GOP turning "American helping American" into Socialism - Is that a national scandal?

Absolutely. There's a book called "The myth of the rational voter", and they discuss this at length.

People often flee countries where they instituted bad policies that ruin the country, and then amazingly promote the exact same bad policies in the country they flee too.

An Economist Peter Henry wrote a book about Barbados and Jamaica, where his parents grew up in Jamaica, and promoted the protectionist policies in the 1970s. Work dried up, companies moved out, the economy failed. His parents moved to America, and promoted the same protectionist policies here in America, that ruined their jobs in Jamaica.

He wrote an article about it "Institutions vs. Policies: A Tale of Two Islands," in the American Economic Review, 99(2), 2009.

This is a well known trend. I keep going back to the truism, A man convinced against his will, is of the same opinion still.

Until people actually want to know the truth, it doesn't matte what happens, they will simply never accept their opinion is wrong.

This is exactly why people can look at the US banking system, the most highly regulated system on this whole planet, and when something fails, automatically conclude that "it just wasn't regulated enough".

I lived in Colorado for ten years (the 90's) and even back then the "locals" were getting stressed out because so many people from California were moving there. Those transplants saw Colorado as wonderful because it was so much cheaper than California but then they immediately started voting for the same things that MADE California too expensive to live in. When they fuck up Colorado, I'm sure they'll head on to Montana or Wyoming next. There should be a law if you support an agenda that messes up where you're not allowed to move elsewhere...or if you lose your voting rights! (I'm being facetious by the way so don't start with the "you conservatives want to take away people's rights to vote" baloney.)

Those fucking Nazis had better NOT come to Montana......They'll get the hell beat out of them... :badgrin:

you know maybe its payback.....California was a great place to be at one time.....UNTIL....all the people from the other States seeing how nice it was here started moving in here.....over time they took over the Govt and put their shitty policies from their failed States in maybe they are moving back....see it works both ways....
I lived in Colorado for ten years (the 90's) and even back then the "locals" were getting stressed out because so many people from California were moving there. Those transplants saw Colorado as wonderful because it was so much cheaper than California but then they immediately started voting for the same things that MADE California too expensive to live in. When they fuck up Colorado, I'm sure they'll head on to Montana or Wyoming next. There should be a law if you support an agenda that messes up where you're not allowed to move elsewhere...or if you lose your voting rights! (I'm being facetious by the way so don't start with the "you conservatives want to take away people's rights to vote" baloney.)

Those fucking Nazis had better NOT come to Montana......They'll get the hell beat out of them... :badgrin:

you know maybe its payback.....California was a great place to be at one time.....UNTIL....all the people from the other States seeing how nice it was here started moving in here.....over time they took over the Govt and put their shitty policies from their failed States in maybe they are moving back....see it works both ways....

You may be right. Folks are leaving Kalifornia at a faster rate that they ever moved there. Hell, can you blame them? Give it another 30 or so years and Kalifornia can be returned to the Mexicans. I do believe that they are now the majority in that sleazy state.
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I lived in Colorado for ten years (the 90's) and even back then the "locals" were getting stressed out because so many people from California were moving there. Those transplants saw Colorado as wonderful because it was so much cheaper than California but then they immediately started voting for the same things that MADE California too expensive to live in. When they fuck up Colorado, I'm sure they'll head on to Montana or Wyoming next. There should be a law if you support an agenda that messes up where you're not allowed to move elsewhere...or if you lose your voting rights! (I'm being facetious by the way so don't start with the "you conservatives want to take away people's rights to vote" baloney.)

Those fucking Nazis had better NOT come to Montana......They'll get the hell beat out of them... :badgrin:

you know maybe its payback.....California was a great place to be at one time.....UNTIL....all the people from the other States seeing how nice it was here started moving in here.....over time they took over the Govt and put their shitty policies from their failed States in maybe they are moving back....see it works both ways....
Yep...and now they're coming to Texas, Florida, Georgia...and bringing their failed ideas with them...
Absolutely. There's a book called "The myth of the rational voter", and they discuss this at length.

People often flee countries where they instituted bad policies that ruin the country, and then amazingly promote the exact same bad policies in the country they flee too.

An Economist Peter Henry wrote a book about Barbados and Jamaica, where his parents grew up in Jamaica, and promoted the protectionist policies in the 1970s. Work dried up, companies moved out, the economy failed. His parents moved to America, and promoted the same protectionist policies here in America, that ruined their jobs in Jamaica.

He wrote an article about it "Institutions vs. Policies: A Tale of Two Islands," in the American Economic Review, 99(2), 2009.

This is a well known trend. I keep going back to the truism, A man convinced against his will, is of the same opinion still.

Until people actually want to know the truth, it doesn't matte what happens, they will simply never accept their opinion is wrong.

This is exactly why people can look at the US banking system, the most highly regulated system on this whole planet, and when something fails, automatically conclude that "it just wasn't regulated enough".
and we have countless examples of liberals doing the same here in various states. Their cities turn to crap so they move to the suburbs or another state and start it all over.
It's a disease that must be cancer.
Those fucking Nazis had better NOT come to Montana......They'll get the hell beat out of them... :badgrin:

you know maybe its payback.....California was a great place to be at one time.....UNTIL....all the people from the other States seeing how nice it was here started moving in here.....over time they took over the Govt and put their shitty policies from their failed States in maybe they are moving back....see it works both ways....
Yep...and now they're coming to Texas, Florida, Georgia...and bringing their failed ideas with them...

enjoy what you have while you have it....when the Deans and TM's and Franco's all moved here we went from a State that was just about no 1 in everything to bottom 10 now in just about doesnt take those kind of people long to destroy good things....if you see any people like that coming.....DONT LET THEM IN.....
you know maybe its payback.....California was a great place to be at one time.....UNTIL....all the people from the other States seeing how nice it was here started moving in here.....over time they took over the Govt and put their shitty policies from their failed States in maybe they are moving back....see it works both ways....
Yep...and now they're coming to Texas, Florida, Georgia...and bringing their failed ideas with them...

enjoy what you have while you have it....when the Deans and TM's and Franco's all moved here we went from a State that was just about no 1 in everything to bottom 10 now in just about doesnt take those kind of people long to destroy good things....if you see any people like that coming.....DONT LET THEM IN.....

Yes Sir, they've been "vacationing" in Jackson, Wyoming for many years. Jackson Hole has been a leisure spot for Kalifornians for years. I went down there 10 years ago to meet Jerry Spence - a wonderful man and former trial attorney who was warning back then that we were becoming a "Kingdom" for the elite. Looks as though he was correct.

About the worst we have here in Montana are the liberal (turned conservative) Actors from Hollywood who live near Bozeman - no bother to me - I live in the country, off to myself and I did that 15 years ago by design.

I do find it telling though, that a large number of the "Hollywood Elite" have abandoned Kalifornia in favor of a more conservative, rural setting. Hundreds of those pin heads now live in Boise - apparently they like it there.....less taxes I guess. :D
you know maybe its payback.....California was a great place to be at one time.....UNTIL....all the people from the other States seeing how nice it was here started moving in here.....over time they took over the Govt and put their shitty policies from their failed States in maybe they are moving back....see it works both ways....
Yep...and now they're coming to Texas, Florida, Georgia...and bringing their failed ideas with them...

enjoy what you have while you have it....when the Deans and TM's and Franco's all moved here we went from a State that was just about no 1 in everything to bottom 10 now in just about doesnt take those kind of people long to destroy good things....if you see any people like that coming.....DONT LET THEM IN.....
NOT if I have anything to do with it. I'll ride those fuckers out on a rail after their tarring/feathering.
Yep...and now they're coming to Texas, Florida, Georgia...and bringing their failed ideas with them...

enjoy what you have while you have it....when the Deans and TM's and Franco's all moved here we went from a State that was just about no 1 in everything to bottom 10 now in just about doesnt take those kind of people long to destroy good things....if you see any people like that coming.....DONT LET THEM IN.....

Yes Sir, they've been "vacationing" in Jackson, Wyoming for many years. Jackson Hole has been a leisure spot for Kalifornians for years. I went down there 10 years ago to meet Jerry Spence - a wonderful man and former trial attorney who was warning back then that we were becoming a "Kingdom" for the elite. Looks as though he was correct.

About the worst we have here in Montana are the liberal (turned conservative) Actors from Hollywood who live near Bozeman - no bother to me - I live in the country, off to myself and I did that 15 years ago by design.

I do find it telling though, that a large number of the "Hollywood Elite" have abandoned Kalifornia in favor of a more conservative, rural setting. Hundreds of those pin heads now live in Boise - apparently they like it there.....less taxes I guess. :D
Which would make them quite the gaggle of hypocrites.
Yep...and now they're coming to Texas, Florida, Georgia...and bringing their failed ideas with them...

enjoy what you have while you have it....when the Deans and TM's and Franco's all moved here we went from a State that was just about no 1 in everything to bottom 10 now in just about doesnt take those kind of people long to destroy good things....if you see any people like that coming.....DONT LET THEM IN.....
NOT if I have anything to do with it. I'll ride those fuckers out on a rail after their tarring/feathering.

Here's what I find so damned ironic about these assholes. They are like parasites. They populate Kalifornia and tell us all how much of a "paradise" it is - and, quite frankly, it USED to be.

Then, after 40-50 years they decide that they have milked everything they can out of that state - government has raped the people for everything they can - bums have taken over the majority of the state looking for handouts - so what do they do? They head to more "conservative" states and begin DESTROYING them. Dickheads.

And people wonder why I despise liberal progressive Nazis.
enjoy what you have while you have it....when the Deans and TM's and Franco's all moved here we went from a State that was just about no 1 in everything to bottom 10 now in just about doesnt take those kind of people long to destroy good things....if you see any people like that coming.....DONT LET THEM IN.....

Yes Sir, they've been "vacationing" in Jackson, Wyoming for many years. Jackson Hole has been a leisure spot for Kalifornians for years. I went down there 10 years ago to meet Jerry Spence - a wonderful man and former trial attorney who was warning back then that we were becoming a "Kingdom" for the elite. Looks as though he was correct.

About the worst we have here in Montana are the liberal (turned conservative) Actors from Hollywood who live near Bozeman - no bother to me - I live in the country, off to myself and I did that 15 years ago by design.

I do find it telling though, that a large number of the "Hollywood Elite" have abandoned Kalifornia in favor of a more conservative, rural setting. Hundreds of those pin heads now live in Boise - apparently they like it there.....less taxes I guess. :D
Which would make them quite the gaggle of hypocrites.

Indeed, Brother. Indeed. :mad:
enjoy what you have while you have it....when the Deans and TM's and Franco's all moved here we went from a State that was just about no 1 in everything to bottom 10 now in just about doesnt take those kind of people long to destroy good things....if you see any people like that coming.....DONT LET THEM IN.....
NOT if I have anything to do with it. I'll ride those fuckers out on a rail after their tarring/feathering.

Here's what I find so damned ironic about these assholes. They are like parasites. They populate Kalifornia and tell us all how much of a "paradise" it is - and, quite frankly, it USED to be.

Then, after 40-50 years they decide that they have milked everything they can out of that state - government has raped the people for everything they can - bums have taken over the majority of the state looking for handouts - so what do they do? They head to more "conservative" states and begin DESTROYING them. Dickheads.

And people wonder why I despise liberal progressive Nazis.
Divide, conquer...rape, pillage, loot, rob...scorched Earth. It's what parasites do.
enjoy what you have while you have it....when the Deans and TM's and Franco's all moved here we went from a State that was just about no 1 in everything to bottom 10 now in just about doesnt take those kind of people long to destroy good things....if you see any people like that coming.....DONT LET THEM IN.....
NOT if I have anything to do with it. I'll ride those fuckers out on a rail after their tarring/feathering.

Here's what I find so damned ironic about these assholes. They are like parasites. They populate Kalifornia and tell us all how much of a "paradise" it is - and, quite frankly, it USED to be.

Then, after 40-50 years they decide that they have milked everything they can out of that state - government has raped the people for everything they can - bums have taken over the majority of the state looking for handouts - so what do they do? They head to more "conservative" states and begin DESTROYING them. Dickheads.

And people wonder why I despise liberal progressive Nazis.

there are still pockets of resistance.....Orange County where i am at still has some pretty nice areas.....i dont know how long these people can hold out though....but they are doing what they soon as i sell my place i guess ill be leaving here too.....its tough to retire here unless you have a great pension or you have money......
Maybe not, but why not call their bluff? What if Democrats made a meaningful push to end programs that redistribute wealth from 'maker' states to 'taker' states? Do you really think the Republicans making a fuss a bout the welfare state would vote against it? And if they did, wouldn't it neuter any conservative street cred they hope to maintain in the next election cycle?

But let's not be coy, Democrats won't do that because they wallow in the power that redistributing wealth between states gives them. It's the core source of Congressional power. If they acted to ensure that states got back what they paid in - or better yet just didn't take it from them in the first place - they'd lose all that power. Democrats aren't going to do that any more than Republicans are. You're cheering for crooks and whores rdean.

Redistribution of wealth is ongoing. When you have someone, like Mitt Romney making 22 million and paying 13% to zero in taxes, that's redistribution of wealth. When you have the flow of cash moving from Blue States to Red States, that's redistribution of wealth. It's never stopped.

Ok, so then I guess I've called your bluff. You really have no objection to the 'Red state gravy train'. Indeed, you support it.

Course I don't support it. But what can you do? You can't let millions of Americans suffer just because they are so fucking stupid they vote Republicans into office to fuck up their state from top to bottom. Well, Republicans could let them suffer. We saw that with the Bush Tax Cuts.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says -

If Republicans actually started acting human, I think I would pass out.
Maybe not, but why not call their bluff? What if Democrats made a meaningful push to end programs that redistribute wealth from 'maker' states to 'taker' states? Do you really think the Republicans making a fuss a bout the welfare state would vote against it? And if they did, wouldn't it neuter any conservative street cred they hope to maintain in the next election cycle?

But let's not be coy, Democrats won't do that because they wallow in the power that redistributing wealth between states gives them. It's the core source of Congressional power. If they acted to ensure that states got back what they paid in - or better yet just didn't take it from them in the first place - they'd lose all that power. Democrats aren't going to do that any more than Republicans are. You're cheering for crooks and whores rdean.

You have to remember that RDean is a democrat, ergo a shameless liar.

When examining rural versus urban funding, it's all bullshit. Dean is far too fucking stupid to grasp even rudimentary concepts, but let's explain it like this.

Podunk Idaho has a population of 128. Most of these people work in service jobs at the gas station, 7-11, and McDonalds.

The Federal Government ran Interstate 15 right through Podunk. Podunk produces about $100K per year in tax revenue. The upkeep on I-15, what with salting and plowing, runs nearly $400K a year.

AHA screams the fucktard leftist at KOS who thinks for Dean - those Republicans get $4 for every $1 they pay in taxes.

Really? Actually, they don't get shit. A federal highway is maintained - it has not a fucking thing to do with the residents, 'cept old Floyd who got a job plowing the highway. and that's seasonal.

See, this is the basis of the moronic shit that the hate sites that substitute for deanies brain produce. The Red states aren't getting shit, the expenditures are on federal assets - particularly on lands the federal government has seized. Is Cliven Bundy supposed to be overjoyed that the BLM seized state lands and spends money to keep his cattle out?

Now look, RDean has no more responsibility for what he posts here than a termite has for eating your house - he's just a drone with no capacity for thought or reason. BUT this kind of shit that he posts from the hate sites MUST be challenged.

Someone must have deleted your links. Could you post them again?
What's amusing is that if liberals really DID run their States as well as you "think" they do...then Red States wouldn't have a chance of luring businesses away. The reason Rick Perry is successful at it is that Texas is in much better shape than places like California.

Yup and Detroit is a prime example. The city has been run by Dems for fifty years and its bankrupt.

Business is gonna go where they can make the most money and they won't be staying in States that keep raising the taxes to make up for their poor stewardship of that State.

Texas and other States are much more business friendly. I'm sure business doesn't care if its a red state or a blue state. They are gonna go where they can make the most money.

Nothing political about it. Its just good business sense.

It's easy to cherry pick a couple of cities. I can cherry pick the entire south east.
Son, I sincerely hope that you actually research the 69 DNC. Seriously, you are a fool.

AllPolitics - Democratic National Convention

People rioted over Vietnam. How is this like Republican delegates throwing peanuts at a black woman and saying "This is how we feed the animals"?

First - you haven't proven that ANY republican did this. It was nothing more than Nazi hearsay.

Two- Yeah, I suppose that they WERE protesting an ongoing war by democrats in Vietnam by wearing Pig Masks and running through the hall naked.


Hmmm, let's see, delegates at the GOP convention, prove a convention run by the Secret Service and very difficult to get in to actually has Republicans.

Gee, that reminds me of Republicans screaming out "let him die" at the GOP presidential debates in Las Vegas with USMB Republicans saying how do you know all those people applauding and shouting let him die were Republicans? At the Republican Presidential Debates?

Remember when they held the GOP Convention in New York and they were illegally arresting and holding people to keep them away from the convention? Yet, these other people could stroll right in, commit racist behavior and shout out "let him die"? Really? You believe something so laughable and ignorant?

Judge Rules That Mass Arrests at a 2004 Protest Were Illegal

City To Pay $18 Million To Settle "Wrongful" Arrests During 2004 RNC « CBS New York

Any time you look at racism, illegal arrests, voter suppression, you always have to look at Republicans first.
Redistribution of wealth is ongoing. When you have someone, like Mitt Romney making 22 million and paying 13% to zero in taxes, that's redistribution of wealth. When you have the flow of cash moving from Blue States to Red States, that's redistribution of wealth. It's never stopped.

Ok, so then I guess I've called your bluff. You really have no objection to the 'Red state gravy train'. Indeed, you support it.

Course I don't support it. But what can you do?

You can vote against the legislators who enable it. If, instead, you vote for them, then you support it. You can't have it both ways.
Redistribution of wealth is ongoing. When you have someone, like Mitt Romney making 22 million and paying 13% to zero in taxes, that's redistribution of wealth. When you have the flow of cash moving from Blue States to Red States, that's redistribution of wealth. It's never stopped.

Ok, so then I guess I've called your bluff. You really have no objection to the 'Red state gravy train'. Indeed, you support it.

Course I don't support it. But what can you do? You can't let millions of Americans suffer just because they are so fucking stupid they vote Republicans into office to fuck up their state from top to bottom. Well, Republicans could let them suffer. We saw that with the Bush Tax Cuts.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says -

If Republicans actually started acting human, I think I would pass out.

And yet you support Democrat policies that make people suffer just for voting Democrat. Nice of you.
Ok, so then I guess I've called your bluff. You really have no objection to the 'Red state gravy train'. Indeed, you support it.

Course I don't support it. But what can you do? You can't let millions of Americans suffer just because they are so fucking stupid they vote Republicans into office to fuck up their state from top to bottom. Well, Republicans could let them suffer. We saw that with the Bush Tax Cuts.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says -

If Republicans actually started acting human, I think I would pass out.

And yet you support Democrat policies that make people suffer just for voting Democrat. Nice of you.

Like what? Name one. A "real" one. Not some delusion, but a REAL policy.
Redistribution of wealth is ongoing. When you have someone, like Mitt Romney making 22 million and paying 13% to zero in taxes, that's redistribution of wealth. When you have the flow of cash moving from Blue States to Red States, that's redistribution of wealth. It's never stopped.

Ok, so then I guess I've called your bluff. You really have no objection to the 'Red state gravy train'. Indeed, you support it.

Course I don't support it. But what can you do? You can't let millions of Americans suffer just because they are so fucking stupid they vote Republicans into office to fuck up their state from top to bottom. Well, Republicans could let them suffer. We saw that with the Bush Tax Cuts.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says -

If Republicans actually started acting human, I think I would pass out.

you mean like they have done in California?....

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