GOP working on legislation to strip Twitter of federal liability protections

Obama twists the law into a pretzel to authorize the FBI to spy on President Trump and his family. Democrats say "COOL!" President Trump signs an EO to call out obviously partisan social media platforms for selective harassment and censorship and Democrats squeal like stuck pigs.
Well that's a lie.

No, it's a fact. obummer tried to turn us into a third world shithole. And if Trump had lost none of obummers crimes would have been discovered.
Doubling down on your lie does not make it true.
He isn't lying, too bad Obama will never go to jail over this. But his corrupt administration getting exposed will all we will get. But you dumbasses will still polish his knob.
Trump is a reckless, irresponsible authoritarian who has nothing but contempt for the rule of law, our democratic institutions, and the Constitution.

And Trump’s enablers are just as authoritarian and have the same contempt for the rule of law, our democratic institutions, and the Constitution.

Spot on!
Full of lies, Trump works for all Americans. Democrats work only for themselves. Biden is proof. Work for goverment all of his life, and his entire family is multi millionaires.
View attachment 342209
Hatred comes from loving this country and protecting it from the thieves who steal from it.
That's exactly why Biden shouldn't be president. He has sold us out to China.
View attachment 342215View attachment 342215
You're an idiot.
And you're looking for an argument you never had.
Nothing to argue about Biden and most of Washington has sold us out. Even republicans like Graham. They all need to be fired, and Trump is the man to do it.
Trump is a criminal who is enriching himself. He sold us out and we already proved it.
Trump has lost almost half of his wealth and works for us for free. Show us exactly how his has enriched himself, or shut up.
The difference between you and me is that I may hate Neo-Nazis' speech, but I hate blocking their speech more than I hate their speech.
Great. Then make a platform and do it. People have tried doing just that and their platforms have devolved into racist and disgusting cesspools. Those platforms fail because no one wants to dwell in those cesspools, least of all advertisers who pay the bills.

That’s what I mean when I say you’re not thinking of the big picture. You’re going to kill the internet.
Interesting that you use the word "platform."

But, this is typical of you and your ilk. You would rather shield yourself from speech you hate and you don't care how you accomplish it.

The remedy to speech you hate is not pussy-ass censorship. The remedy is MORE speech.

I’m just telling you the truth and how your desires will destroy the internet.

The internet is a completely open place. Anyone who wants to engage in speech can. I’m not stopping anyone. What you’re demanding is the ability to use Twitter’s property to publish a disseminate speech to their own detriment.

How is it to their detriment? That is a red herring if I every read one. They thrive on any disagreement and the more posts the better. Duking it out is what their platform is for. Jeebus, do you know anything?

You don’t know the content that they delete. You want to take away their ability to get rid of racist, anti-Semitic, conspiratorial and violent rhetoric then they’re going to lose advertisers.

Have you heard of the ad-pocalypse on YouTube?

Those things are covered in some respect in 230.

Nice try.

And here we are having people trying to get rid of it. It’s lunacy.

You haven't actually read or seen anything on this topic, have you.

Don't answer. That's rhetorical.
You’re quoting the wrong section. That’s not what the 26 words refers to. It’s like the third sentence of the article.

GodDAMMIT!!! You are a serious cluefuck!!!

They don't get the PROTECTIONS of the 26 words if they edit material that is NOT "obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, excessively violent, harassing, or otherwise objectionable, whether or not such material is constitutionally protected."

You are being deliberately obtuse because you are ASS HURT!!!

I'm not being obtuse. You're blatantly misreading the law.

47 USC 230(c)(1) establishes that no website can be considered the speaker of information posted by their users. Period full stop. That means a third party cannot sue the website because of of the website's users posted something defamatory about that party. There are other ways this section protects the website, but that's the easiest example.

47 USC 230(c)(2), the section you're misreading, is more complicated. It does not place a contingency on 230(c)(1) but further immunizes the website from litigation from the user if their comment is deleted. That being said, 230(c)(1) is interpreted broadly and makes 230(c)(2) actually unnecessary.

You can read one example of a person suing Twitter because they removed her account here:

But there are a lot of such cases.

I suppose the First Amendment only limits The Congress to obey the First Amendment, and once again Donald Trump believes he is above the law, even when that law it not statutory, but number one in the Bill of Rights. What next, locking up those who criticize him with no regards to the 4th, 5th and 6th articles in the Bill of Rights?
So when the media spreads lies about him it's okay, but it's not okay for him to go after them?
What lies?
Russian collusion lie for three years and still claims it.
He told Americans to inject bleach. To name a few many more, they are daily on here.
Russian collusion was proven to have happened. The Trump tower meeting was collusion.
Then why wasn't he impeached for it?b
Because collusion by itself is not a crime. A conspiracy to collude is. Do you understand the difference? The only thing that saved Trump from the conspiracy part, was that it could not be proven Trump and the Russians had an agreement.

There was nothing between Rump and Russia. Nothing.
Mueller seemed to think so. He claims Trump can be indicted for obstruction when he leaves office, and our entire intelligence department tells us you haven't a clue about Russia helping Trump. It's already been confirmed. Denials aren't going to change reality.

Mueller had nothing, not one thing. Mueller was dancing to the tune he was instructed to dance to.
Mueller showed us all during the hearing he is as absent mentally as Sniff Pro Joe. No wonder he was in hiding so long. Hey kinda like Sniffy!
The difference between you and me is that I may hate Neo-Nazis' speech, but I hate blocking their speech more than I hate their speech.
Great. Then make a platform and do it. People have tried doing just that and their platforms have devolved into racist and disgusting cesspools. Those platforms fail because no one wants to dwell in those cesspools, least of all advertisers who pay the bills.

That’s what I mean when I say you’re not thinking of the big picture. You’re going to kill the internet.
Interesting that you use the word "platform."

But, this is typical of you and your ilk. You would rather shield yourself from speech you hate and you don't care how you accomplish it.

The remedy to speech you hate is not pussy-ass censorship. The remedy is MORE speech.

I’m just telling you the truth and how your desires will destroy the internet.

The internet is a completely open place. Anyone who wants to engage in speech can. I’m not stopping anyone. What you’re demanding is the ability to use Twitter’s property to publish a disseminate speech to their own detriment.

How is it to their detriment? That is a red herring if I every read one. They thrive on any disagreement and the more posts the better. Duking it out is what their platform is for. Jeebus, do you know anything?

You don’t know the content that they delete. You want to take away their ability to get rid of racist, anti-Semitic, conspiratorial and violent rhetoric then they’re going to lose advertisers.

Have you heard of the ad-pocalypse on YouTube?

Those things are covered in some respect in 230.

Nice try.

And here we are having people trying to get rid of it. It’s lunacy.

You haven't actually read or seen anything on this topic, have you.

Don't answer. That's rhetorical.
A lot. More than enough to know that people often have this thing completely backwards.
Obama twists the law into a pretzel to authorize the FBI to spy on President Trump and his family. Democrats say "COOL!" President Trump signs an EO to call out obviously partisan social media platforms for selective harassment and censorship and Democrats squeal like stuck pigs.
Well that's a lie.

No, it's a fact. obummer tried to turn us into a third world shithole. And if Trump had lost none of obummers crimes would have been discovered.
Doubling down on your lie does not make it true.
He isn't lying, too bad Obama will never go to jail over this. But his corrupt administration getting exposed will all we will get. But you dumbasses will still polish his knob.
Trump is a reckless, irresponsible authoritarian who has nothing but contempt for the rule of law, our democratic institutions, and the Constitution.

And Trump’s enablers are just as authoritarian and have the same contempt for the rule of law, our democratic institutions, and the Constitution.

Spot on!
Full of lies, Trump works for all Americans. Democrats work only for themselves. Biden is proof. Work for goverment all of his life, and his entire family is multi millionaires.
View attachment 342209
Hatred comes from loving this country and protecting it from the thieves who steal from it.
That's exactly why Biden shouldn't be president. He has sold us out to China.
View attachment 342215View attachment 342215
You're an idiot.
And you're looking for an argument you never had.
Nothing to argue about Biden and most of Washington has sold us out. Even republicans like Graham. They all need to be fired, and Trump is the man to do it.
Trump is a criminal who is enriching himself. He sold us out and we already proved it.
Trump has lost almost half of his wealth and works for us for free. Show us exactly how his has enriched himself, or shut up.
View attachment 342261
He did volunteer to try and get America back to some semblance of what he remembers from growing up here. I do know that.
God bless him for that!
I see it too, freedoms stripped away and everything.
Double the housing cost burden on everybody? Wtf?!
I would like to see future Americans have the same opportunities I had when growing up.
Being a paperboy might be gone, but that sucked anyway. :abgg2q.jpg:
Worst job I ever had.
Last edited:
Obama twists the law into a pretzel to authorize the FBI to spy on President Trump and his family. Democrats say "COOL!" President Trump signs an EO to call out obviously partisan social media platforms for selective harassment and censorship and Democrats squeal like stuck pigs.
Well that's a lie.

No, it's a fact. obummer tried to turn us into a third world shithole. And if Trump had lost none of obummers crimes would have been discovered.
Doubling down on your lie does not make it true.
He isn't lying, too bad Obama will never go to jail over this. But his corrupt administration getting exposed will all we will get. But you dumbasses will still polish his knob.
Trump is a reckless, irresponsible authoritarian who has nothing but contempt for the rule of law, our democratic institutions, and the Constitution.

And Trump’s enablers are just as authoritarian and have the same contempt for the rule of law, our democratic institutions, and the Constitution.

Spot on!
Full of lies, Trump works for all Americans. Democrats work only for themselves. Biden is proof. Work for goverment all of his life, and his entire family is multi millionaires.
View attachment 342209
Hatred comes from loving this country and protecting it from the thieves who steal from it.
That's exactly why Biden shouldn't be president. He has sold us out to China.
View attachment 342215View attachment 342215
You're an idiot.
And you're looking for an argument you never had.
Nothing to argue about Biden and most of Washington has sold us out. Even republicans like Graham. They all need to be fired, and Trump is the man to do it.
Trump is a criminal who is enriching himself. He sold us out and we already proved it.
Trump has lost almost half of his wealth and works for us for free. Show us exactly how his has enriched himself, or shut up.
View attachment 342261
There is our multi-billionaire President "enriching" himself, you know donating his salary, shit like that.
I disagree. They are well within their rights to include whatever context they want with regard to content posted to the websites they own and operate.
On this point, we agree.

What they are not allowed to do, if they choose to edit content that is NOT "obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, excessively violent, harassing, or otherwise objectionable, whether or not such material is constitutionally protected" is seek and obtain liability protection for defamatory content posted on their websites.

Go ahead and show me one court case where that has been upheld.
Obama twists the law into a pretzel to authorize the FBI to spy on President Trump and his family. Democrats say "COOL!" President Trump signs an EO to call out obviously partisan social media platforms for selective harassment and censorship and Democrats squeal like stuck pigs.
Well that's a lie.

No, it's a fact. obummer tried to turn us into a third world shithole. And if Trump had lost none of obummers crimes would have been discovered.
Doubling down on your lie does not make it true.
He isn't lying, too bad Obama will never go to jail over this. But his corrupt administration getting exposed will all we will get. But you dumbasses will still polish his knob.
Trump is a reckless, irresponsible authoritarian who has nothing but contempt for the rule of law, our democratic institutions, and the Constitution.

And Trump’s enablers are just as authoritarian and have the same contempt for the rule of law, our democratic institutions, and the Constitution.

Spot on!
Full of lies, Trump works for all Americans. Democrats work only for themselves. Biden is proof. Work for goverment all of his life, and his entire family is multi millionaires.
View attachment 342209
Hatred comes from loving this country and protecting it from the thieves who steal from it.

Please leave illegal aliens out of this.

I suppose the First Amendment only limits The Congress to obey the First Amendment, and once again Donald Trump believes he is above the law, even when that law it not statutory, but number one in the Bill of Rights. What next, locking up those who criticize him with no regards to the 4th, 5th and 6th articles in the Bill of Rights?

TDS thread 1,641
A post in search of debate.

Won't fine one here.

Bullshit is bullshit.

Fuck off.
Lol! Says the one who shows up to say nothing. You couldn't carry on an honest, intelligent debate if your life depended on it. And why is that? You support the wrong cause and the wrong people. That's why the Right gets hammered on this forum every day. They have nothing to debate.

It's so funny how you use the word debate, which is about winning the argument....not being right.

Then talk about the "wrong cause" (repeat...debate isn't about right or's about doing it better, dumbass).

The bigger ascribe all kinds of reasons to your conclusion...not of which are provable and none of which are supported.

Then you lie (unless you want to show us your metrics for how you claim the right gets it's ass kicked every day).

You are full of shit.

You have always been full of shit.

At least you are consistent.
And here we are again, watching you circle jerking around the same post as the first. Just different words. Except the words never say anything.

And by the way, everything has been proven and supported. We have the legal documentation against Trump, and you have nothing. Trump is a criminal and we proved it thousands of times.

I guess that's why he's in prison instead of the White House.
Obama twists the law into a pretzel to authorize the FBI to spy on President Trump and his family. Democrats say "COOL!" President Trump signs an EO to call out obviously partisan social media platforms for selective harassment and censorship and Democrats squeal like stuck pigs.
Well that's a lie.

No, it's a fact. obummer tried to turn us into a third world shithole. And if Trump had lost none of obummers crimes would have been discovered.
Doubling down on your lie does not make it true.
He isn't lying, too bad Obama will never go to jail over this. But his corrupt administration getting exposed will all we will get. But you dumbasses will still polish his knob.
Trump is a reckless, irresponsible authoritarian who has nothing but contempt for the rule of law, our democratic institutions, and the Constitution.

And Trump’s enablers are just as authoritarian and have the same contempt for the rule of law, our democratic institutions, and the Constitution.

Spot on!
Full of lies, Trump works for all Americans. Democrats work only for themselves. Biden is proof. Work for goverment all of his life, and his entire family is multi millionaires.
View attachment 342209
Hatred comes from loving this country and protecting it from the thieves who steal from it.
That's exactly why Biden shouldn't be president. He has sold us out to China.
View attachment 342215View attachment 342215
You're an idiot.
And you're looking for an argument you never had.
Nothing to argue about Biden and most of Washington has sold us out. Even republicans like Graham. They all need to be fired, and Trump is the man to do it.
Trump is a criminal who is enriching himself. He sold us out and we already proved it.
Trump has lost almost half of his wealth and works for us for free. Show us exactly how his has enriched himself, or shut up.
View attachment 342261

Unfortunately, there is no way to verify this. Trump won't let anyone see his tax returns.
Obama twists the law into a pretzel to authorize the FBI to spy on President Trump and his family. Democrats say "COOL!" President Trump signs an EO to call out obviously partisan social media platforms for selective harassment and censorship and Democrats squeal like stuck pigs.
Well that's a lie.

No, it's a fact. obummer tried to turn us into a third world shithole. And if Trump had lost none of obummers crimes would have been discovered.
Doubling down on your lie does not make it true.
He isn't lying, too bad Obama will never go to jail over this. But his corrupt administration getting exposed will all we will get. But you dumbasses will still polish his knob.
Trump is a reckless, irresponsible authoritarian who has nothing but contempt for the rule of law, our democratic institutions, and the Constitution.

And Trump’s enablers are just as authoritarian and have the same contempt for the rule of law, our democratic institutions, and the Constitution.

Spot on!
Full of lies, Trump works for all Americans. Democrats work only for themselves. Biden is proof. Work for goverment all of his life, and his entire family is multi millionaires.
View attachment 342209
Hatred comes from loving this country and protecting it from the thieves who steal from it.
That's exactly why Biden shouldn't be president. He has sold us out to China.
View attachment 342215View attachment 342215
You're an idiot.
And you're looking for an argument you never had.
Nothing to argue about Biden and most of Washington has sold us out. Even republicans like Graham. They all need to be fired, and Trump is the man to do it.
Trump is a criminal who is enriching himself. He sold us out and we already proved it.
Trump has lost almost half of his wealth and works for us for free. Show us exactly how his has enriched himself, or shut up.
View attachment 342261

Unfortunately, there is no way to verify this. Trump won't let anyone see his tax returns.
Oh you poor bastard, you don't think Muller didn't see Trump's tax returns? You're an idiot, and if Trump did anything wrong we would know about it. I mean his lawyers office was raided, nothing. You idiots keep forgetting Trump is the cleanest president in our history. You loons proved it.
Do you

I suppose the First Amendment only limits The Congress to obey the First Amendment, and once again Donald Trump believes he is above the law, even when that law it not statutory, but number one in the Bill of Rights. What next, locking up those who criticize him with no regards to the 4th, 5th and 6th articles in the Bill of Rights?
So when the media spreads lies about him it's okay, but it's not okay for him to go after them?
What lies?
Russian collusion lie for three years and still claims it.
He told Americans to inject bleach. To name a few many more, they are daily on here.
Russian collusion was proven to have happened. The Trump tower meeting was collusion.
Then why wasn't he impeached for it?b
Because collusion by itself is not a crime. A conspiracy to collude is. Do you understand the difference? The only thing that saved Trump from the conspiracy part, was that it could not be proven Trump and the Russians had an agreement.

There was nothing between Rump and Russia. Nothing.
Mueller seemed to think so. He claims Trump can be indicted for obstruction when he leaves office, and our entire intelligence department tells us you haven't a clue about Russia helping Trump. It's already been confirmed. Denials aren't going to change reality.

Confirmed ?

Byt Peter Strozck (or whatever the fucker's name is).
By our intelligence agencies. Look it up. It's a fine read. But I always seem to forget, these Trump toads aren't interested in the truth. So stay ignorant my friend.

Yes, I know you worship at the feed of anyone who'll confirm your fantasy.

How is the Strozcster doing anyway ?
See what I mean? You are always good at saying nothing with zero value. You should be embarrassed. Lol!

Zero value would be a one of your good posts.

You telling someone else they should be embarrassed.

Then there is the LoL.

Makes me think you are a gnattie sok.

He was full of shit too and was the only one who laughed at his own posts.

Fuck off.
Take a chill pill and take some debating classes. Saying nothing with every post is boring and degrading. And get out of the Republican party. Nothing they do is honest, and their policies always fail.

Yes, your posts are pretty boring and degrading.

Another overgeneralization about republicans......a fallacy.

Actually two.

I think you are the one who needs a logic class.

As I said, debating is about winning....not the truth.

That would be you.
Let people decide for themselves.
And how do they do that when they don't have both sides of the story? Twitter gave them the other side. The President is not just another Tweeter. He is assumed to know what he is saying. If he is going to use Twitter as his bully pulpit, he needs to be more accurate.
That is your opinion.
You’re quoting the wrong section. That’s not what the 26 words refers to. It’s like the third sentence of the article.

GodDAMMIT!!! You are a serious cluefuck!!!

They don't get the PROTECTIONS of the 26 words if they edit material that is NOT "obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, excessively violent, harassing, or otherwise objectionable, whether or not such material is constitutionally protected."

You are being deliberately obtuse because you are ASS HURT!!!

I'm not being obtuse. You're blatantly misreading the law.

47 USC 230(c)(1) establishes that no website can be considered the speaker of information posted by their users. Period full stop. That means a third party cannot sue the website because of of the website's users posted something defamatory about that party. There are other ways this section protects the website, but that's the easiest example.

47 USC 230(c)(2), the section you're misreading, is more complicated. It does not place a contingency on 230(c)(1) but further immunizes the website from litigation from the user if their comment is deleted. That being said, 230(c)(1) is interpreted broadly and makes 230(c)(2) actually unnecessary.

You can read one example of a person suing Twitter because they removed her account here:

But there are a lot of such cases.
Let's look at 230 (c)(1) and (2):

(c)Protection for “Good Samaritan” blocking and screening of offensive material
(1)Treatment of publisher or speaker
No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider.
(2)Civil liability
No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be held liable on account of—
any action voluntarily taken in good faith to restrict access to or availability of material that the provider or user considers to be obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, excessively violent, harassing, or otherwise objectionable, whether or not such material is constitutionally protected; or
any action taken to enable or make available to information content providers or others the technical means to restrict access to material described in paragraph (1).

What happens when the information is no longer "provided by another information content provider" but becomes YOUR OWN content (by editing it)?

Why do you think there even needs to be a (2) to shield liability for removing that type of content?

Incredibly, Trump is dumb enough to attack his own main tool in communicating with his base. How dumb is that?

A wide array of critics in Congress, the tech industry and across the political spectrum also accused Trump of deputizing government agencies to carry out his personal vendettas. Namely, Trump's uncontrolled anger at Twitter for fact checking his lies.

"This will be a Big Day for Social Media and FAIRNESS!" Trump stated.

"Big Tech is doing everything in their very considerable power to CENSOR in advance of the 2020 Election. If that happens, we no longer have our freedom. I will never let it happen! They tried hard in 2016, and lost. Now they are going absolutely CRAZY. Stay Tuned!!!" Trump stated.

How did Trump make these statements? On Twitter, of course, the means of communication he uses to connect with his base.

Trump is a very strange man.
I’m just telling you the truth and how your desires will destroy the internet.
How so?

The internet meets the definition of a platform.

GOOGLE has blown its platform protections, but GOOGLE is not "the internet."

The internet is a completely open place. Anyone who wants to engage in speech can. I’m not stopping anyone. What you’re demanding is the ability to use Twitter’s property to publish a disseminate speech to their own detriment.
What do you mean? I am not, nor is the POTUS via the EO, demanding ANYTHING.

Twitter is acting like a fucking newspaper (editing content). They get no 230 protections if they act like a newspaper. They can still do their left-wing thought policing all they want. They just don't get to hide behind 230 protections.

It's that fucking simple.

No one edited Trump’s tweet. They don’t alter tweets. Sometimes they delete them for violating policy.

Thats exactly what 230 was intended to let them do without being subject to liability.

It’s that fucking simple.
AG Barr, who was also in attendance, said Section 230 "was stretched way beyond its original intention...its purpose was to allow websites that were acting virtually as bulletin boards were not responsible for third-party information...". When they "curate" their collection and start "censoring" particular content, they become publishers, and they shouldn't be entitled to the same kind of shield that was set up earlier. He also explained how the executive order sets up a "rule making procedure for the FCC" to try and "get back to the original interpretation" of Section 230.
so since they abused the fuck out of it, it's time we re-examine it. now, the irony is Section 230 was put in place so tech companies wouldn't be responsible for 3rd party content. it was supposed to prevent censorship out of fear of litigation.

You’ve got it backwards. Before section 230, if a website never “censored” (to use your language not mine) then they wouldn’t be responsible for third party content.

But most people agreed that was a bad situation because guess what? There’s a lot of filth on the internet and we thought it’d be better if websites were allowed to clean up that filth without having to abandon their immunity from litigation.

Section 230 was specifically designed to give websites the ability to “censor”.

So I’ll ask you, respectfully, what is the goal? What do you hope to accomplish?
Social media has no business inserting itself into fact checking.

I disagree. They are well within their rights to include whatever context they want with regard to content posted to the websites they own and operate.
Then we fundamentally disagree.

If they are in fact protected by 230, why do they care?


Nothing more, nothing less.
Gaetz is virtue signaling. His little hissy fit has no chance at doing anything.

Second, if his bill did pass, the result would be the immediate removal of Trump from the platform.

The sole intention of this episode is to intimidate Twitter like the thugs they are.
Like what LGBTQRSTUVs do with bakeries? Intimidate them like the thugs they are?
This has nothing to do with that
So legislation has nothing to do with other legislation built off the same premise?
Lol ok
The rationale for public accommodation laws does not apply to social media websites.

This is not the same premise.
The argument is Twitter owns this site to Twitter can do what the fuck they want.

That argument doesn't also apply to other businesses wanting to do what they want?

Just like every other commie leftist out there, you have played both sides of the issue. How perfect.

Every business retains the right to toss out people based on a multitude of factors, especially individual behavior. That’s no different than what Twitter is doing. People have attempted to sue Twitter on grounds of title 2 of the Civil Rights Act and I believe they’ve always failed.

The only reason you support twitter in this is you know they only seem to gun for views you disagree with.

Fucking fascist.
If your side wasn't posting so many lies and so much hate they wouldn't be getting banned.

Follow the rules.

Yes, because progressive losers like you never post "hateful" or "lying" tweets.

Fuck off.
Twitter removes an enormous amount of tweets for being hateful. No one removed Trump’s lying tweet. They just posted a link below it stating why they thought it wasn’t true. What’s ironic is that you’re all outraged that Twitter is using their freedom of expression to reply to Trump’s tweet.


They claim to be an open forum, accepting all viewpoints, and yet the only viewpoints they seem to delete with any consistency are those from the right.

If they want to take a side, they should have to say it, in writing. If they want to be a forum for open exchange they shouldn't be banning people for content based on their politics.
They delete things from the right because they are lies, not because they disagree.
They are not allowed to do that, dumbass! If they did that, it violates the immunity the are given. If they have tht law, revoked, it will open themselves to libel lawsuits beyond belief!

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