Government tells Americans to stop eating cookie dough

As it should be. Jesus, do you people understand nothing of biology at all?
You sure don't.raw milk is harmelss
No, it isn't. Pasteur figured out how to fix that about 150 years ago. Time to catch up on the latest science.
We have refrigeration now they didn't back then,people have been drinking raw milk for years and self included with no problems hysteria shows a lack of intelligence.
Biological reality isn't hysteria. People have been drinking raw milk since they first discovered cows but now we know why they shouldn't, well, some of us do.

And tell me, why would you want to drink the milk that feeds the infants of another species? Your need for milk, human milk, stopped at roughly the same time you were potty trained. I use milk in cooking but I never drink it. There's no need to.

A woman who makes cheese from milk from her own farm told me her take on pasteurization: She and her family will drink raw milk from their own animals- because a) they know the conditions the animals and the milk are kept in and b) because her family is constantly exposed to the bacterial environment of that farm and their bodies are used to it.

However- she pasteurizes all the milk she uses for making cheese. She is not going to take the risk of someone getting sick from her products.

Drink raw milk if you want- modern raw milk is going to be safe most of the time- but I don't and won't.
Never touch the stuff except for cooking.
You sure don't.raw milk is harmelss
No, it isn't. Pasteur figured out how to fix that about 150 years ago. Time to catch up on the latest science.
We have refrigeration now they didn't back then,people have been drinking raw milk for years and self included with no problems hysteria shows a lack of intelligence.
Biological reality isn't hysteria. People have been drinking raw milk since they first discovered cows but now we know why they shouldn't, well, some of us do.

And tell me, why would you want to drink the milk that feeds the infants of another species? Your need for milk, human milk, stopped at roughly the same time you were potty trained. I use milk in cooking but I never drink it. There's no need to.

A woman who makes cheese from milk from her own farm told me her take on pasteurization: She and her family will drink raw milk from their own animals- because a) they know the conditions the animals and the milk are kept in and b) because her family is constantly exposed to the bacterial environment of that farm and their bodies are used to it.

However- she pasteurizes all the milk she uses for making cheese. She is not going to take the risk of someone getting sick from her products.

Drink raw milk if you want- modern raw milk is going to be safe most of the time- but I don't and won't.
Choice is a good thing,you made yours others make theirs.
Your version of choice amounts to licking toilet seats in public bathrooms. Have at it.
There is risk in just about everything. I don't drink raw milk myself. I have eaten cookie dough though. It hasn't killed me yet.
The problem with the Nanny Guberment. They suck the joy out of your life one step at a time. Merry Christmas from your Wonderful MASTERS..:rolleyes-41:

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has issued an order that millions of Americans will likely find impossible to carry out: stop eating raw cookie dough.
“Avoid raw or partially cooked eggs or foods containing raw eggs, such as cookie dough,”

USDA advised in an email over the weekend.

Mission: Impossible — The government has said people need to stop eating cookie dough.

Carrying out that simple 15-word recommendation would radically change millions of lives, from families who routinely bake cookies and invite the kids to scoop batter out of the bowl, to people who scarf down pre-packaged cookie dough, to everyone who eats cookie dough found in ice cream.

Simply put, it’s not immediately clear that America is ready to take on USDA’s mission. But it’s also unclear if it’s necessary — there is something of a debate over whether it’s safe to eat cookie dough, or whether the risk of getting salmonella from raw eggs is too high.
Some,, say it’s “actually really hard to get salmonella from eggs.” The site has an article up noting that bakers routinely eat batter and never get sick, and say the trick is in making sure the eggs are refrigerated.

And cookie dough found in ice cream is pasteurized, making it safe to eat, according to various online food experts.

But many still note the danger, and the 2009 recall of raw dough from Nestle that got dozens of people sick from E. coli. A Las Vegas motherdied in 2013of E. coli after eating raw cookie dough.

EatRight.Org, a group of food and nutritional professionals, sides with USDA, and says people must “resist the cookie dough temptation.”

all of it here:
Government tells Americans to stop eating cookie dough

The government didn't pass a law, it simply advised people it is unhealthy to eat eggs not fully cooked or raw. As an ignorant person you should be pleased someone, anyone, can get you through the day without harming yourself.

Please be advised Stephanie, you should not play jacks in the sand or on a busy street. The former is dumb, the latter can be fatal. You're welcome.

I get a great deal of my food directly from farms and ranches. All of my beef and eggs. But not milk.

My beef comes from grass fed cows who were not pumped full of antibiotics from a rancher I have been using for seven or eight years now. And the eggs are free range chickens.

I am not crazy, though. I cook the beef and eggs well.

The taste is unbeatable. Store bought beef and eggs just don't compare. I'm also working on getting my pork straight from a farm as well.
Seems like a lot of people should shut up.

Lead by example, my friend.

You sure don't.raw milk is harmelss
No, it isn't. Pasteur figured out how to fix that about 150 years ago. Time to catch up on the latest science.
We have refrigeration now they didn't back then,people have been drinking raw milk for years and self included with no problems hysteria shows a lack of intelligence.
Biological reality isn't hysteria. People have been drinking raw milk since they first discovered cows but now we know why they shouldn't, well, some of us do.

And tell me, why would you want to drink the milk that feeds the infants of another species? Your need for milk, human milk, stopped at roughly the same time you were potty trained. I use milk in cooking but I never drink it. There's no need to.

A woman who makes cheese from milk from her own farm told me her take on pasteurization: She and her family will drink raw milk from their own animals- because a) they know the conditions the animals and the milk are kept in and b) because her family is constantly exposed to the bacterial environment of that farm and their bodies are used to it.

However- she pasteurizes all the milk she uses for making cheese. She is not going to take the risk of someone getting sick from her products.

Drink raw milk if you want- modern raw milk is going to be safe most of the time- but I don't and won't.
Choice is a good thing,you made yours others make theirs.

And the USDA is not telling anyone that they can't eat raw eggs- they are pointing out that it can be unsafe to do so.
I get a great deal of my food directly from farms and ranches. All of my beef and eggs. But not milk.

My beef comes from grass fed cows who were not pumped full of antibiotics. And the eggs are free range chickens.

I am not crazy, though. I cook the beef and eggs well.

The taste is unbeatable. Store bought beef and eggs just don't compare. I'm also working on getting my pork straight from a farm as well.
We raise all our own beef pork chicken eggs,most veggies,and get milk from farm down the road,that I have been drinking for 56 years,you are wise to not buy commercially raised food
No, it isn't. Pasteur figured out how to fix that about 150 years ago. Time to catch up on the latest science.
We have refrigeration now they didn't back then,people have been drinking raw milk for years and self included with no problems hysteria shows a lack of intelligence.
Biological reality isn't hysteria. People have been drinking raw milk since they first discovered cows but now we know why they shouldn't, well, some of us do.

And tell me, why would you want to drink the milk that feeds the infants of another species? Your need for milk, human milk, stopped at roughly the same time you were potty trained. I use milk in cooking but I never drink it. There's no need to.

A woman who makes cheese from milk from her own farm told me her take on pasteurization: She and her family will drink raw milk from their own animals- because a) they know the conditions the animals and the milk are kept in and b) because her family is constantly exposed to the bacterial environment of that farm and their bodies are used to it.

However- she pasteurizes all the milk she uses for making cheese. She is not going to take the risk of someone getting sick from her products.

Drink raw milk if you want- modern raw milk is going to be safe most of the time- but I don't and won't.
Choice is a good thing,you made yours others make theirs.

And the USDA is not telling anyone that they can't eat raw eggs- they are pointing out that it can be unsafe to do so.

My mommy told me that 40 years ago. And I'm still alive after eating tons of raw cookie dough.
go figure
And the USDA is not telling anyone that they can't eat raw eggs- they are pointing out that it can be unsafe to do so.
whoopee My mommy told me that 40 years ago
Then why did you have to lie about it and call it an order?. If there's really a problem with food, do you want to kept in the dark about it? It seems like you go around looking for things to complain about.
I hear that Michelle Obama has forbidden her daughters from licking the cake batter spoon too.

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