Governor DeSantis Backs The "Don't Say Gay" Bill

I would bet my house I have read the bible far more times than you.

If you would have actually read it you might notice that He tells us it is His job to judge, not yours.

A lot of you people are in for a huge surprise when you reach judgement day

LOL have you actually read it or skimmed it and you are correct that our job isn't to judge people,.. but still to always tell the truth when it comes to His word.
Give it rest, they're our children, not yours or society's to harm

You know ... If I was Governor DeSantis (which I am not) and the State Legislature brought that Bill to me ...
I would have told them to take it back, and make it so the local school boards have the ability to determine
whether or not they want to include that specific curriculum in their classrooms.

I would try to make so the schools and school boards were directly accountable to the parents of the children they teach.
I wouldn't be using it as an issue to make me look like a better Presidential candidate.

Just put the Power back in the People's hands ... :thup:

LOL have you actually read it or skimmed it

Read it front to back at least 20 times. Used to do the "bible in year" reading plan. That does not include the time spent studying it or the time on college classes on it.
Read it front to back at least 20 times. Used to do the "bible in year" reading plan. That does not include the time spent studying it or the time on college classes on it.

Okay, then how many times have you actually put it into practice?
We all get that it is not acceptable to you. But you are not god or the judge of other people so nobody cares about your bigoted judgements
If it were only me you would not be so angry

Most people probably wish gays never existed and do not want homosexuality promoted to children
That is a very secondary issue, as opposed to the time wasted on topics MANY parents would rather control. Who should be in charge of what side issues find their way into the classroom?

I agree, parents should be responsible for handling many of those issues but the classroom like any workplace in the real world has standards of etiquette to hold the faculty and students accountable for. Part of the schools responsibility is teaching the students what those standards are and holding them to account
If it were only me you would not be so angry

Most people probably wish gays never existed and do not want homosexuality promoted to children

Nope. most people do not care one way or the other. The number of judgmental bigots like you are shrinking daily. You will all die out one day and it will be a win for humanity
He's lying

I figured that. I might not be homosexual, but I'm a sinner too,.. the only difference is when I'm sinning I either know about it or learn that it's a sin and I try to stop it,.. not try to challenge God and call Jesus a liar since He's the truth. (Btw, he's probably talking about the Queen James Bible where they believe in cherry picking the word of God as well and making it be what they want it to be and being totally blasphemous with it.)

Yeah, but with all due respect,.. what in the world does sexual orientation have to do with anything you need to learn in school and prepare for in life? Shouldn't parents be the ones to teach their kids this? If Jesus Christ isn't allowed in school then why are drag queens?

Totally! All a teacher's job is to tell their students what it is and what it does, not whether or not you're happy with it if you were born with it. Same with girls and their vaginas.
Many schools have decided to foster an environment of inclusion and acceptance of others. Education and exposure to the plight of minorities and oppressed groups and exposure to outside perspectives is what we are talking about, right? I don’t see what the issue is with that.
I figured that.

Too much to handle to think someone might be more versed in the Bible than you?

I grew up in the church, was baptized at the grand old age of 9. Was the Religious Lay Reader for my Bootcamp platoon. Lived and breathed the church till about a decade ago.

Btw, he's probably talking about the Queen James Bible where they believe in cherry picking the word of God as well and making it be what they want it to be and being totally blasphemous with it.)

I have read about a dozen different translation, tried to mix it up each year.

Question for you, have you ever read the bible without the chapter and verse marking that man added far after the fact?
Based off your post on this forum, far more than you.

Yet you're not interested in the truth.

Many schools have decided to foster an environment of inclusion and acceptance of others. Education and exposure to the plight of minorities and oppressed groups and exposure to outside perspectives is what we are talking about, right? I don’t see what the issue is with that.

Accepting people for who they are and having LGBT be a part of the school curriculum are two entirely different things.

Face it ... You are just as judgmental and bigoted as anyone you point fingers at ... :thup:


True, I am judgmental of hateful bigots who hate someone for merely having a different view than them

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