GOP Voter Says I would Rather be a Russian than a Democrat

"I am not a member of the Republican party" -- but I will continue to spout off every Republican talking point available is what coward ass Conservatives say....

What little distinction you think earned yourself by claiming you ain't republican doesn't mean shit to are a coward ass conservative
You're cute when you ignorantly ramble out of rage.

Of the Democratic policies that were passed or being proposed -- can you tell me which ones half the country hated??
Nah. I'm not going to get into the details. You're clearly a partisan. "Republicans are bad, mkay" pretty much covers it.
Because majority of the country supported child tax credits, majority of the country supports some form of Voting Rights Expansion, majority of the country supports some form of Medicare expansion......majority country supports some form of tax increase on the top 1%
Again, it's not about majority rule. It's about consensus. It's about the will of the people - all the people, not just the majority.
Now...can you tell me what policies republicans propose that have majority support?? Real policies...not strawmen problems they created
See above.
All terrible abuses of government. Just like the GOP.

All bullshit and abuses of government. I am not giving the GOP a pass here either. Just trying to get you to see how much of a partisan hack you are. You have no mind of your own.
Lol @ terrible abuses of government......

Sure bro.....

One thing I notice with you morons never make any policy proposals because you know they mostly will suck...

Which is why you folks take on this pseudo-Libertarian persona online -- so you can just claim any policy that addresses the needs of those with the "LEAST AMOUNT OF POWER" is terrible......

While also fanboying folks like Putin who LITERALLY implements terrible abuses of power
The Two-Party Death Spiral, coming to a theater near you.
The very nature of which encourages people to think in binary (and I do use the term "think" in a very loose fashion).

We have too many simpletons in our country who simply go about their pathetic political lives as little more than programmed automatons. They never question anything. They are incapable of reason. They follow no actual principles and are patently unable to understand any to begin with. All they know is what team they are on, that being a member of the team is vital to their identity, and those on the other team are the enemy.
Nah. I'm not going to get into the details. You're clearly a partisan. "Republicans are bad, mkay" pretty much covers it.

Again, it's not about majority rule. It's about consensus. It's about the will of the people - all the people, not just the majority.

See above.
So when you say "Democrats get in and try to implement policies that are unpopular with most or even half of the couldn't even name one??

I'm sorry..but I don't engage in hyperbole....I try to back up every opinion I have with facts.....why can't you?
"I am not a member of the Republican party" -- but I will continue to spout off every Republican talking point available is what coward ass Conservatives say....

What little distinction you think earned yourself by claiming you ain't republican doesn't mean shit to are a coward ass conservative
You have already proven you are utterly stupid.

There is really no need to double down on it.
So when you say "Democrats get in and try to implement policies that are unpopular with most or even half of the couldn't even name one??

I'm sorry..but I don't engage in hyperbole....I try to back up every opinion I have with facts.....why can't you?
I could do that. But I'm not going to waste my time. You're utterly missing my point and dropping back into partisan mode. That's not the solution. It's the problem.
You have already proven you are utterly stupid.

There is really no need to double down on it.
And you have proved you are a coward ass conservative.......

So much of a coward, you aren't even brave enough to state a least, not on this thread...

But, on other threads...when you aren't pretending to be "above it all" -- you are being the run of the mill conservative cuck
Pay no attention to that pedo-coddling monster being elevated to the USSC!

She is so0mething called a defense attorney. Her job is to be a strong advocate for her clients, many of them she did not choose. Even A\drew McCarthy, who opposes her nomination, says it id demagoguery to oppose her on these grounds.
And you have proved you are a coward ass conservative.......

So much of a coward, you aren't even brave enough to state a least, not on this thread...

But, on other threads...when you aren't pretending to be "above it all" -- you are being the run of the mill conservative cuck
And what are you "being" in this thread, Biff?


No self-awareness whatsoever...

You should buy a mirror.
I could do that. I'm just going to waste my time. You're utterly missing my point and dropping back into partisan mode. That's not the solution. It's the problem.
Nothing partisan about supporting policies that do the most good for the greatest amount of people...I don't care what party takes credit for it....

I don't have some ideological purity test that I am constrained by....problem still haven't been able to name me a single Republican policy that is popular with the majority of the country......

How can you expect to win anyone over to "the other side" if you can't even offer any policy solutions the other side has??

Example....I think insulin prices should be lower......I have seen the Democratic proposal to do this....I'm ok with there a better proposal by the Republicans you can tell me about?
Nothing partisan about supporting policies that do the most good for the greatest amount of people...I don't care what party takes credit for it....
Hey, Biff. I have a plan to keep EVERYONE safe, housed, and fed and MINIMAL cost. All you need to do is give up a little bit freedom to get it.

Are you in?
And you have proved you are a coward ass conservative.......

So much of a coward, you aren't even brave enough to state a least, not on this thread...

But, on other threads...when you aren't pretending to be "above it all" -- you are being the run of the mill conservative cuck
My position is the one I stated, cretin.

An anonymous man interviewing an anonymous woman in no way proves that the attitude it reveals is representative of anything at all.

You are merely far too stupid to understand that.
I stated the policies I support moron...

Have you?
I have repeatedly.

To quote Austin Petersen:
"My ideal: Gay couple defends pot farm with machine guns."

Government that governs best governs least.

All policies should be directed toward maximizing liberty.

Here is "A Bill of Federalism" by law professor Randy Barnett, which I support 100%.

What are your thoughts on the modern GOP?
It's the lesser of two evils. By a long shot.
What are your thoughts about the number 88 being a dog-whistle for white supremacists and neo-nazis?

It's the lesser of two evils. By a long shot.
What are your thoughts about the number 88 being a dog-whistle for white supremacists and neo-nazis?

View attachment 626489
At some point, we're going to need to go with an option that is better than taking arsenic vs. cyanide because arsenic kills you slower. There needs to be REAL change and the duopoly survives precisely BECAUSE they keep us divided and rule at will.
At some point, we're going to need to go with an option that is better than taking arsenic vs. cyanide because arsenic kills you slower. There needs to be REAL change and the duopoly survives precisely BECAUSE they keep us divided and rule at will.
The size and scope of the federal government is the problem. Corrupt parties are just a symptom.
My position is the one I stated, cretin.

An anonymous man interviewing an anonymous woman in no way proves that the attitude it reveals is representative of anything at all.

You are merely far too stupid to understand that.
No, an anonymous man interviewing an anonymous woman doesn't represent the party as a, what did the anonymous woman say in this anonymous interview...because I am familiar with the makers of the video..and they have tons.......

I'm sure her view is so on the fringe that only a precious few would agree with her...they definitely wouldn't be trying to sell merchandise because of that fringe opinion.....

There wouldn't be people with the number one opinion program specifically catering to that anonymous woman with that fringe opinion -- hinting about why he shouldn't cheer for Putin, huh?

And we definitely wouldn't have the person whom that anonymous woman came to see; gush over Putin and call his invasion of Ukraine brilliant and genius, huh?? I mean, why would he cater to some anonymous woman on the fringe like that right??

I do understand why so many Trumpers have to try to claim things like Bucha is a false flag tho -- since we have so many receipts of them cheering for Putin's invasion......
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