Government is a beautiful thing

Here's the thing about the RW's perspective on government: liberals don't say "more government, the better!" Obviously that's wrong when we look at Totalitarian regimes from history like Hitler or Stalin. Liberals, generally, want a government that serves the collective. They want a government that puts a capitalistic economy in check for the sake of the greater good.
You say all this but it is nothing more than empty rhetoric because your actions say something else entirely. When any prioblem rears its head the answer the left has for it is more government, more regulation and more agencies to oversee it.

The is essentially 'more government the better.'
Liberals want effective regulatory policies over society.
Then you would be pushing for FAR less regulations than we have today. One of the core reasons that further regulations are not helping is because there are millions of pages of regulatory rules already. So much in fact that there is not a person alive on the planet that knows them. You cannot regulate effectively (or even follow the regulations) when it is impossible to know them. Then, to add insult to injury, many of those regulations are even counter to themselves.
Now that idea is a thought-provoking one. One of course has to ask: where do you draw the line on government power? How do you balance individual freedom with law and order that protects society as a whole? It's not an easy answer.

However, all that being said, this country needs a strong government. It needs a strong federal government. Republicans' goals to weaken it are perverse.

When government works, it really works. It's a beautiful thing that can bring harmony to society if it is designed properly.
It HAS a strong federal government. Ridiculously strong.

What makes a government great is NOT that it is strong. What makes a government great is that it is SUBSERVIENT to the people it governs. You do not need a strong government for that. You do need one that is not corrupt though.

Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Here's the thing about the RW's perspective on government: liberals don't say "more government, the better!" Obviously that's wrong when we look at Totalitarian regimes from history like Hitler or Stalin. Liberals, generally, want a government that serves the collective. They want a government that puts a capitalistic economy in check for the sake of the greater good.

Liberals want effective regulatory policies over society.

Now that idea is a thought-provoking one. One of course has to ask: where do you draw the line on government power? How do you balance individual freedom with law and order that protects society as a whole? It's not an easy answer.

However, all that being said, this country needs a strong government. It needs a strong federal government. Republicans' goals to weaken it are perverse.

When government works, it really works. It's a beautiful thing that can bring harmony to society if it is designed properly.
Only fucking moron thinks that collectivism is worth a shit...
You aren't smart enough to understand the concept.
Collectivism means there's no room for the individual and the freedoms that go along with it… Fact
So your dumbass mind thinks that a collective mindset gives no regard whatsoever to the freedom of individuals? No. I know you cons struggle with nuance but unless you educate yourselves on these matters you come across like an idiot.
Here's the thing about the RW's perspective on government: liberals don't say "more government, the better!" Obviously that's wrong when we look at Totalitarian regimes from history like Hitler or Stalin. Liberals, generally, want a government that serves the collective. They want a government that puts a capitalistic economy in check for the sake of the greater good.

Liberals want effective regulatory policies over society.

Now that idea is a thought-provoking one. One of course has to ask: where do you draw the line on government power? How do you balance individual freedom with law and order that protects society as a whole? It's not an easy answer.

However, all that being said, this country needs a strong government. It needs a strong federal government. Republicans' goals to weaken it are perverse.

When government works, it really works. It's a beautiful thing that can bring harmony to society if it is designed properly.
Only fucking moron thinks that collectivism is worth a shit...
You aren't smart enough to understand the concept.
Collectivism means there's no room for the individual and the freedoms that go along with it… Fact
So your dumbass mind thinks that a collective mindset gives no regard whatsoever to the freedom of individuals? No. I know you cons struggle with nuance but unless you educate yourselves on these matters you come across like an idiot.


Listen you miserable dingleberry RESEARCH THEN AND ONLY THEN REPOST

adjective: collective
  1. 1.
    done by people acting as a group.
    "a collective protest"
    • belonging or relating to all the members of a group.
      "ministers who share collective responsibility"
      synonyms: common, shared, joint, combined, mutual, communal, pooled; More

      antonyms: individual
    • taken as a whole; aggregate.
      "the collective power of the workforce"
Here's the thing about the RW's perspective on government: liberals don't say "more government, the better!" Obviously that's wrong when we look at Totalitarian regimes from history like Hitler or Stalin. Liberals, generally, want a government that serves the collective. They want a government that puts a capitalistic economy in check for the sake of the greater good.

Liberals want effective regulatory policies over society.

Now that idea is a thought-provoking one. One of course has to ask: where do you draw the line on government power? How do you balance individual freedom with law and order that protects society as a whole? It's not an easy answer.

However, all that being said, this country needs a strong government. It needs a strong federal government. Republicans' goals to weaken it are perverse.

When government works, it really works. It's a beautiful thing that can bring harmony to society if it is designed properly.
Only fucking moron thinks that collectivism is worth a shit...
You aren't smart enough to understand the concept.
Collectivism means there's no room for the individual and the freedoms that go along with it… Fact
So your dumbass mind thinks that a collective mindset gives no regard whatsoever to the freedom of individuals? No. I know you cons struggle with nuance but unless you educate yourselves on these matters you come across like an idiot.


Listen you miserable dingleberry RESEARCH THEN AND ONLY THEN REPOST

adjective: collective
  1. 1.
    done by people acting as a group.
    "a collective protest"
    • belonging or relating to all the members of a group.
      "ministers who share collective responsibility"
      synonyms: common, shared, joint, combined, mutual, communal, pooled; More

      antonyms: individual
    • taken as a whole; aggregate.
      "the collective power of the workforce"
Dude you're so stupid. When it comes to subscribing to either mindset, it means one has an EMPHASIS on it. A collective philosophy doesn't necessarily mean "oh ANY individual freedom must be scrubbed!". It's still about finding a balance between individual freedom and the greater good. You just decide what particular individual freedoms should not be infringed and what should be sacrificed. It's about EMPHASIZING. It's not all-or-nothing thinking you moron.
Here's the thing about the RW's perspective on government: liberals don't say "more government, the better!" Obviously that's wrong when we look at Totalitarian regimes from history like Hitler or Stalin. Liberals, generally, want a government that serves the collective. They want a government that puts a capitalistic economy in check for the sake of the greater good.

Liberals want effective regulatory policies over society.

Now that idea is a thought-provoking one. One of course has to ask: where do you draw the line on government power? How do you balance individual freedom with law and order that protects society as a whole? It's not an easy answer.

However, all that being said, this country needs a strong government. It needs a strong federal government. Republicans' goals to weaken it are perverse.

When government works, it really works. It's a beautiful thing that can bring harmony to society if it is designed properly.

When government works, it really works. It's a beautiful thing that can bring harmony to society if it is designed properly.{/quote]


When government works...........

Do we have a full moon tonight

The fucking berners never ceas to amaze me

Here is the government "working" in Venezuela


Why don't pieces of shit like you move there?

Don't you realize how stupid and fallacious it is to say that the concept of government is inherently flawed by cherry picking a country like Venezuela as proof? Yeah no shit some governments fail. That doesn't mean the entire concept is flawed if we know it works.

That isn't what you said in your sorry OP. John Jay in Federalist #2 stated that nothing was as evident as the need for government.

He also said that in forming government we cede some rights to protect the rest. With the current crap we have all we are doing is ceding more rights.....

Nothing coming in return.
Here's the thing about the RW's perspective on government: liberals don't say "more government, the better!" Obviously that's wrong when we look at Totalitarian regimes from history like Hitler or Stalin. Liberals, generally, want a government that serves the collective. They want a government that puts a capitalistic economy in check for the sake of the greater good.

Liberals want effective regulatory policies over society.

Now that idea is a thought-provoking one. One of course has to ask: where do you draw the line on government power? How do you balance individual freedom with law and order that protects society as a whole? It's not an easy answer.

However, all that being said, this country needs a strong government. It needs a strong federal government. Republicans' goals to weaken it are perverse.

When government works, it really works. It's a beautiful thing that can bring harmony to society if it is designed properly.

You have an unreal expectation of the efficiency and wisdom of a massive bureaucracy. That's DIFFERENT than vesting powers in a Govt. And certainly, a $Bill dollar website for O-care that overran budget and schedule is a perfect example. Or the EPA yahoos that decided to blow up a mine in Colorado as a DIY project who STILL have their jobs and salaries. Or a State Dept that RENEWED Mohammed Attah's visa AFTER he flew a plane into the WTC..

You don't get competence and efficiency when Congress no longer controls the massive beast. IN FACT -- the "beast" controls Congress. Since Congress doesn't WRITE law anymore. It just passes "fill in the blank" legislation and tasks the agencies to figure it all out. That's a CLEAR indication -- that they've bitten off MUCH more than they should. Both ObamaCare and Dodd-Frank were "BLANK BILLS".. Neither is fully written or implemented TODAY. Which causes MASSIVE uncertainty in the markets and consumers and puts the brakes on the economy...
There's also a difference between appointing the wrong people for the job and designing programs that are inherently effective if the right people are involved.

That has been the communist manifesto ever since its inception.....if only we get the right people in, a veritable utopia will surely ensue......................and it never does. What does happen is dictators, tyrants, state owned control of property, price fixings, shortages AND millions of deaths.

Exactly. When the govt exceeds it's bounds of expertise and ATTEMPTS to manage industries and market sectors. The NEXT thing that happens is that they WHINE that the ONLY solution is to "nationalize" it. And inevitably that amount of socialism leads to cronyism, corruption, and graft.

Govt needs to focus on it's basic priorities. Because it's FUCKING THOSE UP royally. Be it MidEast policy or insuring FAIR ELECTIONS, or keeping politics out of the Justice System. For things like technology, Govt should NEVER be in the process of picking market winners/losers individually. Like with Musk or Solyndra. They should fund STRICTLY R&D and naked science. And make that available to ALL bidders for contracts and grants EQUALLY...

So you don't really think the Constitution should determine the governments roll?

Oh I do.. I don't know what specifically you objected to -- but basic R&D can be justified certainly for military purposes. But also for promoting commerce. Playing markets with Solyndras and Teslas -- not so much. GENERIC science and technology funding is VITAL to keeping America in the Global game at this point.

The Space Program was a good example of that. It was really a vehicle for boosting America's total competence in science and engineering. And I wouldn't oppose that IF it's done in an equitable manner and money is not TARGETED to specific companies or specific politically charged agendas like "Climate Change".

That latter example of funding "Climate Change" research wouldn't really bother me greatly IF the funding didn't ASK for particular political policy conclusions to be delivered. :rolleyes:
Only fucking moron thinks that collectivism is worth a shit...
You aren't smart enough to understand the concept.
Collectivism means there's no room for the individual and the freedoms that go along with it… Fact
So your dumbass mind thinks that a collective mindset gives no regard whatsoever to the freedom of individuals? No. I know you cons struggle with nuance but unless you educate yourselves on these matters you come across like an idiot.


Listen you miserable dingleberry RESEARCH THEN AND ONLY THEN REPOST

adjective: collective
  1. 1.
    done by people acting as a group.
    "a collective protest"
    • belonging or relating to all the members of a group.
      "ministers who share collective responsibility"
      synonyms: common, shared, joint, combined, mutual, communal, pooled; More

      antonyms: individual
    • taken as a whole; aggregate.
      "the collective power of the workforce"
Dude you're so stupid. When it comes to subscribing to either mindset, it means one has an EMPHASIS on it. A collective philosophy doesn't necessarily mean "oh ANY individual freedom must be scrubbed!". It's still about finding a balance between individual freedom and the greater good. You just decide what particular individual freedoms should not be infringed and what should be sacrificed. It's about EMPHASIZING. It's not all-or-nothing thinking you moron.

You don't GET to "the greater good" by giving tax breaks, no cost loans, and favors to corporations INDIVIDUALLY. That's crony Capitalism. And neither Libertarians or Leftists like that at all.. You also don't get to the "greater good" by nagging some folks to pull their phone chargers out of the wall to save a Watt or two, when at the same time, the naggers are promoting all electric vehicles so that ONE NEIGHBOR can spend the "collective" energy savings of a thousand others.

We now cant go 4 ft in our homes without seeing some "govt designed" concept.. Whether it be the expensive "led lighting" vs old incandescent bulbs, or your "low flush toilet" that needs to be flushed twice, or a heat pump that is SO NEUTERED by govt standards that it fails to provide heat when it's less than 40degF outside. Not to mention you can't buy or get service with pesticides that do ANYTHING other than make bugs mad.

We can START with those mind-numbing instances of market interventions (like ethanol or MTBE) that end up with HORRENDOUS side effects, no constant oversight or management, and end up as zombie programs going out into infinite time with no one to put them to their final rest..
This is NOWHERE NEAR a complete list of Agencies and Boards. Who does OVERSIGHT over all of this? When was the LAST time a COMPLETE AND DETAILED budget resolution passed to FEED these agencies?
WHO is auditing the work products and spending of all these agencies? (the answer to this last one largely is the Office of Inspector General -- which strangely enough is the most valuable and doesn't seem to have MADE this list... :biggrin:

9-11 Commission (National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States)
Administration for Children and Families (ACF)
Administration for Native Americans
Administration on Aging (AoA)
Administration on Developmental Disabilities
Administrative Committee of the Federal Register
Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts
Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
African Development Foundation
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
Agency for International Development
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
Agricultural Marketing Service
Agricultural Research Service
Agriculture Department (USDA)
Air Force
Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (Treasury)
Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives Bureau (Justice)
American Battle Monuments Commission
American Samoa Home Page
AMTRAK (National Railroad Passenger Corporation)
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
Appalachian Regional Commission
Architect of the Capitol
Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board (Access Board)
Archives (National Archives and Records Administration)
Arctic Research Commission
Armed Forces Retirement Home
Arms Control and International Security
Army Corps of Engineers
Army Environmental Center
Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Interagency Coordinating Committee
Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Interagency Coordinating Committee
Bankruptcy Courts
Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation
Botanic Garden
Broadcasting Board of Governors (Voice of America, Radio|TV Marti and more)
Bureau of Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade (Treasury)
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (Justice)
Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services (DHS)
Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)
Bureau of Engraving and Printing
Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA)
Bureau of Industry and Security (formerly the Bureau of Export Administration)
Bureau of International Labor Affairs
Bureau of Justice Statistics
Bureau of Labor Statistics
Bureau of Land Management (BLM)
Bureau of Prisons
Bureau of Public Debt
Bureau of Reclamation
Bureau of the Census
Bureau of Transportation Statistics
Census Bureau
Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (formerly the Health Care Financing Administration)
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigations Board
Chief Financial Officers Council
Chief Information Officers Council
Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee
Citizenship and Immigration Services Bureau (formerly Immigration and Naturalization Service)
Civilian Radioactive Waste Management
Coalition Provisional Authority (in Iraq)
Coast Guard
Commerce Department
Commission of Fine Arts
Commission on Civil Rights
Commission on International Religious Freedom
Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (Helsinki Commission)
Commission on the Intelligence Capabilities of the United States Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction
Committee for Purchase from People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled
Committee for the Implementation of Textile Agreements
Committee on Foreign Investments in the United States
Commodity Futures Trading Commission
Community Development Office (Agriculture Department)
Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS)
Community Planning and Development
Comptroller of the Currency Office
Congressional Budget Office (CBO)
Constitution Center
Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)
Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service
Coordinating Council on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
Copyright Office (Library of Congress)
Corporation for National and Community Service
Council of Economic Advisers
Council on Environmental Quality
County and City Governments
Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces
Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit
Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims
Court of Federal Claims
Court of International Trade
Customs and Border Protection
Administration on Developmental Disabilities
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
Defense Commissary Agency
Defense Contract Audit Agency
Defense Contract Management Agency
Defense Department (DOD)
Defense Field Activities
Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS)
Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA)
Defense Intelligence Agency
Defense Logistics Agency (DLA)
Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board
Defense Security Cooperation Agency
Defense Security Service
Defense Threat Reduction Agency
Denali Commission
Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Department of Commerce (DOC)
Department of Defense (DOD)
Department of Defense Inspector General
Department of Education (ED)
Department of Energy (DOE)
Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
Department of Justice (DOJ)
Department of Labor (DOL)
Department of State (DOS)
Department of the Interior (DOI)
Department of the Treasury
Department of Transportation (DOT)
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
Disability Employment Policy Office
District of Columbia Home Page
Domestic Policy Council
Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)
Economic Analysis, Bureau of
Economic and Statistics Administration
Economic Development Administration
Economic Research Service
Economic, Business and Agricultural Affairs (State Department)
Education Department (ED)
Election Assistance Commission
Elementary and Secondary Education
Employee Benefits Security Administration (formerly Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration)
Employment and Training Administration (Labor Department)
Employment Standards Administration
Endangered Species Committee
Energy Department (DOE)
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Energy Information Administration
Enforcement (Treasury Department)
English Language Acquisition Office
Engraving and Printing, Bureau of
Environment, Safety and Health
Environmental Management (Energy Department)
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
Executive Office for Immigration Review
Export Administration (now the Bureau of Industry and Security)
Export-Import Bank of the United States
Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity
Faith-Based and Community Initiatives Office
Farm Credit Administration
Farm Service Agency
Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Federal Bureau of Prisons
Federal Citizen Information Center (FCIC)
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
Federal Consulting Group
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
Federal Election Commission
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Federal Executive Boards
Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council
Federal Financing Bank
Federal Highway Administration
Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight
Federal Housing Finance Board
Federal Interagency Committee for the Management of Noxious and Exotic Weeds
Federal Interagency Committee on Education
Federal Interagency Council on Statistical Policy
Federal Judicial Center
Federal Labor Relations Authority
Federal Laboratory Consortium for Technology Transfer
Federal Law Enforcement Training Center
Federal Library and Information Center Committee
Federal Maritime Commission
Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Federal Railroad Administration
Federal Reserve System
Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board
Federal Student Aid
Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
Federal Transit Administration
Federated States of Micronesia Home Page
Financial Management Service (Treasury Department)
Fish and Wildlife Service
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Food and Nutrition Service
Food Safety and Inspection Service
Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services
Foreign Agricultural Service
Foreign Claims Settlement Commission
Forest Service
Fossil Energy
Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board
General Services Administration (GSA)
Geological Survey (USGS)
Global Affairs (State Department)
Global Communications Office (White House)
Government Accountability Office (GAO)
Government National Mortgage Association
Government Printing Office (GPO)
Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration
Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation
Health and Human Services Department (HHS)
Health Resources and Services Administration
Helsinki Commission (Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe)
Holocaust Memorial Museum
Homeland Security Department (DHS)
House Leadership Offices
House of Representatives
House of Representatives Committees
House Office of Inspector General
House Office of the Clerk
House Organizations, Commissions and Task Forces
House Representatives on the Web
Housing and Urban Development Department (HUD)
Housing Office (HUD)
Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Bureau of
Immigration and Naturalization Service (Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services)
Indian Affairs, Bureau of
Indian Arts and Crafts Board
Indian Health Service
Industrial College of the Armed Forces
Industry and Security, Bureau of (formerly the Bureau of Export Administration)
Information Resource Management College
Innovation and Improvement Office
Institute of Education Sciences
Institute of Museum and Library Services
Institute of Peace
Inter-American Foundation
Interagency Alternative Dispute Resolution Working Group
Interagency Council on Homelessness
Interagency Electronic Grants Committee
Interior Department
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
International Broadcasting Bureau (IBB)
International Labor Affairs, Bureau of
International Trade Administration (ITA)
James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation
Japan-United States Friendship Commission
John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts
Joint Board for the Enrollment of Actuaries
Joint Chiefs of Staff
Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies
Joint Forces Staff College
Judicial Circuit Courts of Appeal, by Geographic Location and Circuit
Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation
Justice Department
Justice Programs Office (Juvenile Justice, Victims of Crime, Violence Against Women and more)
Justice Statistics, Bureau of
Labor Department (DOL)
Labor Statistics, Bureau of
Land Management, Bureau of
Lead Hazard Control (Housing and Urban Development Department)
Legal Services Corporation
Library of Congress
Marine Corps
Marine Mammal Commission
Maritime Administration
Marketing and Regulatory Programs (Agriculture Department)
Marshals Service
Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (formerly the Physician Payment Review Commission and the Prospective Payment Assessment Commission)
Merit Systems Protection Board
Migratory Bird Conservation Commission
Millennium Challenge Corporation
Mine Safety and Health Administration
Minerals Management Service
Minority Business Development Agency
Mint (Treasury Department)
Missile Defense Agency
Morris K. Udall Foundation: Scholarship and Excellence in National Environmental Policy
Multifamily Housing Office
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
National Agricultural Statistics Service
National AIDS Policy Office
National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
National Bipartisan Commission on the Future of Medicare
National Capital Planning Commission
National Cemetery Administration (Veterans Affairs Department)
National Commission on Libraries and Information Science
National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (9-11 Commission)
National Communications System (Homeland Security)
National Constitution Center
National Council on Disability
National Counterintelligence Executive, Office of
National Credit Union Administration
National Defense University
National Drug Intelligence Center
National Economic Council
National Endowment for the Arts
National Endowment for the Humanities
National Gallery of Art
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
National Guard
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
National Indian Gaming Commission
National Institute of Justice
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
National Interagency Fire Center
National Labor Relations Board
National Laboratories (Energy Department)
National Marine Fisheries
National Mediation Board
National Nuclear Security Administration
National Ocean Service
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
National Park Foundation
National Park Service
National Railroad Passenger Corporation (AMTRAK)
National Reconnaissance Office
National Science Foundation
National Security Agency–Central Security Service
National Security Council
National Technical Information Service
National Telecommunications and Information Administration
National Transportation Safety Board
National War College
National Weather Service
Natural Resources Conservation Service
Northwest Power Planning Council
Nuclear Energy, Science and Technology
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA)
Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission
Office of Compliance
Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight
Office of Government Ethics
Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP)
Office of Personnel Management
Office of Refugee Resettlement
Office of Science and Technology Policy
Office of Scientific and Technical Information
Office of Special Counsel
Office of Thrift Supervision
Overseas Private Investment Corporation
Pardon Attorney Office
Parole Commission (Justice Department)
Patent and Trademark Office
Peace Corps
Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration (now the Employee Benefits Security Administration)
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
Policy Development and Research (Housing and Urban Development Department)
Political Affairs (State Department)
Postal Rate Commission
Postal Service (USPS)
Postsecondary Education
Power Administrations
President's Commission on Moon, Mars and Beyond
President's Commission on the U.S. Postal Service
President's Council on Integrity and Efficiency
President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board
Presidio Trust
Public and Indian Housing
Public Debt, Bureau of
Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs (State Department)
Office of Refugee Resettlement
Radio and TV Marti (Español)
Radio Free Asia (RFA)
Radio Free Europe|Radio Liberty (RFE|RL)
Railroad Retirement Board
Reclamation, Bureau of
Regulatory Information Service Center
Rehabilitation Services Administration (Education Department)
Research and Special Programs Administration (Transportation Department)
Research, Education and Economics (Agriculture Department)
Risk Management Agency (Agriculture Department)
Rural Business-Cooperative Service
Rural Development
Rural Housing Service
Rural Utilities Service
Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation
Science Office (Energy Department)
Secret Service
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
Selective Service System
Senate Committees
Senate Leadership
Senators on the Web
Small Business Administration (SBA)
Smithsonian Institution
Social Security Administration (SSA)
Social Security Advisory Board
Special Education and Rehabilitative Services
State Department
State Home Pages
State Justice Institute
Stennis Center for Public Service
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Superfund Basic Research Program
Supreme Court of the United States
Surface Mining, Reclamation and Enforcement
Surface Transportation Board
Susquehanna River Basin Commission
Tax Court
Taxpayer Advocacy Panel
Technology Administration
Territories of the United States
Trade and Development Agency
Transportation Department (DOT)
Transportation Security Administration
Transportation Statistics, Bureau of
Treasury Department
Tribal Government Websites
Trustee Program (Justice Department)
U.S. Border Patrol (now Customs and Border Protection)
U.S. Centennial of Flight Commission
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
U.S. Customs and Border Protection
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
U.S. International Trade Commission
U.S. Mint
U.S. Mission to the United Nations
U.S. National Central Bureau - Interpol (Justice Department)
U.S. Postal Service (USPS)
U.S. Sentencing Commission
U.S. Trade Representative
U.S. Virgin Islands
Unified Combatant Commands (Defense Department)
Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences
Veterans Affairs Department (VA)
Veterans Benefits Administration
Veterans Day National Committee
Veterans Health Administration
Veterans' Employment and Training Service
Vietnam Educational Foundation
Vocational and Adult Education
Voice of America (VOA)
Weather Service, National
White House
White House Commission on Presidential Scholars
White House Commission on the National Moment of Remembrance
White House Office of Administration
Women's Bureau (Labor Department)
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
Worldnet Television
You have an unreal expectation of the efficiency and wisdom of a massive bureaucracy. That's DIFFERENT than vesting powers in a Govt. And certainly, a $Bill dollar website for O-care that overran budget and schedule is a perfect example. Or the EPA yahoos that decided to blow up a mine in Colorado as a DIY project who STILL have their jobs and salaries. Or a State Dept that RENEWED Mohammed Attah's visa AFTER he flew a plane into the WTC..

You don't get competence and efficiency when Congress no longer controls the massive beast. IN FACT -- the "beast" controls Congress. Since Congress doesn't WRITE law anymore. It just passes "fill in the blank" legislation and tasks the agencies to figure it all out. That's a CLEAR indication -- that they've bitten off MUCH more than they should. Both ObamaCare and Dodd-Frank were "BLANK BILLS".. Neither is fully written or implemented TODAY. Which causes MASSIVE uncertainty in the markets and consumers and puts the brakes on the economy...
There's also a difference between appointing the wrong people for the job and designing programs that are inherently effective if the right people are involved.

That has been the communist manifesto ever since its inception.....if only we get the right people in, a veritable utopia will surely ensue......................and it never does. What does happen is dictators, tyrants, state owned control of property, price fixings, shortages AND millions of deaths.

Exactly. When the govt exceeds it's bounds of expertise and ATTEMPTS to manage industries and market sectors. The NEXT thing that happens is that they WHINE that the ONLY solution is to "nationalize" it. And inevitably that amount of socialism leads to cronyism, corruption, and graft.

Govt needs to focus on it's basic priorities. Because it's FUCKING THOSE UP royally. Be it MidEast policy or insuring FAIR ELECTIONS, or keeping politics out of the Justice System. For things like technology, Govt should NEVER be in the process of picking market winners/losers individually. Like with Musk or Solyndra. They should fund STRICTLY R&D and naked science. And make that available to ALL bidders for contracts and grants EQUALLY...

So you don't really think the Constitution should determine the governments roll?

Oh I do.. I don't know what specifically you objected to -- but basic R&D can be justified certainly for military purposes. But also for promoting commerce. Playing markets with Solyndras and Teslas -- not so much. GENERIC science and technology funding is VITAL to keeping America in the Global game at this point.

The Space Program was a good example of that. It was really a vehicle for boosting America's total competence in science and engineering. And I wouldn't oppose that IF it's done in an equitable manner and money is not TARGETED to specific companies or specific politically charged agendas like "Climate Change".

That latter example of funding "Climate Change" research wouldn't really bother me greatly IF the funding didn't ASK for particular political policy conclusions to be delivered. :rolleyes:

Yeah, when it comes to tech that's what we have Apple, Dell, Microsoft, HP and Intel ect for. I agree on specific defense related research, however if there's cross applicability to the civilian sector the government can license it. Unfortunately were are also funding crap studies to the tune of hundreds of millions a year on things like the drinking habits of Chinese hookers. Between that and the national endowment for the arts, the Kennedy Center and a butt load of others we're wasting tons on unconstitutional stuff.
There's also a difference between appointing the wrong people for the job and designing programs that are inherently effective if the right people are involved.

That has been the communist manifesto ever since its inception.....if only we get the right people in, a veritable utopia will surely ensue......................and it never does. What does happen is dictators, tyrants, state owned control of property, price fixings, shortages AND millions of deaths.

Exactly. When the govt exceeds it's bounds of expertise and ATTEMPTS to manage industries and market sectors. The NEXT thing that happens is that they WHINE that the ONLY solution is to "nationalize" it. And inevitably that amount of socialism leads to cronyism, corruption, and graft.

Govt needs to focus on it's basic priorities. Because it's FUCKING THOSE UP royally. Be it MidEast policy or insuring FAIR ELECTIONS, or keeping politics out of the Justice System. For things like technology, Govt should NEVER be in the process of picking market winners/losers individually. Like with Musk or Solyndra. They should fund STRICTLY R&D and naked science. And make that available to ALL bidders for contracts and grants EQUALLY...

So you don't really think the Constitution should determine the governments roll?

Oh I do.. I don't know what specifically you objected to -- but basic R&D can be justified certainly for military purposes. But also for promoting commerce. Playing markets with Solyndras and Teslas -- not so much. GENERIC science and technology funding is VITAL to keeping America in the Global game at this point.

The Space Program was a good example of that. It was really a vehicle for boosting America's total competence in science and engineering. And I wouldn't oppose that IF it's done in an equitable manner and money is not TARGETED to specific companies or specific politically charged agendas like "Climate Change".

That latter example of funding "Climate Change" research wouldn't really bother me greatly IF the funding didn't ASK for particular political policy conclusions to be delivered. :rolleyes:

Yeah, when it comes to tech that's what we have Apple, Dell, Microsoft, HP and Intel ect for. I agree on specific defense related research, however if there's cross applicability to the civilian sector the government can license it. Unfortunately were are also funding crap studies to the tune of hundreds of millions a year on things like the drinking habits of Chinese hookers. Between that and the national endowment for the arts, the Kennedy Center and a butt load of others we're wasting tons on unconstitutional stuff.

It doesn't hurt the Constitution to fund general scientific exploration and research. NOT specifically targeted to the benefit of single people (Elon Musk -- the Federal pimp daddy extraordinaire) or single companies . Was the Lewis/Clark expedition Constitutional? Why?

Well -- we let the world produce the EASY stuff (basketballs, shoes, toasters, TVs, dildos) and to SURVIVE as a nation now -- we must step up to being explorers, innovators, and inventors. Actually a matter of national survival at this point. And I don't mind general funding to encourage and promote those activities.
That has been the communist manifesto ever since its inception.....if only we get the right people in, a veritable utopia will surely ensue......................and it never does. What does happen is dictators, tyrants, state owned control of property, price fixings, shortages AND millions of deaths.

Exactly. When the govt exceeds it's bounds of expertise and ATTEMPTS to manage industries and market sectors. The NEXT thing that happens is that they WHINE that the ONLY solution is to "nationalize" it. And inevitably that amount of socialism leads to cronyism, corruption, and graft.

Govt needs to focus on it's basic priorities. Because it's FUCKING THOSE UP royally. Be it MidEast policy or insuring FAIR ELECTIONS, or keeping politics out of the Justice System. For things like technology, Govt should NEVER be in the process of picking market winners/losers individually. Like with Musk or Solyndra. They should fund STRICTLY R&D and naked science. And make that available to ALL bidders for contracts and grants EQUALLY...

So you don't really think the Constitution should determine the governments roll?

Oh I do.. I don't know what specifically you objected to -- but basic R&D can be justified certainly for military purposes. But also for promoting commerce. Playing markets with Solyndras and Teslas -- not so much. GENERIC science and technology funding is VITAL to keeping America in the Global game at this point.

The Space Program was a good example of that. It was really a vehicle for boosting America's total competence in science and engineering. And I wouldn't oppose that IF it's done in an equitable manner and money is not TARGETED to specific companies or specific politically charged agendas like "Climate Change".

That latter example of funding "Climate Change" research wouldn't really bother me greatly IF the funding didn't ASK for particular political policy conclusions to be delivered. :rolleyes:

Yeah, when it comes to tech that's what we have Apple, Dell, Microsoft, HP and Intel ect for. I agree on specific defense related research, however if there's cross applicability to the civilian sector the government can license it. Unfortunately were are also funding crap studies to the tune of hundreds of millions a year on things like the drinking habits of Chinese hookers. Between that and the national endowment for the arts, the Kennedy Center and a butt load of others we're wasting tons on unconstitutional stuff.

It doesn't hurt the Constitution to fund general scientific exploration and research. NOT specifically targeted to the benefit of single people (Elon Musk -- the Federal pimp daddy extraordinaire) or single companies . Was the Lewis/Clark expedition Constitutional? Why?

Well -- we let the world produce the EASY stuff (basketballs, shoes, toasters, TVs, dildos) and to SURVIVE as a nation now -- we must step up to being explorers, innovators, and inventors. Actually a matter of national survival at this point. And I don't mind general funding to encourage and promote those activities.

Lewis and Clark was a mapping expedition, it was critical for defense. Also constitutionally the feds "promote the sciences and useful arts" by providing patents and copyrights, not through direct funding for R&D. I know it's convenient to ignore the Constitution, but as you've seen, once it's tolerated it never ends.
Exactly. When the govt exceeds it's bounds of expertise and ATTEMPTS to manage industries and market sectors. The NEXT thing that happens is that they WHINE that the ONLY solution is to "nationalize" it. And inevitably that amount of socialism leads to cronyism, corruption, and graft.

Govt needs to focus on it's basic priorities. Because it's FUCKING THOSE UP royally. Be it MidEast policy or insuring FAIR ELECTIONS, or keeping politics out of the Justice System. For things like technology, Govt should NEVER be in the process of picking market winners/losers individually. Like with Musk or Solyndra. They should fund STRICTLY R&D and naked science. And make that available to ALL bidders for contracts and grants EQUALLY...

So you don't really think the Constitution should determine the governments roll?

Oh I do.. I don't know what specifically you objected to -- but basic R&D can be justified certainly for military purposes. But also for promoting commerce. Playing markets with Solyndras and Teslas -- not so much. GENERIC science and technology funding is VITAL to keeping America in the Global game at this point.

The Space Program was a good example of that. It was really a vehicle for boosting America's total competence in science and engineering. And I wouldn't oppose that IF it's done in an equitable manner and money is not TARGETED to specific companies or specific politically charged agendas like "Climate Change".

That latter example of funding "Climate Change" research wouldn't really bother me greatly IF the funding didn't ASK for particular political policy conclusions to be delivered. :rolleyes:

Yeah, when it comes to tech that's what we have Apple, Dell, Microsoft, HP and Intel ect for. I agree on specific defense related research, however if there's cross applicability to the civilian sector the government can license it. Unfortunately were are also funding crap studies to the tune of hundreds of millions a year on things like the drinking habits of Chinese hookers. Between that and the national endowment for the arts, the Kennedy Center and a butt load of others we're wasting tons on unconstitutional stuff.

It doesn't hurt the Constitution to fund general scientific exploration and research. NOT specifically targeted to the benefit of single people (Elon Musk -- the Federal pimp daddy extraordinaire) or single companies . Was the Lewis/Clark expedition Constitutional? Why?

Well -- we let the world produce the EASY stuff (basketballs, shoes, toasters, TVs, dildos) and to SURVIVE as a nation now -- we must step up to being explorers, innovators, and inventors. Actually a matter of national survival at this point. And I don't mind general funding to encourage and promote those activities.

Lewis and Clark was a mapping expedition, it was critical for defense. Also constitutionally the feds "promote the sciences and useful arts" by providing patents and copyrights, not through direct funding for R&D. I know it's convenient to ignore the Constitution, but as you've seen, once it's tolerated it never ends.

Critical for Defense??? It was a Real Estate tour. Acquisitions and "investments"...

And the now doomed Space Program? Was THAT simply Defense also? Ain't a great country in history that didn't invest in pumping up innovation and exploration..
There's also a difference between appointing the wrong people for the job and designing programs that are inherently effective if the right people are involved.

That has been the communist manifesto ever since its inception.....if only we get the right people in, a veritable utopia will surely ensue......................and it never does. What does happen is dictators, tyrants, state owned control of property, price fixings, shortages AND millions of deaths.

Exactly. When the govt exceeds it's bounds of expertise and ATTEMPTS to manage industries and market sectors. The NEXT thing that happens is that they WHINE that the ONLY solution is to "nationalize" it. And inevitably that amount of socialism leads to cronyism, corruption, and graft.

Govt needs to focus on it's basic priorities. Because it's FUCKING THOSE UP royally. Be it MidEast policy or insuring FAIR ELECTIONS, or keeping politics out of the Justice System. For things like technology, Govt should NEVER be in the process of picking market winners/losers individually. Like with Musk or Solyndra. They should fund STRICTLY R&D and naked science. And make that available to ALL bidders for contracts and grants EQUALLY...

So you don't really think the Constitution should determine the governments roll?

Oh I do.. I don't know what specifically you objected to -- but basic R&D can be justified certainly for military purposes. But also for promoting commerce. Playing markets with Solyndras and Teslas -- not so much. GENERIC science and technology funding is VITAL to keeping America in the Global game at this point.

The Space Program was a good example of that. It was really a vehicle for boosting America's total competence in science and engineering. And I wouldn't oppose that IF it's done in an equitable manner and money is not TARGETED to specific companies or specific politically charged agendas like "Climate Change".

That latter example of funding "Climate Change" research wouldn't really bother me greatly IF the funding didn't ASK for particular political policy conclusions to be delivered. :rolleyes:

Yeah, when it comes to tech that's what we have Apple, Dell, Microsoft, HP and Intel ect for. I agree on specific defense related research, however if there's cross applicability to the civilian sector the government can license it. Unfortunately were are also funding crap studies to the tune of hundreds of millions a year on things like the drinking habits of Chinese hookers. Between that and the national endowment for the arts, the Kennedy Center and a butt load of others we're wasting tons on unconstitutional stuff.
The private sector is good at targeted research - research that is needed to get a specific product to market to make money.

The market sucks for real research - the kind that does not get a product to market but instead advances the entire human race and redefines our boundaries. The space program is a glaring example of this. There is a place in science for government because they are able to seek answers regardless of possible profit margins and they are large enough to take the losses that requires.

We would still not have went to space without the government taking that first step. In the years to come, the market will produce profitable ventures there. That is the type of raw science that the government should be involved in - the type that pushed the very boundaries of the human race. Then the market can take that research and utilize it in the market.
Here's the thing about the RW's perspective on government: liberals don't say "more government, the better!" Obviously that's wrong when we look at Totalitarian regimes from history like Hitler or Stalin. Liberals, generally, want a government that serves the collective. They want a government that puts a capitalistic economy in check for the sake of the greater good.

Liberals want effective regulatory policies over society.

Now that idea is a thought-provoking one. One of course has to ask: where do you draw the line on government power? How do you balance individual freedom with law and order that protects society as a whole? It's not an easy answer.

However, all that being said, this country needs a strong government. It needs a strong federal government. Republicans' goals to weaken it are perverse.

When government works, it really works. It's a beautiful thing that can bring harmony to society if it is designed properly.

Wrong, liberals are about FREEDOM from government. You are talking about progressives. Progressives only care about power. The more power over the PEOPLE, the happier they are.
Here's the thing about the RW's perspective on government: liberals don't say "more government, the better!" Obviously that's wrong when we look at Totalitarian regimes from history like Hitler or Stalin. Liberals, generally, want a government that serves the collective. They want a government that puts a capitalistic economy in check for the sake of the greater good.

Liberals want effective regulatory policies over society.

Now that idea is a thought-provoking one. One of course has to ask: where do you draw the line on government power? How do you balance individual freedom with law and order that protects society as a whole? It's not an easy answer.

However, all that being said, this country needs a strong government. It needs a strong federal government. Republicans' goals to weaken it are perverse.

When government works, it really works. It's a beautiful thing that can bring harmony to society if it is designed properly.

Wrong, liberals are about FREEDOM from government. You are talking about progressives. Progressives only care about power. The more power over the PEOPLE, the happier they are.
That is what liberals were. The common usage of the word has destroyed its original meaning and twisted it.
This is all pretty mute anyway. Trump is a fan of muscular govt. He may actually hack away at it. Do some continual liposuction for 4 years. But reducing the MASS of it --- isn't the same as restricting the power boundaries of it.. And Trump will USE all that power (and EXPAND IT) to bully and intimidate people and companies into his "deals"..
This is all pretty mute anyway. Trump is a fan of muscular govt. He may actually hack away at it. Do some continual liposuction for 4 years. But reducing the MASS of it --- isn't the same as restricting the power boundaries of it.. And Trump will USE all that power (and EXPAND IT) to bully and intimidate people and companies into his "deals"..

Probably true.
Well -- we let the world produce the EASY stuff (basketballs, shoes, toasters, TVs, dildos) and to SURVIVE as a nation now -- we must step up to being explorers, innovators, and inventors. Actually a matter of national survival at this point. And I don't mind general funding to encourage and promote those activities.

You are innovators and inventors. And the govt has always funded it.
Humans are social animals by nature and necessity. No one would survive alone from birth. The family is a collective. Clans are a collective. Ethic groups and nations are a collective.
Individuality needs to be developed for a person to understand him/her self and the universe. A balance between common 'good' and personal ego is not simple, and simplistic jingoism is not constructive.
Here's the thing about the RW's perspective on government: liberals don't say "more government, the better!" Obviously that's wrong when we look at Totalitarian regimes from history like Hitler or Stalin. Liberals, generally, want a government that serves the collective. They want a government that puts a capitalistic economy in check for the sake of the greater good.

Liberals want effective regulatory policies over society.

Now that idea is a thought-provoking one. One of course has to ask: where do you draw the line on government power? How do you balance individual freedom with law and order that protects society as a whole? It's not an easy answer.

However, all that being said, this country needs a strong government. It needs a strong federal government. Republicans' goals to weaken it are perverse.

When government works, it really works. It's a beautiful thing that can bring harmony to society if it is designed properly.
Only fucking moron thinks that collectivism is worth a shit...
You aren't smart enough to understand the concept.
Collectivism means there's no room for the individual and the freedoms that go along with it… Fact
So your dumbass mind thinks that a collective mindset gives no regard whatsoever to the freedom of individuals? No. I know you cons struggle with nuance but unless you educate yourselves on these matters you come across like an idiot.
Collectivism is a backward thinking, for control freaks to support.

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