Got my "Obama phone"?? Program started under Reagan, expanded by W. Bush! Oops.

Facts don't matter, it's all that silly black woman LOL. (Mainly racist) Pub dupes!

So that dumbass bitch vunnable gets on a video spewing stupidity and WE ARE THE RACISTS?

Whatever dumbass.

Fact remains.. Obama has exploited them, not us ya punk.
Its funny how many right wingers are completely caught off guard by this, the fact that the Obamaphone program is actually a program started by Reagan, expanded by Bush...........and JUST NOW sparking outrage since it continues under Obama.

It's quite telling to say the least. I wonder why they have this double standard.
In other news -

[ame=]Ronald Reagan: Tax the Rich! - YouTube[/ame]

Again I come home from work and still no sign of my free Obama phone.
The rent is due...again.No one is helping with that.
No EBT card....

What's going on.Where is my free stuff....
Is it because I belong to the party that lost...
Because I'm White...

Again I come home from work and still no sign of my free Obama phone.
The rent is due...again.No one is helping with that.
No EBT card....

What's going on.Where is my free stuff....
Is it because I belong to the party that lost...
Because I'm White...

If I know you like I think I do, ya don't have your hand out.

But, if there are dumbasses calling it the Obama Phone Program, and convincing dumb ass lazy people that the "Obamaphone" program is an Obama program, they are dumbasses too.

But the program is LifeLine. Started by Reagan. Expanded by Bush.

Dont remember people showing clips of poor people getting free phones under Bush and bitching about it.

Most dumbass lazy people are dumbasses lol

Speaking for yourself?

Again I come home from work and still no sign of my free Obama phone.
The rent is due...again.No one is helping with that.
No EBT card....

What's going on.Where is my free stuff....
Is it because I belong to the party that lost...
Because I'm White...

Or, just maybe, because you are really very stupid:badgrin:
So dumb. Nobody votes for anyone because of a phone that gives you 8 minutes a day.

Watch the video...dumbass. She says she's going to vote for Obama because she's getting a free phone and encourages others to vote for Obama because they could get a free phone too. DUH!

By Golly, you Republicans really gave our President a boost with your free phones.

[ame=]Elvis Presley Thank You Very Much - YouTube[/ame]
I am stoopid.... lol
I really thought people would not vote Obama back for another term....
I am stoopid.... lol
I really thought people would not vote Obama back for another term....

That's what I said. You are, indeed, stoopid. But now that you are willing to face reality, maybe there is hope for you:doubt:
Yep, started by a dem congress when Reagan was in office, expanded when Nazi Palousey inserted it in a defense bill when Bush was in office. The same commiecrats that lied to Reagan about securing our boarders, the same commiecrats that lied and are still lying about Bush and the same commiecrats that are lying their asses off about spending cuts now. So for a change let's be honest and give credit where credit is due.

The program was expanded by Bush in 2005.

Kinda hard to blame Democrats for what happened in 2005, when they didnt win the House and Senate until 2006 dumbass.

If you wanna blame Dems for something they did in 2005, how bout blame the GOP Prez, House, Senate in 2005 that either:

A) Were too dumb to see them slip it in there.
B) Saw it, and were perfectly fine with it.

This is inconvenient, I know, as that "Obamaphone" clip was very useful for the talking points.

But LifeLine is a program that a GOP President allowed to be created, and a GOP President allowed to be expanded.

You cant blame Obama for every single thing that happens on his watch, but then excuse something under Reagan and Bush's watched just because, well, because you dont wanna blame them for it.

Ya might want to check your dates again, the 2005 bill wasn't passed in 2005, nope not till June 2006. And I don't care who signed it, it was wrong.
So all the right wing talk shows keep playing the clip of the disgusting fat bitch talking about "Got my Obama phone". Of course, its the perfect image. A black, poor, female boasting about her "Obamaphone" she got for free.

Well, it was given to her under the federal program LifeLine. Each phone has 250 free minutes per month. This story is being covered locally on The Post and Courier | Charleston SC, News, Sports, Entertainment, where the Obamaphones were handed out yesterday in the ghetto side of town out of a minivan only for the poor.

And the right wingers have gone ballistic of course. Obama phones, on their tax dime. Not only was Benghazi bad enough (YES BENGHAZI BENGHAZI NEVER GIVE IT UP!!), but now he is giving out Obamaphones to all the poor.

The only problem with that talking point? Project LifeLine was founded by the Feds in 1985, as a subsidy for landlines, under President Reagan. It was expanded in 2005, under George W Bush, to cell phones, aka, "Obamaphones".

OOOOPS!!! Facts suck dont they!

Except when your "Facts" don't show anything in relation to your statements.
So you're saying the program LifeLine did NOT start under Reagan? And was NOT expanded under Bush? Those are my "facts". Are they true, or not? Look it up, dont take what Beck told you as truth.

Again I come home from work and still no sign of my free Obama phone.
The rent is due...again.No one is helping with that.
No EBT card....

What's going on.Where is my free stuff....
Is it because I belong to the party that lost...
Because I'm White...

It's because you didn't lose your job in the SECOND Pub Great Depression, racist moron. You really miss a $6 phone with 8 minutes a day that much, fool? That doesn't cost taxpayers a penny? #$%^&* dupes!
Last edited:

Again I come home from work and still no sign of my free Obama phone.
The rent is due...again.No one is helping with that.
No EBT card....

What's going on.Where is my free stuff....
Is it because I belong to the party that lost...
Because I'm White...

It's because you didn't lose your job in the SECOND Pub Great Depression, racist moron. You really miss a $6 phone with 8 minutes a day that much, fool? That doesn't cost taxpayers a penny? #$%^&* dupes!

Why don't you elaborate a little further on how it is you surmise it doesn't cost taxpayers a penny?

Again I come home from work and still no sign of my free Obama phone.
The rent is due...again.No one is helping with that.
No EBT card....

What's going on.Where is my free stuff....
Is it because I belong to the party that lost...
Because I'm White...

Gee, apparently Reagan didn't like you. Apparently Bush Sr. didn't like you. Apparently Clinton didn't like you. Apparently Bush Jr. didn't like you. And...apparently Obama doesn't like you.

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