Gorsuch writes in his book: No constitutional basis for putting a mothers life in front of her child

Qualified of course meaning "hard left" and mainstream meaning "hard left."

So you think Biden is a butt head too, huh? That seams to be occurring to a lot of hard leftists these days

well, if you weren't a rightwingnut loon, you'd know that my beliefs are mainstream, unlike yours.

I don't think anyone questioned Judge Roberts' qualifications.

but any judge who thinks corporations have religion doesn't belong on a federal bench.

see, Hobby Lobby.... the decision was that hobby lobby had a religious "Character" that allowed it to deny it's female employees prescription medication despite it being covered by their insurance company. that case in the court below was gorsuch's case....
yeah so why do you think it's ok to force the Hobby Lobby corporation to hand out free contraceptives if they as a company rule don't believe in them? Are you saying your values should be everyones? I'm sorry, but you make no sense.

they don't "hand out" anything idiot. they stood in the way of a paid insurance benefit.

you're welcome.

either way...corporations aren't people and don't have religion. that's just idiocy

Corporations are the property of citizens. Read the fifth amendment where right to life, liberty and PROPERTY cannot be restricted without due process of law. The company committed no crime and violated no Constitutionally protected right. So the government has no authority to force them to do anything. I thought you claimed to be a lawyer? How do you not know that? You lied?
The Constitution establishes that ALL PERSONS are entitled to the EQUAL PROTECTIONS of our laws.

Any laws (or rulings)which run contrary to that clause are therefore unconstitutional. Including Roe v Wade.

Sent from my SM-N920V using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
This is not a "person"

In your opinion

No, it's a fact. That's an elephant embryo, moron.

Starting to get the point?
If we killed that elephant embryo, liberals would be screaming in outrage until they passed out. PETA would be putting out contract killings on the person who killed it. But kill a human embryo, and liberals like Lena Dunham get jealous.

The Constitution establishes that ALL PERSONS are entitled to the EQUAL PROTECTIONS of our laws.

Any laws (or rulings)which run contrary to that clause are therefore unconstitutional. Including Roe v Wade.

Sent from my SM-N920V using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
This is not a "person"

In your opinion

No, it's a fact. That's an elephant embryo, moron.

Starting to get the point?
My point is you don't get a say in what someone else believes…
sure he does, ask him
If you can force a religious person to pay for another person's contraception, you can force a religious person to pay for another person's abortion.

I challenge anyone to show me where I am wrong.
The so called "village" has no moral high ground...
well, if you weren't a rightwingnut loon, you'd know that my beliefs are mainstream, unlike yours.

I don't think anyone questioned Judge Roberts' qualifications.

but any judge who thinks corporations have religion doesn't belong on a federal bench.

see, Hobby Lobby.... the decision was that hobby lobby had a religious "Character" that allowed it to deny it's female employees prescription medication despite it being covered by their insurance company. that case in the court below was gorsuch's case....
yeah so why do you think it's ok to force the Hobby Lobby corporation to hand out free contraceptives if they as a company rule don't believe in them? Are you saying your values should be everyones? I'm sorry, but you make no sense.

That's exactly what she's saying. She's pro-choice. You can follow her rules freely or at the point of a gun. Your choice ...
No, that's YOUR version of choice: strapping mothers to beds at the point of conception and making them baby farms.

Do you similarly support state-by-state "choices" regarding slavery?
Did you know we can prevent pregnancies from happening now?

Thought you should know.
The Constitution establishes that ALL PERSONS are entitled to the EQUAL PROTECTIONS of our laws.

Any laws (or rulings)which run contrary to that clause are therefore unconstitutional. Including Roe v Wade.

Sent from my SM-N920V using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
This is not a "person"

In your opinion

No, it's a fact. That's an elephant embryo, moron.

Starting to get the point?

Is the point that all you have in your arsenal is twerpy "gotcha" attempts?
It's not a "gotcha" point. Embryos among all species are virtually indistinguishable. The pro-life zealots are the same people who think we all descended from Adam and Eve. To be pro life is to be an anti-science idiot.
is an embryo alive?
The Constitution establishes that ALL PERSONS are entitled to the EQUAL PROTECTIONS of our laws.

Any laws (or rulings)which run contrary to that clause are therefore unconstitutional. Including Roe v Wade.

Sent from my SM-N920V using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
This is not a "person"

In your opinion

No, it's a fact. That's an elephant embryo, moron.

Starting to get the point?

Is the point that all you have in your arsenal is twerpy "gotcha" attempts?
It's not a "gotcha" point. Embryos among all species are virtually indistinguishable. The pro-life zealots are the same people who think we all descended from Adam and Eve. To be pro life is to be an anti-science idiot.

That just shows your inability or unwillingness to understand the position of others. You dismiss them out of hand, call them names, and generally cling to your narrow world view.
I would say that a sitting president has the right to pick his justice if the justice is qualified.

but they didn't do that, did they?

and now they think they should get this religious nutter? :rofl:

Qualified of course meaning "hard left" and mainstream meaning "hard left."

So you think Biden is a butt head too, huh? That seams to be occurring to a lot of hard leftists these days

well, if you weren't a rightwingnut loon, you'd know that my beliefs are mainstream, unlike yours.

I don't think anyone questioned Judge Roberts' qualifications.

but any judge who thinks corporations have religion doesn't belong on a federal bench.

Yes, that's what Marxism is, just a collection of common sense, mainstream views.

I'm actually aware that libertarian views aren't mainstream. You aren't even smart enough to know what a libertarian is. You just live in a delusional world in your head where all the voices tell you what you want to hear
well, if you weren't a rightwingnut loon, you'd know that my beliefs are mainstream, unlike yours.

I don't think anyone questioned Judge Roberts' qualifications.

but any judge who thinks corporations have religion doesn't belong on a federal bench.

see, Hobby Lobby.... the decision was that hobby lobby had a religious "Character" that allowed it to deny it's female employees prescription medication despite it being covered by their insurance company. that case in the court below was gorsuch's case....

Get your facts straight and read the decision.
Hobby Lobby covers 16 forms of birth control, but will not cover abortifacients.

I read the decision.

and you don't know what you're talking about.

I love religious hacks.

Please, by all means, tell us about the decision. Was it to deny women birth control coverage? I'm not a religious hack.

She only grasps Marxists and religious hacks. Those are your choices. I go off the board and my choice is she's a moron
The Constitution establishes that ALL PERSONS are entitled to the EQUAL PROTECTIONS of our laws.

Any laws (or rulings)which run contrary to that clause are therefore unconstitutional. Including Roe v Wade.

Sent from my SM-N920V using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
This is not a "person"

In your opinion

No, it's a fact. That's an elephant embryo, moron.

Starting to get the point?

Is the point that all you have in your arsenal is twerpy "gotcha" attempts?
It's not a "gotcha" point. Embryos among all species are virtually indistinguishable. The pro-life zealots are the same people who think we all descended from Adam and Eve. To be pro life is to be an anti-science idiot.
In Your opinion
Yes, that's what Marxism is, just a collection of common sense, mainstream views.

I'm actually aware that libertarian views aren't mainstream. You aren't even smart enough to know what a libertarian is. You just live in a delusional world in your head where all the voices tell you what you want to hear

Libertarians are pro choice.

interestingly, they should be. and real libertarians are.

but the pretend libertarians who call themselves libertarian are generally anti-choice.

It depends on if they are strict constructionists and federalists. Most of those are "small l" libertarians, not "Big L" libertarians.

Exactly. I'm pro-choice, but as a Constitutionalist, abortion aint there. Ergo it's not a Federal power either way

privacy is.

try reading the line of cases from griswald through loving through roe.

Where is the word privacy in the constitution?
well, if you weren't a rightwingnut loon, you'd know that my beliefs are mainstream, unlike yours.

I don't think anyone questioned Judge Roberts' qualifications.

but any judge who thinks corporations have religion doesn't belong on a federal bench.

Yes, that's what Marxism is, just a collection of common sense, mainstream views.

I'm actually aware that libertarian views aren't mainstream. You aren't even smart enough to know what a libertarian is. You just live in a delusional world in your head where all the voices tell you what you want to hear

Libertarians are pro choice.

interestingly, they should be. and real libertarians are.

but the pretend libertarians who call themselves libertarian are generally anti-choice.

You speaking for libertarians is hilarious. And what about that I am pro-choice do you not understand? Is it the fog of stupidity that clouds your thoughts?
No, it's your willful acquiescence in allowing state governments to legislate a mother's womb.
Saying that protecting the life of a human being is "legislating a mother's womb" (key word: MOTHER), is like saying protecting you from being murdered by an axe is "legislating an axe murderer's hands".
Well I was wrong about Neil Gorsuch, he indeed needs to be fought all the way from here to HELL.

He wrote in his Assisted suicide book:

Gorsuch Notes In His Book on Assisted Suicide That There’s ‘No Constitutional Basis’ for Putting a Mother’s Life Ahead of the Child’s
Neil Gorsuch & Abortion: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

I guess it wouldn't matter if this same woman had two kids at home that she needed to raise.

The war on Women continues--write, call, email your Senators NOW, and raise HOLY HELL.

They apparently weren't paying attention to this on January 21, 2017


For pictures on all 50 state participation into this march go here.
Woman's march pictures

Gorsuch as a 10th district court judge ruled against an injunction against the Utah governor over denying Federal funding to a planned parenthood office there. Gorsuch was then slapped down by the 10th District court panel who reprimanded that the 10th district court put back the injunction on the Utah Governor, stating he was in violation of the 1st and 14th amendments.
Neil Gorsuch’s crusade against Planned Parenthood

Yeah you in the Reich wing have picked a real winner here.

I'm pro-choice, but Roe v. Wade was a Constitutional abomination with no basis in the Constitution. Murder is not there, ergo it's a State right. As long as he limits to overturning that Constitutional monstrosity and returning the decisions to the States where it Constitutionally belongs, that's fine. And in most States they will continue to stay out of abortions. And in conservative States, they should have their own choice


Bitches? They gotta do as we say!

The only thing that would happen if Roe was overturned is that Abortion would go back to the States. Most places where the majorities actually WANT abortion rights have existing protections. The places that want to be assholes and ban it can do it, and maybe our country can concentrate on more important things at the federal level, and let people fight it out State by State.

Thanks for trying, but I already told him that and he didn't understand. I'm not sure he's smart enough for repetition to clarify that for him

The real fun is when I explain my position, where I wouldn't vote for or support an abortion ban, but I don't see where States are prevented from doing so in the constitution if they so choose

They really don't get strict constructionism, or a dedication to federalism.

Yes, that's my position. Roe v. Wade is without Constitutional authority, it's up to the States. But I think States should say out of abortion and let women decide for themselves
well, if you weren't a rightwingnut loon, you'd know that my beliefs are mainstream, unlike yours.

I don't think anyone questioned Judge Roberts' qualifications.

but any judge who thinks corporations have religion doesn't belong on a federal bench.

see, Hobby Lobby.... the decision was that hobby lobby had a religious "Character" that allowed it to deny it's female employees prescription medication despite it being covered by their insurance company. that case in the court below was gorsuch's case....
yeah so why do you think it's ok to force the Hobby Lobby corporation to hand out free contraceptives if they as a company rule don't believe in them? Are you saying your values should be everyones? I'm sorry, but you make no sense.

That's exactly what she's saying. She's pro-choice. You can follow her rules freely or at the point of a gun. Your choice ...
No, that's YOUR version of choice: strapping mothers to beds at the point of conception and making them baby farms.

Do you similarly support state-by-state "choices" regarding slavery?
how do you figure that? are you saying he's forcing them to have sex? You just confused the board. Laying strapped to a bed is most likely what resulted in fertilizing the egg.
This is not a "person"

In your opinion

No, it's a fact. That's an elephant embryo, moron.

Starting to get the point?

Is the point that all you have in your arsenal is twerpy "gotcha" attempts?
It's not a "gotcha" point. Embryos among all species are virtually indistinguishable. The pro-life zealots are the same people who think we all descended from Adam and Eve. To be pro life is to be an anti-science idiot.
is an embryo alive?

According to the heartbeats, yes.
67 percent of Americans feel that second trimester abortions should be illegal.

That means 67 percent of Americans are opposed to Roe v. Wade, many of whom don't even know it.

Deep down in their soul, we know we are killing human beings.

For convenience sake.

"I need my booze! How do you think I got pregnant in the first place?"
I'm pro-choice, but Roe v. Wade was a Constitutional abomination with no basis in the Constitution. Murder is not there, ergo it's a State right. As long as he limits to overturning that Constitutional monstrosity and returning the decisions to the States where it Constitutionally belongs, that's fine. And in most States they will continue to stay out of abortions. And in conservative States, they should have their own choice


Bitches? They gotta do as we say!

The only thing that would happen if Roe was overturned is that Abortion would go back to the States. Most places where the majorities actually WANT abortion rights have existing protections. The places that want to be assholes and ban it can do it, and maybe our country can concentrate on more important things at the federal level, and let people fight it out State by State.

Thanks for trying, but I already told him that and he didn't understand. I'm not sure he's smart enough for repetition to clarify that for him

The real fun is when I explain my position, where I wouldn't vote for or support an abortion ban, but I don't see where States are prevented from doing so in the constitution if they so choose

They really don't get strict constructionism, or a dedication to federalism.

Yes, that's my position. Roe v. Wade is without Constitutional authority, it's up to the States. But I think States should say out of abortion and let women decide for themselves
decide what exactly? the decision was needed when the woman wanted six inches in her va jay jay, and she surely has that choice. ruling out of course rape.
I'm pro-choice, but Roe v. Wade was a Constitutional abomination with no basis in the Constitution. Murder is not there, ergo it's a State right. As long as he limits to overturning that Constitutional monstrosity and returning the decisions to the States where it Constitutionally belongs, that's fine. And in most States they will continue to stay out of abortions. And in conservative States, they should have their own choice


Bitches? They gotta do as we say!

The only thing that would happen if Roe was overturned is that Abortion would go back to the States. Most places where the majorities actually WANT abortion rights have existing protections. The places that want to be assholes and ban it can do it, and maybe our country can concentrate on more important things at the federal level, and let people fight it out State by State.

Thanks for trying, but I already told him that and he didn't understand. I'm not sure he's smart enough for repetition to clarify that for him

The real fun is when I explain my position, where I wouldn't vote for or support an abortion ban, but I don't see where States are prevented from doing so in the constitution if they so choose

They really don't get strict constructionism, or a dedication to federalism.

Yes, that's my position. Roe v. Wade is without Constitutional authority, it's up to the States. But I think States should say out of abortion and let women decide for themselves

On Point. my only caveat is that States can set limits on when it can be done, say 3rd trimester being off limits for birth control abortions. Also minors parents should be at least notified when one of their kids has one (or a judge notified if the minor is emancipated/abandoned). Also no public funding for birth control abortions, but OK on public funding for medical ones.
well, if you weren't a rightwingnut loon, you'd know that my beliefs are mainstream, unlike yours.

I don't think anyone questioned Judge Roberts' qualifications.

but any judge who thinks corporations have religion doesn't belong on a federal bench.

Yes, that's what Marxism is, just a collection of common sense, mainstream views.

I'm actually aware that libertarian views aren't mainstream. You aren't even smart enough to know what a libertarian is. You just live in a delusional world in your head where all the voices tell you what you want to hear

Libertarians are pro choice.

interestingly, they should be. and real libertarians are.

but the pretend libertarians who call themselves libertarian are generally anti-choice.

You speaking for libertarians is hilarious. And what about that I am pro-choice do you not understand? Is it the fog of stupidity that clouds your thoughts?
No, it's your willful acquiescence in allowing state governments to legislate a mother's womb.

So put it in the Constitution.

So your argument is that if I don't believe that what is not in the Constitution is there because I am pro-choice, then I don't believe in the Constitution ...

Wow, you're stupid
This is not a "person"

In your opinion

No, it's a fact. That's an elephant embryo, moron.

Starting to get the point?

Is the point that all you have in your arsenal is twerpy "gotcha" attempts?
It's not a "gotcha" point. Embryos among all species are virtually indistinguishable. The pro-life zealots are the same people who think we all descended from Adam and Eve. To be pro life is to be an anti-science idiot.

That just shows your inability or unwillingness to understand the position of others. You dismiss them out of hand, call them names, and generally cling to your narrow world view.
left position has most always been with fingers in their ears and going...:lalala::lalala::lalala::lalala::lalala::lalala::lalala:
Libertarians are pro choice.

interestingly, they should be. and real libertarians are.

but the pretend libertarians who call themselves libertarian are generally anti-choice.

It depends on if they are strict constructionists and federalists. Most of those are "small l" libertarians, not "Big L" libertarians.

Exactly. I'm pro-choice, but as a Constitutionalist, abortion aint there. Ergo it's not a Federal power either way

privacy is.

try reading the line of cases from griswald through loving through roe.

Where is the word privacy in the constitution?
Where is the word "airplane" in the Constitution?

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