
glockmail's comment that we should have divided Iraq up into different regions each with their own self governing bodies makes a whole lot of sense.

Obviously the Northernmost Kurdish region needed to be separate from the strong Sunni regions.
I'm also dismayed by the Iraqi president paying a visit, unless it was to pass on some requests, such as don't fund/support the Sunni insurgents in Iraq, or any other insurgencies that are attempting to create anarchy and tumble the current Iraqi government. Maybe he even passed on a message from GWB, since we do not have good diplomatic relations with Iran. The guy(Iraqi President) could be a good "go-between" for us.

His visiting Iran shouldn't be taken as a bad omen necessarily until we see how things unfold between the two countries in the next few months.

Afterall, GWB visits some leaders that in all respects don't give a rat's behind about the U.S. and would sell us out at a moments notice.......i.e. France, U.S.S.R., Red China..

The worst thing that can happen with these despotically ruled countries is when they are isolated from all interaction, geo-politically, economically, culturally,.. etc from the rest of the world or their own local regions of influence, as in the case of North Korea.

I say, keep hitting Iran with covert and overt Western cultural information, and possible economic opportunities, that reaches the masses. There's supposed to be a growing population of young Iranians that desire Western democracy, values, culture, and liberties. Thats where our CIA should really be covertly working.
glockmail's comment that we should have divided Iraq up into different regions each with their own self governing bodies makes a whole lot of sense.

Obviously the Northernmost Kurdish region needed to be separate from the strong Sunni regions.
I'm also dismayed by the Iraqi president paying a visit, unless it was to pass on some requests, such as don't fund/support the Sunni insurgents in Iraq, or any other insurgencies that are attempting to create anarchy and tumble the current Iraqi government. Maybe he even passed on a message from GWB, since we do not have good diplomatic relations with Iran. The guy(Iraqi President) could be a good "go-between" for us.

His visiting Iran shouldn't be taken as a bad omen necessarily until we see how things unfold between the two countries in the next few months.

Afterall, GWB visits some leaders that in all respects don't give a rat's behind about the U.S. and would sell us out at a moments notice.......i.e. France, U.S.S.R., Red China..

The worst thing that can happen with these despotically ruled countries is when they are isolated from all interaction, geo-politically, economically, culturally,.. etc from the rest of the world or their own local regions of influence, as in the case of North Korea.

I say, keep hitting Iran with covert and overt Western cultural information, and possible economic opportunities, that reaches the masses. There's supposed to be a growing population of young Iranians that desire Western democracy, values, culture, and liberties. Thats where our CIA should really be covertly working.

And most likely are. :blues:
archangel, I don't even know this Simpson show, I don't even care, whatever that show did that's their thing, I was doing mine and my thing doesn't even come close to what you and others are claiming because my thing wasn't even political.

The reason you guys are going ballistic is because you don't want to be reminded that your day at the parade is wasted, a joke. Because that coffin shows everyone what goes down. That coffin ain't political baby, that coffin is reality, that coffin is what goes down.

You can take your Memorial day and cram it up your ass, because that is hiding. That is why I posted the unknown soldier song because that song is reality. You pushed reality out of sight and out of mind. All I wanted to do is take reality out of the closet and put it up front where everybody can see it, so everyone can see what goes down and do some real reflection. Otherwise, your day at the parade is wasted, it's a joke.

archangel, take your Simpson crap and cram it up your ass, because there isn't a fucking televison show that has got balls, because it's coporate owned you pencil dick. Walt Disney turned you against God and made you believe in Micky Mouse, and Mickey just said Sieg Heil to Junior and Junior took the time out on 911 to show off his oil wells made out of coffins.

So far the only thing you clowns have said on this thread is: "it's all about meeeeee, the parade and salutes and the whole glory thing is for meeeeeee. Cause I'm a veeeeet."

Yeah right.

:laugh: :laugh:
archangel, I don't even know this Simpson show, I don't even care, whatever that show did that's their thing, I was doing mine and my thing doesn't even come close to what you and others are claiming because my thing wasn't even political.

The reason you guys are going ballistic is because you don't want to be reminded that your day at the parade is wasted, a joke. Because that coffin shows everyone what goes down. That coffin ain't political baby, that coffin is reality, that coffin is what goes down.

You can take your Memorial day and cram it up your ass, because that is hiding. That is why I posted the unknown soldier song because that song is reality. You pushed reality out of sight and out of mind. All I wanted to do is take reality out of the closet and put it up front where everybody can see it, so everyone can see what goes down and do some real reflection. Otherwise, your day at the parade is wasted, it's a joke.

archangel, take your Simpson crap and cram it up your ass, because there isn't a fucking televison show that has got balls, because it's coporate owned you pencil dick. Walt Disney turned you against God and made you believe in Micky Mouse, and Mickey just said Sieg Heil to Junior and Junior took the time out on 911 to show off his oil wells made out of coffins.

So far the only thing you clowns have said on this thread is: "it's all about meeeeee, the parade and salutes and the whole glory thing is for meeeeeee. Cause I'm a veeeeet."

Yeah right.

Having a bad LIFE there GW?

Actually, the whole "me thing" in your post comes as close as anything to describing the way I look at YOU.

YOUR the only joke around these parts.

Your disrespect knows no bounds, as does the contempt that you are held in.

At first, I thought you were making an honest attempt to explain your feelings about memorial day, and what your father's death did to YOUR perceptions of both our military,and memorial day.

But I was WRONG, you had a hidden agenda, you were just setting up this thread for a flame job.

Congratulations, I'll never take you serious again.:(
john kerry was a traitor.....met with the enemy in paris while in uniform and attempted to undermine the posistion of the us government = treason......murtha is only a stones throw behind that

I hate to bump this thread since it's obviously got an America hating troll on it, but....

John Kerry wasn't in uniform when he met with the enemy in Paris. After his 3rd Purple Heart, Kerry was sent back to the United States where he spent some time as a driver for some big wig in New York. He put a request into be transferred to inactive duty so that he could run for Congress. That request was granted, and by 1970 Kerry's obligation to the Navy Reserves was apparently over. Why he didn't get his honorable discharge until 1978 remains a mystery as far as I know.

Kerry has given several different versions of exactly how his meeting in Paris came about. The best one:clap: is that he just happened to be there on his honeymoon.

Many people have no idea that George W. Bush spent more time in the military than John Kerry did. Not that that means anything, I just think it's a very interesting detail.
Many people have no idea that George W. Bush spent more time in the military than John Kerry did. Not that that means anything, I just think it's a very interesting detail.

*Gasp* Dont you know? The National Guard isnt the military! or atleast so claims the left who think the national guard is the way to dodge the draft.
Certainly looks that way with GW IMO....

So the President volenteers to join the national guard, who did have forces in Vietnam, and even volunteered to go to Vietnam. But he did all this to dodge the draft?

Does this make any sense to anyone else?
So the President volenteers to join the national guard, who did have forces in Vietnam, and even volunteered to go to Vietnam. But he did all this to dodge the draft?

Does this make any sense to anyone else?

The national guard didn't get deployed to Vietnam as far as I'm aware because we had a draft. National guard was where people went who didn't want to go. I don't blame him, I'd have done the same, but don't make it like he volunteered and then dis people like Kerry who really did.
The national guard didn't get deployed to Vietnam as far as I'm aware because we had a draft. National guard was where people went who didn't want to go. I don't blame him, I'd have done the same, but don't make it like he volunteered and then dis people like Kerry who really did.

how would you like your crow prepared.............


Twenty Army National Guard units from 17 states were mobilized for service in the Vietnam War on May 13, 1968. Company D (Ranger) of the 151st Infantry, Indiana Army National Guard arrived in the country in December of that year. The Indiana Rangers were assigned reconnaissance and intelligence-gathering missions. Operating deep in enemy territory, Ranger patrols engaged enemy units while conducting raids, ambushes and surveillance missions. "Delta Company" achieved an impressive combat record; unit members earned 510 medals for valor and service
how would you like your crow prepared.............


Twenty Army National Guard units from 17 states were mobilized for service in the Vietnam War on May 13, 1968. Company D (Ranger) of the 151st Infantry, Indiana Army National Guard arrived in the country in December of that year. The Indiana Rangers were assigned reconnaissance and intelligence-gathering missions. Operating deep in enemy territory, Ranger patrols engaged enemy units while conducting raids, ambushes and surveillance missions. "Delta Company" achieved an impressive combat record; unit members earned 510 medals for valor and service

You do know what the words "As far as I'm aware" mean, right? That aside, what does that have to do with Dubya.

If you can find me a credible link that shows Dubya volunteered to go, I'll certainly look at the guy in a new light...
how would you like your crow prepared.............


Twenty Army National Guard units from 17 states were mobilized for service in the Vietnam War on May 13, 1968. Company D (Ranger) of the 151st Infantry, Indiana Army National Guard arrived in the country in December of that year. The Indiana Rangers were assigned reconnaissance and intelligence-gathering missions. Operating deep in enemy territory, Ranger patrols engaged enemy units while conducting raids, ambushes and surveillance missions. "Delta Company" achieved an impressive combat record; unit members earned 510 medals for valor and service

I said "as far as I know" for a reason. Secondly, while the units were mobilzed in 1968, you've only shown that the one division went from Indiana in 1968... not a lot out of a 10 year military action, no?

And Bush wasn't going anywhere after training on an aircraft they weren't using any more by the time he learned to fly it...

Good try, though.
I said "as far as I know" for a reason. Secondly, while the units were mobilzed in 1968, you've only shown that the one division went from Indiana in 1968... not a lot out of a 10 year military action, no?

And Bush wasn't going anywhere after training on an aircraft they weren't using any more by the time he learned to fly it...

Good try, though.

as far as i know you were fucking wrong....so to claim that bush dodged service in vietnam by joining the national guard beacuse "as far as you knew" the national guard was not deployed to vietnam is wrong wrong wrong....

good try though.
nah i am a red state boy....yall keep insulting me trying to get me to be a blue state guy....btw ...how is that working out for all yall

The only one who starts insults around here is you (well, towards me anyway). Go figure...a Red Stater insulting somebody...who'da thunk it! BTW, I'm a no state boy :beer:

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