to maintain in the next election cycle?

But let's not be coy, Democrats won't do that because they wallow in the power that redistributing wealth between states gives them. It's the core source of Congressional power. If they acted to ensure that states got back what they paid in - or better yet just didn't take it from them in the first place - they'd lose all that power. Democrats aren't going to do that any more than Republicans are. You're cheering for crooks and whores rdean.

Redistribution of wealth is ongoing. When you have someone, like Mitt Romney making 22 million and paying 13% to zero in taxes, that's redistribution of wealth. When you have the flow of cash moving from Blue States to Red States, that's redistribution of wealth. It's never stopped.

Redistribution, is taking money from one individual, and giving it to another individual, outside of a market process.

If I hire someone to do work, and because of that market contract, they become more wealthy, that is not 'redistribution'.

Romney is not paying zero in taxes. Even if he was, that still isn't redistribution. Allowing people to keep their own money, which is not rightfully yours, is not redistribution.

Further, moving from one location, to another location, is not redistribution. No money has changed hands, because I moved from a high-tax location, to a low-tax location. It's not redistribution.
Absolutely. There's a book called "The myth of the rational voter", and they discuss this at length.

People often flee countries where they instituted bad policies that ruin the country, and then amazingly promote the exact same bad policies in the country they flee too.

An Economist Peter Henry wrote a book about Barbados and Jamaica, where his parents grew up in Jamaica, and promoted the protectionist policies in the 1970s. Work dried up, companies moved out, the economy failed. His parents moved to America, and promoted the same protectionist policies here in America, that ruined their jobs in Jamaica.

He wrote an article about it "Institutions vs. Policies: A Tale of Two Islands," in the American Economic Review, 99(2), 2009.

This is a well known trend. I keep going back to the truism, A man convinced against his will, is of the same opinion still.

Until people actually want to know the truth, it doesn't matte what happens, they will simply never accept their opinion is wrong.

This is exactly why people can look at the US banking system, the most highly regulated system on this whole planet, and when something fails, automatically conclude that "it just wasn't regulated enough".
and we have countless examples of liberals doing the same here in various states. Their cities turn to crap so they move to the suburbs or another state and start it all over.
Absolutely. There's a book called "The myth of the rational voter", and they discuss this at length.

People often flee countries where they instituted bad policies that ruin the country, and then amazingly promote the exact same bad policies in the country they flee too.

An Economist Peter Henry wrote a book about Barbados and Jamaica, where his parents grew up in Jamaica, and promoted the protectionist policies in the 1970s. Work dried up, companies moved out, the economy failed. His parents moved to America, and promoted the same protectionist policies here in America, that ruined their jobs in Jamaica.

He wrote an article about it "Institutions vs. Policies: A Tale of Two Islands," in the American Economic Review, 99(2), 2009.

This is a well known trend. I keep going back to the truism, A man convinced against his will, is of the same opinion still.

Until people actually want to know the truth, it doesn't matte what happens, they will simply never accept their opinion is wrong.

This is exactly why people can look at the US banking system, the most highly regulated system on this whole planet, and when something fails, automatically conclude that "it just wasn't regulated enough".
and we have countless examples of liberals doing the same here in various states. Their cities turn to crap so they move to the suburbs or another state and start it all over.

I call them parasites for that reason. They define the term better than the term defines them.
who cares what the reason is? other words they are not leaving for the reason you gave so who cares.... right?.....a lot of California Companies moved to Colorado.....thats not a Red State....

Colorado used to be a red state, but it filled up with the people fleeing the liberal states, and brought with them the same idiotic thought processes that screwed up the states they fled. Ample proof that liberals can see the horrible results of their ideas, but are too damn dumb to recognize that they were actually the results of their ideas.

Absolutely. There's a book called "The myth of the rational voter", and they discuss this at length.

People often flee countries where they instituted bad policies that ruin the country, and then amazingly promote the exact same bad policies in the country they flee too.

An Economist Peter Henry wrote a book about Barbados and Jamaica, where his parents grew up in Jamaica, and promoted the protectionist policies in the 1970s. Work dried up, companies moved out, the economy failed. His parents moved to America, and promoted the same protectionist policies here in America, that ruined their jobs in Jamaica.

He wrote an article about it "Institutions vs. Policies: A Tale of Two Islands," in the American Economic Review, 99(2), 2009.

This is a well known trend. I keep going back to the truism, A man convinced against his will, is of the same opinion still.

Until people actually want to know the truth, it doesn't matte what happens, they will simply never accept their opinion is wrong.

This is exactly why people can look at the US banking system, the most highly regulated system on this whole planet, and when something fails, automatically conclude that "it just wasn't regulated enough".

I lived in Colorado for ten years (the 90's) and even back then the "locals" were getting stressed out because so many people from California were moving there. Those transplants saw Colorado as wonderful because it was so much cheaper than California but then they immediately started voting for the same things that MADE California too expensive to live in. When they fuck up Colorado, I'm sure they'll head on to Montana or Wyoming next. There should be a law if you support an agenda that messes up where you're not allowed to move elsewhere...or if you lose your voting rights! (I'm being facetious by the way so don't start with the "you conservatives want to take away people's rights to vote" baloney.)
Colorado used to be a red state, but it filled up with the people fleeing the liberal states, and brought with them the same idiotic thought processes that screwed up the states they fled. Ample proof that liberals can see the horrible results of their ideas, but are too damn dumb to recognize that they were actually the results of their ideas.

Absolutely. There's a book called "The myth of the rational voter", and they discuss this at length.

People often flee countries where they instituted bad policies that ruin the country, and then amazingly promote the exact same bad policies in the country they flee too.

An Economist Peter Henry wrote a book about Barbados and Jamaica, where his parents grew up in Jamaica, and promoted the protectionist policies in the 1970s. Work dried up, companies moved out, the economy failed. His parents moved to America, and promoted the same protectionist policies here in America, that ruined their jobs in Jamaica.

He wrote an article about it "Institutions vs. Policies: A Tale of Two Islands," in the American Economic Review, 99(2), 2009.

This is a well known trend. I keep going back to the truism, A man convinced against his will, is of the same opinion still.

Until people actually want to know the truth, it doesn't matte what happens, they will simply never accept their opinion is wrong.

This is exactly why people can look at the US banking system, the most highly regulated system on this whole planet, and when something fails, automatically conclude that "it just wasn't regulated enough".

I lived in Colorado for ten years (the 90's) and even back then the "locals" were getting stressed out because so many people from California were moving there. Those transplants saw Colorado as wonderful because it was so much cheaper than California but then they immediately started voting for the same things that MADE California too expensive to live in. When they fuck up Colorado, I'm sure they'll head on to Montana or Wyoming next. There should be a law if you support an agenda that messes up where you're not allowed to move elsewhere...or if you lose your voting rights! (I'm being facetious by the way so don't start with the "you conservatives want to take away people's rights to vote" baloney.)

what i find funny about these stories Old Style is when i was delivering the Mail,the majority of people who were moving off of my route, and talking to other carriers....the majority of people who were moving out of State, it seemed were the more Conservative people who were tired of getting taxed and "fee'd" to death .....just because California is a more Liberal State does not mean everyone from here is a "Liberal"....unless you have money or a dam good pension its pretty rough to retire here.....unless you want to live out in the middle of the Mohave....
I agree that just giving something to others doesn't help them. I am just not sure you actually believe that. Because if you did, you wouldn't blindly argue for more and more funding for programs that don't necessary help. You wouldn't be complaining every time a sane person recommends that we cut funding to certain programs because we don't have the money. You wouldn't treat those people like they were pure evil.

But you do. So it seems you do think giving something is helps others. Sometimes the help a person needs is to let go of the ledge and fall so they learn how to fly

You think people falling off a ledge can "fly"? I don't think it works that way.

That's the problem. You aren't thinking people can accomplish amazing things. You don't believe in people. I am not even sure you believe in yourself. if you did, you wouldn't devote yourself to the propaganda you are spewing.

You can be alot greater than you think. All men can be. We just need to let go of fear and jump out in faith.

If you think about if, liberalism is the selling of hopeless...they feed people they're hopeless and being poor isn't their fault so vote Democrat they'll "take care of of your hopeless people"
it's really a disgusting tactic to demoraliz and spread hopelessness, all for politics. myself I'd be damn offended
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who cares what the reason is? other words they are not leaving for the reason you gave so who cares.... right?.....a lot of California Companies moved to Colorado.....thats not a Red State....

Again, you are dead wrong. Colorado swings like a pendulum. I promise you this: Colorado WILL throw the hippies to the curb this next cycle. Coloradans have had enough of this shit. Marijuana will soon be illegal again. Hickenlooper is history. The Statehouse will be taken over by the republicans.

I would bet $100 on that.

how am i wrong?....if they are a blue state right now,then i am right.....what they are next week doesnt matter.....right now they are considered statement stands....

That's what I am saying. One election cycle the hippie Nazis from California force their will on those people. The next cycle - the people kick the shit out of them. Been happening for the last 50 or so years now. They are verifiably "pink". :lol:

I have friends in Denver and they DESPISE the current Bullshit government. 2 elected state officials have already been recalled. The rest will go in November.
Colorado used to be a red state, but it filled up with the people fleeing the liberal states, and brought with them the same idiotic thought processes that screwed up the states they fled. Ample proof that liberals can see the horrible results of their ideas, but are too damn dumb to recognize that they were actually the results of their ideas.

Absolutely. There's a book called "The myth of the rational voter", and they discuss this at length.

People often flee countries where they instituted bad policies that ruin the country, and then amazingly promote the exact same bad policies in the country they flee too.

An Economist Peter Henry wrote a book about Barbados and Jamaica, where his parents grew up in Jamaica, and promoted the protectionist policies in the 1970s. Work dried up, companies moved out, the economy failed. His parents moved to America, and promoted the same protectionist policies here in America, that ruined their jobs in Jamaica.

He wrote an article about it "Institutions vs. Policies: A Tale of Two Islands," in the American Economic Review, 99(2), 2009.

This is a well known trend. I keep going back to the truism, A man convinced against his will, is of the same opinion still.

Until people actually want to know the truth, it doesn't matte what happens, they will simply never accept their opinion is wrong.

This is exactly why people can look at the US banking system, the most highly regulated system on this whole planet, and when something fails, automatically conclude that "it just wasn't regulated enough".

I lived in Colorado for ten years (the 90's) and even back then the "locals" were getting stressed out because so many people from California were moving there. Those transplants saw Colorado as wonderful because it was so much cheaper than California but then they immediately started voting for the same things that MADE California too expensive to live in. When they fuck up Colorado, I'm sure they'll head on to Montana or Wyoming next. There should be a law if you support an agenda that messes up where you're not allowed to move elsewhere...or if you lose your voting rights! (I'm being facetious by the way so don't start with the "you conservatives want to take away people's rights to vote" baloney.)

Those fucking Nazis had better NOT come to Montana......They'll get the hell beat out of them... :badgrin:

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