GOP Voter Says I would Rather be a Russian than a Democrat

My position is the one I stated, cretin.

An anonymous man interviewing an anonymous woman in no way proves that the attitude it reveals is representative of anything at all.

You are merely far too stupid to understand that.

Wait, wait, wait, the OP is misleading and caused this to devolve. Forget what she said, lets rephrase the question to make it more enlightening----------->

QUESTION ASKED TO IMAWHOSURE-------------> Would you rather be a Russian led by Putin or a Democrat?

ANSWER-------------------------------------------> I would rather be a Democrat!

QUESTION TO IMAWHOSURE---------------------> Would you rather be a Leftist or a Russian led by Putin?

ANSWER-------------------------------------------> They are one in the same, so there is no definitive answer. Some live in Russia, some live here, both are Socialists at best, Communists at worst, and force their ideas down everyones throats. If you do not accept their ideas, they do everything they can to cancel you, up to and including jail, while using massive propaganda to achieve their goals!
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So you would be ok with the state controlling all media; one party rule, anyone who runs against the party, being assassinated -- as long as you can fantasize about a strong daddy figure doing it??

Talk about cucks....
This is why democrats are rejected. We don't want any of that.
I have repeatedly.

To quote Austin Petersen:
"My ideal: Gay couple defends pot farm with machine guns."

Government that governs best governs least.

All policies should be directed toward maximizing liberty.

Here is "A Bill of Federalism" by law professor Randy Barnett, which I support 100%.

Does Putin's government govern least? Because you folks sure love to praise him as some genius....that would definitely mean his government operates in this "governs least" mode that you love so much, right?? Does it?

Here is the true quote that most of you folks really adhere to....


And no matter how much you speak in platitudes about what you profess to stand for -- this quote ACTUALLY PLAYS ITSELF out in reality, time and time and time again....
Wait, wait, wait, the OP is misleading and caused this to devolve. Forget what she said, lets rephrase the question to make it more enlightening----------->

QUESTION ASKED TO IMAWHOSURE-------------> Would you rather be a Russian led by Putin or a Democrat?

ANSWER-------------------------------------------> I would rather be a Democrat!

QUESTION TO IMAWHOSURE---------------------> Would you rather be a Leftist or a Russian led by Putin?

ANSWER-------------------------------------------> They are one in the same, so there is no definitive answer. Some live in Russia, some live here, both are Socialists at best, Communists at worst, and force their ideas down everyones throats. If you do not accept their ideas, they do everything they can to cancel you, up to and including jail, while using massive propaganda to achieve their goals!

Would I rather discuss an actual issue intelligently or indulge in false dichotomies designed as a partisan "gotcha"?
No, an anonymous man interviewing an anonymous woman doesn't represent the party as a, what did the anonymous woman say in this anonymous interview...because I am familiar with the makers of the video..and they have tons.......

I'm sure her view is so on the fringe that only a precious few would agree with her...they definitely wouldn't be trying to sell merchandise because of that fringe opinion.....
View attachment 626490

There wouldn't be people with the number one opinion program specifically catering to that anonymous woman with that fringe opinion -- hinting about why he shouldn't cheer for Putin, huh?

And we definitely wouldn't have the person whom that anonymous woman came to see; gush over Putin and call his invasion of Ukraine brilliant and genius, huh?? I mean, why would he cater to some anonymous woman on the fringe like that right??

I do understand why so many Trumpers have to try to claim things like Bucha is a false flag tho -- since we have so many receipts of them cheering for Putin's invasion......
It's no surprise to me that you can only think in binary fashion. You can continue on your angry false-dichotomy rant all you want. It doesn't change your simplistic nature.
Well it's clear many Americans HATE the Democrats and for good reason. Dems have become such depraved lying scheming lowlifes that even evil regime dictators seem to be an improvement over Dems.
Being anti-biden is not the same thing as being pro-putin.
You can be Anti-Biden and not be Pro-Putin...

Seeing as tho, I never mentioned Biden...why are you mentioning him??

Still tho, no one on this thread has been able to address why calling Putin's invasion of Ukraine, genius -- is not to be taking as praise of Putin?? And....what is so genius about it??

Should we still be praising Bush to this day as a genius for invading Iraq?? Because I know quite a few of today's Trumpers were very much so fully engaged in Bush worship.....

So no, being anti-Biden isn't being Pro-Putin but saying you would rather be a Russian than a Democrat is pro stupid asf
You can be Anti-Biden and not be Pro-Putin...

Seeing as tho, I never mentioned Biden...why are you mentioning him??

Still tho, no one on this thread has been able to address why calling Putin's invasion of Ukraine, genius -- is not to be taking as praise of Putin?? And....what is so genius about it??

Should we still be praising Bush to this day as a genius for invading Iraq?? Because I know quite a few of today's Trumpers were very much so fully engaged in Bush worship.....

So no, being anti-Biden isn't being Pro-Putin but saying you would rather be a Russian than a Democrat is pro stupid asf
Binary thinking again.

Would it help if I said I would rather be dead than Democrat? Would that make you feel better about the insult to your entire identity, you Dem pawn?
Binary thinking again.

Would it help if I said I would rather be dead than Democrat? Would that make you feel better about the insult to your entire identity, you Dem pawn?
I wasn't the one who made the shirt....


Why don't you complain about the binary choices that Conservatives always find themselves engaged in??

You know, the binary choices that Marjorie just maliciously slandered GOP Senators with......the binary choice that if you don't vote like she tells you to vote, you are pro-pedophile...

Or how about the pro-binary choice Conservatives cooked up to shame everyone out of opposing their invasion of Iraq...that whole "you either with us of against us" -- binary??

but you want to whine like a bitch when I call you morons out on these goofy binary choices Trumpers themselves presented
From the OP:
The OP got its question from this....


Why do you people continue to play dumb???

He didn't ask her "Biden or the president of Denmark"

The reason he asked her what he asked her is because it is a very prevalent thing among Trumpers to opine about how much better Putin would be as president than Biden...
Being anti-biden is not the same thing as being pro-putin.
It pretty much does. Since someone willing to join the side of the enemy, over an american political party says it all.

You never had democrats offering foreign allegiance over even the worst of republicans.
How does this anonymous comment rise to the level of a political discussion? Are we going to see this crap from now until the mid-terms?
The reason he asked her what he asked her is because it is a very prevalent thing among Trumpers to opine about how much better Putin would be as president than Biden...
Actually Trump supporters have been idolizing Putin for quite some time. They posted memes of a shirtless Putin riding a bear, next to Trump.

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