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Got my letter from the census

I really hope all of you in the red states follow the lead of Rep. Bachmann (R. MN). No Federal official has any right to ask you anything. Don't fill it out, don't send it in - protest this unreasonable violation of your right to privacy.
Perhaps we should all send a return note asking why our districts should have to rely on the federal government to decide how to distribute the money BACK to our community that they TOOK from our community.

That's right. And then go bang your head against the wall because you don't understand how the world goes round. :clap2:

You know, just because people like you have no problem with the overgrowth of the federal government doesn't mean that it's not still a problem. Uncle Sam has morphed into a bastardized version of Robin Hood with your blessing.

What the hell does that have to do with the census.

And if you didn't like big government and deficit spending, why do you love Reagan and Bush? (Assuming you're a typical righty/census hating loony).
I got the letter from the census folks today too. It made me wonder why they mailed the letter. Why didn't they just mail the census form and save all the money from sending out the letter?

That's what I fucking hate more than anything. Just like when they sent a letter saying soon you're going to get a check in the mail (the rebate).

What a stupid waste of paper and postage.

Just send the census.
That's right. And then go bang your head against the wall because you don't understand how the world goes round. :clap2:

You know, just because people like you have no problem with the overgrowth of the federal government doesn't mean that it's not still a problem. Uncle Sam has morphed into a bastardized version of Robin Hood with your blessing.

What the hell does that have to do with the census.

And if you didn't like big government and deficit spending, why do you love Reagan and Bush? (Assuming you're a typical righty/census hating loony).

Really? Do you have no idea of what the true purpose of the census is? Really?
More goverment waste ... how much did it cost us for a letter from the Census Bureas saying we will be getting our census forms in a week. Why not just mail the forms to begin with. Go figure.

It's the stupidest thing ever.
You know, just because people like you have no problem with the overgrowth of the federal government doesn't mean that it's not still a problem. Uncle Sam has morphed into a bastardized version of Robin Hood with your blessing.

What the hell does that have to do with the census.

And if you didn't like big government and deficit spending, why do you love Reagan and Bush? (Assuming you're a typical righty/census hating loony).

Really? Do you have no idea of what the true purpose of the census is? Really?

I do.

And it has nothing to do with the government growing bigger. It has to do with statistics and funding the police, fire dept, libraries, parks, road work, mass transit and everything else we need in a civilized society.
In my state we fund schools from property taxes and fourth friday counts, not the census. We also have the nutty idea that road funds should be based on road usage, so we do traffic counts. I am required under the Constitution to state how many people live at my house. They will get that answer and no other.

Then they'll send someone over to knock on your door.

Want to waste some tax dollars? Make the government pay someone to ask you to fill out the info they request. Good idea.
What the hell does that have to do with the census.

And if you didn't like big government and deficit spending, why do you love Reagan and Bush? (Assuming you're a typical righty/census hating loony).

Really? Do you have no idea of what the true purpose of the census is? Really?

I do.

And it has nothing to do with the government growing bigger. It has to do with statistics and funding the police, fire dept, libraries, parks, road work, mass transit and everything else we need in a civilized society.

U.S. Constitution - Article 1 Section 2 - The U.S. Constitution Online - USConstitution.net

(Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons.) (The previous sentence in parentheses was modified by the 14th Amendment, section 2.) The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct. The Number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty Thousand, but each State shall have at Least one Representative; and until such enumeration shall be made, the State of New Hampshire shall be entitled to chuse three, Massachusetts eight, Rhode Island and Providence Plantations one, Connecticut five, New York six, New Jersey four, Pennsylvania eight, Delaware one, Maryland six, Virginia ten, North Carolina five, South Carolina five and Georgia three.

Do they teach the constitution in school anymore?
LOL!!! The stupidity about the census is hilarious.

It's about firehouses, schools, police departments, libraries, parks. If you hate these things, definitely don't fill out your census.

That is what it has become. Not what it is about. The fact it has become that is what is making me unhappy.

You thought the census was only uses to determine a State's Representation to the US House of Representatives?

Please PM me.

I have a Nigerian Gold Mine in which YOU can invest!!!!
Do you live in a red state? If so, all the cool people in red states are going to protest the census by pretending each of their households contains only one person.

Damn, I'm in a blue state. :(

Me too. I plan to respond with only the number of people living in our house.


All the rest is none of the Fed's business.
I think a whole lot of things they usually ask for are not necessary. If you don't have running water in your abode doesn't seem to make much sense if you're counting noses. If they want information like that why not consult the various utility records, etc.
They want the info for social engineering purposes. No thank you.
I got the letter from the census folks today too. It made me wonder why they mailed the letter. Why didn't they just mail the census form and save all the money from sending out the letter?

Because our government is run by a much of morons.
Perhaps we should all send a return note asking why our districts should have to rely on the federal government to decide how to distribute the money BACK to our community that they TOOK from our community.

Bravo! And the HOPOPS the FED makes them Jump through to get back what rightly belongs to THEM?


The FED needs to LEARN that the Money, the Sweat equity belongs to THE PEOPLE... and it's ON LOAN to them.
  • Thanks
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Ok, I tried to post this thread the other day but no one took any notice, no biggie.

The big thing is that back around 1900 without the help of the post office, computers, telephones, and automobiles; each census worker counted about 6000 people.

Today with all our modern advantages we have one million census workers to count something over 300 million people. So each of these hard working government employees will count 300 and some people.

Sorry but this whole thing stinks. Why is this massive waste happening while we are in a recession? And how many of these "jobs" are being counted as created by the stimulus?

I smell something really really rotten in Washington. But yes I will fill out the "required" information and mail it back.
Ok, I tried to post this thread the other day but no one took any notice, no biggie.

The big thing is that back around 1900 without the help of the post office, computers, telephones, and automobiles; each census worker counted about 6000 people.

Today with all our modern advantages we have one million census workers to count something over 300 million people. So each of these hard working government employees will count 300 and some people.

Sorry but this whole thing stinks. Why is this massive waste happening while we are in a recession? And how many of these "jobs" are being counted as created by the stimulus?

I smell something really really rotten in Washington. But yes I will fill out the "required" information and mail it back.

You know it's in the Constitution, right?

Article 1 Section 2

Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct.

The first census was 1790. There's been one every 10 years since then.
Ok, I tried to post this thread the other day but no one took any notice, no biggie.

The big thing is that back around 1900 without the help of the post office, computers, telephones, and automobiles; each census worker counted about 6000 people.

Today with all our modern advantages we have one million census workers to count something over 300 million people. So each of these hard working government employees will count 300 and some people.

Sorry but this whole thing stinks. Why is this massive waste happening while we are in a recession? And how many of these "jobs" are being counted as created by the stimulus?

I smell something really really rotten in Washington. But yes I will fill out the "required" information and mail it back.

You know it's in the Constitution, right?

Article 1 Section 2

Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct.

The first census was 1790. There's been one every 10 years since then.

I think you missed his context. He's not complaining that a census is happening, rather that the number of census workers and waste involved with the census has gotten out of control.
Ok, I tried to post this thread the other day but no one took any notice, no biggie.

The big thing is that back around 1900 without the help of the post office, computers, telephones, and automobiles; each census worker counted about 6000 people.

Today with all our modern advantages we have one million census workers to count something over 300 million people. So each of these hard working government employees will count 300 and some people.

Sorry but this whole thing stinks. Why is this massive waste happening while we are in a recession? And how many of these "jobs" are being counted as created by the stimulus?

I smell something really really rotten in Washington. But yes I will fill out the "required" information and mail it back.

You know it's in the Constitution, right?

Article 1 Section 2

Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct.

The first census was 1790. There's been one every 10 years since then.

Gee Doctor, I know; so why did a guy in 1900 count 6000 people but today can only count 300? Why did the Government waste over a million dollars sending out this warning letter? Address the real questions not the made up ones Did you see me question doing the census? NO! Only the waste that seems to be going along with this one.
Ok, I tried to post this thread the other day but no one took any notice, no biggie.

The big thing is that back around 1900 without the help of the post office, computers, telephones, and automobiles; each census worker counted about 6000 people.

Today with all our modern advantages we have one million census workers to count something over 300 million people. So each of these hard working government employees will count 300 and some people.

Sorry but this whole thing stinks. Why is this massive waste happening while we are in a recession? And how many of these "jobs" are being counted as created by the stimulus?

I smell something really really rotten in Washington. But yes I will fill out the "required" information and mail it back.

It's a pork fest. Most of the money will be wasted on local political cronies who do no work.

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