Government tells Americans to stop eating cookie dough

one of the comments with the article:

Not surprised one bit that the Government came out with this “recommendation”….expect more in the future. And soon it will not be just a “recommendation”, it will be a requirement. Once Government controls your healthcare, they control YOU and your behavior.
Think about it this way, for all of you who have children. How many of you have said, “As long as you live in my house, and I am paying the bills, you will do as I say.”?
Take that to a National Level.
Government tells Americans to stop eating cookie dough
Remind me to have the government come over and spank some common sense into you. Your mom was obviously laying down on the job.
So panty hose is now the Gestapo? Lmao
These Guberment Agencies run by dumb Bureaucrats has too much time and OUR MONEY on their hands.

shut down all of them as far as I'm concerned and pay off the debt
one of the comments with the article:

Not surprised one bit that the Government came out with this “recommendation”….expect more in the future. And soon it will not be just a “recommendation”, it will be a requirement. Once Government controls your healthcare, they control YOU and your behavior.
Think about it this way, for all of you who have children. How many of you have said, “As long as you live in my house, and I am paying the bills, you will do as I say.”?
Take that to a National Level.
Government tells Americans to stop eating cookie dough
Remind me to have the government come over and spank some common sense into you. Your mom was obviously laying down on the job.
So panty hose is now the Gestapo? Lmao
Just waiting for its chance to paint a cross on the shields and start rounding people up, as always.
Raw milk is far superior in nutrition then processed milk.
Oh I'm sure there are plenty of nutter sites claiming such a thing. They also ignore science, like this poster.
Prove it
You believe in drinking raw milk and science does not. Case closed.
so you got nothing then right,you didn't prove any lies you claimed,you haven't proved anything other than you easily lead by your nose.

MD's are anti science??
Ignorance is one thing willful ignorance is all together another thing.
We have refrigeration now they didn't back then,people have been drinking raw milk for years and self included with no problems hysteria shows a lack of intelligence.
Biological reality isn't hysteria. People have been drinking raw milk since they first discovered cows but now we know why they shouldn't, well, some of us do.

And tell me, why would you want to drink the milk that feeds the infants of another species? Your need for milk, human milk, stopped at roughly the same time you were potty trained. I use milk in cooking but I never drink it. There's no need to.

A woman who makes cheese from milk from her own farm told me her take on pasteurization: She and her family will drink raw milk from their own animals- because a) they know the conditions the animals and the milk are kept in and b) because her family is constantly exposed to the bacterial environment of that farm and their bodies are used to it.

However- she pasteurizes all the milk she uses for making cheese. She is not going to take the risk of someone getting sick from her products.

Drink raw milk if you want- modern raw milk is going to be safe most of the time- but I don't and won't.
Choice is a good thing,you made yours others make theirs.

And the USDA is not telling anyone that they can't eat raw eggs- they are pointing out that it can be unsafe to do so.

My mommy told me that 40 years ago. And I'm still alive after eating tons of raw cookie dough.
go figure

I once got a violent stomach ache after eating muffin batter. It passed.

It's a good thing we have a benevolent government to protect us from all these dire threats while all the same time killing people with abortion, gun free zones, CAFE automobile standards and soon to come Obamacare death panels.

I get a great deal of my food directly from farms and ranches. All of my beef and eggs. But not milk.

My beef comes from grass fed cows who were not pumped full of antibiotics from a rancher I have been using for seven or eight years now. And the eggs are free range chickens.

I am not crazy, though. I cook the beef and eggs well.

The taste is unbeatable. Store bought beef and eggs just don't compare. I'm also working on getting my pork straight from a farm as well.

Free range chicken eggs are yummy, a golden yolk standing high above the white is incredible.

Fuck that, we make Christmas cookies every year and I ate about 15 pounds of cookie dough this time around.


I've devoured whole batches before they ever made the oven.

Never had an issue other than the runs from the all the chocolate.
It has raw eggs in it dummy. Those come out a chicken's ass. Cook them.

Why don't you and the FDA butt out of everyone else's life for a change?
Why don't you grow up for once.

You must be 12 could be 13 but do
I get a great deal of my food directly from farms and ranches. All of my beef and eggs. But not milk.

My beef comes from grass fed cows who were not pumped full of antibiotics from a rancher I have been using for seven or eight years now. And the eggs are free range chickens.

I am not crazy, though. I cook the beef and eggs well.

The taste is unbeatable. Store bought beef and eggs just don't compare. I'm also working on getting my pork straight from a farm as well.

Free range chicken eggs are yummy, a golden yolk standing high above the white is incredible.
Nothing better!! happy healthy chickens make healthy food. Our hens are friendly productive little gems.Quagmire the rooster has it made.
Hey panty hose take your big government shove it and let the people who work for a living take care of it because we will get it done and don't worry what we do on our free time, freak
Hey panty hose take your big government shove it and let the people who work for a living take care of it because we will get it done and don't worry what we do on our free time, freak
It's your big government as well dummy. And your time is my time, more than you know, so pay your taxes and deal with reality like an adult.

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