Governer Palin to Congress: More earmarks, please!

WRONG asshole
shes not FOR THEM
shes just making sure her Alaskan Citizens get they share bacause they will HAVE TO PAY FOR THEM
you are too fucking partisan to even understand that

You can't have it both ways. You are either against them, just like John McCain is and you never allow any earmark spending to flow into your state at all, or you're like every single other Senator and you have no problem with it. You can't say "Oh I'm against earmarks, but hey, might as well get mine as long as everyone else is!" That's not a leader. A leader stands up to earmarks and rejects them if she is against them. She instructs her Senators and representatives to vote NO on any bill with earmarks and to never appropriate them for her state as she will never accept that money. Kind of like the Bridge to Nowhere, except she accepted the money and rejected the bridge!! :lol:

Am I the only one who has noticed that David carefully avoids ever having to address the question of whether or not his starting premise is even accurate? Apparently, the only argument he's able to make is dependent on everyone letting him impose his worldview as the standard from the get-go.

I guess we'll have to assume that, in fact, they weren't earmarks at all, and David is desperately trying to keep anyone from noticing that he's been bullshitted by the leftwing talking points again.

I know you want me to argue with you, but I'm not going to do it. Not that I don't think you're intelligent, I think you're quite intelligent, actually. I just... I don't want to argue with you.
Obama hasn't paraded his kids around as perfect little flawless angels, but you want to attack little children, that's your choice. Bristol was 17 when she got pregnant - and I think even YOU are smart enough to know the difference between a 10 and 8 year old and a 17 year old.

if obama's daughters get pregnant, no one will know about it, because Obama will have his daughters get abortions.

Say what you want about them. They're not my kids. I don't give a shit. I would never parade my family out as a national spectacle like Palin did.

and like Obama did.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA you are fucking hilarious, dude. A Republican could be a child mollestor and you'd still vote for them over a religious Democrat. Partisan hack. You shouldn't even be taken seriously - no argument of yours will ever be valid - you're a blind Republican follower. Just continue to be a sheep and let the Jindals and Palins herd you around wherever they see fit. You're blind.
says the blind fucking partisan asshole

Before this election, I had never voted for a Democrat in my entire life. I was a Registered Republican from 1997 - 2008. When McCain picked Palin, I left the party. I've stated this millions of times and I disagree with Democrats more than I disagree with Republicans. But I will not sit here and say anyone of my candidate's are perfect. When Obama said the fundamentals of our economy are sound, I called him out on it. You won't see Sealybobo or Chris do that. And not once in this thread did I say it was OK for Obama to contradict himself. I called him out on that as well. But you Republicans REFUSE to call Palin out on her hypocracy... that's ok. I know most of you are blind sheep just following the herd. Keep following... the conservative movement will one day fall off a cliff. No, fuck sheep. You're like lemmings.

And what you're suggesting is that Republicans must always adhere to their values under any and all that about it..???
Well screw you dude....
If Republicans stood by, stood aside, while Democrats raided the nations treasury for their pet projects and to literally buy votes I would personally kick some Republican ass if they did not grab every dollar they could for us...their supporters, for OUR pet projects.....
We'd be fools to not play the game according to the Democrats rules, as repugnant as they I say, with all due respect....FU !:lol:

As much as we hate to play in your sewer with you....if we must...we will....
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says the blind fucking partisan asshole

Before this election, I had never voted for a Democrat in my entire life. I was a Registered Republican from 1997 - 2008. When McCain picked Palin, I left the party. I've stated this millions of times and I disagree with Democrats more than I disagree with Republicans. But I will not sit here and say anyone of my candidate's are perfect. When Obama said the fundamentals of our economy are sound, I called him out on it. You won't see Sealybobo or Chris do that. And not once in this thread did I say it was OK for Obama to contradict himself. I called him out on that as well. But you Republicans REFUSE to call Palin out on her hypocracy... that's ok. I know most of you are blind sheep just following the herd. Keep following... the conservative movement will one day fall off a cliff. No, fuck sheep. You're like lemmings.

And what you're suggesting is that Republicans must always adhere to their values under any and all that about it..???
Well screw you dude....
If Republicans stood by, stood aside, while Democrats raided the nations treasury for their pet projects and to literally buy votes I would personally kick some Republican ass if they did not grab every dollar they could for us...their supporters, for OUR pet projects.....
We'd be fools to not play the game according to the Democrats rules, as repugnant as they I say, with all due respect....FU !:lol:

As much as we hate to play in your sewer with you....if we must...we will....
what he doesn't understand is Palin DID stick to her principles
she was protecting the citizens of Alaska from having to PAY for something they got ZERO benefit from
Before this election, I had never voted for a Democrat in my entire life. I was a Registered Republican from 1997 - 2008. When McCain picked Palin, I left the party. I've stated this millions of times and I disagree with Democrats more than I disagree with Republicans. But I will not sit here and say anyone of my candidate's are perfect. When Obama said the fundamentals of our economy are sound, I called him out on it. You won't see Sealybobo or Chris do that. And not once in this thread did I say it was OK for Obama to contradict himself. I called him out on that as well. But you Republicans REFUSE to call Palin out on her hypocracy... that's ok. I know most of you are blind sheep just following the herd. Keep following... the conservative movement will one day fall off a cliff. No, fuck sheep. You're like lemmings.

And what you're suggesting is that Republicans must always adhere to their values under any and all that about it..???
Well screw you dude....
If Republicans stood by, stood aside, while Democrats raided the nations treasury for their pet projects and to literally buy votes I would personally kick some Republican ass if they did not grab every dollar they could for us...their supporters, for OUR pet projects.....
We'd be fools to not play the game according to the Democrats rules, as repugnant as they I say, with all due respect....FU !:lol:

As much as we hate to play in your sewer with you....if we must...we will....
what he doesn't understand is Palin DID stick to her principles
she was protecting the citizens of Alaska from having to PAY for something they got ZERO benefit from

You can spin it any way you like, man. In the end, she appropriated funds for earmarks - something she said she would never do. She's a liar and a hypocrite.
And what you're suggesting is that Republicans must always adhere to their values under any and all that about it..???
Well screw you dude....
If Republicans stood by, stood aside, while Democrats raided the nations treasury for their pet projects and to literally buy votes I would personally kick some Republican ass if they did not grab every dollar they could for us...their supporters, for OUR pet projects.....
We'd be fools to not play the game according to the Democrats rules, as repugnant as they I say, with all due respect....FU !:lol:

As much as we hate to play in your sewer with you....if we must...we will....
what he doesn't understand is Palin DID stick to her principles
she was protecting the citizens of Alaska from having to PAY for something they got ZERO benefit from

You can spin it any way you like, man. In the end, she appropriated funds for earmarks - something she said she would never do. She's a liar and a hypocrite.

will you admit the same about Obama?
And what you're suggesting is that Republicans must always adhere to their values under any and all that about it..???
Well screw you dude....
If Republicans stood by, stood aside, while Democrats raided the nations treasury for their pet projects and to literally buy votes I would personally kick some Republican ass if they did not grab every dollar they could for us...their supporters, for OUR pet projects.....
We'd be fools to not play the game according to the Democrats rules, as repugnant as they I say, with all due respect....FU !:lol:

As much as we hate to play in your sewer with you....if we must...we will....
what he doesn't understand is Palin DID stick to her principles
she was protecting the citizens of Alaska from having to PAY for something they got ZERO benefit from

You can spin it any way you like, man. In the end, she appropriated funds for earmarks - something she said she would never do. She's a liar and a hypocrite.
no, she didnt moron
and Obama SIGNED it

no way you were EVER a republican
what he doesn't understand is Palin DID stick to her principles
she was protecting the citizens of Alaska from having to PAY for something they got ZERO benefit from

You can spin it any way you like, man. In the end, she appropriated funds for earmarks - something she said she would never do. She's a liar and a hypocrite.
no, she didnt moron
and Obama SIGNED it

no way you were EVER a republican

If there were a way I could prove it - I would. I didn't vote for Bush in 2000 - thought he was a dumbass. I voted for him in 2004, though. I was a dumbass for doing that. 4 more years! 4 more years! What bullshit. Not that John Kerry was a good candidate - he wasn't. He was an idiot.
And what you're suggesting is that Republicans must always adhere to their values under any and all that about it..???
Well screw you dude....
If Republicans stood by, stood aside, while Democrats raided the nations treasury for their pet projects and to literally buy votes I would personally kick some Republican ass if they did not grab every dollar they could for us...their supporters, for OUR pet projects.....
We'd be fools to not play the game according to the Democrats rules, as repugnant as they I say, with all due respect....FU !:lol:

As much as we hate to play in your sewer with you....if we must...we will....
what he doesn't understand is Palin DID stick to her principles
she was protecting the citizens of Alaska from having to PAY for something they got ZERO benefit from

You can spin it any way you like, man. In the end, she appropriated funds for earmarks - something she said she would never do. She's a liar and a hypocrite.

Your party is nothing but liars and hypocrites.....and fools....
Your do recall the " the no earmarks Obama campaign line...."

Its your rules we play by...If we have to play in the Democratic shitpile, then we will....
You can spin it any way you like, man. In the end, she appropriated funds for earmarks - something she said she would never do. She's a liar and a hypocrite.
no, she didnt moron
and Obama SIGNED it

no way you were EVER a republican

If there were a way I could prove it - I would. I didn't vote for Bush in 2000 - thought he was a dumbass. I voted for him in 2004, though. I was a dumbass for doing that. 4 more years! 4 more years! What bullshit. Not that John Kerry was a good candidate - he wasn't. He was an idiot.

does that mean you voted for Nader in 2000?
no, she didnt moron
and Obama SIGNED it

no way you were EVER a republican

If there were a way I could prove it - I would. I didn't vote for Bush in 2000 - thought he was a dumbass. I voted for him in 2004, though. I was a dumbass for doing that. 4 more years! 4 more years! What bullshit. Not that John Kerry was a good candidate - he wasn't. He was an idiot.

does that mean you voted for Nader in 2000?

ugh. yes. i was in college. we all do stupid shit in college.
I think David S is telling the truth about his voting record.
If there were a way I could prove it - I would. I didn't vote for Bush in 2000 - thought he was a dumbass. I voted for him in 2004, though. I was a dumbass for doing that. 4 more years! 4 more years! What bullshit. Not that John Kerry was a good candidate - he wasn't. He was an idiot.

does that mean you voted for Nader in 2000?

ugh. yes. i was in college. we all do stupid shit in college.
so, you voted for Nader in 2000, and you voted for Obama in 2008
meaning you voted for a Bush in 2004

you were NOT a republican in any way but the registration
ugh. yes. i was in college. we all do stupid shit in college.
so, you voted for Nader in 2000, and you voted for Obama in 2008
meaning you voted for a Bush in 2004

you were NOT a republican in any way but the registration

at least he never voted for Gore.

I would rather vote for.. Palin... no... Edwards?... no... I would've voted for Clinton... umm.. Frist? Ah! I'd rather vote for Keyes than Gore.
so, you voted for Nader in 2000, and you voted for Obama in 2008
meaning you voted for a Bush in 2004

you were NOT a republican in any way but the registration

at least he never voted for Gore.

I would rather vote for.. Palin... no... Edwards?... no... I would've voted for Clinton... umm.. Frist? Ah! I'd rather vote for Keyes than Gore.

I would vote for Nader before I'd vote for Gore.
at least he never voted for Gore.

I would rather vote for.. Palin... no... Edwards?... no... I would've voted for Clinton... umm.. Frist? Ah! I'd rather vote for Keyes than Gore.

I would vote for Nader before I'd vote for Gore.

I think anyone in their right mind would've done that... Nader's done a lot of good in his career... he's just a little.. well, slightly imbalanced these days.

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