Governor Chris Christie to Navy SEAL veteran: "STFU idiot".

I like a politician that speaks his mind. But, speaking your mind is fine. However, there are ways to speak your mind as well. The sign of a mature adult is not saying what you really would like to say in response to someone who is being a jerk to you. He took a job in the public arena and part of that is dealing with hecklers.


Christie is a bully. He has little patience for those who criticize his position and immediately goes into attack mode.

If he has presidential ambitions, this will doom him. He will be baited repeatedly and his reactions will be shown immediately around the country

He's not without charm. He's totally likable. Clinton use to have the same sort of mean streak but he tamped it down, effectively.

Time will tell if Christie can do the same thing. He was, however, correct in not entering the Presidential race. Given a little more seasoning..he could be a formitable challenge in 2016. He's fiscally conservative and socially moderate.

Christie needs a gastric bypass if he wants to be President. He has gone way beyond fat and is now taking on a Jabba the Hut profile
Sallow is being a hack. Had this been Obama calling a heckler an idiot he would be applauding it. It's just select outrage. Hell he even said he hasn't seen the video but still condemns it. That alone speaks volumes.

[ame=]NJ Gov. Chris Christie tells voter to "it's none o ... - YouTube[/ame]

Christie has a nasty streak.

For once a politician speaks his mind and not some filtered crowd pleasing nonsense. Weather or not you agree with the message at least you know its what he truly thinks. Very refreshing for those who don't have delicate ears.

To become have to speak to everyone. Even people with "delicate ears".
First, he didn't say "STFU" . So, i don't like posts stretching the truth. Yeah, he said "idiot" and that was wrong on his part. Also, i am much more annoyed by his "I AM THE GOVERNOR" comment as if he is some entitled royalty. I find that much more concerning than his "idiot" comment.
And, yes, he does need gastic bypass. He, his wife and kids are all fat. Sorry, but Gluttony is a sin as well.

For once a politician speaks his mind and not some filtered crowd pleasing nonsense. Weather or not you agree with the message at least you know its what he truly thinks. Very refreshing for those who don't have delicate ears.

To become have to speak to everyone. Even people with "delicate ears".

Bullshit. Obama only stands up for and apologizes to liberals and the left.

Cops acted stupidly ya know
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This rude, fat-fuck is the reason the tea-bagger Republican days are numbered. President Obama is a shoe-in come Nov. 2012.

Governor Chris Christie to

New Jersey Republican Governor Chris Christie is well known for his extroverted personality and outspoken nature. But his often confrontational approach that kept his name in presidential primary talks for months ended in a shouting match today with a student who is a also a former Navy Seal.

Fox News reports that during Friday morning's town hall press conference, Christie called on 34-year-old law student William Brown. The two got into a debate over a plan to rename Rutgers University, Rutgers Camden-Rowan. Brown, who is active in Democratic Party politics, says the merger and name change would negatively affect the university's reputation.

After Christie says that Brown and his fellow classmates who are already enrolled at the university will still receive a Rutgers diploma, Brown interrupts him, shouting back, "What about my son? What about my neighbors? What about my friends?"

Christie then appears to lose his temper, saying, "If you decide what you want to do is put on a show today, let me tell you, I can go back and forth with you as much as you want. And let me tell you something; after you graduate from law school, you conduct yourself like that in a courtroom, your rear end's going to get thrown in jail, idiot."

Christie then tried to explain his behavior to the receptive audience, saying, "I tried to be patient with the guy. Every time I tried to answer, he's like, yelling over me again." And he received applause for what may turn out to be a regrettable follow-up quip, when he said, "I mean, damn man, I'm governor, could you shut up for a second?"

So the guy was bitch slapped.

For once a politician speaks his mind and not some filtered crowd pleasing nonsense. Weather or not you agree with the message at least you know its what he truly thinks. Very refreshing for those who don't have delicate ears.

To become have to speak to everyone. Even people with "delicate ears".

Bullshit. Obama only stands up for and apologizes to liberals and the left.

Cops acted stupidly ya know

Guess you missed the whole "Beer Summit" thing.
Come on sissie lefties. You run home to momma in a personal confrontation and then you call the Gov. a fat fuk from the safety of your keyboard. Tax exempt media matters must be desperate to come up with this crap. Democrat senator John Kerry once called American Soldiers "terrorists" while they were in a combat zone. Democrat congressman John Murtha once called Marines "murderers" while they were in a combat zone. That democrat nut case who leads the senate majority once tried to influence the morale of the US Military by telling them "the war is lost" while they were engaged in the biggest offensive in Iraq. It wasn't republicans who bought the full page ad in the NY Times calling the commander of combat Troops "betray-us" it was radical democrats.
The man was being exceptionally rude and kept interrupting the Governor. Being a Navy Seal does not excuse impolite & disrespectful behavior. The Governor was justified in slapping him down. But oh well, another day, another faux outrage. Waddayagonnado?
I like a politician that speaks his mind. But, speaking your mind is fine. However, there are ways to speak your mind as well. The sign of a mature adult is not saying what you really would like to say in response to someone who is being a jerk to you. He took a job in the public arena and part of that is dealing with hecklers.

So? he dealt with the heckler.. yes he did.
First, he didn't say "STFU" . So, i don't like posts stretching the truth. Yeah, he said "idiot" and that was wrong on his part. Also, i am much more annoyed by his "I AM THE GOVERNOR" comment as if he is some entitled royalty. I find that much more concerning than his "idiot" comment.
And, yes, he does need gastic bypass. He, his wife and kids are all fat. Sorry, but Gluttony is a sin as well.

Yeah, I didn't know that being a Veteran somehow excused you from being a polite human being.

Being polite will get you no where with Demoncats.... just sayin'

[ame=]Senator Barbara Boxer: "Don't Call Me Ma'am" - General Michael Walsh - YouTube[/ame]
I like a politician that speaks his mind. But, speaking your mind is fine. However, there are ways to speak your mind as well. The sign of a mature adult is not saying what you really would like to say in response to someone who is being a jerk to you. He took a job in the public arena and part of that is dealing with hecklers.

So? he dealt with the heckler.. yes he did.

The man was being an asshole and the Governor called him on it. Nothing more, nothing less. And he did not tell the man to 'STFU.' The poster who started this thread is a lying doucher.

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