GOP Voter Says I would Rather be a Russian than a Democrat

I wasn't the one who made the shirt....

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Why don't you complain about the binary choices that Conservatives always find themselves engaged in??

You know, the binary choices that Marjorie just maliciously slandered GOP Senators with......the binary choice that if you don't vote like she tells you to vote, you are pro-pedophile...
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Or how about the pro-binary choice Conservatives cooked up to shame everyone out of opposing their invasion of Iraq...that whole "you either with us of against us" -- binary??

but you want to whine like a bitch when I call you morons out on these goofy binary choices Trumpers themselves presented
Then quit painting with a 1000 mile brush, dip shit.
I'd contend that anyone who's not senile would be better equipped to be POTUS than Biden.
Yea, yea, you don't like Biden, we get it...

Why do you keep dodging what is being said tho??

You can call Biden a senile poopy-head all day long......

But is it that calling him a senile and a poopyhead just doesn't scratch that hateful itch in you??

Does claiming "I would be Russian than a Democrat" help you to cope more??
The main policies that Democrats have passed includes:

$3000 Child tax credit
Cancelling of some student loan debt
Infrastructure package -- That republicans voted against but are still taking credit for...

Policies that Democrats wanted to pass but have not been able to do pass...

Expanding Voting Rights protection
Extending the $3000 Child tax credit
Lowering insulin prices
Passing a larger infrastructure package

What extreme policies are being introduced by these "extremists" on the Democratic side??

Meanwhile.....on the Republican side.....they main policies are manufactured culture war bullshit..trying to overturn an election by storming the Capitol....and still claiming the election was stolen.... praising Putin and opining about how great it would be if he was President here...100% of this is generated by their extremist side....and the minute any GOP official speaks up against that extremist side, they are cast out by their chief extremist, Trump....

So again, this is another weak attempt at trying to both sides something that has only one side
Your response is the same old weak response all partisan give anyone who believes there are not extremes on both sides is either a fool a liar or both. Canceling student loan debt is extreme lots of non students have debt no reason students should be given a special exemption for there’s there is no need for voting rights protection anyone who wants to vote can the 2020 election turnout is proof of that the large infrastructure has tons of non infrastructure related garbage in it which is why Democrat Senators Manchin and Sinema would not support it. The fact is they are the ones who have stopped a lot of Biden’s agenda with a 50/50 Senate Biden gets them onboard Harris breaks the tie legislation passes. You should take a closer look at your own party for why a lot of this stuff is not passing.
The reason he asked her what he asked her is because it is a very prevalent thing among Trumpers to opine about how much better Putin would be as president than Biden...

I'd contend that anyone who's not senile would be better equipped to be POTUS than Biden.

There are over 6 billion other people they could have chosen. Over 160 leaders of other countries they could have chosen.
But they chose Putin.
Does claiming "I would be Russian than a Democrat" help you to cope more??
I would rather be dead than a democrat. (I know...same thing)

I would rather be a pile of yak dung than a democrat.

I would rather dive into a swimming pool full of vodka and razor blades than vote democrat.

Does that help?
Then quit painting with a 1000 mile brush, dip shit.
I understand the point is over your head....

But my point is.....IF this was just an anonymous woman giving off some fringe opinion ...that is one thing...

THEN I WENT ON TO DETAIL how what she said isn't that fringe....

How can it be so fringe if they sell merchandise for it.....the top conservative TV host openly cheerleads for Putin -- to the point that his show is broadcasted in Russia as pro-Putin propoganda...and also, Trump himself engages in the same Putin fanboy-worship like the cuck that he is...

Why do people at the highest levels of power in the GOP cater so much to this "anonymous woman's fringe opinion"??
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That makes no sense in response to my post:
Being anti-biden is not the same thing as being pro-putin.
That's the point. Being anti-Biden is one thing. But Republicans went pro-Putin on top of that.

They would rather be russian than democrat.
I would rather be dead than a democrat. (I know...same thing)

I would rather be a pile of yak dung than a democrat.

I would rather dive into a swimming pool full of vodka and razor blades than vote democrat.

Does that help?
Yea, that is all hyperbole....

I mean, you can play dead to show how much you hate being a Democrat...

You could dive into a pool of vodka instead of drinking a pool of vodka to deal with your depression...also a choice..... is the case with many can fanboy worship Putin and demonstrate your worship by parroting Russian propaganda all while claiming you are a patriot...

Every example still makes you a moron......

Which is why you don't see many "Democrats" saying goofy shit like that....

We just want to see Social Security expanded, voting rights protected, etc...and wearing goofy t-shirts about what I would rather be than a Republican doesn't really get those things done...

When asked who she would vote for, Biden or Putin, little Susie’a answer was simple: Putin.

What are your thoughts on the modern GOP?

Oh and in the video she also claims “George Bush was a Nazi”

And you put this in Politics???
It is obviously a nut. She doesn't represent anyone but her crazy self.
And anyone who would attempt to rope her in as a "GOP voter" is no less fucked than she is.
I understand the point if over your head....

But my point is.....IF this was just an anonymous woman giving off some fringe opinion ...that is one thing...

THEN I WENT ON TO DETAIL how what she said isn't that fringe....

How can it be so fringe if they sell merchandise for it.....the top conservative TV host openly cheerleads for Putin -- to the point that his show is broadcasted in Russia and pro-Putin propoganda...and also, Trump himself engages in the same Putin fanboy-ship like the cuck that he is...

Why do people at the highest levels of power in the GOP cater so much to this "anonymous woman's fringe opinion"??

The hateful right wing fringe that McCain confronted in 2008 is more main stream than ever in the New GOP.
which is why Democrat Senators Manchin and Sinema would not support it. The fact is they are the ones who have stopped a lot of Biden’s agenda with a 50/50 Senate Biden gets them onboard Harris breaks the tie legislation passes. You should take a closer look at your own party for why a lot of this stuff is not passing.
The reason the stuff isn't passing is because the republicans have become the part of pure obstruction. No matter what the democrats propose, the republicans are 100% lockstep against it. In normal times you would have conservative democrats opposing the legislation, and liberal republicans supporting it.

But now it's all about obstruction.
Yea, that is all hyperbole....

I mean, you can play dead to show how much you hate being a Democrat...

You could dive into a pool of vodka instead of drinking a pool of vodka to deal with your depression...also a choice..... is the case with many can fanboy worship Putin and demonstrate your worship by parroting Russian propaganda all while claiming you are a patriot...

Every example still makes you a moron......

Which is why you don't see many "Democrats" saying goofy shit like that....

We just want to see Social Security expanded, voting rights protected, etc...and wearing goofy t-shirts about what I would rather be than a Republican doesn't really get those things done...
You are a democrat slave to the bone. The epitome of partisan. You are a party pawn in spades.

If I choose to not vote for Democrats, you believe I am inherently evil and racist, don't you?
At least Russia tells us the truth about Co2 and 911....

Thank you, Russia, for the photos of Col Tim Osman that our Fascist zionist CIA covered up...

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The reason the stuff isn't passing is because the republicans have become the part of pure obstruction. No matter what the democrats propose, the republicans are 100% lockstep against it. In normal times you would have conservative democrats opposing the legislation, and liberal republicans supporting it.

But now it's all about obstruction.
BBB didn't pass because Manchin opposed to deficit spending to give people who choose not to work tax credits even though they don't pay taxes.

Sienna is somewhat unclear, I think, but Manchin will probably vote for the tax hike the very rich coupled with applying half the new spending to deficit reduction and health care, along with climate funding
So, again, a person is all bad or all good, right? The world is full of archetypes?

Binary thinking is KILLING US!!!
Actually it's a matter of being able to judge someones character. And Putin has always been the enemy of the US. He's KGB with aspirations of power and of reforming the soviet union back to it's glory days.

If you didn't see it, you're a bad a judge of Putin as George W. Bush and Donald J. Trump.
Actually it's a matter of being able to judge someones character. And Putin has always been the enemy of the US. He's KGB with aspirations of power and of reforming the soviet union back to it's glory days.

If you didn't see it, you're a bad a judge of Putin as George W. Bush and Donald J. Trump.

Putin told us the truth about co2, 911, and those US funded bio weapons labs in Ukraine that Fauci and the Kenyan Cocksucker put there....

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