GOP worried about fallout from Trump's comments

Trump can't win by beating on the wetbacks, or the *******, or the faggots, or the Jews. Old angry whitey just doesn't have the numbers anymore...

The fun part is he is forcing other Republicans to make a stand
Do they side with Trump or defend Mexicans?

lose/lose either way
If you're denying that criminals, including rapist aren't entering the U.S. at the southern border you're an idiot. 80% of the women and girls are being raped along the way into the country, you support that?

No one is denying the criminal element. However, when you say that "some are good people" at the end of your rant, then it gives a very unsettling impression of what you think.

Either most are criminal
All are criminal, and you caught yourself just before it was too late.

I guess we forgot to point this out to you Trump supporters. But waiting to see if you figure out why everyone is in an uproar was fun, until now.

Trump tried to catch himself at the end of his hate filled rant. But at best, he could only acknowledge that "some" are good people
The point is, Trump does not know what the fuck he is babbling about. He is talking about a situation affecting Central American women crossing Mexico and trying to claim it is happening here

To use that article as proof that most Mexicans are rapists is offensive

Sheesh, talk about babbling without the facts.....

Where did he say, " most Mexicans are rapists" ? ... You may be pushing that lie but it doesn't make it the truth...:laugh:

View attachment 43874

“They’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing their problems,” he said. “They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime, they’re rapists, and some I assume are good people but I speak to border guards and they tell us what we are getting.”

Only "some" are good people? Not most?

Check the prison statistics for the Los Angeles area and get back with me, you can't truly discuss the subject with your limited knowledge.

I agree his words are blunt and very un-P.C. . You prefer politicians that are mealy mouthed cowards who have to have every word written for them and checked politically correct before spoken, I get it, no problem.
I prefer politicians who are not trading hate for votes
Then YOU VOTE remains with HATE. Sorry to alert you...but then YOU live in the same dream world as Obama and the left...Reality is NOT a friend to YOU.
Democrats love using their race card, that's really what this whole discussion is about for them. They can't win an election on positive results for the American people so they turn to gutter politics and divisive politics.
The point is, Trump does not know what the fuck he is babbling about. He is talking about a situation affecting Central American women crossing Mexico and trying to claim it is happening here

To use that article as proof that most Mexicans are rapists is offensive

Sheesh, talk about babbling without the facts.....

Where did he say, " most Mexicans are rapists" ? ... You may be pushing that lie but it doesn't make it the truth...:laugh:

View attachment 43874

“They’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing their problems,” he said. “They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime, they’re rapists, and some I assume are good people but I speak to border guards and they tell us what we are getting.”

Only "some" are good people? Not most?

Check the prison statistics for the Los Angeles area and get back with me, you can't truly discuss the subject with your limited knowledge.

I agree his words are blunt and very un-P.C. . You prefer politicians that are mealy mouthed cowards who have to have every word written for them and checked politically correct before spoken, I get it, no problem.
I prefer politicians who are not trading hate for votes

So you would never vote for Hillary and never voted for Obama, correct?

They both use divisive politics and have no problem using the race card to spread hate and make unity between the races impossible.
It's what the left does...Divide and CONQUER based on LIES, distortion...TRUTH is their enemy, which makes the left MY ENEMY.
Sheesh, talk about babbling without the facts.....

Where did he say, " most Mexicans are rapists" ? ... You may be pushing that lie but it doesn't make it the truth...:laugh:

View attachment 43874

“They’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing their problems,” he said. “They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime, they’re rapists, and some I assume are good people but I speak to border guards and they tell us what we are getting.”

Only "some" are good people? Not most?

Check the prison statistics for the Los Angeles area and get back with me, you can't truly discuss the subject with your limited knowledge.

I agree his words are blunt and very un-P.C. . You prefer politicians that are mealy mouthed cowards who have to have every word written for them and checked politically correct before spoken, I get it, no problem.
I prefer politicians who are not trading hate for votes
Then YOU VOTE remains with HATE. Sorry to alert you...but then YOU live in the same dream world as Obama and the left...Reality is NOT a friend to YOU.
Democrats love using their race card, that's really what this whole discussion is about for them. They can't win an election on positive results for the American people so they turn to gutter politics and divisive politics.
And it speaks to their which they are VOID. Truth has NO affiliation with the left...the TRUTH burns their eyes and their very SOULS. God has a special place for these people.
Trump can't win by beating on the wetbacks, or the *******, or the faggots, or the Jews. Old angry whitey just doesn't have the numbers anymore...

The fun part is he is forcing other Republicans to make a stand
Do they side with Trump or defend Mexicans?

lose/lose either way
If you're denying that criminals, including rapist aren't entering the U.S. at the southern border you're an idiot. 80% of the women and girls are being raped along the way into the country, you support that?

No one is denying the criminal element. However, when you say that "some are good people" at the end of your rant, then it gives a very unsettling impression of what you think.

Either most are criminal
All are criminal, and you caught yourself just before it was too late.

I guess we forgot to point this out to you Trump supporters. But waiting to see if you figure out why everyone is in an uproar was fun, until now.

Trump tried to catch himself at the end of his hate filled rant. But at best, he could only acknowledge that "some" are good people

You consistently make hate filled rants and misinterpretations but I don't mind, I accept you the way you are and figure what the heck, you're still an interesting character.
Trump has called 54 million U.S. Hispanics murderers and rapists

Should Republicans be worried?
That number is quite inflated like the BLOWHARD that you are...nice try at twisting...YOU ARE A LIAR...he never stated that number. TRY AGAIN.
AND one other thing, jackass? IF these people are HERE...ILLEGALLY? They are Criminals. Trump is correct of that as well, isn't he? *STEP OFF*.
They pull this same BS every year towards an election and with any Republican

the last election they tried to say Republicans were saying the hell with Latinos and just work for the White votes. which was A LIE then like this one is how the republicans are just all WORRIED OVER what Trump said and they should DEMAND he apologize

well, it didn't WORK in first midterm election and it didn't work for the second. where all total they got one of the WORSE historic ass kicking under a Democrat President EVER. so let they them go back to their dirty politics. I believe this crap right here was partly why they were voted out of control of Congress. the PEOPLE is sick and tired of their dirt, smears and garbage such as this thread

and folks need to SHUN that nasty station called, CNN. they are nothing more but shit stirrers for the Democrat party. this is crap you'd see from the National Enquire
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Trump has called 54 million U.S. Hispanics murderers and rapists

Should Republicans be worried?
That number is quite inflated like the BLOWHARD that you are...nice try at twisting...YOU ARE A LIAR...he never stated that number. TRY AGAIN.
Prove me wrong
YOU defy LOGIC...How can one PROVE a negative...Trump NEVER gave a number, did he? TRY AGAIN jackass.

I said he offended 54 million U.S. Hispanics, which he did. Have any Hispanics agreed with him?

That is what Republicans have to deal with
They pull this same BS every year towards an election and with any Republican

the last election they tried to say Republicans were saying the hell with Latinos and just work for the White votes. which was A LIE then like this one is how the republicans are just all WORRIED OVER what Trump said and they should DEMAND he apologize

well, it didn't WORK in first midterm election and it didn't work for the second. where all total they got one of the WORSE historic ass kicking under a Democrat President EVER. so let they them go back to their dirty politics. I believe this crap right here was partly why they were voted out of control of Congress. the PEOPLE is sick and tired of their dirt, smears and garbage such as this thread
I love your Nazi avatar

It fits you so well
In a little more than a month, the outspoken Trump will almost certainly be one of the candidates who polls high enough to earn a spot onstage at the first Republican primary debate. It's a potential disaster in the making for Republicans who desire a more prim and proper run-up to selecting their nominee.

Shake and Bake, baby! No more Weasels!

It's only a disaster for establishment RINO Republicans who support amnesty.
It depends...It plays well to the base but will 2-3% more whites show up on election day to counter the lost Hispanic votes?

Hispanics will make up 18% of the population in 2016. Will probably make up a larger share of the vote then blacks do even through Hispanics only come out to vote 46% of who can vote compared to 66% for blacks. If this increases to 50 or 52% ontop of a decrease from 27% of that vote in 2012 to 23% in 2016 then it could be a bad day for the republican party.

Trump needs to make it about whites and attempt to convince the white moderates that their future and power is at stake. He will need at last 65% of the white vote with a high turn out to beat this ever increasing Hispanic vote.
Trump can't win by beating on the wetbacks, or the *******, or the faggots, or the Jews. Old angry whitey just doesn't have the numbers anymore...

The fun part is he is forcing other Republicans to make a stand
Do they side with Trump or defend Mexicans?

lose/lose either way
If you're denying that criminals, including rapist aren't entering the U.S. at the southern border you're an idiot. 80% of the women and girls are being raped along the way into the country, you support that?

No one is denying the criminal element. However, when you say that "some are good people" at the end of your rant, then it gives a very unsettling impression of what you think.

Either most are criminal
All are criminal, and you caught yourself just before it was too late.

I guess we forgot to point this out to you Trump supporters. But waiting to see if you figure out why everyone is in an uproar was fun, until now.

Trump tried to catch himself at the end of his hate filled rant. But at best, he could only acknowledge that "some" are good people

Some are and some aren't...There's a massive gang war going on in northern Mexico the past decade. I am sure some of these are crossing over...

I don't think it is a good idea to have a open border.
It depends...It plays well to the base but will 2-3% more whites show up on election day to counter the lost Hispanic votes?

Hispanics will make up 18% of the population in 2016. Will probably make up a larger share of the vote then blacks do even through Hispanics only come out to vote 46% of who can vote compared to 66% for blacks. If this increases to 50 or 52% ontop of a decrease from 27% of that vote in 2012 to 23% in 2016 then it could be a bad day for the republican party.

Trump needs to make it about whites and attempt to convince the white moderates that their future and power is at stake. He will need at last 65% of the white vote with a high turn out to beat this ever increasing Hispanic vote.

You mean the ILLEGAL ALIEN HISPANIC VOTE.... the obomanation keeps bringing them in. I ALMOST hope the Republican's get there ass kicked, as they have done NOTHING to STOP this bullshit!...Take the MoFo president to court, every damn day, have it played out in the media, make it a TALKING POINT!.... The Elite RINO'S in charge are a disgrace and should be dispatched along with the millions of illegals!
Trump has called 54 million U.S. Hispanics murderers and rapists

Should Republicans be worried?
That number is quite inflated like the BLOWHARD that you are...nice try at twisting...YOU ARE A LIAR...he never stated that number. TRY AGAIN.
Prove me wrong
YOU defy LOGIC...How can one PROVE a negative...Trump NEVER gave a number, did he? TRY AGAIN jackass.

I said he offended 54 million U.S. Hispanics, which he did. Have any Hispanics agreed with him?

That is what Republicans have to deal with
Who gives a tinker's DAMN if ANY Hispanic agreed with him or NOT? Next time YOU try to set a trap? Please TRY to be less conspicuous in your RACE-BAITING effort. *DUMBASS*. Next time try HUMAN RESPONSE to Trump...YOU might get a nicer answer to your douchebagessness...for NOW you FAIL.
Trump has called 54 million U.S. Hispanics murderers and rapists

Should Republicans be worried?
That number is quite inflated like the BLOWHARD that you are...nice try at twisting...YOU ARE A LIAR...he never stated that number. TRY AGAIN.
Prove me wrong
YOU defy LOGIC...How can one PROVE a negative...Trump NEVER gave a number, did he? TRY AGAIN jackass.

I said he offended 54 million U.S. Hispanics, which he did. Have any Hispanics agreed with him?

That is what Republicans have to deal with

PARTISAN MORON...and *I* am NOT a Republican...Learn it, Know it, LIVE IT...For YOU...Happy INDEPENDENCE DAY (For YOU, DEPENDENCE DAY)...

After Intense Backlash Liberal Actor Issues Full-Throated Apology for Blackface Remark About Supreme Court Justice Video
Trump has called 54 million U.S. Hispanics murderers and rapists

Should Republicans be worried?
That number is quite inflated like the BLOWHARD that you are...nice try at twisting...YOU ARE A LIAR...he never stated that number. TRY AGAIN.
Prove me wrong
YOU defy LOGIC...How can one PROVE a negative...Trump NEVER gave a number, did he? TRY AGAIN jackass.

I said he offended 54 million U.S. Hispanics, which he did. Have any Hispanics agreed with him?

That is what Republicans have to deal with

Typical lib trying to talk for do you know he offended 54 feminazis trying to talk for all women
In a little more than a month, the outspoken Trump will almost certainly be one of the candidates who polls high enough to earn a spot onstage at the first Republican primary debate. It's a potential disaster in the making for Republicans who desire a more prim and proper run-up to selecting their nominee.

Shake and Bake, baby! No more Weasels!

It's only a disaster for establishment RINO Republicans who support amnesty.
Reagan supported amnesty ..was he a RINO?

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