GOP turning "American helping American" into Socialism - Is that a national scandal?

Who truly cares and helps for the poor: The person who expects the government to help them? Or the person who gets up off there butt and works to help those less fortunate?

Depends on how you define help. Just giving them something isn't help. Look at how much Blue States give to Red States. And still, even a state like Kentucky, 90% white, is still a disaster. They may have an occasional Democratic governor, but they are a true conservative state.

I agree that just giving something to others doesn't help them. I am just not sure you actually believe that. Because if you did, you wouldn't blindly argue for more and more funding for programs that don't necessary help. You wouldn't be complaining every time a sane person recommends that we cut funding to certain programs because we don't have the money. You wouldn't treat those people like they were pure evil.

But you do. So it seems you do think giving something is helps others. Sometimes the help a person needs is to let go of the ledge and fall so they learn how to fly
I get frustrated with conservatives who let folks like rdean turn the welfare state debate into a moral argument over whether we should help the poor - whether they 'deserve' it, etc... That's just not the question. The question is whether coercive state programs are the proper tool for the job. "We" can accomplish things as a community without passing laws to force the issue.
CNN Camerawoman "Not Surprised At All" By Peanut-Throwing Incident At Republican Presidential Convention

Republican Attendees Threw Nuts At Black CNN Camerawoman, Called Her An 'Animal'

Something tells me you won't see this type of behavior at the Democratic National Convention. The sad part is that the amount of wealth redistributed from Blue donor States to Red welfare States is way beyond the cost of welfare. Of course, Red States being saddled with 150 years of failed conservative policies doesn't help. Must be hard being a member of a party that's 90% white. A party that supports failed policies that have been proven again and again not to work. In fact, Red States are trying to lure liberals to come to their state and work and start businesses. They don't want to invest in their own people. And obviously, for good reasons.

Yeah, you're probably right. Do me a favor...look up the 69 DNC in Chicago - then come back and tell me how "great" you guys are.....but then again, I'm sure those "peanuts" just MIGHT have put someone's eye out.

1969? When conservative in the Democratic Party were called "Dixie crats"? It's OK. They all left and joined the GOP.

Son, I sincerely hope that you actually research the 69 DNC. Seriously, you are a fool.
Who truly cares and helps for the poor: The person who expects the government to help them? Or the person who gets up off there butt and works to help those less fortunate?

Depends on how you define help. Just giving them something isn't help. Look at how much Blue States give to Red States. And still, even a state like Kentucky, 90% white, is still a disaster. They may have an occasional Democratic governor, but they are a true conservative state.


What next Weanie Deanie? You gonna tell us how the Earth is flat?
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Who truly cares and helps for the poor: The person who expects the government to help them? Or the person who gets up off there butt and works to help those less fortunate?

Depends on how you define help. Just giving them something isn't help. Look at how much Blue States give to Red States. And still, even a state like Kentucky, 90% white, is still a disaster. They may have an occasional Democratic governor, but they are a true conservative state.


What next Weanie Deanie? You gonna tell us ho the Earth is flat?

Well, now that depends on how you define 'flat'...
Bud - the only "national scandals" are the ones created by YOUR party and YOUR president.

I've been a conservative since the early 60s, middle class all my life and black. I have never "starved", gone without education, or went without Healthcare. Your theory is BS - just like your liberal horsecrap.

CNN Camerawoman "Not Surprised At All" By Peanut-Throwing Incident At Republican Presidential Convention

Republican Attendees Threw Nuts At Black CNN Camerawoman, Called Her An 'Animal'

Something tells me you won't see this type of behavior at the Democratic National Convention. The sad part is that the amount of wealth redistributed from Blue donor States to Red welfare States is way beyond the cost of welfare. Of course, Red States being saddled with 150 years of failed conservative policies doesn't help. Must be hard being a member of a party that's 90% white. A party that supports failed policies that have been proven again and again not to work. In fact, Red States are trying to lure liberals to come to their state and work and start businesses. They don't want to invest in their own people. And obviously, for good reasons.

yea you said this before about Texas and California.....and when i told you the reason 90% of the Companies are leaving California and,it has nothing to do with Rick Perry recruiting anyone since they were doing it long before he came did what you always do when you get proven wrong...act like it was never posted or you suddenly...."vanish".....

90% of companies in California are leaving the state? 90%? Don't you think that's a tad excessive?
... The sad part is that the amount of wealth redistributed from Blue donor States to Red welfare States is way beyond the cost of welfare. Of course, Red States being saddled with 150 years of failed conservative policies doesn't help.

Well hell, we should put a stop to that, eh?

I agree, but Red State conservative politicians addicted to the "gravy train" would never let it happen.
Its called stupidity and a road to an easy way of life for all the freeloaders in America.

There is an easy way. Do away with Welfare and all that other social bullshit brought to you by the Democratic party of America.

You'd be surprised how quickly someone can take care of themselves when the free ride comes to a screeching halt. You'd be surprised how quickly they can take care of themselves when they have to.

Now where is that fuck head that was gonna take me to school for lying about the fact that some of you right wing whack jobs want to eliminate welfare?

Was it that JC dude? Whoever it was, they weren't gonna let that go. LMAO

Hey, in the Republican world, when someone writes "Do away with welfare and all that other social bullshit......", what does that really say? Does it really say "do away with welfare" or is that a secret code?

Dude, if you are gonna call me a liar, at least catch me in a lie.

Or shut the fuck up.

It's "code".
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Who truly cares and helps for the poor: The person who expects the government to help them? Or the person who gets up off there butt and works to help those less fortunate?

Depends on how you define help. Just giving them something isn't help. Look at how much Blue States give to Red States. And still, even a state like Kentucky, 90% white, is still a disaster. They may have an occasional Democratic governor, but they are a true conservative state.

I agree that just giving something to others doesn't help them. I am just not sure you actually believe that. Because if you did, you wouldn't blindly argue for more and more funding for programs that don't necessary help. You wouldn't be complaining every time a sane person recommends that we cut funding to certain programs because we don't have the money. You wouldn't treat those people like they were pure evil.

But you do. So it seems you do think giving something is helps others. Sometimes the help a person needs is to let go of the ledge and fall so they learn how to fly

You think people falling off a ledge can "fly"? I don't think it works that way.
CNN Camerawoman "Not Surprised At All" By Peanut-Throwing Incident At Republican Presidential Convention

Republican Attendees Threw Nuts At Black CNN Camerawoman, Called Her An 'Animal'

Something tells me you won't see this type of behavior at the Democratic National Convention. The sad part is that the amount of wealth redistributed from Blue donor States to Red welfare States is way beyond the cost of welfare. Of course, Red States being saddled with 150 years of failed conservative policies doesn't help. Must be hard being a member of a party that's 90% white. A party that supports failed policies that have been proven again and again not to work. In fact, Red States are trying to lure liberals to come to their state and work and start businesses. They don't want to invest in their own people. And obviously, for good reasons.

yea you said this before about Texas and California.....and when i told you the reason 90% of the Companies are leaving California and,it has nothing to do with Rick Perry recruiting anyone since they were doing it long before he came did what you always do when you get proven wrong...act like it was never posted or you suddenly...."vanish".....

90% of companies in California are leaving the state? 90%? Don't you think that's a tad excessive?

ok you got me.... it should have read the reason 90% of the Companies WHO HAVE LEFT the State give is....and it has nothing to do with Rick Perry recruiting anyone since they were doing it long before he came here...ok?....
... The sad part is that the amount of wealth redistributed from Blue donor States to Red welfare States is way beyond the cost of welfare. Of course, Red States being saddled with 150 years of failed conservative policies doesn't help.

Well hell, we should put a stop to that, eh?

I agree, but Red State conservative politicians addicted to the "gravy train" would never let it happen.

Maybe not, but why not call their bluff? What if Democrats made a meaningful push to end programs that redistribute wealth from 'maker' states to 'taker' states? Do you really think the Republicans making a fuss a bout the welfare state would vote against it? And if they did, wouldn't it neuter any conservative street cred they hope to maintain in the next election cycle?

But let's not be coy, Democrats won't do that because they wallow in the power that redistributing wealth between states gives them. It's the core source of Congressional power. If they acted to ensure that states got back what they paid in - or better yet just didn't take it from them in the first place - they'd lose all that power. Democrats aren't going to do that any more than Republicans are. You're cheering for crooks and whores rdean.
Yeah, you're probably right. Do me a favor...look up the 69 DNC in Chicago - then come back and tell me how "great" you guys are.....but then again, I'm sure those "peanuts" just MIGHT have put someone's eye out.

1969? When conservative in the Democratic Party were called "Dixie crats"? It's OK. They all left and joined the GOP.

Son, I sincerely hope that you actually research the 69 DNC. Seriously, you are a fool.

AllPolitics - Democratic National Convention

People rioted over Vietnam. How is this like Republican delegates throwing peanuts at a black woman and saying "This is how we feed the animals"?
Well hell, we should put a stop to that, eh?

I agree, but Red State conservative politicians addicted to the "gravy train" would never let it happen.

Maybe not, but why not call their bluff? What if Democrats made a meaningful push to end programs that redistribute wealth from 'maker' states to 'taker' states? Do you really think the Republicans making a fuss a bout the welfare state would vote against it? And if they did, wouldn't it neuter any conservative street cred they hope to maintain in the next election cycle?

But let's not be coy, Democrats won't do that because they wallow in the power that redistributing wealth between states gives them. It's the core source of Congressional power. If they acted to ensure that states got back what they paid in - or better yet just didn't take it from them in the first place - they'd lose all that power. Democrats aren't going to do that any more than Republicans are. You're cheering for crooks and whores rdean.

Redistribution of wealth is ongoing. When you have someone, like Mitt Romney making 22 million and paying 13% to zero in taxes, that's redistribution of wealth. When you have the flow of cash moving from Blue States to Red States, that's redistribution of wealth. It's never stopped.
yea you said this before about Texas and California.....and when i told you the reason 90% of the Companies are leaving California and,it has nothing to do with Rick Perry recruiting anyone since they were doing it long before he came did what you always do when you get proven wrong...act like it was never posted or you suddenly...."vanish".....

90% of companies in California are leaving the state? 90%? Don't you think that's a tad excessive?

ok you got me.... it should have read the reason 90% of the Companies WHO HAVE LEFT the State give is....and it has nothing to do with Rick Perry recruiting anyone since they were doing it long before he came here...ok?....

Who cares what the reason is that some companies have left the state.

The bottom line is that Red States are attempting to poach liberals and their businesses because the pool of home "groan" talent is so, well, "groan". If conservatives believed in their own people, they would invest in said people. How is that not obvious?
I agree, but Red State conservative politicians addicted to the "gravy train" would never let it happen.

Maybe not, but why not call their bluff? What if Democrats made a meaningful push to end programs that redistribute wealth from 'maker' states to 'taker' states? Do you really think the Republicans making a fuss a bout the welfare state would vote against it? And if they did, wouldn't it neuter any conservative street cred they hope to maintain in the next election cycle?

But let's not be coy, Democrats won't do that because they wallow in the power that redistributing wealth between states gives them. It's the core source of Congressional power. If they acted to ensure that states got back what they paid in - or better yet just didn't take it from them in the first place - they'd lose all that power. Democrats aren't going to do that any more than Republicans are. You're cheering for crooks and whores rdean.

Redistribution of wealth is ongoing. When you have someone, like Mitt Romney making 22 million and paying 13% to zero in taxes, that's redistribution of wealth. When you have the flow of cash moving from Blue States to Red States, that's redistribution of wealth. It's never stopped.

Ok, so then I guess I've called your bluff. You really have no objection to the 'Red state gravy train'. Indeed, you support it.
90% of companies in California are leaving the state? 90%? Don't you think that's a tad excessive?

ok you got me.... it should have read the reason 90% of the Companies WHO HAVE LEFT the State give is....and it has nothing to do with Rick Perry recruiting anyone since they were doing it long before he came here...ok?....

Who cares what the reason is that some companies have left the state.

The bottom line is that Red States are attempting to poach liberals and their businesses because the pool of home "groan" talent is so, well, "groan". If conservatives believed in their own people, they would invest in said people. How is that not obvious?

What makes you think that Red States are targeting liberals, Deanie? The people they are targeting are business owners that are sick of paying through the nose because they operate in a liberal State. Those are more likely to be conservatives than they are liberals...
What's amusing is that if liberals really DID run their States as well as you "think" they do...then Red States wouldn't have a chance of luring businesses away. The reason Rick Perry is successful at it is that Texas is in much better shape than places like California.
Maybe not, but why not call their bluff? What if Democrats made a meaningful push to end programs that redistribute wealth from 'maker' states to 'taker' states? Do you really think the Republicans making a fuss a bout the welfare state would vote against it? And if they did, wouldn't it neuter any conservative street cred they hope to maintain in the next election cycle?

But let's not be coy, Democrats won't do that because they wallow in the power that redistributing wealth between states gives them. It's the core source of Congressional power. If they acted to ensure that states got back what they paid in - or better yet just didn't take it from them in the first place - they'd lose all that power. Democrats aren't going to do that any more than Republicans are. You're cheering for crooks and whores rdean.

You have to remember that RDean is a democrat, ergo a shameless liar.

When examining rural versus urban funding, it's all bullshit. Dean is far too fucking stupid to grasp even rudimentary concepts, but let's explain it like this.

Podunk Idaho has a population of 128. Most of these people work in service jobs at the gas station, 7-11, and McDonalds.

The Federal Government ran Interstate 15 right through Podunk. Podunk produces about $100K per year in tax revenue. The upkeep on I-15, what with salting and plowing, runs nearly $400K a year.

AHA screams the fucktard leftist at KOS who thinks for Dean - those Republicans get $4 for every $1 they pay in taxes.

Really? Actually, they don't get shit. A federal highway is maintained - it has not a fucking thing to do with the residents, 'cept old Floyd who got a job plowing the highway. and that's seasonal.

See, this is the basis of the moronic shit that the hate sites that substitute for deanies brain produce. The Red states aren't getting shit, the expenditures are on federal assets - particularly on lands the federal government has seized. Is Cliven Bundy supposed to be overjoyed that the BLM seized state lands and spends money to keep his cattle out?

Now look, RDean has no more responsibility for what he posts here than a termite has for eating your house - he's just a drone with no capacity for thought or reason. BUT this kind of shit that he posts from the hate sites MUST be challenged.
What's amusing is that if liberals really DID run their States as well as you "think" they do...then Red States wouldn't have a chance of luring businesses away. The reason Rick Perry is successful at it is that Texas is in much better shape than places like California.

Yup and Detroit is a prime example. The city has been run by Dems for fifty years and its bankrupt.

Business is gonna go where they can make the most money and they won't be staying in States that keep raising the taxes to make up for their poor stewardship of that State.

Texas and other States are much more business friendly. I'm sure business doesn't care if its a red state or a blue state. They are gonna go where they can make the most money.

Nothing political about it. Its just good business sense.
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What's amusing is that if liberals really DID run their States as well as you "think" they do...then Red States wouldn't have a chance of luring businesses away. The reason Rick Perry is successful at it is that Texas is in much better shape than places like California.

Yup and Detroit is a prime example. The city has been run by Dems for fifty years and its bankrupt.

Business is gonna go where they can make the most money and they won't be staying in States that keep raising the taxes to make up for their poor stewardship of that State.

Texas and other States are much more business friendly. I'm sure business doesn't care if its a red state or a blue state. They are gonna go where they can make the most money.

Nothing political about it. Its just good business sense.

New York State and California are bleeding people... and I can't blame them for leaving.

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