GOP Voter Says I would Rather be a Russian than a Democrat

Your party has been beholden to both China and Russia for decades.
You can keep telling yourself that -- it still doesn't refute a single thing I said...

Why can't you clowns address anything that is said to you??

Who praised Xi for making himself dictator for life? Dems or your cult leader??

It is a simple answer...

And if you respond by doing more deflection and dodging like a bitch -- don't respond at all....just own being a bitch
If you have ever engaged in fearmongering over CRT -- you can't tell anyone shit about broad brushing...

I see you folks go on and on calling anyone on "the left" evil -- for what? Because we don't want to strip healthcare away from millions, because we want to expand Social Security, because we don't get off on demonizing gay people -- suddenly, that makes Dems evil.....because they don't cater to your hate....

but you clutch your pearls like a bitch when we show you Trumper after Trumper, after rally after rally -- saying dumb shit after dumb shit -- and that being followed up with rhetoric and policy proposals that appease that dumb shit....

Like MTG calling members of her own party -- Pro-pedophile...
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And you won't say shit about it but try to find a way to rationalize it or claim "but but but Dems do it too" --- shut yo bitch ass up
I enquired about posters with THREE digit IQs, little fella.

I do thank you for adding to the two digit chorus, though.
The main policies that Democrats have passed includes:

$3000 Child tax credit
Cancelling of some student loan debt
Infrastructure package -- That republicans voted against but are still taking credit for...

Policies that Democrats wanted to pass but have not been able to do pass...

Expanding Voting Rights protection
Extending the $3000 Child tax credit
Lowering insulin prices
Passing a larger infrastructure package

What extreme policies are being introduced by these "extremists" on the Democratic side??

Meanwhile.....on the Republican side.....they main policies are manufactured culture war bullshit..trying to overturn an election by storming the Capitol....and still claiming the election was stolen.... praising Putin and opining about how great it would be if he was President here...100% of this is generated by their extremist side....and the minute any GOP official speaks up against that extremist side, they are cast out by their chief extremist, Trump....

So again, this is another weak attempt at trying to both sides something that has only one side

By the way... The Rest of the World can't figure how Republicans can poll over 10% - 20%... While Democrats are considered far from perfect (they considered a little too far to the right but that is a understandable) but they generally want what is best for all the US people...

The Republicans haven't a domestic policy which they can show working anywhere in the world... Where is their proposal Healthcare System working in the world... Their drive for privatising education has just hampered US Economy by reducing the number of qualified graduates into the market..
This is GOP policies...
Thank you! That's what we need to be talking about. It's easy to simply blame those you disagree with and leave it that. But it won't get us closer to a solution, unless you're looking for a civil war.

I don't have THE answer. Just some ideas. I think the core of it is the 'culture war' nonsense. But we need to consider why that's even a thing. In my view it's because the role of government has changed, from an institution tasked, primarily, with keeping the peace and protecting our rights, to a broad tool for shaping society. And not everyone wants to be 'shaped'.

To put it in concrete terms, if the government only controls some infrastructure, the police and the military, seeing your opponents take over doesn't present much of a threat. There's not that much they can do to impact your life. But if government is in charge of education, health care, housing, employment, transportation, banking, media, internet, etc, etc. then controlling the government becomes a vital concern. You're entire way of life could be decimated with a single election.

In my view we need to get back to "live and let live". It's the only thing that works in a nation as diverse as the US.
Fact of the matter long as you have one party whose base is mostly animated by what they can do "AGAINST" other groups that they hate instead of for the country...

And another party whose base is mostly animated by what they can do "FOR" people (including those other groups) -- then there will always be this so-called "culture war" -- I don't recall any Dems who pushed for health insurance coverage or child tax credits saying "only for people I like" -- but that is definitely something Conservatives would try if they could pull it off...

As long as there is one party who prides themselves on this motto:

“A conservative is someone who stands athwart history, yelling Stop"

Even if what they wanted stopped was...Civil Rights....Voting Rights...Labor Rights...Consumer protections...etc, etc, etc.....then you will always have one side dedicated to manufacturing culture war bullshit to distract from the hard truth that they have been proven wrong, time after time after time....
I never said anything sounds a lot like China.....are you a real life moron as well??

Did Dems praise China for Xi making himself dictator or did your cult leader do it??

Did Dems have secret Chinese bank accounts while proclaiming to be tough on China or did your cult leader do it?

I expect you to keep deflecting like the bitch you are
Go back and read my actual response, moron.
By the way... The Rest of the World can't figure how Republicans can poll over 10% - 20%... While Democrats are considered far from perfect (they considered a little too far to the right but that is a understandable) but they generally want what is best for all the US people...

The Republicans haven't a domestic policy which they can show working anywhere in the world... Where is their proposal Healthcare System working in the world... Their drive for privatising education has just hampered US Economy by reducing the number of qualified graduates into the market..
This is GOP policies...
I believe that is why they devote so much time to culture wars and juvenile trolling on social one expects them to actually introduce policies that address real life problems......
What is the problem then??

Another side of it is that we have very little consensus. One side wins with a slim majority and proceeds to slam through a bunch of laws that half the country hates. The other side comes roaring back, sabotages the efforts of the previous regime and proceeds to force through their own agenda - that half the country hates. Wash rinse repeat.

There are things would could do to address this. But first we must recognize what consensus is. It's not just majority rule. It's based on 'consent', meaning accepting something you might not necessarily agree with. And that requires respecting the views of everyone, not just the "winners" of the last election. You might have significant majority agreement on something - say 65-70% - but if the minority fundamental objects to something the majority wants to do, that's not consensus. On the other hand, if you have slim majority support, but the minority isn't that worried the issue, you could still have solid consensus. They key is that no one walks away vowing retaliation.
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Go back and read my actual response, moron.
Don't have to...the fact you dodged everything I said in your effort to claim Democrats are "Pro-Putin" tells me all I need to know.....

Oh by the way, I bet yo dic sucking ass clutched your pearls too when Biden said Putin can't remain in power......guess that was just too "Pro-Putin" for your little bitch ass to take
Another side of it is that we have very little consensus. One side wins with a slim majority and proceeds to slam through a bunch of laws that half the country hates. The other side comes roaring back, sabotages the efforts of the previous regime and proceeds to force through their own agenda - that half the country hates. Wash rinse repeat.

There are things would could do to address this. But we have to recognize what consensus is. It's not just majority rule. It's based on 'consent', meaning accepting something you might not necessarily agree with. It means respecting the views of everyone. You might have significant majority agreement on something - say 65-70% - but if the minority fundamental objects to something the majority wants to do, that's not consensus. On the other hand, if you have slim majority support, but the minority isn't that worried the issue, you could still have solid consensus. They key is that no one walks away vowing retaliation.
Of the Democratic policies that were passed or being proposed -- can you tell me which ones half the country hated??

Because majority of the country supported child tax credits, majority of the country supports some form of Voting Rights Expansion, majority of the country supports some form of Medicare expansion......majority country supports some form of tax increase on the top 1%

Now...can you tell me what policies republicans propose that have majority support?? Real policies...not strawmen problems they created
I am not a member of the republican party, nor have I ever been a member.

You are simply too stupid to understand anything beyond playing politics as a team sport.
The Two-Party Death Spiral, coming to a theater near you.
The main policies that Democrats have passed includes:

$3000 Child tax credit
Cancelling of some student loan debt
Infrastructure package -- That republicans voted against but are still taking credit for...
All terrible abuses of government. Just like the GOP.

Policies that Democrats wanted to pass but have not been able to do pass...

Expanding Voting Rights protection
Extending the $3000 Child tax credit
Lowering insulin prices
Passing a larger infrastructure package
All bullshit and abuses of government. I am not giving the GOP a pass here either. Just trying to get you to see how much of a partisan hack you are. You have no mind of your own.
Another side of it is that we have very little consensus. One side wins with a slim majority and proceeds to slam through a bunch of laws that half the country hates. The other side comes roaring back, sabotages the efforts of the previous regime and proceeds to force through their own agenda - that half the country hates. Wash rinse repeat.

There are things would could do to address this. But we have to recognize what consensus is. It's not just majority rule. It's based on 'consent', meaning accepting something you might not necessarily agree with. It means respecting the views of everyone. You might have significant majority agreement on something - say 65-70% - but if the minority fundamental objects to something the majority wants to do, that's not consensus. On the other hand, if you have slim majority support, but the minority isn't that worried the issue, you could still have solid consensus. They key is that no one walks away vowing retaliation.
I watched the first two hours of Ken Burns' Franklin last night on pbs; the next two are on tonite. But one thing that struck me, aside from his obvious inconsistencies, was that his belief that if people even from different locals concentrated on a single, common problem, then a solution was possible. But he failed in that with his early attempt at a colonial compact (Albany) and failed spectacularly as an envoy to Britain before the revolution, and was basically accused of treason by both camps.
I am not a member of the republican party, nor have I ever been a member.

You are simply too stupid to understand anything beyond playing politics as a team sport.
"I am not a member of the Republican party" -- but I will continue to spout off every Republican talking point available is what coward ass Conservatives say....

What little distinction you think earned yourself by claiming you ain't republican doesn't mean shit to are a coward ass conservative
You think this woman represents the entire GOP.

Then Will Smith represents the entire Democrat Party, mkay?
This is why that shit-machine is currently in the White House f**king up the entire planet....because you folks think you can get away with this crapola.

" long as we don't have any more mean tweets.....everything is going to perfect!!!!!" :iagree:

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The polls show that many Republicans think exactly like that.

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