Governing by ransom.

When & what was that.

Obama held us up for ransom every time we had to raise the debt limit, moron.

What did he take away & then demand somerthing from Republicans to get it back.


He demanded more spending, or he wouldn't sign raising the debt ceiling. Then you and all the other douchebag Dims blamed Republicans for the deficit.

How stupid are you?

Look, buttbrain, Trump is not saying to build his wall or he won't sign a funding bill.

Your retarded orange POS took a popular program & ended it just to hold it hostage.

Popular program?
How many votes did it receive in House and Senate?

Americans back DACA by a huge margin

Now don't you look lie the ass.
Obama held us up for ransom every time we had to raise the debt limit, moron.

What did he take away & then demand somerthing from Republicans to get it back.


He demanded more spending, or he wouldn't sign raising the debt ceiling. Then you and all the other douchebag Dims blamed Republicans for the deficit.

How stupid are you?

Look, buttbrain, Trump is not saying to build his wall or he won't sign a funding bill.

Your retarded orange POS took a popular program & ended it just to hold it hostage.

Popular program?
How many votes did it receive in House and Senate?

Americans back DACA by a huge margin

Now don't you look lie the ass.
Polls... Lol...
Obama held us up for ransom every time we had to raise the debt limit, moron.

What did he take away & then demand somerthing from Republicans to get it back.


He demanded more spending, or he wouldn't sign raising the debt ceiling. Then you and all the other douchebag Dims blamed Republicans for the deficit.

How stupid are you?

Look, buttbrain, Trump is not saying to build his wall or he won't sign a funding bill.

Your retarded orange POS took a popular program & ended it just to hold it hostage.

Popular program?
How many votes did it receive in House and Senate?

Americans back DACA by a huge margin

Now don't you look lie the ass.

And how many votes did it get?
Obama held us up for ransom every time we had to raise the debt limit, moron.

What did he take away & then demand somerthing from Republicans to get it back.


He demanded more spending, or he wouldn't sign raising the debt ceiling. Then you and all the other douchebag Dims blamed Republicans for the deficit.

How stupid are you?

Look, buttbrain, Trump is not saying to build his wall or he won't sign a funding bill.

Your retarded orange POS took a popular program & ended it just to hold it hostage.

Popular program?
How many votes did it receive in House and Senate?

Americans back DACA by a huge margin

Now don't you look lie the ass.

yeah polls, you know Hillary has a lock on Michigan and Wisconsin, too.....ooops

answer his many votes did it get?

now you guys have a chance to vote for it...lets see how popular it really is
It's called negotiation you give someone something they want in return they give you something you want we have seen so little of that in D.C. for the past sixteen years it's understandable why some would be shocked by the concept.
The problem with this “deal” is that the Republicans now need 60 votes to pass anything which means they need Dems. And when nothing gets done the Republicans and Trump will take the blame. That’s when the balance of power flips back to the Dems. We just saw it happen over the past 8 years to put the Reps in power and it is getting ready to happen again
It doesn't take 60 votes to fund the wall, nimrod. Budget issues only require a simple majority.

Dims will take the blame if they refuse to make any concessions on immigration. It will become obvious to all that their concern about the DACA kids is entirely bogus.

You're wrong on that one, it does take 60 votes, it won't be done under reconciliation rules.


It's a budget issue. It can be done with a simple majority.

You might want to do some reading on regular order and budget reconciliation, the tax package was passed under reconciliation and the omnibus bill will be passed under regular order, which requires a cloture vote.


This is a spending bill. Those come under budget bills.

What ever. You can insist on being wrong, not my job to convince you otherwise.

So which part about the fact that they are here illegally do you disagree with? Why are you endorsing crime?

We should have the wall, and deport the nightmares.

Your country was built on immigrants.

That has to be the lamest argument in history.


It's also a fact

What occurred more than a century ago has no relevance today. It's a historical fact, so was the holocaust, doesn't mean we should continue it.

Donald Trump ended DACA with the sole purpose of holding millions of young people hostage until he gets his wall.

He is telling Congress if they don't want to see these people deported, they must give him his wall.

These are people that came here as children. Many have no memories or contact with their origin country. Many don't even speak the language.

These people committed no crime. Their parents did.

And Trump will punish them if he does not get his wall.

And Trumpettes think this is the way our country is supposed to run.

Who knew that the "art of the Deal" is basic Mafia 101.

So? You liberal traitors lost so suck it.
Why should we be silent ass you & your orange hero destroys this country?

Its your own damn fault you lost the House, Senate, and White House. The people obviously think you people suck at governing so sit in the back and don't do a lot of talking while we clean up your damn mess. :laugh:

Last Republican administration left with the worst recession in 80 years, a financial meltdown, a housing collapse, an economy shrinking at a rate over 6% , two quagmire wars, and losig 800,000 jobs a month.

Only a fucking moron would call that better than when Obama left office.

The people kicked you idiots to the curb, rejected, booted, bitch slapped, it was a beautiful thing to watch. :laugh::laugh::laugh:
Donald Trump ended DACA with the sole purpose of holding millions of young people hostage until he gets his wall.

He is telling Congress if they don't want to see these people deported, they must give him his wall.

These are people that came here as children. Many have no memories or contact with their origin country. Many don't even speak the language.

These people committed no crime. Their parents did.

And Trump will punish them if he does not get his wall.

And Trumpettes think this is the way our country is supposed to run.

Who knew that the "art of the Deal" is basic Mafia 101.

If a parent robs a bank, and the dies, and the crime is discovered.

I don't think the kid gets to keep the earnings because "he committed no crime".

What a stupid argument. The fact that they are illegally here means they need to be deported.

Stupid comparison.

Where is the "money" in this DACA stuff?

Trump isn't taking something their parents "stole".

He is punishing the kids by causing hardship & in some cases extreme hardship.

But you avoid the point. Governing by ransom.

If he was truly against DACA, he would not allow it.

IOnstead, he really doesxn't give a shit & just uses it as a tool to get his stupid wall.

You still don't get it, 20+ States were preparing law suits on maobamas illegal DACA, Trump short circuited the process and gave congress a chance to fix it, because the DOJ could not defend a clearly illegal program.


And you are sofa king stupid that you belueve thatg?

If that was the case, Trump would sign any buill fixing it but he won't unless the oversized crybaby gets his stupid wall.

Trump is trying to fix your dear leaders mess. DACA used the same logic as DAPA and it was declared unconstitutional. Your dear leader said 23 times he didn't have the unilateral constitutional authority for DACA and then did it anyway. The courts would have ruled against it based on DAPA and the DOJ wouldn't have defended it anyway. It was gone either way, you want it back, compromise is in order, deal with it.

I don't recall you douchebags crying when Obama held the entire country up for ransom.
When & what was that.

Obama held us up for ransom every time we had to raise the debt limit, moron.

What did he take away & then demand somerthing from Republicans to get it back.


He demanded more spending, or he wouldn't sign raising the debt ceiling. Then you and all the other douchebag Dims blamed Republicans for the deficit.

How stupid are you?

Look, buttbrain, Trump is not saying to build his wall or he won't sign a funding bill.

Your retarded orange POS took a popular program & ended it just to hold it hostage.

You're wrong about that. Snowflakes have been wrong about every claim they have made about Trump since the election started.
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I don't recall you douchebags crying when Obama held the entire country up for ransom.
When & what was that.

Obama held us up for ransom every time we had to raise the debt limit, moron.

What did he take away & then demand somerthing from Republicans to get it back.


He demanded more spending, or he wouldn't sign raising the debt ceiling. Then you and all the other douchebag Dims blamed Republicans for the deficit.

How stupid are you?

Look, buttbrain, Trump is not saying to build his wall or he won't sign a funding bill.

Your retarded orange POS took a popular program & ended it just to hold it hostage.

That's right. He's saying give him all he wants or he won't sign any DACA bill and they will all get put on a bus to Mexico.
Obama held us up for ransom every time we had to raise the debt limit, moron.

What did he take away & then demand somerthing from Republicans to get it back.


He demanded more spending, or he wouldn't sign raising the debt ceiling. Then you and all the other douchebag Dims blamed Republicans for the deficit.

How stupid are you?

Look, buttbrain, Trump is not saying to build his wall or he won't sign a funding bill.

Your retarded orange POS took a popular program & ended it just to hold it hostage.

Popular program?
How many votes did it receive in House and Senate?

Americans back DACA by a huge margin

Now don't you look lie the ass.

Wrong. They support a right to residency for undocumented immigrants who arrived in the United States as children. DACA is far more than that.
Donald Trump ended DACA with the sole purpose of holding millions of young people hostage until he gets his wall.

He is telling Congress if they don't want to see these people deported, they must give him his wall.

These are people that came here as children. Many have no memories or contact with their origin country. Many don't even speak the language.

These people committed no crime. Their parents did.

And Trump will punish them if he does not get his wall.

And Trumpettes think this is the way our country is supposed to run.

Who knew that the "art of the Deal" is basic Mafia 101.

If a parent robs a bank, and the dies, and the crime is discovered.

I don't think the kid gets to keep the earnings because "he committed no crime".

What a stupid argument. The fact that they are illegally here means they need to be deported.
Goodnight Real Dave...Norm just fucked you up.
So making political deals is ransom now?

I give you this. You give me that is the bedrock of compromise in our republic
It's called negotiation you give someone something they want in return they give you something you want we have seen so little of that in D.C. for the past sixteen years it's understandable why some would be shocked by the concept.

A Democrat doesn't see it that way. A negotiation to a Democrat means that you do it all the Democrats way or no way at all. That's what made DumBama such a failure.
Donald Trump ended DACA with the sole purpose of holding millions of young people hostage until he gets his wall.

He is telling Congress if they don't want to see these people deported, they must give him his wall.

These are people that came here as children. Many have no memories or contact with their origin country. Many don't even speak the language.

These people committed no crime. Their parents did.

And Trump will punish them if he does not get his wall.

And Trumpettes think this is the way our country is supposed to run.

Who knew that the "art of the Deal" is basic Mafia 101.

Obama and the democrats kept these kids in limbo......holding their status over their heads to get their votes.......Trump is allowing congress to actually make them legal....dumb ass...

No....daca was illegal.....he is giving congress a chance to make it legal.....these people are no different than the sons and daughters of other criminals. They live here because a criminal act of their parents. It wasn't their fault, but we have laws that must be obeyed, he is giving them a chance, obama just broke the law to allow them to stay.
So....tell us oh left wing morons.....

If you have a guy who stole money from innocent people and used that money to pay for his home, his kids education and everything else in the lives of those kids....when he is arrested, do those kids get to keep living off of the money he stole?

Why not?

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