Got my "Obama phone"?? Program started under Reagan, expanded by W. Bush! Oops.

Bucs90, paint chips are a great dessert, especially the one from the 1970's -- that's like vintage!

Sure are.

But can YOU explain why:

- LifeLine was started by Reagan
- LifeLine was expanded by Bush
- LifeLine was taken over by Obama, and the only changes under him are that they began regulating abuse and limited it to 1 phone her household rather than numerous

Yet.....the right wing is calling it "Obamaphones" and replaying clips of that black lady whining about her Obamaphone over and over and over and over, and blaming Obama for this program???

Explain the above.

Thanks for the depression and 3 1/2 years of mindless obstructon, dupes- not to mention the nonstop tidal wave of fear mongering and hateful BS...hateful ignorance is not people are a catastrophe for the country.
Thanks for the depression and 3 1/2 years of mindless obstructon, dupes- not to mention the nonstop tidal wave of fear mongering and hateful BS...hateful ignorance is not people are a catastrophe for the country.

obamaphone gave you depression? What? I thought we were talking about free phones but I digress..
Thanks for the depression and 3 1/2 years of mindless obstructon, dupes- not to mention the nonstop tidal wave of fear mongering and hateful BS...hateful ignorance is not people are a catastrophe for the country.




Obama's President

Dems run the Senate and had a majority for 2 years. Reagan did better and he never had a Republican House.

Fucking Loser

"Obama broke it, but Bush owns it" is economics for morons

So...people are pissed that others are using the social safety net...which was designed to help people get through hard times (hard individual times, and hard national times like now).

So...why you mad?
Oh welfare is only for when there is hard times? Oh, well that changes everything. I forgot there were people that live off that shit. Im sure them people that got obamaphones found jobs. If you keep giving them lazy fuckers help, they will eventually help themselves right? HAHA I know I know.. dems and reality shouldnt go in the same sentence
Jesus Christ. The obamaphone lady said all that shit because she is an uneducated moron. People make fun of it because he is the welfare king! Does not mean they all think he started it. I know its history and still make fun of it. Loosen up and enjoy humor. If you was not so much of a hack, you might find it humerous. Like I said earlier, if they dont know the biz about it, they are morons like the black chick

Obama did not invent food stamps, or many of the other "programs" associated with the social safety net. However under his presidency the use of many of these has exploded exponentially. Insert your blame it on Bush comment here.

That was my point

Intelligent people would blame the economy. The Great Recession is the biggest and deepest economic downturn since the Great Depression. The small recession of 2001 took 48 months to recover. It's very obvious because this recession had major implications on the financial sector and runs very deep, that this recession's recovery period will be much longer.
Thanks for the depression and 3 1/2 years of mindless obstructon, dupes- not to mention the nonstop tidal wave of fear mongering and hateful BS...hateful ignorance is not people are a catastrophe for the country.




Obama's President

Dems run the Senate and had a majority for 2 years. Reagan did better and he never had a Republican House.

Fucking Loser

"Obama broke it, but Bush owns it" is economics for morons


Hey stupid brainwashed dupe, Dems had a filibuster proof edge for less than 6 months, and Kennedy was out half of that- 200 Pub filibusters in those 2 years. Who's the moron, chump? Half the country believes the Pubcrappe. ALMOST. LOL
You're incensed about phones that cost the taxpayers NOTHING, and give people 8 minutes a day. Hateful brainwashed idiots!
Obama Phone

Regan and bush called thier program obama phone and set up the obama website?

You are an idiot, please stay out of traffic.


It says right there on your graphic: Lifeline program. :lol:

Are you claiming that the Lifeline program did not start under Reagan?
When are you dumb ass libs going to realize that nothing is free. Poor people are poor because their parents suck, and because they continue to make bad choices. The least educated, and poorest have the most offspring, and expect others to pay for them. Welfare is not a safety net; it is a trap. That is why you have several generatioins of welfare recipients. All of it is coming to an end with the economical collaps that Obama is conducting!
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Obama did not invent food stamps, or many of the other "programs" associated with the social safety net. However under his presidency the use of many of these has exploded exponentially. Insert your blame it on Bush comment here.

That was my point

Intelligent people would blame the economy. The Great Recession is the biggest and deepest economic downturn since the Great Depression. The small recession of 2001 took 48 months to recover. It's very obvious because this recession had major implications on the financial sector and runs very deep, that this recession's recovery period will be much longer.

So the fact that obama damn near gutted the work requirement for welfare had nothing to do with it? He has tried to make it easy to get that shit. Beggers are easier manipulated and listen more.
That was my point

Intelligent people would blame the economy. The Great Recession is the biggest and deepest economic downturn since the Great Depression. The small recession of 2001 took 48 months to recover. It's very obvious because this recession had major implications on the financial sector and runs very deep, that this recession's recovery period will be much longer.

So the fact that obama damn near gutted the work requirement for welfare had nothing to do with it? He has tried to make it easy to get that shit. Beggers are easier manipulated and listen more.

You really are retarded. He gave what Republican governors "asked" for. Give us some "credible" facts and links to back up your stupid claim.
On January 31, 2012, the Federal Communications Commission approved an order changing parts of the Universal Service Fund (USF) known as the "Lifeline Program" to reduce fraud and abuse.[15][16]

So Obama's administration is actually saving the taxpayer money by reducing fraud and abuse.

Thank you, President Obama!!!
Intelligent people would blame the economy. The Great Recession is the biggest and deepest economic downturn since the Great Depression. The small recession of 2001 took 48 months to recover. It's very obvious because this recession had major implications on the financial sector and runs very deep, that this recession's recovery period will be much longer.

So the fact that obama damn near gutted the work requirement for welfare had nothing to do with it? He has tried to make it easy to get that shit. Beggers are easier manipulated and listen more.

You really are retarded. He gave what Republican governors "asked" for. Give us some "credible" facts and links to back up your stupid claim.

First you say he did it for repubs, then you say you want links? You really are retarded
Obama has done NOTHING to cut welfare work requirements.

Your "facts" are ALL Pubcrappe, dupes. How dumb can you get?

O-care free birth control will decimate abortions and poor children, as well as a million other problems, AND save money. But the dupes want to protect greedy scammers and the bloated rich. Pathetic. READ something! What fools...
this is what's wrong with our country today..

they go suck off the taxpayers for some phone and then come in here and brag about it

nothing like in your face suckers
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So all the right wing talk shows keep playing the clip of the disgusting fat bitch talking about "Got my Obama phone". Of course, its the perfect image. A black, poor, female boasting about her "Obamaphone" she got for free.

Well, it was given to her under the federal program LifeLine. Each phone has 250 free minutes per month. This story is being covered locally on The Post and Courier | Charleston SC, News, Sports, Entertainment, where the Obamaphones were handed out yesterday in the ghetto side of town out of a minivan only for the poor.

And the right wingers have gone ballistic of course. Obama phones, on their tax dime. Not only was Benghazi bad enough (YES BENGHAZI BENGHAZI NEVER GIVE IT UP!!), but now he is giving out Obamaphones to all the poor.

The only problem with that talking point? Project LifeLine was founded by the Feds in 1985, as a subsidy for landlines, under President Reagan. It was expanded in 2005, under George W Bush, to cell phones, aka, "Obamaphones".

OOOOPS!!! Facts suck dont they!

And yet nobody was running around calling them Bush Phones, or Reagan Phones now were they.

Obama is given personal Credit for the Program, not by the right, but by his brainless followers.

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