Governor of California begs Trump admin for federal help.

one that must have compliance to exist. D'oh
So because San Francisco declares itself a sanctuary city, the American citizens of Oroville must suffer the consequences? Because a municipality does one thing counter to the regime, every other municipality gets shafted due to political pique?
it's called negotiating. when is the left going to learn how?
Here's some negotiating for you. I pay federal taxes. My town is in trouble. Help us as mandated or we will withhold all revenues due to the federal government and invest that capital in local bonds to insure us against further political pressure from the next huckster buffoon in the White House.
it doesn't work like that and you should know it.
And federal disaster aid isn't prioritized by political pique.
there isn't a federal disaster yet. BTW, the governor has to declare it.
one that must have compliance to exist. D'oh
So because San Francisco declares itself a sanctuary city, the American citizens of Oroville must suffer the consequences? Because a municipality does one thing counter to the regime, every other municipality gets shafted due to political pique?

That's the way Trumpty Dumpty thinks so that's the way he pays back his revenge.
it's called having the upper hand. It's what all of the mayors in the sanctuary cities think they have. D'oh cali just got burned. what goes around, comes around. don't you fking libs know anything?

Yep, the price of food just tripled, better prepare the little lady.
for what?

What goes around comes around. Don't you know how that works?
What ever money is given to repair the dam will be instantly diverted to the crazy train.

Good idea! the damn dam is just protecting a bunch of Republican farmers anyway.
I don't doubt that was a position the governor took to begin with. wow, funny how things change eh?

"Art of the Deal"
yep owning the upper hand. the advantage. the want from your opponent. Funny cali put themselves up as an opponent rather than working with him oximoron much?
So because San Francisco declares itself a sanctuary city, the American citizens of Oroville must suffer the consequences? Because a municipality does one thing counter to the regime, every other municipality gets shafted due to political pique?

That's the way Trumpty Dumpty thinks so that's the way he pays back his revenge.
it's called having the upper hand. It's what all of the mayors in the sanctuary cities think they have. D'oh cali just got burned. what goes around, comes around. don't you fking libs know anything?

Yep, the price of food just tripled, better prepare the little lady.
for what?

What goes around comes around. Don't you know how that works?
what's coming around?
What ever money is given to repair the dam will be instantly diverted to the crazy train.

Good idea! the damn dam is just protecting a bunch of Republican farmers anyway.
I don't doubt that was a position the governor took to begin with. wow, funny how things change eh?

"Art of the Deal"
yep owning the upper hand. the advantage. the want from your opponent. Funny cali put themselves up as an opponent rather than working with him oximoron much?

Messing with California is not a winner. Trump loses credibility across the board by every state that has to deal with him. The whole posture is ridiculous and beneath an adult who happens to be president.
Yes, unemployment compensation is a social safety net. Otherwise, we would have private forms of unemployment insurance available on the market, today.

That is what could happen, with equal protection of the law; more jobs in that sector creating private plans that complement that social safety net.

You really have a reading comprehension problem, don't you? I just explained that yes, unemployment coverage is available through both private companies and public. It is not a social program, it's an insurance.

It's the same as Workman's Compensation. Yes, it is a mandate for businesses, but not a social program. Workman's Compensation is an insurance. Like all insurance, employers have the option to choose which coverage they desire; private or state. No matter who provides the coverage, it's still insurance.
No, it isn't. It is almost treated like an insurance problem; but, that would be illegal to our own laws as implemented if it were.

What law prohibits insurance????

See, this is the problem: you have no idea WTF you're even talking about. It's called UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE. It's called WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION INSURANCE. If you don't understand the difference between government provided social programs and insurance, it's not a surprise you rant the way you do.
Dear, our police action on drugs, is also called a drug war. Don't believe everything you are told.

If it were a true commercial venture, private insurance companies would have been, "sued into submission" a long time ago for being illegal to a federal Doctrine and State laws regarding the legal concept of employment at will.

People hesitate with a class action due to perceived, sovereign immunity of Government.

No they wouldn't have no more than you can claim fire damage in your home when you didn't have a fire. Unemployment insurance covers you when you become unemployed through no fault of your own, not when you decide you wish to quit working and collect. Nothing illegal about it.

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Just appealing to ignorance of the law? Employment is at the will of either party. It really is that simple.
They are a drag on the rest of the country... fact

That should be saved as the most stupid opinion of the week.
Didn't you fascists CALExit yet.....

It probably won't pass and even if it did you probably wouldn't let us, although Canada has invited us to join along with Oregon and Washington, we would be known as Cascadia.
Eastern Oregon/Washington are like different states than western Oregon/Washington...

So what? that's what trains are for, move em out, get em outta here.
Split the the state?
That should be saved as the most stupid opinion of the week.
Didn't you fascists CALExit yet.....

It probably won't pass and even if it did you probably wouldn't let us, although Canada has invited us to join along with Oregon and Washington, we would be known as Cascadia.
Eastern Oregon/Washington are like different states than western Oregon/Washington...

So what? that's what trains are for, move em out, get em outta here.
Split the the state?

No, Eminent Domain, the favorite tool of your tool.
Didn't you fascists CALExit yet.....

It probably won't pass and even if it did you probably wouldn't let us, although Canada has invited us to join along with Oregon and Washington, we would be known as Cascadia.
Eastern Oregon/Washington are like different states than western Oregon/Washington...

So what? that's what trains are for, move em out, get em outta here.
Split the the state?

No, Eminent Domain, the favorite tool of your tool.
Spilt the country up by county?

It probably won't pass and even if it did you probably wouldn't let us, although Canada has invited us to join along with Oregon and Washington, we would be known as Cascadia.
Eastern Oregon/Washington are like different states than western Oregon/Washington...

So what? that's what trains are for, move em out, get em outta here.
Split the the state?

No, Eminent Domain, the favorite tool of your tool.
Spilt the country up by county?

Like blueberries in a sea of red... :lmao:
What ever money is given to repair the dam will be instantly diverted to the crazy train.

Good idea! the damn dam is just protecting a bunch of Republican farmers anyway.
I don't doubt that was a position the governor took to begin with. wow, funny how things change eh?

"Art of the Deal"
yep owning the upper hand. the advantage. the want from your opponent. Funny cali put themselves up as an opponent rather than working with him oximoron much?

Messing with California is not a winner. Trump loses credibility across the board by every state that has to deal with him. The whole posture is ridiculous and beneath an adult who happens to be president.
Trump does not need California. I hope Republicans make California an example for what happens being such morons who fail to take care of the safety of it's people.
It probably won't pass and even if it did you probably wouldn't let us, although Canada has invited us to join along with Oregon and Washington, we would be known as Cascadia.
Eastern Oregon/Washington are like different states than western Oregon/Washington...

So what? that's what trains are for, move em out, get em outta here.
Split the the state?

No, Eminent Domain, the favorite tool of your tool.
Spilt the country up by county?

Good idea! the damn dam is just protecting a bunch of Republican farmers anyway.
I don't doubt that was a position the governor took to begin with. wow, funny how things change eh?

"Art of the Deal"
yep owning the upper hand. the advantage. the want from your opponent. Funny cali put themselves up as an opponent rather than working with him oximoron much?

Messing with California is not a winner. Trump loses credibility across the board by every state that has to deal with him. The whole posture is ridiculous and beneath an adult who happens to be president.
Trump does not need California. I hope Republicans make California an example for what happens being such morons who fail to take care of the safety of it's people.
LOL, if you don't understand how California's economic engine affects the rest of the country you are a fool.
Eastern Oregon/Washington are like different states than western Oregon/Washington...

So what? that's what trains are for, move em out, get em outta here.
Split the the state?

No, Eminent Domain, the favorite tool of your tool.
Spilt the country up by county?

Like blueberries in a sea of red... :lmao:

Fortunately, very few people actually make up the red.
I don't doubt that was a position the governor took to begin with. wow, funny how things change eh?

"Art of the Deal"
yep owning the upper hand. the advantage. the want from your opponent. Funny cali put themselves up as an opponent rather than working with him oximoron much?

Messing with California is not a winner. Trump loses credibility across the board by every state that has to deal with him. The whole posture is ridiculous and beneath an adult who happens to be president.
Trump does not need California. I hope Republicans make California an example for what happens being such morons who fail to take care of the safety of it's people.
LOL, if you don't understand how California's economic engine affects the rest of the country you are a fool.
California can spend $68B on a train to nowhere and $25B a year giving illegals freebies, it can afford to fix a concrete spillway that failed because of neglect from Sacramento
So what? that's what trains are for, move em out, get em outta here.
Split the the state?

No, Eminent Domain, the favorite tool of your tool.
Spilt the country up by county?

Like blueberries in a sea of red... :lmao:

Fortunately, very few people actually make up the red.
Possession is 9/10 of the law...
"Art of the Deal"
yep owning the upper hand. the advantage. the want from your opponent. Funny cali put themselves up as an opponent rather than working with him oximoron much?

Messing with California is not a winner. Trump loses credibility across the board by every state that has to deal with him. The whole posture is ridiculous and beneath an adult who happens to be president.
Trump does not need California. I hope Republicans make California an example for what happens being such morons who fail to take care of the safety of it's people.
LOL, if you don't understand how California's economic engine affects the rest of the country you are a fool.
California can spend $68B on a train to nowhere and $25B a year giving illegals freebies, it can afford to fix a concrete spillway that failed because of neglect from Sacramento
And that's exactly what's happening.

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