Government tells Americans to stop eating cookie dough

You believe in drinking raw milk and science does not. Case closed.

Nobody is forcing you to drink raw milk. If someone wants to drink it, that is their decision.
Not really, but that's what a child would say.

No, a child bitches about people doing what they want with their own bodies, harming nobody.
Your body, my insurance rates. Grow up and just deal with it. You're a toddler yelling at mommy that she's not the boss of you. If she has a brain you go right over her knee.
Your insurance rates are caused by you
You believe in drinking raw milk and science does not. Case closed.

Nobody is forcing you to drink raw milk. If someone wants to drink it, that is their decision.
Not really, but that's what a child would say.

No, a child bitches about people doing what they want with their own bodies, harming nobody.
Your body, my insurance rates. Grow up and just deal with it. You're a toddler yelling at mommy that she's not the boss of you. If she has a brain you go right over her knee.
Your insurance rates are caused by you
No, for the most part they are not. It's a math thing so you wouldn't understand.
Why I am fluent in German , Spanish Japanese and polish, you want to try me? I have to dumb myself down on English forums

byMIKE FLYNN22 Dec 2014Washington, DC78
Early next year, the FDA is expected to finalize a new regulation intended to eradicate even trace amounts of partially hydrogenated oils, known as trans fats, from our diets.
Although the amount of trans fats Americans consume has declined significantly in recent years, the FDA’s quest to completely eliminate a particular type of trans fat threatens to eliminate the noble “sprinkle,” used to decorate holiday treats and donuts. Even a small amount of joy is suspect in the FDA’s brave, new, food-monitored world.
In recent years, research has determined that consuming large amounts of trans fats is harmful to the heart. Trans fats have been in the American diet since the 1950s, but recent awareness of its health risks have pushed food companies and restaurants to minimize its use. Today, Americans consume just 1.3 grams of trans fats a day, around 0.6% of total caloric intake. No research has shown this level of consumption to pose any risk.
The proposed FDA action underscores the challenge of a permanent bureaucracy. Having succeeded in removing the risk that may arise from consuming large amounts of trans fats, the FDA extends its mission to eliminate even trace amounts, which may provide little in the way of improved health. Toxicity is determined by the dose, not the agent. Even water can kill if it is consumed in great quantities.

all of it here:
Happy Holidays FDA Moves to Ban Cake Donut Sprinkles - Breitbart

byMIKE FLYNN22 Dec 2014Washington, DC78
Early next year, the FDA is expected to finalize a new regulation intended to eradicate even trace amounts of partially hydrogenated oils, known as trans fats, from our diets.
Although the amount of trans fats Americans consume has declined significantly in recent years, the FDA’s quest to completely eliminate a particular type of trans fat threatens to eliminate the noble “sprinkle,” used to decorate holiday treats and donuts. Even a small amount of joy is suspect in the FDA’s brave, new, food-monitored world.
In recent years, research has determined that consuming large amounts of trans fats is harmful to the heart. Trans fats have been in the American diet since the 1950s, but recent awareness of its health risks have pushed food companies and restaurants to minimize its use. Today, Americans consume just 1.3 grams of trans fats a day, around 0.6% of total caloric intake. No research has shown this level of consumption to pose any risk.
The proposed FDA action underscores the challenge of a permanent bureaucracy. Having succeeded in removing the risk that may arise from consuming large amounts of trans fats, the FDA extends its mission to eliminate even trace amounts, which may provide little in the way of improved health. Toxicity is determined by the dose, not the agent. Even water can kill if it is consumed in great quantities.

all of it here:
Happy Holidays FDA Moves to Ban Cake Donut Sprinkles - Breitbart

I need to go buy up what I can, then, and hoard them till we get a Republican President and sanity prevails.
That's your response? My mind goes on over drive, I have to be fast and comprehend to do my job
Next thing you know, it will be illegal to buy raw milk!
As it should be. Jesus, do you people understand nothing of biology at all?
drank raw milk for a good ten years.....never had any problems....

My great aunt and uncle had a dairy farm. The only milk they used was raw. When I visited, that's what they fed me.
Look up the word subjective.

But subjectivity is objective

(Love and Death)
Next thing you know, it will be illegal to buy raw milk!
As it should be. Jesus, do you people understand nothing of biology at all?
drank raw milk for a good ten years.....never had any problems....
That doesn't change the science. Carry on.
it doesnt prove what your saying either.....people the world over drink raw milk everyday with no problems......
Next thing you know, it will be illegal to buy raw milk!
As it should be. Jesus, do you people understand nothing of biology at all?
drank raw milk for a good ten years.....never had any problems....

My great aunt and uncle had a dairy farm. The only milk they used was raw. When I visited, that's what they fed me.
Look up the word subjective.

But subjectivity is objective

(Love and Death)
My favorite after Sleeper and Take The Money And Run.
As it should be. Jesus, do you people understand nothing of biology at all?
drank raw milk for a good ten years.....never had any problems....

My great aunt and uncle had a dairy farm. The only milk they used was raw. When I visited, that's what they fed me.
Look up the word subjective.

But subjectivity is objective

(Love and Death)
My favorite after Sleeper and Take The Money And Run.

Bananas is currently the most topical.

I like Annie Hall and Manhattan. And for the serious one, Crimes and Misdemeanors.
The problem with the Nanny Guberment. They suck the joy out of your life one step at a time. Merry Christmas from your Wonderful MASTERS..:rolleyes-41:

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has issued an order that millions of Americans will likely find impossible to carry out: stop eating raw cookie dough.
“Avoid raw or partially cooked eggs or foods containing raw eggs, such as cookie dough,”

USDA advised in an email over the weekend.

Mission: Impossible — The government has said people need to stop eating cookie dough.

Carrying out that simple 15-word recommendation would radically change millions of lives, from families who routinely bake cookies and invite the kids to scoop batter out of the bowl, to people who scarf down pre-packaged cookie dough, to everyone who eats cookie dough found in ice cream.

Simply put, it’s not immediately clear that America is ready to take on USDA’s mission. But it’s also unclear if it’s necessary — there is something of a debate over whether it’s safe to eat cookie dough, or whether the risk of getting salmonella from raw eggs is too high.
Some,, say it’s “actually really hard to get salmonella from eggs.” The site has an article up noting that bakers routinely eat batter and never get sick, and say the trick is in making sure the eggs are refrigerated.

And cookie dough found in ice cream is pasteurized, making it safe to eat, according to various online food experts.

But many still note the danger, and the 2009 recall of raw dough from Nestle that got dozens of people sick from E. coli. A Las Vegas motherdied in 2013of E. coli after eating raw cookie dough.

EatRight.Org, a group of food and nutritional professionals, sides with USDA, and says people must “resist the cookie dough temptation.”

all of it here:
Government tells Americans to stop eating cookie dough

So do you take the listeria warnings with a grain of salt or would you like your pound of flesh, instead?

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