GOP's best bet is hoping he holds his breath

Yet Obama has threatened to veto anything other than the deal he has come up with.

So it does not matter what the alternative is..

Silly far left drones..

It is amazing how the far left does not see their own who oppose this deal as well..
What's a better, and achievable, deal Chickenhawk?

I am not in Congress or the GOP, so asking me does little good..

I have yet to see any far left drone explain why this is a good deal and should be accepted as is..
We had a better deal- brutal, crippling, economic sanctions. Why do you think the Iranians sat down at the table to begin with? They were getting crushed.

We traded that for a bunch of promises that will be broken.

Remember this?

So you don't have jack shite. I am so not surprised, chickenhawk

Exactly you do not know why you support this deal other than your programming telling you to..

It is not up to me to come up with the deal, it is up to Congress, yes I know that is a foreign concept to a far left drone..

Yet Obama has threatened to veto anything other than the deal he has come up with.

So it does not matter what the alternative is..

Silly far left drones..

It is amazing how the far left does not see their own who oppose this deal as well..
What's a better, and achievable, deal Chickenhawk?
See Potsdam Declaration. Just the last paragraph, if you're pressed for time.
THAT is a negotiation with an inferior government.
A better deal has been in place for years. Bomb the facilities. It's been working for years, as opposed to a Clinton/Korea repeat for Iran.

And there is a better plan for all of the Muslim terrorists ("refugees") that Obama is flying into this country:
Stop flying undocumented Muslim terrorists into this country.

There. 2 better plans.
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Obama hasn't come up with anything! He came up with giving the store away, just like Clinton did. But here is the difference..............with the Clinton deal, Japan and South Korea agreed. While that deal sucked, the neighbors who had to deal with it were all for it.

In this case, most of the rest of the Middle East is against it. But of course, being the messiah, Obama knows better.

We don't have to come up with a better idea; status quo was collapsing Irans economy, or didn't you know that!
By the way, you don't think Valerie Jarrett has anything to do with this, do you, lololol!
And oh, do you know that Irans GDP is around 450 billion dollars? They are PISS ANTS, and you are quaking in your boots. They have no navy, little air force, but you want to pull the North Korea deal and give them nukes turning them into a superpower. Now that is brilliant!

And the whole time they are chanting, "death to America, death to Israel!" Are you related to Neville Chamberlain???????? Pathetic, absolutely PATHETIC.
I think Obama must post on this board. His arguments sound exactly like what you'd hear from Nutjoibber. A false alternative (either this shitty deal or war), and deflection (So whats your alternative?).
The truth is we are asked to approve this deal. The deal sucks. No one should approve. It fails to achieve even what the administration's stated goals are. No one who believed the administration when they said a nuclear Iran was unacceptable can vote for this deal, which allows exactly that.

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