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Gore Wants US to Abandon Fossil Fuels by 2018

Putting Al Gore to the side, we should try to move away from fossil fuels but you are right he should set a better example if he plans on saying something like that.

But we should strive for this one by one anyways no matter who said it. We already know alot of the world is anti american especially areas where an abundance of fossil fuels deposits are located. Its should be less about being green and more about our security if he had just said that i bet everyone would have took it differently.

Interesting point there. Every single step to put us on alternative energy for our grid and transportation increases the security of this nation. For one thing, alternative energies are far more distributed and less prone to being totally down because of a regional disaster, manmade or natural.
Al Gore is chairman and founder of a private equity firm called Generation Investment Management (GIM). According to Gore, the London-based firm invests money from institutions and wealthy investors in companies that are going green. “Generation Investment Management, purchases -- but isn’t a provider of -- carbon dioxide offsets,” said spokesman Richard Campbell in a March 7 report by CNSNews.

GIM appears to have considerable influence over the major carbon-credit trading firms that currently exist: the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) in the U.S. and the Carbon Neutral Company (CNC) in Great Britain. CCX is the only firm in the U.S. that claims to trade carbon credits.
The Money and Connections Behind Al Gore’s Carbon Crusade - HUMAN EVENTS

Take this along with his private jet usage and his own lifestyle that does not match his own talk and policies that he is pushing that he wants the rest of us to adhere to then you have some idea as to the real motives of Al Gore. Al Gore has been pushing the environmental agenda for Al Gore's own profit and nothing more, he could care less about the environment. In fact I don't recall during his presidential campaign in 2000 any of this huge push for environmental change because of the global warming emergency. It seems the emergency became a emergency since Al Gore became a private citizen. Further this issue is so ripe with hypocracy it's not even funny, if all these environmental policies are put into place it still will only stop those countries willing to participate in any programs to limit carbon emissions. While other countries, China, India, Russia, and many others keep on building at a record pace. So what is this agenda really? IMHO it is a financial one that puts money into the pockets of people like Al Gore that are in the environmental business and much to our nations chagrin as we are the ones who suffer over this stupidity.

Sounds like someone is jealous.

No, Al Gore believes in what he is doing, he has been talking about this long before he ever became vice president. How cynical you are.
After joining the United States House of Representatives, Gore also held the "first congressional hearings on the climate change, and co-sponsor[ed] hearings on toxic waste and global warming."[49][50] He continued to speak on the topic throughout the 1980s.[51][52][23] In 1990, Senator Gore presided over a three-day conference with legislators from over 42 countries which sought to create a Global Marshall Plan, "under which industrial nations would help less developed countries grow economically while still protecting the environment."[53]

Al Gore - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
LOL. No use trying to tell these people anything. Unable to argue the facts of global warming, they simply resort to ad hominem and name calling.
I like that so many take this issue very seriously. The fact of the matter is that none of the solutions currently on the table (nuclear, wind, biofuels) offer anything more than a stopgap solution (I use the word "solution" loosely as I believe none of these technologies will solve our long term energy problems). I do believe they all will play their roles in providing a little relief in reducing our dependence on fossil fuels, but none of these "solutions" will carry humanity for the next 200-300 years.
If we really want to solve the problem, and make it last, the human race will have to somehow come together and embark upon the biggest infrastructure project ever concocted. I like the idea of a world electrical grid consisting of solar receivers that collect and distribute concentrated solar energy that is beamed down from gigantic solar collectors strategically placed near the sun. I'm not sure about all of the details involved with this, but we have the greatest power source man has ever known just 2 planets away from us and we haven't even begun to harvest it yet. That just goes to show how primitive we really still are. Until we're harvesting the power of the sun on a grand scale, we haven't even begun to master our environment (surroundings).
The sun is an energy source that could possibly last for millions or even billions of years and we've barely even looked at it. I think that's probably a product of our corrupt politicians pandering to special interest groups (oil, farmers, yes farmers who stand to gain from higher prices as demand for biofuels increases the demand for the produce they grow, our small-minded masses who think we can't come together as a race and do something great that could benefit humanity indefinitely, and I'm sure there are others who benefit from no progress being made).
I don't know if this is the correct solution (I'm just one opinion) and maybe I'm living in some sort of la la land to think that we can come together and overcome monumental challenges to do something great for the future of our species, but I really don't think we can consider ourselves members of an advanced civilization until we can. That is all.
Here's the thing, politicians use band wagons to lure in the extremists on one side of any issue or the other, to gain political weight. Gore chose the environmentalist extremists since it was an open market for followers. He doesn't really care about the issues he backs (like almost all politicians) he just wants the votes or attention (like all politicians). Anything he says is just to rally the troops (like all politicians).
I like that so many take this issue very seriously. The fact of the matter is that none of the solutions currently on the table (nuclear, wind, biofuels) offer anything more than a stopgap solution (I use the word "solution" loosely as I believe none of these technologies will solve our long term energy problems). I do believe they all will play their roles in providing a little relief in reducing our dependence on fossil fuels, but none of these "solutions" will carry humanity for the next 200-300 years.
If we really want to solve the problem, and make it last, the human race will have to somehow come together and embark upon the biggest infrastructure project ever concocted. I like the idea of a world electrical grid consisting of solar receivers that collect and distribute concentrated solar energy that is beamed down from gigantic solar collectors strategically placed near the sun. I'm not sure about all of the details involved with this, but we have the greatest power source man has ever known just 2 planets away from us and we haven't even begun to harvest it yet. That just goes to show how primitive we really still are. Until we're harvesting the power of the sun on a grand scale, we haven't even begun to master our environment (surroundings).
The sun is an energy source that could possibly last for millions or even billions of years and we've barely even looked at it. I think that's probably a product of our corrupt politicians pandering to special interest groups (oil, farmers, yes farmers who stand to gain from higher prices as demand for biofuels increases the demand for the produce they grow, our small-minded masses who think we can't come together as a race and do something great that could benefit humanity indefinitely, and I'm sure there are others who benefit from no progress being made).
I don't know if this is the correct solution (I'm just one opinion) and maybe I'm living in some sort of la la land to think that we can come together and overcome monumental challenges to do something great for the future of our species, but I really don't think we can consider ourselves members of an advanced civilization until we can. That is all.

This would be a great idea but unfortunately no one trusts anyone. That is why the world is in its current state. Even when there is a general peace people are still being killed in various parts of the world. U.N. to weak to push anyone to do anything from the small to the large countries then corruption this is happening everywhere. But it is a good idea maybe for a global type government

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