Government tells Americans to stop eating cookie dough

Fuck that, we make Christmas cookies every year and I ate about 15 pounds of cookie dough this time around.
Don't say we didn't warn you, and shouldn't have needed to.

Please stop warning us.

Find something productive to do.
It's what they get paid for, sorry.
They can be defunded ,sorry
You can try but it won't happen. It's been proved time and again to be the the right thing to do.
So let me get this straight panty hose you want the government out of the bedroom but in the kitchen? What a tard
Hey panty hose take your big government shove it and let the people who work for a living take care of it because we will get it done and don't worry what we do on our free time, freak
It's your big government as well dummy. And your time is my time, more than you know, so pay your taxes and deal with reality like an adult.
my time on earth is not your time moron, so know you think your god panty hose? You are a flake
So let me get this straight panty hose you want the government out of the bedroom but in the kitchen? What a tard
That depends on what is happening in the bedroom and the kitchen.

It has raw eggs in it dummy. Those come out a chicken's ass. Cook them.

Owning a gym I know raw eggs can be great for you. Keep you dick shut about things you know nothing about, like diet.
Panty hose must be 12 years old
You stupid duck raw eggs is the best source of protein to produce muscle if you are poor, what a dumb fuck
You believe in drinking raw milk and science does not. Case closed.

Nobody is forcing you to drink raw milk. If someone wants to drink it, that is their decision.
Not really, but that's what a child would say.

No, a child bitches about people doing what they want with their own bodies, harming nobody.
Your body, my insurance rates. Grow up and just deal with it. You're a toddler yelling at mommy that she's not the boss of you. If she has a brain you go right over her knee.

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