GOP Voter Says I would Rather be a Russian than a Democrat

When asked who she would vote for, Biden or Putin, little Susie’a answer was simple: Putin.

What are your thoughts on the modern GOP?

Oh and in the video she also claims “George Bush was a Nazi”


Say hi to Putin for me, comrade.


When asked who she would vote for, Biden or Putin, little Susie’a answer was simple: Putin.

What are your thoughts on the modern GOP?

Oh and in the video she also claims “George Bush was a Nazi”

George Bush was a not-very-bright swamp rat

but he was not a NAZI

Comparing biden to putin does not work for me because putin is a dictator who does not respect the parliamentary system

I think the real question for that woman is whether she is fed up with washington enough to accept a brutal man like putin if he can make the trains run on time

a few like her might say yes but far more trump supporters would not agree
I remember a time when the slogan was "Better dead than red." But then the 60's and 70's happened: Progressives and liberal hipsters were walking around with Che, Mao, and Marx t-shirts, and leftist protesters were waving red hammer and sickle banners.

And now we're the "communists" because we wish we had a strong leader who wants to put his country first. Putin will always be a murdering commie shithead, but at least he's no globalist.

Damn, I miss Trump.
Yep....Democrats would have a Chairman Mao month if they thought they could get away with it.
Why not celebrate the worst mass-murderer in history.
He's a guy that is close to your average liberal's heart.

But everyone knows that the Will Smith Slap and Jan 6th are the worst events in Earth's history.
The DemoFascist DemNazi KKK do this all of the time. It's called discrediting by false association.
We aren't stupid. If we learned anything from 2016-2020 it's a couple of things.
1.) Putin and Xi completely own The DemNazi Party
2.) You are all Satanic Pathological Liars and your primary weapon against morality, ethics, and good people who want good things for this country are lies and deception.
3.) Most of you are going to Hell, and no we don't want any of you within 10 miles of our children you Evil Freaks.
I'd choose a Putin-type strongman over a dem in a heartbeat. Sucks but there it is.

Thing is there might be a dem I could vote for somewhere but they will always bow to the extreme left of their party so why even bother.....Things would get progressively worse.

That and a Putin-type strongman could provide a solution to a bunch of problems that have been "neglected" for far too long.
So you would be ok with the state controlling all media; one party rule, anyone who runs against the party, being assassinated -- as long as you can fantasize about a strong daddy figure doing it??

Talk about cucks....
I'd choose a Putin-type strongman over a dem in a heartbeat. Sucks but there it is.

Thing is there might be a dem I could vote for somewhere but they will always bow to the extreme left of their party so why even bother.....Things would get progressively worse.

That and a Putin-type strongman could provide a solution to a bunch of problems that have been "neglected" for far too long.
People can hate Putin all they want. At least he is not fucking over his own people and selling them out the global cabal.

That's a leader.
So you would be ok with the state controlling all media; one party rule, anyone who runs against the party, being assassinated -- as long as you can fantasize about a strong daddy figure doing it??

Talk about cucks....
That sounds a lot like China to me. You know, the parent company of the Dem Party?
Wow you have a 8 year old photo of Diplomats sharing gifts.... This is before they invaded the Crimea BTW...

So what's your point... Later on Trump said he believed Putin over his own intelligence agencies...
Just smile and nod. He posts that photo in every topic
That's exactly the situation in Ukraine right now. You know that, right?
No, it is not......


This man was killed by Putin.....

This man was killed by Putin...

This man was the subject of an attempted assassination and is now jailed indefinitely by Putin...

Name someone Zelensky has had assassinated for being in the opposing party??

I'll wait

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