Got my "Obama phone"?? Program started under Reagan, expanded by W. Bush! Oops.

When are you dumb ass libs going to realize that nothing is free. Poor people are poor because their parents suck, and because they continue to make bad choices. The least educated, and poorest have the most offspring, and expect others to pay for them. Welfare is not a safety net; it is a trap. That is why you have several generatioins of welfare recipients. All of it is coming to an end with the economical collaps that Obama is conducting!

Oh look.

Yet another rw who never reads FACTS.

Hey ditz, try reading some of the FACTUAL links in this thread.

It was YOUR hero, SOCIALIST Reagan who did this. You know, the same SOCIALIST Reagan who gives you your free health care.

You're an idiot.

(BTW, it was also REAGAN who said, correctly, that Social Security does not add to the deficit. but, you rw's are too damn dumb to know that now.)
Well.. news to me that Reagan or Bush or W Bush were proclaimed by the right as perfect.. each made some poor decisions, poor compromises, etc... Does not take away from the fact that there should be no entitlement of a free phone

So, Reagan started it and Bush I, Bush II and Obama continued it; but Obama is a welfare king and the other guys get a free pass. Did I miss anything?

Yeah, that's about it.

Socialist King Reagan with his free health care for the rw's and free phones for the rw's is sacred.

Obama makes it more difficult to get welfare makes him the King of Welfare.

Obama loosening gun control laws means he's coming fer yer gunns, bubba.

Obama demanded fair taxes makes him - what dumb ass crap are they saying? - probably makes him Muslim brotherhood or some such ignernt shit.

Its like the brains of the rw's just all fell out onto the ground and now they're just kicking them around.

you are just a hateful and miserable sad
So all the right wing talk shows keep playing the clip of the disgusting fat bitch talking about "Got my Obama phone". Of course, its the perfect image. A black, poor, female boasting about her "Obamaphone" she got for free.

Well, it was given to her under the federal program LifeLine. Each phone has 250 free minutes per month. This story is being covered locally on The Post and Courier | Charleston SC, News, Sports, Entertainment, where the Obamaphones were handed out yesterday in the ghetto side of town out of a minivan only for the poor.

And the right wingers have gone ballistic of course. Obama phones, on their tax dime. Not only was Benghazi bad enough (YES BENGHAZI BENGHAZI NEVER GIVE IT UP!!), but now he is giving out Obamaphones to all the poor.

The only problem with that talking point? Project LifeLine was founded by the Feds in 1985, as a subsidy for landlines, under President Reagan. It was expanded in 2005, under George W Bush, to cell phones, aka, "Obamaphones".

OOOOPS!!! Facts suck dont they!

None of this matters. Most of those receiving the Obamaphones don't know this and they were, and are, under the impression that it's because of Obama that they're getting the phones. That's why she calls it an "Obamaphone". And, that's why she voted for Obama and encouraged others to vote for Obama, because she believed it was because of Obama, she got her "Obamaphone". That she's too ignorant to understand that it ISN'T because of Obama that she got her "Obamaphone" is her problem. Maybe, if she would have known it WASN'T because of Obama that she got her "Obamaphone" she wouldn't have voted for Obama because she THOUGHT it was because of Obama that she got her "Obamaphone". So, good thing for Obama and his supporters that this woman DID believe it was because of Obama that she got her "Obamaphone" because, otherwise, she might not have voted for him. It's only too bad someone wouldn't have been there and educated her in the errors of her ways and informed her that it wasn't because of Obama that she got her "Obamaphone" but, instead, it was because of Republicans Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush. Then, she might have felt persuaded to vote for the Republican candidate, instead.

[ame=]Original Obamaphone Lady: Obama Voter Says Vote for Obama because he gives a free Phone - YouTube[/ame]

No, they didnt. They called it LifeLine. Started by Regan. Expanded by Bush. Blamed on Obama.

Right wing lies at their best.

Why would they blame it on Obama when that only goes to hurting themselves? The woman said she was going to vote for Obama and encouraged others to vote for Obama because she believed it was Obama who was responsible for her capacity to get a free phone. Why would Republicans intentionally make people believe they're getting free stuff from Obama which would only cause them to vote for Obama because they believed it's because of Obama, they're getting free stuff? That makes no sense. The fact is, whether the program was started by Republicans is irrelevant. This woman believed it was because of Obama that she was getting the phone and she said she was going to vote for Obama and encouraged others to vote for Obama because she thought it was because of Obama that free phones were available. If anything, Republicans should have made an effort to inform people like her that it wasn't, in fact, because of Obama that she had the capacity to get a free phone. Then, she might not have felt so compelled to vote for Obama because she thought it WAS because of Obama, that she could get the free phone.
So dumb. Nobody votes for anyone because of a phone that gives you 8 minutes a day.

And they don't cost taxpayers any money, ya dumb fuques...

And any waivers for workfare are only if you can prove it ADDS work time.

Everything you know is wrong, Pub dupes.
Who is dumber:

The lazy bitch praising her "Obamaphone" when she has no clue that the program was founded and expanded under REpublican presidents, and actually tightened under Obama?


The legions of radical right wingers who salivate at the sound of Rush Limbaugh, and march in order when they are all instructed that Obamaphones are real, and Obama started it, and Obama is to blame for it, and it is yet another new govt handout Obama has invented???

One is a dumb bitch who doesn't know any better.

The latter is a bunch of dumbasses who should know better....but dont.
Bucs90, paint chips are a great dessert, especially the one from the 1970's -- that's like vintage!

Sure are.

But can YOU explain why:

- LifeLine was started by Reagan
- LifeLine was expanded by Bush
- LifeLine was taken over by Obama, and the only changes under him are that they began regulating abuse and limited it to 1 phone her household rather than numerous

Yet.....the right wing is calling it "Obamaphones" and replaying clips of that black lady whining about her Obamaphone over and over and over and over, and blaming Obama for this program???

Are you sure it isn't a matter of Republicans whining that this woman actually believed it was because of Obama, that she got the phone. And, that it was because of this belief by this woman, that she was going to vote for Obama and encouraged others to vote for Obama? If only SHE would have known that it was started under Reagan and expanded under Bush, she might not have felt so compelled to vote for Obama because she believed it was because of Obama, that she got the phone. Where were you running to her side, to make sure she knew that it wasn't because of Obama that she was getting a free cell phone? Oh, I know, you wouldn't have wanted to have done that now...would you have? Because, then, she might not have felt so compelled to vote for Obama if she would have known it WASN'T because of Obama she was getting the free cell phone. I only wish you would have been there to make sure this woman knew the "facts" of the matter, that it WASN'T because of Obama that she was getting the free cell phone. Then, she might not have voted for Obama because of her belief.
Who is dumber:

The lazy bitch praising her "Obamaphone" when she has no clue that the program was founded and expanded under REpublican presidents, and actually tightened under Obama?


The legions of radical right wingers who salivate at the sound of Rush Limbaugh, and march in order when they are all instructed that Obamaphones are real, and Obama started it, and Obama is to blame for it, and it is yet another new govt handout Obama has invented???

One is a dumb bitch who doesn't know any better.

The latter is a bunch of dumbasses who should know better....but dont.

now you're just becoming a troll..
people should put on ignore
Lefties should be grateful that wingnuts continue to push the Obama phone myth. Their lies didn't serve them in 2012 and won't in 2014. On behalf of President Obama, I thank you! Keep up the good work...
But can YOU explain why:

- LifeLine was started by Reagan
- LifeLine was expanded by Bush
- LifeLine was taken over by Obama, and the only changes under him are that they began regulating abuse and limited it to 1 phone her household rather than numerous

Easy. The campaign knew that lady was wrong. But somene realized hey this is getting us votes. Let's just not correct her.
Bucs90, paint chips are a great dessert, especially the one from the 1970's -- that's like vintage!

Sure are.

But can YOU explain why:

- LifeLine was started by Reagan
- LifeLine was expanded by Bush
- LifeLine was taken over by Obama, and the only changes under him are that they began regulating abuse and limited it to 1 phone her household rather than numerous

Yet.....the right wing is calling it "Obamaphones" and replaying clips of that black lady whining about her Obamaphone over and over and over and over, and blaming Obama for this program???

Are you sure it isn't a matter of Republicans whining that this woman actually believed it was because of Obama, that she got the phone. And, that it was because of this belief by this woman, that she was going to vote for Obama and encouraged others to vote for Obama? If only SHE would have known that it was started under Reagan and expanded under Bush, she might not have felt so compelled to vote for Obama because she believed it was because of Obama, that she got the phone. Where were you running to her side, to make sure she knew that it wasn't because of Obama that she was getting a free cell phone? Oh, I know, you wouldn't have wanted to have done that now...would you have? Because, then, she might not have felt so compelled to vote for Obama if she would have known it WASN'T because of Obama she was getting the free cell phone. I only wish you would have been there to make sure this woman knew the "facts" of the matter, that it WASN'T because of Obama that she was getting the free cell phone. Then, she might not have voted for Obama because of her belief.

Oh Im sure.

Because if the GOP was only upset about that, they'd be upset that the GOP isn't getting credit for the free phone!!!

Why isn't the GOP campaigning with "NO thats not an Obamaphone, its a GOP-phone! We created that!!!"

But they aren't. They did create it, and expand it, but are trying to paint a picture that Obama did it all.

Facts don't matter, it's all that silly black woman LOL. (Mainly racist) Pub dupes!
So dumb. Nobody votes for anyone because of a phone that gives you 8 minutes a day.

Watch the video...dumbass. She says she's going to vote for Obama because she's getting a free phone and encourages others to vote for Obama because they could get a free phone too. DUH!
Gee, if Romney had simply said that Republicans started the free cell phone program for the poor (gifts) - he probably would have won...
Who is dumber:

The lazy bitch praising her "Obamaphone" when she has no clue that the program was founded and expanded under REpublican presidents, and actually tightened under Obama?


The legions of radical right wingers who salivate at the sound of Rush Limbaugh, and march in order when they are all instructed that Obamaphones are real, and Obama started it, and Obama is to blame for it, and it is yet another new govt handout Obama has invented???

One is a dumb bitch who doesn't know any better.

The latter is a bunch of dumbasses who should know better....but dont.

You're such an incredible dumbass it's beyond imagination. The only ones who started the Obamaphone mantra are leftists themselves. This is how they got their votes. Why the hell would the Republicans start it knowing it would take votes away from them and give them votes to the Democrats because the Democrats would think Obama is going to give them free stuff? You dumbasses are the ones that started the Obamaphone mantra and you allowed it to continue until the election was over because you knew you'd have dupes such as this woman believing it was because of Obama she'd get a free cell phone and, that she'd vote for him because of that belief. No Republican is going to go out and get people to believe Obama is going to give them free stuff and, thus, encourage them to vote for Obama because they believe Obama is going to give them free stuff you incorrigible moron!
Sure are.

But can YOU explain why:

- LifeLine was started by Reagan
- LifeLine was expanded by Bush
- LifeLine was taken over by Obama, and the only changes under him are that they began regulating abuse and limited it to 1 phone her household rather than numerous

Yet.....the right wing is calling it "Obamaphones" and replaying clips of that black lady whining about her Obamaphone over and over and over and over, and blaming Obama for this program???

Are you sure it isn't a matter of Republicans whining that this woman actually believed it was because of Obama, that she got the phone. And, that it was because of this belief by this woman, that she was going to vote for Obama and encouraged others to vote for Obama? If only SHE would have known that it was started under Reagan and expanded under Bush, she might not have felt so compelled to vote for Obama because she believed it was because of Obama, that she got the phone. Where were you running to her side, to make sure she knew that it wasn't because of Obama that she was getting a free cell phone? Oh, I know, you wouldn't have wanted to have done that now...would you have? Because, then, she might not have felt so compelled to vote for Obama if she would have known it WASN'T because of Obama she was getting the free cell phone. I only wish you would have been there to make sure this woman knew the "facts" of the matter, that it WASN'T because of Obama that she was getting the free cell phone. Then, she might not have voted for Obama because of her belief.

Oh Im sure.

Because if the GOP was only upset about that, they'd be upset that the GOP isn't getting credit for the free phone!!!

Why isn't the GOP campaigning with "NO thats not an Obamaphone, its a GOP-phone! We created that!!!"

But they aren't. They did create it, and expand it, but are trying to paint a picture that Obama did it all.


Perhaps they should have campaigned with "NO that's not an Obamaphone, its(sic) a GOP-phone! We created that!!!" But, my guess is that they didn't feel they, unlike Democrats, needed to try and buy folks' votes by offering them trinkets. But, why weren't the Democrats, such as yourself, piling on message boards and other mediums making sure people knew it WASN'T because of Obama that they weren't getting free cell phones but, instead, because of Republicans? Oh...wait, don't tell me...let me guess. You knew that this might cause some of them to rethink casting their vote for Obama so, you just simply let it slide until after the election.
The whole thing is a canard, invented and perpetuated by lying Pubs and their silly dupes....
So all the right wing talk shows keep playing the clip of the disgusting fat bitch talking about "Got my Obama phone". Of course, its the perfect image. A black, poor, female boasting about her "Obamaphone" she got for free.

Well, it was given to her under the federal program LifeLine. Each phone has 250 free minutes per month. This story is being covered locally on The Post and Courier | Charleston SC, News, Sports, Entertainment, where the Obamaphones were handed out yesterday in the ghetto side of town out of a minivan only for the poor.

And the right wingers have gone ballistic of course. Obama phones, on their tax dime. Not only was Benghazi bad enough (YES BENGHAZI BENGHAZI NEVER GIVE IT UP!!), but now he is giving out Obamaphones to all the poor.

The only problem with that talking point? Project LifeLine was founded by the Feds in 1985, as a subsidy for landlines, under President Reagan. It was expanded in 2005, under George W Bush, to cell phones, aka, "Obamaphones".

OOOOPS!!! Facts suck dont they!

NICE POST! Another one of their hysterical lies exposed.

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