Gov. Herbert of UT Up For Re-Election & Gay Adoption Denied Then Recanted: Related? Consequences?

Should children be legally deprived of either a mother or father in marriage?

  • Yes, the USSC made the right choice in making this a new normal.

  • No, children need a mother and father in marriage.

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Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
So a judge recently in Utah said that two lesbians could not adopt a 1 year old baby girl. He cited research he had done that showed a gay "marriage' was not in the child's best interest.

Research he very likely read was this report cited in the UK Guardian article from the Prince's Trust Youth Survey of 2010:

Teens without parent role model are 67 per cent less likely to get a job Daily Mail Online
Young men with no male role models in their lives and women without a mother figure struggle to keep their lives on track, a hard-hitting report warns today. The Prince’s Trust youth index, the largest survey of its kind, found that....67 per cent more likely to be unemployed than their counterparts. They are also significantly more likely to stay unemployed for longer than their peers, the report suggests....It found that young men with no male role model are 50 per cent more likely to abuse drugs and young females in the corresponding position are significantly more likely to drink to excess..
Young men with no male role model to look up to were twice as likely to turn or consider turning to crime as a result of being unemployed...The report, which was based on interviews with 2,170 16 to 25-year-olds...These young men are also three times more likely to feel down or depressed all of the time and significantly more likely to admit that they cannot remember the last time they felt proud...They are also significantly less likely to feel happy and confident than those with male role models, according to the figures....The Prince’s Trust report, which was carried out by YouGov, suggests young people without male role models are more than twice as likely to lack a sense of belonging.

But the judge suddenly recanted also without comment, after an outcry from Governor Herbert. Trouble is, will this help or hurt his re-election bid Fall 2016? This is Utah, remember.

a Utah judge... ordering the girl removed from her foster home because he said she would be better off with heterosexual parents....
Johansen said that “through his research he had found out that kids in homosexual homes don’t do as well as they do in heterosexual homes.”
On Thursday, Utah Gov. Gary Herbert said he was “a little puzzled” by the decision, and that the state Division of Child and Family Services will review it and investigate....Johansen did receive his law degree from the Mormon Church’s Brigham Young University, and the region is heavily Mormon. Last week officials with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.... Utah judge removes lesbian couple’s foster child, says she’ll be better off with heterosexuals

The judge overturned his own ruling in a day. They dug deep in his skeleton closet and undoubtedly threatened him. But that still doesn't change that children need both a mother and father in marriage. "Gay marriage" systematically GUARANTEES a child will never have one or the other, and states are supposed to subsidize an inferior situation for children's wellbeing.

The LGBT anger-machine may have scared this judge off. But Governor Herbert came out way more loud and clear that "a little puzzled" about the judge's decision. He put real pressure on him:

Utah's Republican governor, Gary Herbert, said Johansen should follow the law and avoid inserting his personal opinions into his decisions. "He may not like the law, but he should follow the law. We don't want to have activism on the bench in any way, shape or form," Herbert said Thursday. - See more at: Lesbian couple keeps child after Utah judge reverses order

But do Utah voters agree with Governor Herbert? I'm talking about the majority of them, not some extremely loud vocal minority. You know how elections work.. Will Utah be the next Kentucky?
The couple is part of a group of same-sex married couples who were allowed to become foster parents in Utah after last summer’s U.S. Supreme Court ruling that made gay marriage legal across the country. State officials don’t keep an exact count but estimate there are a dozen or more foster parents who are married same-sex couples.

Read more here: Lesbian couple can keep baby, Utah judge says in reversal

You know, I don't recall the USSC Decision saying that states also had to compromise foster kids from having both a mother and father. Was there anything said in the USSC Decision that addressed how states MUST handle their orphans? If it is found that as a part of June 2015's Decision, ALL gay marriages have full rights of adoption, then catholic charities handling orphans have no legal leg to stand on in denying adoptions to gay homes.

If Chuck and Dave want little boys from Our Blessed Mother's Orphanage, then they will have to be surrendered to Chuck and Dave without a fuss. This isn't just about lesbians getting ahold legally of little girls. It's at the same time exactly also about gay men getting legally ahold of little boys. Anywhere, anytime, from anyone.
Governor Herbert is one of the most popular governors in the nation. I predict he will easily win and this judge reversing his order will have little or no impact on his reelection.
Mississippi is the only state in the nation that doesn't allow gay people to adopt and that is presently being challenged. It doesn't seem these states are buying the fear mongering and smear campaign being put forth by the OP and her allies. :itsok:
Governor Herbert is one of the most popular governors in the nation. I predict he will easily win and this judge reversing his order will have little or no impact on his reelection.
Unless traditional mormon groups in Utah run an ad campaign saying he is for gays and lesbians accessing orphans. This is Utah remember, not the Bay Area, CA...

Mississippi is the only state in the nation that doesn't allow gay people to adopt and that is presently being challenged. It doesn't seem these states are buying the fear mongering and smear campaign being put forth by the OP and her allies. :itsok:

Understand that many adoption agencies are run by Christian charities. The 1st Amendment will stand in the way of your utopian all-male or all-female family lines-by-adoption..
Governor Herbert is one of the most popular governors in the nation. I predict he will easily win and this judge reversing his order will have little or no impact on his reelection.
Unless traditional mormon groups in Utah run an ad campaign saying he is for gays and lesbians accessing orphans. This is Utah remember, not the Bay Area, CA...

The judge reversing his order will have little impact on Governor Herbert and he will likely win in a landslide. When he does, you will either ignore it or craft some wild conspiracy as to why he won. Either way, Mississippi is the only sate buying your anti-gay smear when it comes to adoption and that law is currently being challenged.

Remember, you are entirely irrelevant as gays will continue to adopt/raise their biological children and their isn't dam thing you can do about it.
The judge reversing his order will have little impact on Governor Herbert and he will likely win in a landslide. When he does, you will either ignore it or craft some wild conspiracy as to why he won. Either way, Mississippi is the only sate buying your anti-gay smear when it comes to adoption and that law is currently being challenged.

Remember, you are entirely irrelevant as gays will continue to adopt/raise their biological children and their isn't dam thing you can do about it.

Unless someone was careful to capture a sound bite of it and is mocking it up into a commercial as we speak. Remember what happened in Kentucky? You were equally certain then...even moreso than Utah...that your rainbow-buddies made up at least a sufficient majority to pull off a win for the democrat. But then after 40 years the republicans took the Governor's office. Thanks to the outrageous concept of "motherless or fatherless" "married" homes for kids to be raised in. That's where everyone's mind goes by the way. When anyone thinks of the word "marriage" it is synonymous with "where kids are best raised". And that is where your two worlds collide and any delusions in the waffling opinion of "gay is OK" is scrubbed clean in all but the most calcified and susceptible minds.

Kentucky fell and it was more purple than Utah.

If the man promotes lesbians adopting little girls then he is a RINO. They'll get a real republican in there.
Unless someone was careful to capture a sound bite of it and is mocking it up into a commercial as we speak. Remember what happened in Kentucky? You were equally certain then...even moreso than Utah...that your rainbow-buddies made up at least a sufficient majority to pull off a win for the democrat.

Now you are just making shit up. Where did I say that I was 'equally sure' the Democratic candidate was going to win the gubernatorial race in KY? You can stop lying now b/c I never once made such a prediction.

But then after 40 years the republicans took the Governor's office. Thanks to the outrageous concept of "motherless or fatherless" "married" homes for kids to be raised in. That's where everyone's mind goes by the way. When anyone thinks of the word "marriage" it is synonymous with "where kids are best raised". And that is where your two worlds collide and any delusions in the waffling opinion of "gay is OK" is scrubbed clean in all but the most calcified and susceptible minds.

Kentucky fell and it was more purple than Utah.

Forty years you say?! lol. The last Republican Governor of KY was back in 2007. You do not know what the fuck you are talking about. Oh, by the way, that election means jack shit when it comes to gay marriage as gays will continue to marry in KY regardless.

I can't wait to see what wild shit you invite when Herbert easily wins reelection in Utah.
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Now you are just making shit up. Where did I say that I was 'equally sure' the Democratic candidate was going to win the gubernatorial race in KY? You can stop lying now b/c I never once made such a prediction.

Your ilk, idiot.

Your ilk was certain they had Kentucky in the bag. And Kentucky fell. Beware the laws of unintended consequences when it comes to Governor Herbert of Utah's bid for next year's election. The conservatives in Utah are much more strict and controlling than Kentucky by a wide margin. Anyone there can see that once a Governor stands for forcing a judge to change his mind and allow lesbians to adopt little girls, the equivalent is gay men adopting little boys...with their soceity bound and gagged. Just like the gay-marriage thing, they were bound and gagged.

Turns out conservative and even middle voters don't like to be bound and gagged. It's the darndest thing. Everyone knows that judge "suddenly changed his mind" as soon as Governor Herbert suggested he should. That was Herbert's swansong of Office.
Your ilk, idiot.

Your ilk was certain they had Kentucky in the bag. And Kentucky fell. Beware the laws of unintended consequences when it comes to Governor Herbert of Utah's bid for next year's election. The conservatives in Utah are much more strict and controlling than Kentucky by a wide margin. Anyone there can see that once a Governor stands for forcing a judge to change his mind and allow lesbians to adopt little girls, the equivalent is gay men adopting little boys...with their soceity bound and gagged. Just like the gay-marriage thing, they were bound and gagged.

It is super cute watching you backpedal about your claim that I was 'equally sure' about KY gubernatorial race. Too funny.

Other than your own imagination, what evidence do you have that Governor Herbert forced the judge to change his mind? I won't hold my breath for you to present any.
Other than your own imagination, what evidence do you have that Governor Herbert forced the judge to change his mind? I won't hold my breath for you to present any.
The judge made his decision. The Governor spoke out negatively about that decision. Then immediately the judge recanted his decision. It's not often a judge overturns himself in 24 hours time just after a Governor of his state speaks negatively about his decision. Rocket science degree not required to draw the correlation...
Other than your own imagination, what evidence do you have that Governor Herbert forced the judge to change his mind? I won't hold my breath for you to present any.
The judge made his decision. The Governor spoke out negatively about that decision. Then immediately the judge recanted his decision. It's not often a judge overturns himself in 24 hours time just after a Governor of his state speaks negatively about his decision. Rocket science degree not required to draw the correlation...

Like I said, you have no evidence Governor Herbert forced the judge to change his decision. You're literally making shit up to buttress you lame anti-gay narrative. Other than whining/lying on this message board, you can do shit about it.
Like I said, you have no evidence Governor Herbert forced the judge to change his decision. You're literally making shit up to buttress you lame anti-gay narrative. Other than whining/lying on this message board, you can do shit about it.
Well then I guess a point-blank interview asking him his thoughts on the matter would clear up his position before election day, right?
Like I said, you have no evidence Governor Herbert forced the judge to change his decision. You're literally making shit up to buttress you lame anti-gay narrative. Other than whining/lying on this message board, you can do shit about it.
Well then I guess a point-blank interview asking him his thoughts on the matter would clear up his position before election day, right?

His thoughts on the matter of what? How you are claiming he somehow forced this judge to reverse his own decision? The only place where Gov. Herbert forced this judge to reverse his decisions is inside head.

Sort of like how Chris Mintz, a murderous twink, went on a killing spree based on your evidence of having a 'pouty lip' and a pierced ear. :uhoh3:
Like I said, you have no evidence Governor Herbert forced the judge to change his decision. You're literally making shit up to buttress you lame anti-gay narrative. Other than whining/lying on this message board, you can do shit about it.
Well then I guess a point-blank interview asking him his thoughts on the matter would clear up his position before election day, right?

His thoughts on the matter of what?

On the matter of "should Utah be adopting its wards out to cohabitating homes (married or not) that do not provide both a mother and father? Ask him that, get his answer, and add it to the traditional ad campaign October 2016..

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